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美国四年制公立院校办学成本的递增折射出高校办学成本递增的一般特点,表现为办学成本的增长快于一般物价水平的增长,办学总成本的增幅快于生均教育成本的增幅,学生资助增幅快于教学费用增幅以及不同层次院校成本递增具有一定的差异性等方面。驱动办学成本递增的因素有入学规模、学术竞争、组织效率、教育产业属性、学生资助等。我国应加大高等教育投入、促进院校之间的适度办学竞争、加强学校成本管理、创新产权制度、完善学费和资助政策,以提高我国高等教育的质量和效率。  相似文献   

教育券在中国实践的再认识   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
弗里德曼教育券的原意是通过学生凭借教育券的择校竞争行为来促进办学的效率,资助上学只是它的外加功能.我国目前在局部地区试行的教育券有悖原意,基本上是一种"福利性"的教育资助;此外,教育券资助民办学校发展的必要性和意义以及教育券促进教育均衡发展的可能性也是值得质疑的.对教育券功能的拓展需持合理、谨慎的态度.  相似文献   

美国高等教育在经历20年发展黄金期后,新世纪以来尤其是在金融危机的影响下,在学生入学、经济资助、教育质量以及办学效率等方面遭遇到一系列新的挑战。为此,奥巴马政府提出"让更多人上得起大学"的高等教育改革新方案。其核心是通过实行新的高校排名计划,通过采取拨款与高校和学生的表现挂钩,促进创新与竞争,确保学生债务的可承受性等举措,迫使高校降低教育成本,促进学生入学,以及改善办学质量。奥巴马政府高等教育改革方案反映了联邦政府对高等教育入学、质量、效率等问题的关切,以及强化通过评估与拨款干预高等教育发展的趋势。同时,改革方案在目标与结果、方法与技术等方面受到高等教育界的诸多质疑与批评。  相似文献   

从公共经济学的视角看,公共财政具有提供公共品,收入再分配、就业波动熨平和产业扶持导向四种职能.职业技术教育的正外部性、学生普遍较低的经济社会背景、就业波动的熨平功能及产业升级的需要,都决定了公共财政在职业技术教育发展中必须扮演积极的角色.根据公共财政职能理论,必须加大对职业技术教育的财政投资,构建以"榆入地模式"为主的办学体制,促进院校之间竞争,保障财政资金的使用效率.  相似文献   

毕业生就业率是衡量一所"非师教育"型院校办学水平的一个重要指标,而学生就业竞争实力的提高直接带动了就业率的攀升.本文就高职教师在提高学生就业竞争实力、培养满足社会需求的技术技能型人才中应发挥的作用提出几点体会.  相似文献   

随着高校的不断扩招,尤其是农林类院校经济困难学生的比例日益增加。近年来,国家不断加大对经济困难学生的资助力度,资助体系也日趋完善。然而,资助体系发挥了经济资助的功能,不可忽视的教育功能即经济困难学生"能力与素质"的培养却在一定程度上被忽视。为促进经济困难学生的全面发展,结合农林院校资助体系的经济资助作用,对经济困难学生的"能力与素质"资助工作评估机制进行探讨。  相似文献   

教学成本是高职院校教育成本中的重要组成部分。随着"工学结合"人才培养新模式的推行,高职院校的教学成本将逐步攀升,高职院校必须重视教学成本的测算、核算和管理,提高资源使用效率和办学效益。然而,目前高职院校成本意识淡薄。因此,需要根据高职教育的基本特点和规律,寻求正确的高职院校教学成本的核算范围、会计核算原则、核算周期和核算方法,以便为高职教育的决策者和管理者提供更加准确的高职院校教学成本核算数据。  相似文献   

20世纪60年代末70年代初,由高等教育扩张带来的教育成本增加的资助问题和公私立院校之间的竞争问题,引发了美国社会各界关于高等教育财政问题的一场大辩论.这场辩论围绕学费问题和政府的资助方式展开,以效率和公平为尺,以高等教育的成本和收益分配为论争基石,形成了激进改革派、温和改革派和维护低学费传统派三方主张.辩论过程中提出的一些新的资助理念,不仅挑战了当时的高等教育财政模式,而且在20世纪80年代以来逐渐彰显,发展为一种趋势.  相似文献   

刘婷 《文教资料》2020,(9):115-116,114
高等职业教育肩负着为国家培养高水平技能型人才的重要职责,学生资助政策是国家为促进教育公平、推动高等教育发展而做出的重要战略决策,对促进高等职业教育良性发展具有重要意义。本文根据高职院校学生资助工作目标及现状,结合精准扶贫背景,探究实现高职院校学生资助工作目标的路径。  相似文献   

高职院校资助育人工作关乎教育公平与社会公平等核心问题。资助育人实践涉及家庭经济困难学生的科学认定、合理资助、学生全面培养等环节。系统分析家庭经济困难学生认定及资助育人实践中存在的问题,并提出解决策略。进一步提出加强顶层设计做好保障型资助与发展型资助的互动,把好资助源头奠定精准认定、精准资助基础,实施分层资助推进国家资助政策科学落实,打造育人体系实施"三全育人"促进全面发展,完善评价体系推动资助育人工作成效落实的对策,以期提高认定精准性与资助育人针对性,提高资助育人成效,促进教育公平发展。  相似文献   

在学费上涨引起公众普遍担忧的背景下,上个世纪末,美国国会指令了两项大规模的高校成本、价格和学生资助的研究.研究报告确认了高校财务理论框架,澄清了高校成本、价格和学生资助的概念,考察了它们的变化趋势和相互关系,分析了成本和学费提高的原因.美国的研究对我国有启发.  相似文献   

Willingness to Pay and Preference for Private Institutions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study focuses on the correlates of student preference for private institutions over public institutions in their senior year in high school, with a particular focus on the effects of students' subjective responses to tuition costs and to financial aid availability. The data for this study were drawn from a longitudinal study of postsecondary educational choice of high school students in the state of Indiana. The results indicate that in addition to student and family background and student academic characteristics, students' subjective responses to tuition costs and to financial aid availability have a substantial linkage with student preference for private or public institutions. This study suggests that family and ascribed characteristics alone do not explain student preference for the type of postsecondary institution. Students' subjective responses to tuition costs and to financial aid availability are also directly related to student preference for a certain type of postsecondary institution, independent of student family background and academic characteristics. This suggests that the willingness to pay, not only the ability to pay, plays a direct role in student college choice decisions. The implications for policy making are discussed.  相似文献   

A large number of new community college presidents will be hired in the next 5 years due to vacancies. New leaders must be prepared to lead their institutions through the challenges facing community colleges. Forty-one community college presidents in North Carolina participated in our research (70.7% response rate). We found that community college presidents’ perceptions of their management styles all fall within the “team management” orientation according to the Blake and Mouton Managerial Grid (Blake & Mouton, 1964). We then examined the financial management challenges faced by community college presidents and found empirical evidence regarding how community college presidents rank six of the most critical financial challenges identified in the literature. Presidents’ rankings of the six most critical financial challenges showed that the three most pressing concerns are maintaining student access during times of increasing educational costs, managing enrollment during times of decreasing state funding, and lowering costs without damaging academic quality.  相似文献   

The research findings have made it clear that Chinese college student aid policy has several characteristics. Generally speaking, student financial aid is increasing up to some extent. The government financial aids focus mostly on improving equality of educational opportunity in higher education. However, aids from the government are inadequate, especially national student loans. Besides, all kinds of aids were decreasing from 2004 to 2006 and the aid programs were short of stability between various years. In order to improve equal access to higher education through student aid policy, it is necessary to enlarge the government aids and reform the aid system. __________ Translated from Jiaoshi Jiaoyu Yanjiu 教师教育研究 (Teacher Education Research), 2008, (2), 59–63  相似文献   

The current studies test the hypothesis that the financial burden of college can initiate a psychological process that has a negative influence on academic performance for students at selective colleges and universities. Prior studies linking high college costs and student loans to academic outcomes have not been grounded within relevant social psychological theory regarding how and when the financial burden of college can influence students’ psychological and cognitive processes. We test the hypothesis that the salient financial burden of college impairs students’ cognitive functioning, especially when it creates an identity conflict or perceived barrier to reaching a student’s desired financially successful future. First, we use longitudinal data from 28 selective colleges and universities to establish that students who accumulate student loan debt within these contexts are less likely to graduate from college because student loan debt predicts a decline in grades over time, even when controlling for factors related to socioeconomic status and prior achievement. Then, in an experiment, we advance research in this area with a direct, causal test of the proposed psychological process. An experimental manipulation that brings high college costs to mind impairs students’ cognitive functioning, but only when those thoughts create an identity conflict or a perceived barrier to reaching a student’s desired financially successful future.  相似文献   

The effects of college tuition costs on early career educational, occupational and economic achievements were estimated for a national sample of black and white college students. The findings suggest that attending a relatively high tuition college has a net positive influence on such outcomes as educational attainment, occupational status, income and women's entry into sex-atypical careers. These effects remained significant even when controls were made for student background characteristics (e.g., socioeconomic origins, secondary school achievement, educational and occupational aspirations); the academic selectivity, private/public control, size and graduate orientation of the college attended; and one's specific college experiences (e.g., academic major, academic achievement and social involvement). The findings are discussed in terms of several plausible causal mechanisms.  相似文献   

我国大学生资助政策的优化与重构   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
本文回顾了我国大学生资助政策的形成与发展,在此基础上,提出了大学生资助政策中存在的问题,并认为现今我国大学生资助政策目标定位不清是问题的症结所在,进而提出大学生资助政策优化重构的建议:基于贫困生的特点和院校特征,大学生资助政策要贯彻“一个原则”和“两个区分”,并实现资助信息共享。  相似文献   

实证研究结果表明我国大学生资助具有如下主要特征:从整体来看资助力度巳达到一定程度;政府资助最大的特点在于更强调公平,但政府资助力度较小尤其国家贷款的资助力度过小;各种资助的力度均呈下降趋势,同时资助项目缺乏稳定性。为此,有必要增加政府资助的力度并改进资助形式以更有利于教育机会公平的实现。  相似文献   

放大教育投资规模:调整高教支出负担主体与时段   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
何文标 《教育研究》2005,26(1):41-47
经测算,我国2005年入学的大学生,毕业后至65岁前,年薪中超出大专以下人员年薪的级差,贴现至毕业工作当年,保守测算,总现值超过115万元。如果让大学生提前贷取未来的一小部分预计收益,用于支付当前教育支出,政府将财政性教育经费更多地投入到农村基础教育、大学生奖学金、科研项目,将有助于增大教育投资规模、优化教育资源配置,并促进教育公平。  相似文献   

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