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针对很多小学生的习作既不“得心”也不“应手”,很多教师对于习作原理认识不足、习作指导措施不力等问题,遵循系统论、相似论和脑科学等先进理论,从剖析习作心理和客观规律出发,提出构建小学习作教学系统,并从增强习作的动力、丰富习作的内容、落实习作的操作、用好习作的评价四个方面进行了有效的实践,为习作教学插上了有力的双翅。  相似文献   

正习作能力是学生语文素养的综合体现,它直观地体现了学生对语言的敏感程度与应用水平,是学生语文学习不可或缺的组成部分。在实际的习作教学中,我们常常发现困难重重,具体表现在学生习作兴趣不高、畏难等消极情绪显著、语言表达能力较弱、语言组织能力不强等方面,究其原因,还要从学生困扰的"无话可写"说起。在多年的习作教学中,我发现很多学生都有这样的困扰,他们并非真的讨厌习作,而是确实不知道写些什么,好像没有什么话可以说,即使  相似文献   

长假习作是语文教师在课余用以巩固学生知识、培养学生习作能力的一种手段,而这种手段让很多学生望而生畏,极大地挫伤了学生习作的积极性和自主性。为了让学生从"惧怕"习作中走出来,给长假习作"保鲜",在三、四年级的长假习作布置中,可以从课文知识"巧"迁移、习作训练"巧"观察、口语交际"巧"表达这三方面入手。  相似文献   

小学阶段习作教学中一直都存在着"老师不教,学生不改"的现象。这种看似学生自由习作、天性发挥的教学,使很多学生的习作水平一直处于原生态,其实质是一种实效性很差的"放羊"式教学。面对这样的习作成果,很少有学生认为自己的文章  相似文献   

习作教学历来是语文教学的重难点,而中段习作则是作文教学的初始和基础,因此中段习作在语文教学中显得任重而道远。而现实是很多中段学生对习作并非兴趣盎然,甚至谈"写"色变。要使学生对写话从"望而生畏"到"无所畏惧",从"无从下笔"到"思如涌泉",其中实践经验发现复写作文、积累素材,写出真实,发挥文本优势是中段习作教学的四剂"良方"。  相似文献   

<正>作文教学是小学语文教学的重要组成部分,也是令很多教师非常头疼的问题。因为当前,很多小学生是"谈写色变",害怕习作,不知从何下笔,惧怕作文,甚至写起作文来也是空话、套话连篇,毫无创意。还有很多教师喜欢让学生死记硬背作文选,生搬硬套作文的"格式"与"套路",这些现象表面上是教给了学生习作技巧,实际上只是表面的"浮华",限制了学生的思维和个性发展。习作教学应该更贴近学生,紧密联系生活实际,还学生习作以"纯真",才能写  相似文献   

习作,是进行语文综合训练的主要途径,是衡量语文教学质量高低的重要标志。而在小学阶段,习作就像是一个"门槛"、一道"鸿沟",很多学生在门槛外徘徊,在鸿沟前止步,不知道如何进行超越。提到教习作,很多教师也会不自觉地皱起眉头。进入三年级后,面对这个令人头疼但又不得不去面对的问题,大家都在思考:如何让学  相似文献   

习作教学是语文教学的重要组成部分,但事实上,很多孩子不喜欢习作,尤其是农村孩子。其实,农村孩子不爱习作,无非是没有习作的素材,他们生活在农村,视野狭小,缺少交流,以致于一提到"作文",个个愁眉苦脸。试问,孩子们在写什么都不确定的情况下,老师天花乱坠地教孩子们怎么写,那又有何意义?下面浅谈如何根据农村孩子的学习特点和习作规律,让农村孩子在"润物细无声"中爱上习作。  相似文献   

生活是"写真话,吐真情"的基础,习作是学生喜怒哀乐畅所欲言的殿堂。但一提到习作,很多学生就头痛。究其原因是教师忽视了学生的生活体验,导致小学生习作出现了"无事可写、无话可说"和"千人一面、千篇一律"的现象。《语文课程标准》明确指出:"写作教学应贴近学生生活实际,让学生易于动笔、乐于表达,应引导学生关注生活,热爱生活,表达真情实感。"由此可见,新课程背景下小学习作教学的重要任务就是"把习作与生活结合起来,从生活入手,指导小学生的习作表达真情实感。"  相似文献   

陈志苹 《班主任》2011,(12):39-40
一个问题有幸聆听了北京教育科学研究院基础教育教学研究中心张立军老师精彩的讲座,使我受益匪浅。张老师在谈到"习作中的趣从何来"时,讲到现在的孩子习作困难大,是因为他们不会捕捉生活中的细节,感受精彩;在孩子们的眼里,很多东西、很多事  相似文献   

高中作文教学虽说又出现了一些新问题,但大多数还是一些久研不决的老问题。陶行知的生活教育理论仍是破解当前高中语文教学难题的最佳选择,在教学中,我们可以引导学生进行生活化作文,启发学生生活化作文的意识,优化生活化作文训练的内容和形式。当然,教师也要深化生活化作文教学研究.进一步推进高中作文教学改革。  相似文献   

研究借鉴了加涅的教学设计原理 ,把小学生阅读 -习作能力图式同化训练的教学设计成由九个教学环节组成的一个反馈教学系统 ,把小学生自主阅读 -习作能力的习得和赖以产生的条件作为各环节教学设计的基础 ,把教学干预与学生主体参与结合起来。同时分析了儿童的自主学习过程。与传统的教学设计相比 ,本教学设计更符合现代认知学习论的要求和小学生不完全自主学习的特点 ,更有利于促进学生自主阅读 -习作能力的发展  相似文献   

小学作文教学要坚持四结合原则,即作文与学生的生活紧密结合;作文与学生的兴趣培养紧密结合;作文与学生的口语训练紧密结合;作文与阅读教学紧密结合。  相似文献   

"课程意识"在儿童写作教学中占据重要地位,凸显"课程意识"可以改变小学写作课堂教学随意、低效,甚至"不作为"的现状。"课程意识"观照下的儿童写作教学应促使学习目标更趋循序性,教学内容更趋丰富性,写作策略知识的渗透更趋显性化,写作评价更具针对性。凸显"课程意识",将促使儿童写作教学走向有序、有效、有用。  相似文献   

一场读写课比赛的观摩和反思启示我们:探索语篇分析在高中英语读写课教学设计中的具体应用,可以以语篇分析理论为依据来概述语料,以英语阅读教学PWP三段教学模式为设计思路,从问题设计、阅读模式两个方面对教学进行再设计。  相似文献   

Literacy instruction is a powerful determinant of children’s academic and school outcomes. Teachers’ training for literacy instruction is therefore critical for children’s reading learning. The present study examined the contents of 130 courses related to literacy instruction from a representative national sample of primary teachers’ undergraduate programs (N = 81), to address the following issues: which courses, related to literacy instruction, are included in the curriculum of undergraduate training programs? Which is the weight of the courses in undergraduate programs? What are the contents of the courses? The results show that most critical features of literacy instruction are included in the course contents of most programs (e.g. phonics, theory of literature). Still, some other critical features are underrepresented (reading/writing comprehension skills) or apparently missing (assessment and intervention in reading/writing problems). Moreover, the time allocated to literacy instruction seems to be scarce. Still, wide differences across university programs and courses were found.  相似文献   

Teachers' practices are directly tied to their beliefs or theories about instruction. The purpose of the present study was to develop an instrument to measure primary grade teachers' theoretical orientations about writing instruction, provide construct validation for this instrument, and describe teachers' beliefs about writing instruction in the early grades. Factor analysis of responses from a nationwide sample of primary grade teachers yielded three distinct dimensions, measuring beliefs about the role of explicit instruction, correctness in students' writing, and natural learning methods. The validity of the instrument was supported by findings showing that teachers' orientations were related to classroom writing practices in a predictable and reliable manner. Finally, most of the participating teachers emphasized both explicit instruction as well as incidental and informal methods of learning (i.e., the natural learning) in their theory of writing instruction for young children, while downplaying the importance of correctness in writing.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of adding collaborative modeling of text structure as an additional component of self-regulated strategy development for elementary school 6th-grade students learning English as a second language (ESL). In this study, 34 students receiving a ‘Self-regulated strategy development plus collaborative modeling of text structure’ intervention were compared with 36 students receiving a ‘collaborative modeling of text structure only’ intervention, 38 students receiving a ‘self-regulated strategy development only’ intervention, and 36 students receiving traditional instruction. Several measures (i.e., content comprehension, summarization of main ideas, and essay writing) were administered after the one-month intervention. Results revealed that, compared to traditional instruction, self-regulated strategy development and collaborative modeling of text structure respectively resulted in better comprehension levels and writing performance. The combination of self-regulated strategy development and collaborative modeling of text structure was particularly effective in increasing primary school students’ content comprehension and writing quality. These findings highlight the benefit of coupling self-regulated strategy development and collaborative modeling of text structure for elementary school ESL classroom instruction.  相似文献   

Given the Cartesian influence in mainstream American education, writing instruction has come to reflect a dualistic worldview, with the writer understood as an autonomous observer/knower. As such, writing instructors have the potential to convey problematic lessons about the self as entirely separate from the world. This essay delineates a corrective to the Cartesian mindset in mainstream writing instruction: Yagelski’s ontological theory of writing as a way of being-in-the-world. In the spirit of connectedness Yagelski espouses, I consider the ways in which Yagelski’s ontological theory of writing might work in tandem with Rosenblatt’s transactional theory of reading. Together, Yagelski and Rosenblatt allow English educators to reimagine reading and writing as activities with the ethical potential to repair the rifts of a dualistic worldview, and ultimately to reimagine English education as a field that breaks the Cartesian frame.  相似文献   

A random sample of language arts, social studies, and science middle school teachers from the United States were surveyed about their preparation to teach writing, beliefs about responsibilities for teaching writing, use of evidence-based writing practices, assessment of writing, use of technology, and adaptations for struggling writers. The findings from this survey raised concerns about the quality of middle school writing instruction. Many teachers believed their preservice and inservice preparation to teach writing was inadequate. Middle school students spend little time writing or being taught how to write. While most teachers used a variety of evidenced-based writing practices and made adaptations for struggling writers, such methods were applied infrequently. Most teachers did not appear to use assessment data to shape how they taught writing, and computers played a relatively minor role in middle school writing instruction. Even though teachers generally agreed that writing was a collective responsibility, language arts teachers placed a greater emphasis on writing instruction than social studies and science teachers.  相似文献   

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