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因患病而长期或短期住院治疗的儿童应与普通儿童一样享有受教育的权利。以美国“儿童生命服务”项目为代表的住院儿童教育服务模式自20世纪20年代萌芽,发展至今已逐渐形成了以家庭为中心的服务理念和科学系统的住院教育服务体系。重视儿童在院期间的住院体验、帮助儿童做好应对医疗的心理准备、保持儿童与外界的沟通、支持家庭发展应对医院的经验、保证儿童出院前后的学习与发展衔接是该项目的主要服务内容;由美国儿科协会以及儿童生命委员会联合高校组成的外部支撑、由实施项目的儿童生命服务专家及其所在医院组成的内部支撑是该项目成功运行的机制保障;关注住院前后儿童经验的连续性及教育性、通过跨学科团队合作为住院儿童提供综合性支持、多主体协同运作共同提升住院儿童福祉是该项目的显著特点。我国应在借鉴该项目有益经验的基础上探索建立适合我国国情的住院儿童教育服务体系与住院儿童教育人才培养体系,实现我国住院儿童的受教育权与持续发展。  相似文献   

美国密歇根州早期补偿计划针对0-3岁有特殊需要的儿童提供早期干预,该项目构建了服务对象广泛、服务类型多样、服务原则明确、程序清晰的运作系统,实施过程规范了各方职责,保障了儿童及其家庭权利,其有效的运作机制为我国儿童早期干预工作乃至学前融合教育的实施提供了有益借鉴。  相似文献   

美国家访项目是开端计划中对处境不利家庭儿童实施补偿教育的重要组成部分,该项目通过家访服务来提高家长抚育子女的能力,并为母亲和儿童提供基本的健康服务,为弱势家庭幼儿做好入学准备。实践表明,家访项目对于改善家长的育儿态度和育儿能力,以及促进儿童的健康发展具有重要影响。在家访项目中,家访项目的数量和质量、家访项目工作人员的文化能力和受访家庭的文化背景、家庭风险水平的评估标准与项目的适切性等是影响家访项目质量的重要因素。未来美国家访项目应努力实现项目标准的高保真度与灵活性的进一步结合、评估方法的多样化发展、与其他项目合作共同促进儿童的发展、提高项目的时效性及彼此之间的协调性。  相似文献   

白茜 《文教资料》2020,(9):139-142
美国国家学前教育项目与托儿中心合作,为幼儿家庭提供高质量的教育和全面的服务,此外还提供全天、全年的托儿服务。本案例研究了美国伊利诺伊州的早期护理和教育机构的合作项目。研究结果表明,通过合作筛选和登记,利用现有项目和可用空间扩大选择,承认项目的限制并在其中创造性地开展工作,从而最大限度地利用资源。为儿童提供服务的项目包括:自成一体的幼儿特殊教育教室和多样化的早教项目。这些成功的项目可以为我国社区早期教育发展提供思路。  相似文献   

英国政府自2003年来一直将欧洲特殊需要与全纳教育发展署提出的早期儿童干预项目作为特殊需要早期儿童干预服务变革和发展的基本理念。通过一体化的政策和充裕的经费保障、跨学科和跨部门合作以及提供多样化的服务等行动,为特殊需要的儿童及家庭提供了高质量的早期干预服务,进一步推进了全纳型社会的建构。  相似文献   

儿童保育与发展固定拨款项目是美国政府为贫困儿童家庭提供的一种儿童保育援助方案,也是联邦儿童保育与教育政策体系的重要组成部分。该项目秉持教育公平的政策导向,凭借多元的筹资渠道、权责鲜明的行政管理架构和完善的资金管理体制,有力地提升了项目经费的使用效益,这为我国目前构建完善的学前教育投入机制提供了有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

美国乡村流动儿童的教育及其经验借鉴   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张青 《外国教育研究》2007,34(4):44-47,52
在美国,由于一些从事农林渔业生产的家庭的流动性,伴生了农村流动儿童的教育及健康问题。为解决农村流动儿童的健康和教育问题,美国联邦政府长期实施一种被称作“流动学生教育计划”的项目,在解决美国流动中小学学生的学习和健康问题方面积累了经验。该计划在出台的背景、运作方式和服务的内容等方面,可为我国解决农村流动儿童教育问题提供可资借鉴的经验。  相似文献   

为了更好地实施家长教育计划,美国明尼苏达州推出了家长教育教师资格认证项目.此项目培养的专业人才可以在儿童家庭教育项目(ECFE)以及其他儿童教育机构为家长和家庭提供服务.项目主要包括6类课程,学习方式多样,实践性强.从申请条件到获得资格证书都有详细的规定和程序.此项目对我国目前的家长教育以及如何培养专业的家长教育师资提供了借鉴.  相似文献   

英国伦敦于2002年引入了"伦敦挑战"项目,旨在为伦敦市的儿童提供世界一流水平的基础教育。在该项目中,伦敦地区教育当局在学校改进中很好地践行了自身的服务职责———参与者、支持者、引领者、保障者,对改善学校面貌、提升学生学业成就起到了极大的促进作用。  相似文献   

胡静 《教育导刊》2013,(11):35-37
自由学校计划(FSP)是在美国儿童保护基金会(CDF)倡导下设立的,旨在为处境不利儿童提供暑期补偿教育的一项举措。这一计划到现在已经发展为全国性的、固定化的项目之一,为超过九万名贫困儿童提供了补偿教育服务。结合我国的实际情况.自由学校计划为我国处境不利儿童的基础教育提供了以下启示:对处境不利儿童进行补偿教育是实现教育公平的有效途径之一:可将大学生社会实践与处境不利儿童的补偿教育相结合;补偿教育应在政府主导下,呼吁多主体共同参与。  相似文献   

“学生支持服务”项目是一项美国于20世纪60年代设立的联邦教育项目,旨在通过对第一代大学生等处境不利的学生提供支持服务,有效提高其高等教育成就。在设置理念与性质方面,该项目重视高等教育中的文化因素,采用非经济化的项目准入标准和服务内容,强调形成支持性的文化氛围,以促进处境不利学生的学业成就。在具体设置和运营方面,该项目在国家层面以法律保障项目的地位来运营,由教育部分配项目基金,而具体运作由高校开展,便于为学生提供有针对性的支持服务,三者结合构建了健全的支持体系。“学生支持服务”项目促进了美国高等教育的公平发展与质量提升,其实施经验对于完善我国普及化时代的高等教育学生支持体系有一定借鉴价值。  相似文献   

The Alexandria Virginia Office of the Sheriff and the Alexandria Virginia Public School Board participated for two years in a state funded grant which focused on the delivery of special education services and regular compulsory education services to juveniles and young adults through the age of 21 years who were committed to the Alexandra Adult Detention Center. Provision of special education services to eligible individuals in jails is a unique concept and rarely provided given the transient, short-term nature of the population and other demands of the setting. The program model of team teaching supported full time inclusion of special education students with the general and compulsory education programs in the jail.  相似文献   

This longitudinal study examined the impact of participation in the federally funded Talent Search program at The University of Tennessee, Knoxville. The Talent Search program provides career exploration and counseling services to low-income students with the potential to be first-generation college graduates. Postsecondary education enrollment rates of 758 Talent Search participants were compared with enrollment rates of a control group of 450 individuals who were eligible for Talent Search services but did not participate. Chi-square analysis revealed that Talent Search participants were significantly more likely to enroll in postsecondary education than were members of the control group (p < .001). These results have implications for career development services provided to low-income, potential first-generation college graduates.  相似文献   

A treatment program for families at-risk of abusive or neglectful parenting was described and evaluated. The program combined intervention strategies and concepts based on research on abuse, early intervention, education and social service. Treatment and education for the parent and child were provided in the three services of the program: Home-Based, Family School, and Neighborhood Peer Support Groups. At-risk families were identified by a high-risk stress index. Program evaluation was based on 46 families and their 74 preschool-age children. Data collected were: incidence of child abuse or neglect, family stresses, observations of parent-child interactions, family goal measurement, and developmental testing of the children. A significant reduction occurred in the number of children abused or neglected as compared to a similar high-risk, nonintervention sample. The family stresses were reduced, parent-child interactions improved, and the intellectual decline of the children was prevented. Families who participated in all three services gained the most from the program.  相似文献   

This study examined the impact of school-based, teacher-rated parental involvement on four child outcomes: language development, early reading skills, and positive and negative measures of social-emotional development. The 28 children were assessed for outcomes between 9 to 53 months post-graduation from a birth-to-3 early intervention (EI) program for children with hearing loss. Other factors included in the study were child's hearing loss, mother's education level, mother's current communication skills with her child, and maternal use of additional services beyond those offered by the early intervention program or the child's school program. Parental involvement in children's school-based education program is a significant positive predictor to early reading skills but shares considerable variance with maternal communication skill for this outcome. In this study, maternal communication skills and the child's hearing loss were the strongest predictors for language development. Maternal use of additional services was the strongest predictor to poorer social-emotional adjustment. The study's findings indicate that although parental involvement in their deaf child's school-based education program can positively contribute to academic performance, parental communication skill is a more significant predictor for positive language and academic development. Factors associated with parental involvement, maternal communication, and use of additional services are explored and suggestions are offered to enhance parental involvement and communication skills.  相似文献   

章分析了专业与地区经济发展的关系,借鉴境内外相关专业人才培养目标定位的经验,提出“满足地区经济发展需要、构建高等职业教育与普通高等教育贯通的桥梁”的楼宇设备与智能化技术专业“四年制”高职培养目标定位原则,并用于指导专业人才培养实践。  相似文献   

地理信息系统本科专业课程体系中二次开发能力的培养   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
通过在地理信息系统本科专业课程体系中建立"两条主线,多点服务"的培养体系,采用基础语言与编程思维能力的培养、二次开发语言工具的培养、GIS二次开发组件的培养和综合培养的实施方法,达到二次开发能力培养的目的。  相似文献   

A total of 100 parents in 15 Day Care (DC) in Sydney, Australia were surveyed to obtain their views about the different roles of care and education in DC services. Both parents with children under 3 years old and parents with children 3 and above expected a substantial component of education in their child’s DC program. Both groups of parents expected both care and education for their children, and expected a reasonable level of professionalism and qualifications in the staff. These results challenge assumptions about care for infants and education for older children. Policy makers need to attend to parents’ needs and wishes and should be aware of the important value of human resources investment through improved DC services.  相似文献   

This research reports the findings from a survey that examined the differences in communication between students who used instant messenger (IM) services and those who did not in the same asynchronous distance education Web-based course. It was found that students who used IM services found it easier to communicate, felt a stronger sense of community, and had more venues for informal and social communication about not only class material, but also information about the school and their common degree program. In traditional classroom buildings, the common spaces such as hallways provide the venue for this informal communication; IM services can enhance the distance education environment by providing the “virtual hallways” for students and instructors to meet.  相似文献   

学习型社会、数字化学习港与公共服务体系   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  
本文旨在我国建设终身教育体系和学习型社会的背景下,概要分析了学习型社会的特点、对教育体系与学习体系改革的要求和发展现代远程教育的必要性。进而介绍了教育部启动的“数字化学习港建设”教改项目的目标,充分发挥信息技术的优势,积极发展现代远程教育,推动优质资源整合与共享,构建数字化学习支持服务创新体系,探索并实践终身化、网络化和开放式的继续教育发展模式,为我国终身学习体系和学习型社会建设服务。最后结合“中央电大公共服务体系”建设的实践,谈了建设社会化公共服务体系的重要意义、改革要求和进一步推进公共服务体系建设与发展的几个问题。  相似文献   

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