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The purpose of this research was to examine and compare physical educators'value profiles. The Value Orientation Inventory was used to collect data from 528 elementary and 637 secondary physical education teachers in Flanders. Teacher characteristics, including gender and years of teaching experience revealed only minor differences in value orientations. Significant differences in teachers' value orientations were observed between teachers in elementary and secondary schools. The different value profiles of these two teacher groups are discussed in the perspective of the recently introduced conceptual innovations in physical education mandated by the Flemish government. The teachers at the elementary level placed a high priority on the disciplinary mastery and the self-actualization orientations; those at the secondary level scored high on the social responsibility and disciplinary mastery orientations. The findings from this study suggest that teaching level influences teachers' value orientation. Teachers appeared to adjust their curricular priorities to meet the demands and needs of students in elementary versus secondary schools.  相似文献   


The purpose of this paper is to describe three aspects of learning a movement approach that were salient and initially problematic for 1 experienced teacher, 2 early career teachers, and 1 student teacher. A constructivist perspective was the theoretical base. Across 3 years, the researcher conducted 11 weeks of observations, 15 formal interviews, 3 group interviews, and daily informal interviews. Three problematic aspects were: (1) knowing to what extent they should give information and tell children what to do when teaching less structured content, (2) knowing the whole of the approach and how components connected, and (3) knowing content (i.e., pedagogical content knowledge) in enough depth and detail. Knowledge development was facilitated by more experienced teachers, experience, and a set of key ideas.  相似文献   


The purpose of the present study was to describe the decision making processes employed by experienced and inexperienced teachers as they planned for and taught two lessons in physical education. Eight elementary physical education teachers with five years or more of teaching experience and eight elementary teachers in training thought aloud as they planned two physical education lessons subsequently taught to four elementary school children. Following each lesson, the decision making strategies employed during interactive instruction were accessed using a stimulated recall technique. Results indicated that, when planning, experienced teachers made more decisions concerning strategies for implementing instructional activities than did inexperienced teachers. During interactive teaching, experienced teachers focused most of their attention on individual student performance, while inexperienced teachers attended most frequently to the interest level of the entire class of students. The findings indicated that experienced teachers possess knowledge structures rich in strategies for managing students and facilitating psychomotor performance that enabled them to attend to individual student performance and alter their lessons in accordance to student needs. In contrast, inexperienced teachers possessed fewer of these strategies and focused their attention on the interest level of the entire class to insure that the children were busy, happy and well-behaved.  相似文献   

This study examined the extent to which physical educators made consistent decisions regarding goals for student learning within five educational value orientations. The research examined value orientations within hypothetical educational situations as represented by a paper and pencil inventory. Ninety physical educators in three school districts in the midwest completed the Value Orientation Inventory (VOI). Total scores from each value orientation on the VOI were converted to T-scores and used to divide teachers into two groups representing high and low priority categories. Chi-square tests were used to examine the data by gender, teaching level, and teacher's years of experience. Results indicated that 97% of the physical educators made consistent curricular and instructional decisions within one or more of the value orientations. There were no significant differences based on gender, level, or teaching experience.  相似文献   


This collaborative self-study explores how educators’ pedagogical identities developed in the process of learning to use a Student-Centered Inquiry as Curriculum (SCIC) approach in activity settings within a community of practice (CoP). Participants included a university professor, college instructor, postdoctoral student and doctoral student. Data included 16 weekly field notes and debriefings following observations, teacher artifacts, 16 weekly collaborative group meetings, and 3 90-minute interviews per teacher. Culture, values, beliefs and professional background were critical for the development of the teachers’ pedagogical identities in the process of learning to use a SCIC approach within a community of practice. These experiences created for some, places to further develop their ideas about teaching, whereas for others they caused great discomfort and a sense of personal loss. The CoP facilitated the development of the teachers’ pedagogical identities, changing positionalities, and negotiating culture, values, beliefs and professional backgrounds.  相似文献   

文章运用文献资料研究法和问卷调查法等研究方法,对太原市小学体育教师培养学生社会适应能力的现状进行调查,旨在了解小学《体育与健康教学大纲》实施以来,太原市小学体育教师在培养学生社会适应能力、在教学内容、教学方法以及教学评价等方面存在的问题,并提出一些建议,以期为太原市小学体育教育提供相应的帮助。  相似文献   


The purpose of this paper is to highlight how I use images from teen magazines to engage girls in critical inquiry about the body. This process is about co-constructing bodily knowledge and reflecting critically on this knowledge. The analysis is broken into three main parts: (a) tapping girls' interests; (b) helping girls name how they experience their bodies; and (c) using images to critique dominant stories of the body. Within each of these sections, I will foreground the process by looking at the curricular tasks as well as the verbal engagement through which the girls and I negotiated the tasks together. The data are used to illustrate the pedagogical possibilities of engaging girls in critical inquiry on body. I conclude the paper by discussing the pedagogical possibilities for studying the body with adolescent girls that emerged and reflect critically on the struggles involved in the process of engaging girls in critical inquiry.  相似文献   

Teachers’ beliefs have a considerable impact on their instructional styles, methods, objectives and curricular organization. The primary purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of two preservice teachers’ (PTs’) value orientations on their interpretation and delivery of sport education (SE). A secondary purpose was to describe possible changes and development of PTs’ value orientations while teaching SE. Data were collected while they engaged in their final student teaching experience using a variety of qualitative techniques. These were analyzed using standard interpretive techniques. Results indicated that their disciplinary mastery focus strongly influenced the type of SE seasons they delivered. In addition they revealed that the PTs broadened their beliefs about their teaching toward the end of student teaching to the extent that they expressed interest in goals related to and used pedagogies consistent with social reconstruction, social responsibility and self-actualization value orientations.  相似文献   


The development of declarative knowledge was examined within the parameters of movement-based curricula. Declarative knowledge represents factual or foundational knowledge frequently articulated as curriculum content. A semantic ordered tree technique was used to investigate the knowledge structures of three groups of teacher preparation subjects (novice, coursework, student teacher) and one group of elementary physical education teachers (experts). Structures were examined based on frequency and coherence criteria. ANOVA was used to examine differences between groups. Results suggested that declarative knowledge appeared to develop in complexity from novice to expert within the parameters of concept-based movement curricula. The Active Structural Networks Theory was used to interpret structural development through the accretion, tuning, and restructuring phases. Knowledge structures of the novice and coursework groups seemed to represent accretion, whereas those of student teachers and experts represented tuning and restructuring.  相似文献   

为了了解中小学体育教师在新课程落实中实施健康教育的现状、获取知识的途径及健康教育教学能力与影响因素,对浙江省110所122名中小学体育教师进行问卷调查及访谈,调查结果显示:约42.6%的教师表示学校已开设了健康教育课;中小学体育教师开展健康教育的教学方式以课堂讲授为主,缺少辅助教具;中小学体育教师的健康教育教学意向和教学效能感不容乐观;健康教学内容知识亟待提高;教师似乎更喜欢依靠外界培训机制的支援以提高自己的教学能力;教师在实践中提高其教学能力表现出对话与模仿的特征;教师培训未担负起完善教师有效健康教学所需要的合理知识结构这一任务;社会各界对学校健康教育工作的重视不够。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to ascertain the educational value orientations of physical education teachers in Taiwan, and the relationships of gender, teaching experience, grade level, and the locations in which they work. Value orientations were measured with the Value Orientation Inventory-2, which was translated into complicated Chinese for this study. Participants (N=353) were recruited via stratified random sampling from the population of physical education teachers in Taiwan; 152 participants had one high-priority value orientation and a smaller number (n=76) had more than one high-priority value orientation. Other physical education teachers (n=124) had one or more low-priority value orientations. Taiwanese physical educators possess multiple, diverse value orientations and the largest percentage of strong value orientation scores was for the value orientation of learning process. The specific characteristics of Taiwanese physical educators include: (a) more males prioritizing disciplinary mastery and learning process, but more females prioritizing social responsibility; (b) more experienced teachers prioritizing learning process; (c) more elementary school teachers prioritizing social responsibility; and (d) more rural teachers prioritizing disciplinary mastery and learning process. Both the culture and the curriculum goals of physical education contribute to the differences of value orientations. Thus, Taiwanese physical educators emphasize self-control, self-concept, and social responsibility to achieve the coordination of body and spirit in their practices.  相似文献   

There is increasing support to describe and examine the teaching of game skills in physical education from a complex and nonlinear perspective. The emergence of game behaviours as a consequence of the dynamic interactions of the learner, the game environment and the task constraints within the game context highlights the nonlinear and complex nature of how learning of game skills can occur. While there is increasing recognition that teaching and learning should be seen from a complex and nonlinear perspective, the challenge is to provide teachers with ideas on how to deliver lessons and activities that are underpinned by specific pedagogical practices from this perspective and in alignment with emerging curricular guidelines. In this paper, key features of complex and nonlinear pedagogy are discussed and exemplified through a Singaporean PE context. Practical implications are shared on how lessons/activities (soccer) based on aspects of complex and nonlinear pedagogy can be delivered in the school.  相似文献   

探讨教师因素对体育课中小学和初中学生身体活动水平影响的差异。以上海市284节体育课中小学和初中学生身体活动水平及其任课教师为调查对象,通过测量法、观察法和调查法等分析不同学段体育课中学生身体活动水平、教师教学行为现状及教师因素(包括性别、教龄和教学行为)与体育课中学生身体活动水平的关系。结果显示:小学和初中学生体育课中MVPA时间百分比均未达到50%的课堂时间标准,且两者间无显著差异;小学和初中体育课中教师在教学指导和课堂管理行为上的用时均为最高,小学教师的课堂管理行为和动作示范行为用时显著高于初中教师,而初中教师的教学指导行为和观察行为用时显著高于小学教师;小学和初中体育课中男教师执教班级的MVPA时间百分比均高于女教师,而教龄仅与小学生体育课MVPA时间百分比有显著负相关关系。教师的促进健康行为对小学和初中体育课MVPA时间百分比均有显著正向影响,而观察行为仅对初中生体育课中MVPA时间百分比有显著正向影响。研究表明:教师因素对小学和初中体育课学生身体活动水平影响存在较大差异,今后应针对不同学段学生采取有针对性的干预措施。  相似文献   

目的:了解黑龙江省中小学体育运动风险因素现状,识别出主要运动风险因素,以降低运动风险发生率。方法:选取黑龙江省部分地市的中小学学生、家长、体育教师、体育主管领导和校医进行问卷调查,并对调查数据进行统计分析。结果:黑龙江省中小学运动风险主要来源于学校管理、教师、学生、运动环境和家长,运动风险因素现状概率排前五位的依次为:学校缺乏对教师、学生的运动安全知识培训;教师课前对场地器材及学生运动安全隐患因素检查不严格;学生自我保护意识差、身体形态、机能、素质差,教师在教学中缺乏安全事项的详细讲解;学校缺乏对学生运动安全技能培训。结论:学校管理、教师、学生是黑龙江省中小学体育运动风险发生的主要因素。  相似文献   

Background: Senior secondary physical education courses for certification continue to evolve with curricula reform occurring to ensure content is contemporary, student learning outcomes are maximised and assessment practices are valid for determining certification of students. The content of examinable senior secondary physical education courses privilege theoretical concepts over student physical performance of motor skills and this is reflected in the use of written assessment of cognitive outcomes in many courses internationally.

Purpose: Student examination data were analysed from the year 12 (exit year) written examination of Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) Physical Education to determine if student performance varied by Area of Study (content). Additionally, it investigated whether there was a relationship between student performance in each of the four Areas of Study examined and overall examination performance and considered the alignment of curriculum, assessment and pedagogy and the implications the findings may have on the teaching of VCE Physical Education in the future.

Methods: A secondary data analysis of student results from the 2011 (n?=?9323; M?=?5212, F?=?4111) and 2012 (n?=?8781; M?=?5011, F?=?3770) VCE Physical Education (Victoria, Australia) examinations were conducted. Examination questions were categorised by content, and means and standard deviations (SD) for discrete and continuous data were calculated, and categorical variables were presented as percentages. Regression analysis was also performed to establish the relationship between student cohort size and examination scores. An independent sample t-test was used to explore the examination scores and each Area of Study scores across 2011 and 2012. A one-way ANOVA were performed to investigate the differences of each Area of Study scores between examination grades from UG to A+.

Results: The results showed a positive correlation between VCE Physical Education student cohort size in a school and examination score in 2011 and 2012. Student performance differed across both years (2011 and 2012) and across Areas of Study within each of the years analysed. Students performed significantly lower on questions relating to the ‘planning, implementing and evaluating a training program’ Area of Study in 8 of the 11 possible grades (2011) and 10 of the possible 11 grades (2012) than in each of the other Areas of Study.

Discussion and conclusions: This study reveals that student performance on the external VCE Physical Education examination is not consistent across all content areas (Areas of Study). This may suggest that student difficulties in answering questions based on content in ‘planning, implementing and evaluating a training program’ result from topic or content difficulty rather than process or question difficulty. From these findings, implications for teaching examinable physical education effectively include the use of experiential learning and practical experiences to provide students with experiences from which they can draw knowledge when completing written assessment tasks. Additionally, the importance of having the required content knowledge to teach examinable physical education confidently for pre-service and in-service teachers is discussed.  相似文献   


The purpose of this case study was to examine whether a university dance teacher treated students in two dance classes differentially. Based on instructor feedback results, it was found that students were treated differentially. Students in the beginning jazz class received less instructive feedback than students in the beginning modern dance class. Data were collected through informal interviews and analysed following tenets of qualitative research. Themes which emerged from the interviews included the teacher's teaching philosophy, her style of teaching, her preference for one dance style over the other, her physical limitations, and the mixture of student abilities. It was suggested that this differential treatment was the result of the teacher viewing the two classes differently through her own lenses composed of her beliefs, curricular knowledge, values, movement preferences, and experiences as a student herseff. Findings from this study have relevance for teacher educators, dance teachers, and pre‐service teachers. The importance of personal teaching philosophy, teaching style, preference for a specific dance style, and specific movement preferences cannot be overlooked as factors affecting one's teaching. When these factors impact instructive feedback negatively then alternative measures must be considered to enhance the teaching‐learning environment.  相似文献   

中华武术是中华民族特有的民族传统体育项目,虽然现在武术成为体育课的必学内容,但是由于教学内容、教师等多方面原因,现行武术教学内容很难激发学生的兴趣。文章通过调查研究和教学实践发现传统武术内容丰富、形式多样,具有简单实用、形象性强的特点,有利于激发学生兴趣,弥补现有武术教材单一、枯燥、难记难练等不足,对弘扬民族文化、武术精神有不可替代的作用。可以从学生、教师等实际情况出发,依据多样性与趣味性相结合的原则对传统武术教学内容进行选择,通过简化、改编使其更适合小学生的年龄特点。同时,从多方面开发传统武术的人力资源,促进传统武术走进课堂,推动武术教学的发展。  相似文献   

随着世界信息通讯技术的快速发展,国家教育改革的不断深入,学校规模日益的壮大,传统的体育教学模式以不适应现在社会的发展。体育网络教学由于不受时间、空间和距离的限制,强调学习的自主性、灵活性;突破了传统面对面课堂教学方式的限制,充分利用高校的师资人力资源的力量,扩大教学授课面,解决学校体育课师资紧缺的问题;缩短了教师和学生在时间和空间上的距离,为学生提供了更深、更新的教学内容,学生可根据自己的实际情况确定学习内容和安排学习进度,促进了学生的个性化综合发展。作者结合本校的实践,阐述了网络教育技术在体育教学中的作用,开发了体育学院体育网络资源管理的平台,对学校体育课实施网络教学提出了思考与对策,供同行参考。  相似文献   


This study described patterns of observed and student perceived teaching behaviors directed to high and low expectancy students and determined how students attribute causes to the teaching behaviors. Eleven certified elementary classroom teachers and their second and third-grade classes served as subjects for the study. Twenty-seven high expectancy and 33 low expectancy students were identified by having the teachers rate their students in terms of expected levels of performance for the school year. Three types of teacher feedback were recorded by trained observers: a) praise/encouragement; b) skill correction; and c) corrective behavior feedback. Students were also interviewed to see whether their perceptions of the teachers' actions were consistent with the coded dyadic interactions. In addition, interviewers asked the students to describe the causes for the teacher's actions. Each cause was classified into one of four attributional categories: a) personal causes; b) teacher causes; c) environmental causes; and d) complex causes. Major differences between observed and perceived teacher praise and corrective behavior feedback were found for high and low expectancy students. Attributional data also revealed that low expectancy students tended to attribute corrective behavior feedback to personal causes much more so than high expectancy students. High expectancy students, on the other hand, were more inclined to attribute the same behavior to teacher characteristics.  相似文献   

通过问卷调查法对浙江省500名中学体育教师进行了调查研究,结果表明:大部分体育教师认识专业化培训的重要性,但对专业化培训的权利与义务的了解不够;教师参加专业化培训主要的动机是转变思想、更新观念、拓宽知识和提高教育教学能力、学历的达标、晋升职称等;影响体育教师外出培训因素时间安排,培训经费,学校领导的重视程度等问题;专业化培训在针对性、实用性方面有待加强;教师对新课程标准感到不适应的方面表现在课程内容设计与评价体系方面。提出相应对策。  相似文献   

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