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Counseling has been slowly developing in the Arab countries. In 1984, Kuwait University organized a Conference on Psychological and Educational Counseling. Twenty-four professionals presented papers at this conference. A questionnaire which dealt with the status, rationale and development of counseling in the Arab countries was administered to these professionals. All the participants completed and returned the questionnaire. The majority of the participants reported that counseling services are offered in their institution and countries. They also reported that counselor education programs do not exist in their countries. They perceived that development (economic, social, and personal) is the number one rationale for counseling in the Arab countries. The implications of these views for the development of counseling in the Arab countries were discussed.Kuwait University  相似文献   

生涯辅导起始于美国,先后经历了职业指导、职业选择辅导、生涯辅导这一系列的演变,现在作为一种关注个人生涯发展的全新的理念,已得到世界许多国家的认同。我国当前大学生就业指导工作,尚处于职业指导阶段,生涯辅导之路任重而道远。文章在简要介绍了美国生涯辅导的特点和我国当前高校就业指导工作的现状之后,就如何在我国构建生涯辅导体系提出了若干建议。  相似文献   

This article describes the Adult Career Education Counseling Project, a special demonstration project funded by the United States Office of Education, Division of Occupational and Adult Education. The major goal of the project is to develop a competency-based individualized instructional training system for guidance personnel wanting to work in adult education settings. The article explains the rationale, development, and process used in identification of conceptual areas that were developed into modules currently being pilot tested prior to final revision. Once the total training system has been developed, adult education and counseling and guidance programs may use these materials to design a counseling and guidance program unique to local program or institutional goals and objectives.  相似文献   

This article describes the Minnesota International Counseling Institute, a biennial counseling institute created by faculty in the University of Minnesotas Counseling and Student Personnel Psychology Program. One hundred and fifty-two international counseling personnel from 40 countries have participated in the Minnesota International Counseling Institute. After eight Institutes and nearly 20 years, we wish to share our experiences with the international counseling community. The article presents reflection and evaluation by the faculty on our cumulative experiences with the MICI, including history, guiding principles, format, participants, evaluation, successes, lessons learned, and struggles. We hope our experience will be useful to other counseling and human development professionals and adapted by others interested in promoting counseling across cultures.  相似文献   

An immigrant has to adjust to a new environment, — physically, mentally and socially. Counseling methods, when applied to immigrants, should be geared to the special conditions and needs of this group. This paper describes the experiences gathered from vocational counseling of 5000 young high-school graduates who immigrated to Israel from many countries. On the basis of these experiences specific counseling tools, techniques and processes have been developed.  相似文献   

Summary Societies throughout the world are experiencing rapidly changing conditions. Individuals in these societies are wrestling with a situation where the old order is disappearing and a suitable replacement has not yet stabilized. The Middle East is no exception to this phenomenon. That there will be a fundamental change in family patterns, vocational choice and life styles for women and men is inevitable. In the final analysis, it is all of a piece for a change in one cannot occur without a change in the other.Nowhere will this change be felt greater than in the status of women. Urbanization and industrialization combined with government campaigns have created political and economic opportunities to a large number of Middle Eastern women. More importantly though, these changes bespeak an intimate message to both men and women that they must re-evaluate each other, as well as their family values, courtship patterns, socialization of their children, and the authority of ancient family traditions' (Goode, 1970, p. 146).Counseling has a major role in the modernization process taking place in the Middle East. This process will undoubtedly cause a certain degree of personal disruption. The disruptive forces of modernization seem a natural part of the process. It is in this area that counseling can play a major role. To be aware that there will be personal disruption is not enough. The counseling enterprise in developing countries must provide support services to its people. It must provide and equip individuals to live in a different society from which they are presently living. Ministries of education, by providing proper guidance and counseling services to its students can help case the shock of modernization.It's an exciting time in the Middle East. And it is one in which counseling has an unlimited potential to develop itself and aid in the area's struggle toward modernity. Before counseling can make an impact in the Middle East it must develop an indigenous philosophy of counseling. Recognizing that the Middle Easterner is a product of an authoritarian society, for instance, approaches to counseling which depend on counseling initiative, such as a strict nondirective approach, may not be appropriate. The philosophy must take cognizance of a deeply rooted history of tradition on the one hand and a strong desire to modernize on the other. Counseling in the Middle East could play a significant role as individuals struggle to reach a new identity that will reconcile the past with the future with a minimum of dislocation.  相似文献   

It is well documented that clinical supervision in school settings is underutilized. One hypothesis for this situation is the lack of fit between current supervision models that emphasize the supervision of individual counseling and the multiple roles of school counselors within comprehensive school counseling programs (CSCPs). The authors propose the School Counseling Supervision Model (SCSM) as an extension of J. M. Bernard's (1979, 1997) Discrimination Model. The SCSM uses a 3 (focus of supervision) × 3 (supervisor role) × 4 (CSCP domain) matrix. Examples are provided for potential supervision interventions using the SCSM. Implications for training, practice, and research are discussed.  相似文献   

Mandated disciplinary counseling has been a long‐established practice for many college and university counseling centers. Although the practice is well established, practitioners continue to raise questions about its appropriateness and effectiveness. Student dynamics and other issues influencing the efficacy of mandated counseling are explored. Counseling readiness interventions are recommended to mitigate the types of reactance issues that can be barriers to effective counseling outcomes.  相似文献   

Extensive attention has been given by ACES and AACD to the unique role of the counseling profession. It is suggested that the definition of the profession lies in the association name: American Association for Counseling and Development. Counselors must integrate developmental theory systematically into the practice of counseling. Several alternative developmental models are summarized in this article, along with their implications for the future. Special attention is given to the soul of counseling, which is defined as a professional commitment to development. Counseling is not psychology, it is a specialized profession with a unique role in society.  相似文献   

The history of college counseling reflects its multifaceted, dynamic character. Numerous works track the historical development of counseling in higher education (Bragdon, 1929; Farnsworth, 1957; Fitzpatrick, 1968; Heppner& Neal, 1983; Siegel, 1968; Williamson, 1939). Contemporary authors also have analyzed current trends and issues facing the college counseling profession (Dean & Meadows, 1995; Steenbarger, 1990; Stone & Archer, 1990). The American College Counseling Association (ACCA) was created and has developed in the context of both history and recent issues in counseling within higher education settings. This article examines factors contributing to the birth and rapid growth of this successful and growing professional association.  相似文献   

"团体心理辅导"课程是高校应用心理学专业开设的一门专业课程,课程注重学生实践操作能力的培养。表达性艺术治疗具有丰富多样的艺术媒介,在心理咨询和治疗中有着广泛的应用,同时不断探索其在课堂教学中的应用。高校"团体心理辅导"课程融入表达性艺术治疗,不仅拓展了教学形式,也丰富了教学内容、增强了学习的趣味性;优化团体心理辅导实践教学,可以更好地实现教学目标,达到育人目的。  相似文献   

The traditional body of knowledge of white oriented scholarship has neglected the non-traditional knowledge system of people of color. This has resulted in developing counseling and mental health approaches that have limited relevance when applied to non-white populations.Paper prepared for the 1985 International Round Table for the Advancement of Counseling (IRTAC), Utrecht, The Netherlands.  相似文献   

建立健全完善的咨询辅导体系是市场经济条件下,促进大学生健康成长为合格社会主义建设者和接班人的必需,是适应我国高等教育由"精英化"转变为"大众化"趋势,弥补高校教育漏洞的必然选择,同时也是当代大学生自主性、个性化成长发展的必然要求。咨询辅导包括学习、生活、从业和心理辅导四方面内容体系,在此基础上初步构想了咨询辅导实施体系,包括:咨询辅导机构的设置,咨询辅导队伍的建设及一套完善的工作程序。  相似文献   

心理咨询是一项专业性很强的活动,随着当前社会价值观的多元化发展,针对中学生的心理辅导和帮助应该逐渐展开,而中学的思想政治教育与心理咨询之间存在较强的联系,因此,以中学思想政治教学为平台,可以更好地帮助学生解决心理问题。在中学思想政治教学中运用心理咨询,应该尊重教学规律和遵循中学生身心发展的特点,注重把握课堂的主要矛盾,运用多种方式促进心理咨询在中学思想政治教学中的积极作用。  相似文献   

Counseling response preferences of graduate students completing internship requirements were assessed using Patterson's Rehabilitation Counseling Response Exercise during the first and final weeks of their internships at a comprehensive, multidisciplinary vocational rehabilitation center. It was hypothesized that at the end of the internship the students would show a significant increase in preference for active counseling responses and a correspondingly significant decrease in preferences for passive techniques. Five counseling responses were evaluated and change did occur as hypothesized.  相似文献   

This quasi‐experimental study compared the effectiveness of the Wellness Model of Supervision (WELMS; Lenz & Smith, 2010 ) with alternative supervision models for developing wellness constructs, total personal wellness, and helping skills among counselors‐in‐training. Participants were 32 master's‐level counseling students completing their internship requirements in a counseling program accredited by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs. Results of a split plot analysis of variance indicated that participants in the WELMS condition increased their personal definitions of wellness and total wellness while developing their counseling skills at a similar level when compared with participants receiving other models of supervision.  相似文献   

Concept mapping was used to illuminate counselors' positive experiences of providing counseling/psychotherapy to students in higher education. Counseling professionals (N = 65) in 23 colleges and universities responded to the question “What are the positive aspects that motivate you to provide counseling/psychotherapy to students?” From these responses, statements were generated and sorted, and their importance was rated. Using multidimendional scaling and a cluster analysis statistical program to analyze participant sorts, a concept map comprised of 10 thematic clusters was generated. Clusters centered on four positive aspects: the counselor, the counseling process, the client, and the work environment. Implications for promoting a supportive workplace for counseling professionals in postsecondary settings are discussed, as are suggestions for further investigation.  相似文献   

Counseling services in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have focused on counseling in the elementary and secondary schools. To date, the idea of the private practitioner of mental health counseling has been virtually nonexistent. However, education officials at the University of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have been exploring the option of following the international trends of preparing students for mental health counseling services, with special emphasis in marriage and family. A counselor education degree would allow individuals to operate private practices to address various concerns that impact individuals within the society at large. No instruments that measure perceptions of counseling from an international perspective were found for the purposes of this study. Therefore, it was necessary for the authors to devise and test a new tool. Surveys were completed by a sample of 141 undergraduate students regarding their perceptions of the importance of counseling in UAE society and the role of the counselor in society and other general questions regarding perceptions of counseling. With this initial effort, psychometric properties of the ‘Perceptions about Counseling Survey’ appeared promising. Results revealed that students had a favorable view toward the role of the counselor in UAE society. Results further revealed that students perceived the counseling profession as favorable. Given that the participants were predominately female, the results were analyzed from the social and cultural perspective of women in Arab society and the social psychological theory of ‘attitude’ is considered as a contextual backdrop.  相似文献   

Counseling self-efficacy is defined as a counselor’s beliefs regarding their ability to counsel a client effectively. Larson et al. (1992) developed the Counseling Self-Estimate Inventory (COSE) to determine counselors’ self-efficacy in the dimensions of microskills, counseling process, difficult client behavior, cultural competence, and awareness of values. The COSE has been used widely in the United States as well as being adapted to other cultures. The purpose of the present study was to obtain validity and reliability evidence for the COSE in a Turkish sample towards the creation of a Turkish version (COSE-TR). Analyses regarding internal consistency and construct validity were undertaken via CFA and EFA, and divergent and convergent validity assessments were performed. The devised COSE-TR obtained a Cronbach alpha coefficient of .92. Exploratory factor analysis suggested a four-factor model with 53.82% of the total variance explained, which the CFA also supported. The COSE-TR correlated negatively with trait anxiety as measured on the ‘State-Trait Anxiety Inventory Scale’ (involving only Trait anxiety STAI-T; Spielberger 1983), but positively with generalized self-efficacy as measured via the ‘General Self-Efficacy Scale’ (GSE; Schwarzer and Jerusalem 1995). As for language equivalence, there was no difference between the means of total scores obtained from the original COSE and the created Turkish shorter version. Results revealed that the shortened COSE-TR can be regarded as a valid and reliable instrument for measuring counseling self-efficacy with Turkish counselors. Implications for counseling psychology, counselor education and supervision in developing nations and the transculturality of counseling self-efficacy are discussed.  相似文献   

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