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The history of science is more than the history of scientists. This essay argues that various modem "publics" should be counted as belonging within an enlarged vision of who constitutes the "scientific community"--and describes how the history of science could be important for understanding their experiences. It gives three examples of how natural knowledge-making happens in vernacular contexts: Victorian Britain's publishing experiments in "popular science" as effective literary strategies for communicating to lay and specialist readers; twentieth-century American science museums as important and contested sites for conveying both scientific ideas and ideas about scientific practice; and contemporary mass-mediated images of the "ideal" scientist as providing counternarratives to received professional scientific norms. Finally, it suggests how humanistic knowledge might help both scientists and historians grapple more effectively with contemporary challenges presented by science in public spheres. By studying the making and elaboration of scientific knowledge within popular culture, historians of science can provide substantively grounded insights into the relations between the public and professionals.  相似文献   

As a field of study, literature and science has gradually expanded to encompass both the impact of science on literary culture and the literary-linguistic practices intrinsic to the production of scientific knowledge. Such transformations both reinforce and fundamentally recalibrate the detailed attention focused on scientific practice by historians of science since the 1980s. As a result, this essay and the Focus section it introduces suggest that history of science and literature and science are, in fact, interdependent fields. Attention to their convergences will yield better understanding of the performative dimensions of scientific practices and thence of science itself as a form of making of knowledge of things and events in the world of nature. Science as a form of making involves the convergence of things, material practices, and a panoply of meaningful artifacts-instruments of thought and action-that refuse any simple dichotomy between "text" and "action."  相似文献   

Under the leadership of Joshua Lederberg, some American biologists and chemists proposed exobiology as the most legitimate program for space research. These scientists used the fear of contamination--of earth and other planets--as a central argument for funding "nonpolitical," "scientifically valid" experiments in extraterrestrial life detection. Exobiology's resemblance to popular science fiction narratives presented a significant challenge to its advocates' scientific authority. Its most practical applications, moreover, bore an unseemly resemblance to the United States Army's research on biological weapons. At the same time that exobiologists wanted to use the media to attract support for their program, they had to monitor their statements carefully in order to maintain their view of exobiology as a peaceful, scientifically valid research program. In examining how exobiology's creators positioned their work in comparison to other space sciences as well as science fiction, this case study highlights how cultural and political imperatives entered science through practice and narrative during the Cold War.  相似文献   

两院院士潘家铮的科幻小说通过引进工程运演,提升了科技想象的细节仿真性;通过向志怪小说寻求借鉴,建构了中国风格;他在坚持面向少儿进行科普的同时,还坚持科幻小说要关照现实,因而在科幻文学领域站稳了脚跟。潘家铮的科幻小说无论在科普方面还是在文学方面,都具有重要价值。  相似文献   

Literary fiction has seldom been seriously considered as a mode of science communication. Here, I review novels from the 19th century canon of English literature in which characters either have, or aspire to have, substantive professional scientific roles to see what insights they provide into the practice of science in the Victorian and Edwardian eras. They reflect the historical transition of science from an intellectual hobby to a paid occupation, but also reveal that while a career in science became possible for a wider range of people, it seldom allowed these new entrants to undertake fundamental scientific research.  相似文献   

为了打破元科学研究领域实证主义与建构主义的二元对立,布尔迪厄提出用反思性的实践逻辑取代"学究式"的理论逻辑,来呈现科学领域的本原面貌。在此基础上,他提出了科学场域、科学惯习、科学资本和科学实践等一系列"启发性概念",用以形成科学场域的实践理论。迈向实践的科学社会学理论主张运用关系主义的方法论和建构的结构主义认识论,去清晰再现科学场域的相对自律性特征,并倡导科学行动者利用科学反思性这一思想武器,实现科学主体的客体化和科学生活世界的理性化,以提高科学的自主性程度。  相似文献   

徐光启是“中国近代科学的先驱”,为中国传统科学思想向近代化方向的转轨作出了卓越的贡献。文章在择要描述徐光启科学方法和阐释其科学精神的基础上,着力于通过比较中西两个世界,两种科学体系的对话,来深入研究徐光启科学实践及思想在我国科学史上的重要意义。  相似文献   

基切尔认为,树立于温和实在论基础之上的科学形象才是实际的,这也是将科学民主化的认识论依据;与此同时,布朗论述了将科学民主化的政治学依据。这两个依据是旨在为科学实践治理提供标准的“良序科学”理想得以建构的重要前提。“良序科学”理想要求“理想慎思过程”贯穿于科学的资助、具体的研究内容及研究成果转化的全过程,以此确保民主力量能始终发挥作用。基于“良序科学”理论来看,最近爆发的中国是否应该建造“环形正负电子对撞机和超级质子对撞机(CEPC-SPPC)”的争论至少反映出了当前中国科学实践及其治理存在的三个显著问题:1)中国科学实践的“治理”方面存在观念性障碍;2)治理主体未能充分认识到科学实践治理的民主模式及其多样性和具体性;3)治理主体未能辨明科普的双重目的:“理解”与“参与”。若要解决这些问题,下述的思路或许可供参考:1)思想观念方面强化认识科学实践时的整体论思维;2)理论研究方面引入普遍语用学的维度;3)制度设计方面重视科学实践治理的正义原则。  相似文献   

以新疆伊犁马文化科学实践转向为案例,以科学、真理与民主理论体系为指导,以农牧民的民生改善为价值取向,探索以伊犁马改良为动因的马业和以民生改善为目标的马文化发展的科学实践哲学两个方面。以科学实践哲学理论指导新疆马文化产业从传统转向现代并取得创新成果,以期对中国西部马产业和马文化产业产生一般规律性的、科学实践哲学的指导作用。  相似文献   

The history of science often has difficulty connecting with science at the lab-bench level, raising questions about the value of history of science for science. This essay offers a case study from taxonomy in which lessons learned about particular failings of numerical taxonomy (phenetics) in the second half of the twentieth century bear on the new movement toward DNA barcoding. In particular, it argues that an unwillingness to deal with messy theoretical questions in both cases leads to important problems in the theory and practice of identifying taxa. This argument makes use of scientific and historical considerations in a way that the authors hope leads to convincing conclusions about the history of taxonomy as well as about its present practice.  相似文献   

只有与科学知识本身和科学家所用的方法相结合,科学史研究的目标才能实现。这种结合应该是批判性的,带有历史学家独特的认识判断,而独立于当前科学家的认识判断。这些结论同样应该来自于对历史的一般功能,以及当科学成为我们研究对象时,历史如何发挥这些功能的思考。科学史应该将科学严肃地看成一种社会文化现象以及一种认识实践。  相似文献   

科学小说在时代焦虑的驱动下,文学上的准备尚不成熟,就已经承载了过多的启蒙功能,两相矛盾之下,造成了这一文类的硬伤。晚清文人少有人经历过专业的科学训练,过分强调启蒙的急进心态驱使下,科学小说如同一个被撑大变形的口袋,扭曲着呈现在读者面前。而通过对种种扭曲的文本现象进行深入挖掘,我们得以对科学的真正处境有更深了解。晚清科学小说反映出后世唯科学主义的源头实际在科学文化传入的晚清即已显出端倪,这一系列文化心态的错位并未随着历史的推移而消失,而是在日益汹涌的科技大潮中越发明显,通过对晚清科学小说诸多倾向的细致追溯,能够使我们对当下的科学文化心态有更深刻的反思。  相似文献   

Much of the public understanding of science literature dealing with fictional scientists claims that scientist villains by their nature embody an antiscience critique. I characterize this claim and its founding assumptions as the "mad scientist" trope. I show how scientist villain characters from the science fiction television series Doctor Who undermine the trope via the programme's use of rhetorical strategies similar to Gilbert and Mulkay's empiricist and contingent repertoires, which define and patrol the boundaries between "science" and "non-science." I discuss three such strategies, including the literal framing of scientist villains as "mad." All three strategies exclude the characters from science, relieve science of responsibility for their villainy, and overtly or covertly contribute to the delivery of pro-science messages consistent with rationalist scientism. I focus on scientist villains from the most popular era of Doctor Who, the mid 1970s, when the show embraced the gothic horror genre.  相似文献   

This essay argues for the relevance of the history of family life to the history of science, taking the example of the Exners of Vienna. The Exners were an influential case of the nineteenth-century European phenomenon of the "scientific dynasty". The focus here is on their collaborative research on color theory at the turn of the twentieth century. At first glance, this project looks like a reactionary strike against aesthetic innovation, a symptom of what historians assume was an unbridgeable gulf between scientific reason and artistic modernism. We can better understand the Exners' motivations by situating this research at the intersection of the family's public and private lives. The domestic context sheds light on their use of such scientific terms as "subjective", "normal", and "universal", providing a more nuanced sense of what rationality really meant in fin-de-siècle Vienna.  相似文献   

The Danish amateur scholar Christian Jürgensen Thomsen has often been described as a founder of modern "scientific" archaeology. Thomsen's innovation, this essay argues, reflects developments within neighboring fields, such as philology and history. He reacted against historians who limited themselves to histories of texts and therefore abandoned the earliest human history. Instead, he proposed a new history of objects, which included the entire history of humankind. Thomsen's work as director of the Royal Museum of Nordic Antiquities in Copenhagen was especially important for this renewal. The arrangement of artifacts not only helped him formulate his theories, but also allowed him to present his arguments in a language of objects. At the same time, Thomsen's definition of archaeology as a museum science placed his branch of archaeology in a closer relationship with other museum sciences, such as geology and comparative anatomy. From the 1840s, Thomsen's museum became a model for how the study of human artifacts could deliver scientific insights into human nature and the laws of human development.  相似文献   

陈兵  谢佶隽 《科学学研究》2004,22(5):449-454
本文主要辨析了科学与哲学的微妙关系。从有关哲学与科学关系的各种观点、哲学史与科学史、哲学家的科学情节以及科学与哲学统一于我们的生活等几方面进行了深入阐述,从而得出自己的结论。  相似文献   

柏坤  贾宝余 《中国科学院院刊》2023,38(11):1740-1748
科学普及是国家和社会普及科学技术知识、弘扬科学精神、传播科学思想、倡导科学方法的活动,是实现创新发展的重要基础性工作。文章在深入学习习近平总书记关于科技创新和科学普及重要论述的基础上,基于科学传播“对话模型”,提出科普实践的“一体两翼”理念,并结合“科创中国-院士开讲”栏目的科普实践,分析了以中国科学院、中国工程院院士为代表的专家群体在参与不同平台科普实践的成效和经验,总结了“一体两翼”理念在指导和推动科学普及中的作用,最后提出以高质量科普产品引领科普实践进而服务创新发展的思考建议。  相似文献   

心理健康工作是《"健康中国2030"规划纲要》中的重要组成部分,是建设健康中国的重要保障,而普及推广心理健康知识是提升心理健康工作质量和水平的关键路径。我国的心理健康普及工作业已取得了一定成效,然而在科普队伍、方式、内容等方面仍存在较大局限。科普队伍要加强心理学职业工作者、科技传播者与科学研究者的梯度整合,科普方式要促进资源共建共享以及与新媒体平台的融合,科普内容要实现全生命周期的覆盖和面向需求的精准匹配。未来我国心理科学普及工作应努力实现知识普及、理念提升与行为改善的心理健康素养建设"三部曲",着力完成以心理服务为核心的科普模式转换。心理科学的服务应用是最好的普及,是对建设健康中国的有力推动。  相似文献   

在小科学与大科学关系的视角下,美国科学的社会建制是以小科学为基础、以大科学项目为核心的大科学建制,是经历长期演进、历史地形成的;科研模式具有"自主推动"、"主体多元、高校主导"等特点;能够根据情况的变化进行适当地调整。对现阶段的中国来说,在从传统向现代的赶超中,科学目标相对明确,应发挥"中国特色",大力发展大科学,发挥其带动、提升全局的功能;与此同时,在赶超途中,尤其在接近科学前沿之时,应着力培育并完善广泛的不同领域不同层次的小科学产生、发展的健康氛围,提升并扩展小科学的基础地位,为中国科学提供"涨落"、提供新的分岔点和增长点。  相似文献   

In 2009, the United States Air Force aired a series of science fiction-themed recruitment commercials on network television and their official YouTube channel. In these advertisements, the superimposition of science fiction imagery over depictions of Air Force operations frames these missions as near-future sci-fi adventure, ironically summarized by the tagline: “It’s not science fiction. It’s what we do every day.” Focusing on an early advertisement for the Air Force’s Reaper unmanned aerial vehicle, this essay explores how themes essential to the science fiction genre play a role in influencing contemporary attitudes about autonomous and semi-autonomous robotic weapons, as well as the way in which the aesthetic and functional qualities of these advanced technologies are used to frame moral arguments about their use. As a reconfiguration of the near-future battleground in the guise of science fiction, the “Reaper” ad reveals the way in which science fiction has come to serve as a functional-aesthetic benchmark and cultural sounding board, against which “every day” technologies can be measured and claims about their value, ethos, and social appeal are made. This essay explores the ethical entanglements between science fiction film and video games, and military technology, and the complex role science fiction plays in influencing public attitudes towards military technologies.  相似文献   

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