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教学评价是对教师在教学期内任务目标完成情况的评价与判断,这既是教学反馈的一种重要途径,又是教学管理的一个重要方面。教学评价的结果是否客观真实、准确公正,往往直接关系到教师队伍的士气和积极性,进而影响到整个教学管理目标的实现。因此,评估者在进行教学评价时,都应该本着对工作、对事业、对教师员工本人负责的态度,实事求是地进行评价。但在实际工作中,由于评估者的主观原因或评价体系的不科学,往往使教学评价走入误区。这些误区表现在:1.宽大化倾向每个评估者都有自己的价值系统,在评估过程中发挥着标准的作用。相对…  相似文献   

体育技术教学是一个复杂的系统,为了科学地建立我系教师技术教学评价指标体系,本文遵循教学的方向性、客观性、全面性、导向性及可测性原则,将该体系分为教学准备、教学组织、教学方法、师生活动、教学效果五大项评价标准,每项又由各分项标准组成,使其符合当代社会和时代对技术教学的要求。该体系采用记分评定法,力图使本系师生和教学管理者能从实际出发,客观、公正、合理地正确评价教师的教学水平,并为改进教学提供依据,促进我系教学的改革和提高。  相似文献   

体育教学是一个复杂的系统,为了科学地建立体育教师技术教学评价指标体系.本文遵循有关的教学原则,将体系分为教学准备,教学组织、教学方法、师生活动、教学效果五大项评价标准,每项又由各分项标准组成.该体系采用记分评定法,力图使师生和教学管理者能从实际出发,客观、公正、合理地正确评价教师的教学水平,并为改进教学提供依据,促进体育教学的改革和提高.  相似文献   

在评比性说课中,教师要着重考虑七个方面,力求给说课者一个客观公正的评价结果,并使之从中获益而不断进步。  相似文献   

教学是学校实现教育目标、培养人才的基本途径和中心工作。在教学管理过程中,运用规范化的管理手段,采用科学合理的评价方法,客观公正地评价教师的劳动绩效是加强教学管理的重要手段。近年来,我校根据教学目标和教学原则,结合我校实际情况,运用辨证、系统的方法,以整体的观点、相互联系的观点、动态的观点、量质结合的观点,对构建教学质量评价体系进行了有意义的实践与探索,对教学全程评价做了量化规定,确定各项评价指标,实施各种方式的检查评价,促进教学管理  相似文献   

高职院校"学生评教"指标体系内容的设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
建立科学合理的教师教学质量评价体系,是当前高职院校教学管理中的一个热点,也是一个难点。许多院校对此进行了积极的探索,逐步建立和健全了教师教学质量评价体系,通过采取“学生评教”、“督导评教”、“同行评教”和“教师自评”等措施,努力从多方位、多渠道、多形式来客观公正地评价教师的教学质量。  相似文献   

学科教学质量评价是学校管理者研究的一个重要课题。应用标准分教学管理,可以进行同一教师任教科目教学质量的综合评价和同一班级同一科目或不同学科教学质量的动态分析,也可以分析教师学科教学的擅长性、学生对教师教学手法的适应性等等。我们认为标准分评价客观公正、简明扼要、效率高、信度高,利于实现无为而治的自动化管理,可促进教师在教学中面向全体学生,大面积提高教学质量,有利于构建和谐型校园文化。  相似文献   

教师绩效评估是对教师工作的价值作出判断的活动,它能促进幼儿教育发展。新的教师工作绩效评价体系包括职业道德、职务奉献等6个维度,教师评价必须客观公正,从考核内容依据、可信度等多个层面入手,在具体的评价操作中扬长避短,使教师绩效评价标准客观公正化,从而提高幼儿教育质量。  相似文献   

对于学校而言,教师课堂的教学质量是学校整体教学质量的重中之重。教学质量高低是教学活动成效性的外在表现形式,而良好的教学评价系统对教学质量有导向、促进、激励和调控功能,是学校教学管理工作的重要组成部分,是评价教学工作成绩的主要手段。结合高职院校实际情况设计的教师教学质量评价系统,采用AHP法进行评价指标体系的构建,并对评价结果进行数据挖掘,能够对教师的教学工作、科研情况等多方面进行评价,使得高职院校的评教工作更加公平、公正、客观。  相似文献   

学科教学质量评价是学校管理者研究的一个重要课题.应用标准分教学管理,可以进行同一教师任教科目教学质量的综合评价和同一班级同一科目或不同学科教学质量的动态分析,也可以分析教师学科教学的擅长性、学生对教师教学手法的适应性等等.我们认为标准分评价客观公正、简明扼要、效率高、信度高,利于实现无为而治的自动化管理,可促进教师在教学中面向全体学生,大面积提高教学质量,有利于构建和谐型校园文化.  相似文献   

高校教师考核工作之探讨与思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校教师考核工作主要是对教师的工作表现、业务水平、工作成绩进行检查评价,是高校师资管理的一个重要组成部分。做好师资考核工作对促进高校师资队伍建设、提高教师素质有着重要作用。高校教师考核是一项极其复杂的工作,因此对高校教师的考核要充分考虑到其工作的特殊性,从而调动高校教师的积极性,促使教师各安其职,推动高等教育事业持续快速发展。  相似文献   

There is now a worldwide focus on the quality of university teaching and yet there is general dissatisfaction in universities with the student evaluation of teaching system. Peer observation of teaching seems to hold much promise in the assessment of teaching quality, but such observation pays little attention to the quality of teaching as perceived by students. One approach to overcome this deficiency is for faculty and students to also partner in the assessment of a faculty member’s teaching, with a student trained in observation and feedback techniques acting as a peer in the observation process. This paper describes and evaluates an ongoing student consultant initiative at Lingnan University in Hong Kong. It presents faculty and student observations in terms of the benefits to faculty regarding potential enhancement of university teaching, and the benefits to students especially in terms of close collaboration with faculty and training in consultation techniques. The paper notes that the student consultant initiative has been more popular with students than faculty, and recommends further investigation of the potential of such programmes in Hong Kong higher education.  相似文献   

终结性教师评价无法真实衡量教师的能力,而形成性教师评价旨在最大限度地发挥教师潜能,提高教学和科研效率。根据以人为本、可比性、学科性、科学性和简便性的原则,采用授课教案检查、课堂观察、自评、档案评价、学生成绩评价、学生作业样本检查的方法,构建高校外语教师形成性评价体系。  相似文献   

Nearly all students of faculty evaluation agree that peer review should be part of a comprehensive program of faculty assessment. Faculty are particularly well qualified to critique their colleagues teaching when the objective is to improve quality of instruction because they are in a position to assess several aspects of teaching better than students, academic administrators, and other constituencies of the academic community. Large proportions of faculty in this study indicated they would take part in four methods of formative peer review—classroom observation, videotaping of classes, evaluation of course materials, and assessment of their evaluation of the academic work of students—and they provide important information on factors that might detract from their participation, on conditions that might enhance the process, and on the benefits they and their students, colleagues, and institutions might receive as a result of their participation.  相似文献   

河南理工大学围绕全面提升教学质量和办学水平这一主题,充分调动各级领导和全校广大师生员工的积极性,经过宣传发动、自评自建、模拟评估、接受评估和整改等阶段,使学校的教育教学质量和办学水平有了明显提高,获得了教育部普通高等学校本科教学工作评估“优秀"的评价,对学校的发展产生了重大而深远的影响。  相似文献   

阐释高校通识教育、通识教育课程的内容及其目标,归纳目前我国高校本科通识选修课程及其教学中存在的普遍性问题,即课程设置的随意性、课程组合的拼盘化;课程内容的知识化、浅显化;教学方法的单向性、灌输式;成绩评定的单一性和简单化以及师资力量较为薄弱。针对上述问题,从教学内容、教学方法、考核方式、师资队伍和课程建设与管理5个方面提出加强通识教育课程教学效果的途径和策略。  相似文献   

This paper presents the effects of a continuous assessment process on mechanical engineering education at Kuwait University. This process has been in place for the last five academic years and is producing results. Efforts to educate faculty and students about the process are beginning to produce accurate and consistent measurements of student learning. Although another assessment cycle is needed to make a better judgement, there is evidence that assessment is effective in improving teaching and learning in the programme. There is also an increased constituent awareness of the utility of assessment, which helps in instilling an institutional culture and therefore assuring a sustainable process.  相似文献   

Critical thinking is an important outcome of a college education. Assessment techniques that require students to demonstrate their understanding of course concepts are referred to as authentic assessment and promote the development of critical thinking. Little research exists on the types of assessment and grading practices utilized by community college instructors. This research examined the incidence and nature of various assessment practices used by community college faculty for basing the course grade. In addition, the study also examined the percentage of course grades that was based on traditional and authentic assessment and factors that may influence the use of assessment techniques. To facilitate the study, an online survey instrument was used to obtain data from faculty employed at two community colleges in California. Study results revealed that a variety of assessment practices are used by community college instructors with differences in relation to faculty status, level of academic achievement, online teaching status, and years of teaching experience. In addition, findings indicate that faculty primarily use authentic assessment in basing the course grade as compared to objective or traditional assessment—suggesting that they are using assessment techniques that promote critical thinking. A significant finding was that part-time faculty emphasize objective exams, attendance, and homework whereas full-time faculty emphasize research projects and learning journals. Findings suggest that professional development may be warranted for faculty by faculty status.  相似文献   

教学评价体系是教学的重要组成部分。一个好的评价体系能够对教学过程起重要的反馈和调控指导作用。高职高专英语教学必须从自身特点出发,将终结性评价和形成性评价有机融合,注重提高教师素质,不断优化与调整,形成贴合实际并具有良好反拨作用的评价体系。  相似文献   

工学结合的实训教学解决的问题是在教学中如何实现学习过程与工作过程的集成,并在教学中渗透企业管理和企业文化对学生的熏陶。评价工学结合实训教学质量,应将实训内容、实训条件、实训教学队伍、实训组织、实训考核和实训管理列为重点评价内容及指标,实施全员过程评价。  相似文献   

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