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Napoleon Was Ⅲ     
于振兴 《英语辅导》2001,(12):31-31
Jack had gone to the university to study history, but at the end of his first year, his history professor failed him in his examinations, and he was told that he would have to leave the university. However, his father decided that he would go to see the professor to urge him to let Jack continue his studies the following year.  相似文献   

杰克到一所大学去学历史。第一学期结束时,历史课教授没让他及格。学校让他退学。然而,杰克的父亲决定去见教授,强烈要求让杰克继续来年的学业。  相似文献   

Based on data collected from a year-and-a-half-long qualitative research project, this case study examines the early college experiences and identity negotiations of one urban-schooled Latino participant as he navigated a predominately White state university in his hometown. Recognizing the university as a figured world, this study highlights two emblematic personal encounters that positioned him in inferior ways. It also offers a counter-example of a rhetoric professor who positioned him in positive ways and contributed to his academic success. Implications are framed in an argument for the inclusion of identity studies and positioning theory in order to better contextualize urban-schooled Latina/os’ early college experiences.  相似文献   

Defects 101     
An English professor at a community college in New York City argues, by analogy with contentions made by the neurologist Oliver Sacks about some of his patients, that the testing his university system uses to evaluate his students' writing is only good at exposing deficiencies, not strengths; he claims that students write under constraints that no professor or professional writer would accept. He concludes that it is less important for his students to satisfy mandated rubrics than to satisfy his own rigorous responses as a professional and devoted reader of literature.  相似文献   

杰克·伦敦是美国文学史上一位重要的批判现实主义作家,《马丁·伊登》是他的代表作,揭示了美国20世纪人们狂热追求"美国梦"的失败.小说的主人公马丁·伊登希望通过自己的努力跻身于上流社会,但进入上流社会后,他反而更加痛苦、精神更空虚,陷入无法自拔的境地,最后以自杀的方式结束自己悲惨的一生.这是杰克·伦敦思想的真实写照,他以同样方式结束了自己的生命,可见,马丁的人生悲剧也是杰克·伦敦的人生悲剧.  相似文献   

萨维尼不仅是德国19世纪最伟大的法学家,而且是当时最有影响力的教育家.在长达42年的教学生涯中,他对法学教学方法、大学法学院的管理、法学教授的义务和责任等方面都有自己独到的理解和看法,这些意见都对德国当时的法学领域起着重要的作用,并且随着德国大学的发达传播到了英美国家.  相似文献   

杰克弄伤了他的手腕.于是他的妈妈带他去看医生。医生给杰克的手腕打了石膏。然后杰克问医生:“医生,我手腕上的石膏弄掉后.我能弹钢琴吗?”  相似文献   

艾伦·布鲁姆的大学教育思想述评   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
艾伦·布鲁姆所写的<走向封闭的美国精神>对美国大学进行了全面的批判,在20世纪80年代末引发了美国学术界的激烈论战.本文拟从艾伦·布鲁姆这本集中论述大学教育的专著和其他相关文献中,从其思想的哲学基础和政治哲学角度,探讨布鲁姆对大学教育理解和思考,归纳出他的大学教育思想是:大学教育的最高目的是追求完善人性和永恒的真理;推崇自由教育和精英教育;经典著作的阅读是实现自由教育的主要途径.  相似文献   

从元佑元年到元佑八年的八年时间里,秦观先后度过了蔡州教授和汴京为官两个时期。蔡州教授时生活孤单寂寞,汴京为官又在升迁与黜免中大起大落,他的心灵饱受磨折,归隐之思十分强烈。与熙宁、元丰时期多是山水纪游、诗歌相比较而言,这一时期的诗歌内容更多是写他日常生活的点点滴滴、与友人酬唱赠答,此外还增加了对政治的关心等。作品风格也更倾向于雄放沉郁。  相似文献   

白居易于元和十年含冤贬江州司马 ,是其思想从“兼济”转向“独善”的转折点。遭贬的原因究竟何在 ?王涯为何对他落井下石 ?对此 ,学术界迄无定论。本文钩稽大量正史和野史资料 ,运用文史互证的方法 ,结合从永贞内禅到元和前期的政治形势 ,以及新旧两派势力之间尖锐复杂的斗争 ,对上述问题进行了深入的探讨 ,并作出了令人信服的有见地的回答  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to answer the question: What is the Israeli instructor's conception of a “good university professor?” The study deals with the instructor's conception of the characteristics of the “good professor” with regard to the department in which he is teaching. A sample of 51 instructors from two departments were asked to select the three most important characteristics of a “good university professor” from a list of fifteen. It was shown that instructors attached primary importance to the professor's ability to spark intellectual growth. Of secondary importance was his method of instruction. The professor's traits connected to his academic status and his personality were of relatively little concern. There was unanimity among instructors from the two departments in their conception of what a “good professor” should be. They singled out characteristics that fall under the heading of delivery. A disparity exists between the instructor's conception of the “good professor” and the students' conception.  相似文献   

Jack 《海外英语》2003,(12):34-35
Sunny's grandfather had suddenly taken ill and was not able to play with him any more like he used to before. Little Sunny was very sad and felt very lonely. He would go and sit by his grandfather's bed, waiting for him to get up and play with him again. At night, he would think of the little cowherd boy, Krishna, and pray to him fervendy to make his grandfather well again. But, little Krishna was busy having fun, and would not answer Sunny's  相似文献   

Homor and Jokes     
我是单身汉 杰克骑车摔伤,得住院治疗。一位年轻美貌的护士拿着表格让他填。杰克填好后递上表格。“还有什么漏填的吗?”护士问。“有!”杰克想了想说,“我是个单身汉.”  相似文献   

班彪虽是历史名人,但很少有专论。本分别从其出身,政治见解、史学述等方面进行述评,以期对班彪有一个较为全面的了解和认识。  相似文献   

庆历三年,欧阳修以饱满的热情参与庆历新政,然而第二年新政即告失败,欧阳修被贬滁州。滁州之贬,使欧阳修进一步看清政治的复杂与仕途的险恶。居滁州一年头发尽白,心灵的打击远甚过夷陵之贬,遂自号醉翁,有归隐之志。这些对欧阳修在该时期的唱和诗作的内容与艺术手法产生直接的影响。此时期唱和诗作在内容上以人文色彩浓郁的咏物诗为主,有意避开政治;其次为山水游记诗,借山水以求自持自适;再次为关注现实人生,"有为而作"的诗学思想在曲折中坚持;最后歌颂友情之篇也有一定数量,在逆境中互相安慰。在诗歌艺术上,平淡与巧劲齐芳,流畅与涩硬并美,对宋诗的发展与成熟都有积极的影响。  相似文献   

Cyril Smith’s distinguished career in industrial metallurgy was wonderfully transformed into his masterful engagement with the history of science and technology. These two phases were bridged by a piece of research that particularly pleased him, as epitomising his general ideas of form and organisation. It was based on his conception of the 2D soap froth as a prototype for metallic grain growth (and much else). He rightly sensed that it would be an enduring source of understanding of some of the complex effects that he so admired in materials.  相似文献   

熊与狐狸 有一头熊大肆吹嘘,说他很爱人类,因为他从不吃死人。一只狐狸对他说:“但愿你把死人撕得粉碎,而不要危害那些活着的人。”  相似文献   

Aaron Wildavsky, a founder and president of the California Association of Scholars, died on September 4, at the much too early age of 63. Professor Wildavsky's life exemplified a total commitment to the university, and his achievements were prodigious. He authored or edited, alone or with colleagues, some three dozen books, and he wrote hundreds of articles. In the thirty years he spent at Berkeley, he was at various times chairman of the Department of Political Science and founding Dean of the Graduate School of Public Policy. He also found time to serve as president of the American Political Science Association and the Policy Studies Association, and to be active in myriad other organizations. When Yale, where he had earned his doctorate in 1959, earlier this year made him an honorary Doctor of Social Science, it stated, “You have improved every institution with which you have been associated.” Aaron Wildavsky was profoundly concerned about the future of the university, the institution that he loved so much and served so well. At the Fourth National Conference of the NAS, held in San Francisco this past April, he expressed his fears about the effect of politically correct faculty hiring practices on the long-range future of education. Academic Questions here reproduces his remarks in the hope—one that, in fact, he shared—that for once his predictions will be proved wrong.  相似文献   


The Irish‐born Frederick McCoy came to Melbourne in late 1854 to take up the position of foundation professor of natural science. He brought with him a reputation as an important if controversial palaeontologist and geologist. This paper studies the manner in which he applied geological theories acquired in the northern hemisphere to the search for gold in Australia. It also looks at his efforts to acclimatise European flora and fauna. A determined anti‐evolutionist McCoy, especially in his acclimatisation activities, disregarded the prior Aboriginal occupation of Australia, an attitude he shared with those who opposed his views on evolution.  相似文献   

王实甫以剧作《西厢记》成就了在中国戏剧史上的地位,但在从明代以来形成的“元曲四大家”的称谓中,却没有王的位置。这主要是《西厢记》的剧作的形式、其故事情节来源、历史上对《西厢记》作者的争议、明人对王实甫贬语等原因造成的。而“元曲六大家”似乎更能给古人一个交待。  相似文献   

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