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通过定量分析的方法考察了有声思维与初中学生英语阅读理解之相关性。被试系27名7-8年级学生,按照阅读测试成绩被分为A组(低分组)、B组和C组(高分组)。统计分析结果表明:A组前测与后测得分的均值之间没有明显区别;B组两次测试的均值之间虽然没有统计意义上的差别,但仍表明有声思维作为理解策略是有用的;C组前测与后测之间的均值差异显著,不过有声思维不是促进而是妨碍了被试的阅读理解。  相似文献   

一、实验的具体方案1.将全班学生分成A、B、C三类:A类为差生、B类为中等生、C类为好学生,各约占全班人数的30%、40%、30%。不搞终身制,如果经过一段时间的阅读训练,有些学生的阅读能力相对地发生了变化,就可以调换类别。2.对三类学生的阅读量做不同要求。一学期中A类生至少应读50篇,B类生应读80篇,C类生应读110篇,上不封顶,越多越好。老师每周在统计表上记录每个学生的阅读数量,进行督促检查。3.对三类学生要求阅读的材料不同。A类阅读难度低、篇幅短、生词量少、易于理解的短文,如《英语新教材同步阅读训练》(高中一年级下)。B类阅读…  相似文献   

近年来,国外关于不同的注释方式对二语附带性词汇习得的研究越来越多。但国内研究却寥寥无几。本文对国外的相关研究做了全面回顾,并发现:复合式的注释比单一的注释对附带性词汇习得的影响更大;双码理论被用来解释这一研究结果。该结果也说明在二语教学中使用复合式的注释方式解释学生阅读文本中的生词效果会更好。  相似文献   

在目前外语阅读的研究中,互动的方式是研究的焦点。本文回顾了在外语和部分母语阅读领域的研究,并得出以下的结论:第一,动态的可视先行组织者(visual advance organizer)对全面理解文章非常有益;第二,同时采用视觉和言语的材料注释单词要优于只用言语信息注释单词;第三,词汇知识和阅读理解之间的确存在着一定的关系。这些结果启示我们在今后的教学中应将自上而下和自下而上的方式结合起来,使其在阅读中发挥更大的作用。  相似文献   

英语课程标准五级目标有关英语阅读的学习有如下要求:能根据上下文和构词法推断、理解生词的含义;能找出文章中的主题,理解故事的情节,预测故事情节的发展和可能的结局;能读懂常见体裁的阅读材料;能根据不同的阅读目的运用简单的阅读策略获取信息;课外阅读量应累计达到15万词以上等。阅读理解是中考英语的重头戏,是初中英语教学大纲的集中体现,阅读理解在中考中约占卷面总分的四分之一,所以阅读理解部分是冲刺中考英语的关键。老师们在平时训练中要求学生阅读速度为每分钟50~70词,整个阅读理解生词率不超过3%,理解正确率达到80%。  相似文献   

词汇在成功地英语阅读中占据重要地位.如何处理好阅读中困扰读者的生词是阅读理解的关键.本文从语境策略中针对性的解释和逻辑关系两方面来论述如何排除英语阅读理解中的生词障碍,提高阅读速度,增强阅读能力.  相似文献   

对于需要记忆的材料,其学习对于记忆的作用是适度好,还是过度好,乃至是多多益善?这是中小学教师必须知道的学习规律。台湾师范大学心理学者张春兴曾经以小学一年级166名学生为对象,就这个问题进行过一个实验。他把166个小学生随机分作A、B、C、D四个组。四组学生一起学习6个生词,练习5遍后,四个组  相似文献   

一般来说,阅读材料中的生词可以分为两种:一种是基本不影响对整个文章理解的生词;还有一种是影响理解文章的生词。对于第一种生词,即使不知道它的含义,但仍可以较为准确地理解文章,因此可以跳过不予理会。至于第二种生词,可以采用多种方法来推测它的意义。  相似文献   

近年来,随着素质教育的实施,教育体制的改革给英语考试制度以很大的冲击,各种各样的英语考试的命题在改革的浪潮中经历了重大的调整,其中一个重要的特征就是:阅读理解部分的比重越来越大。我们可以这样说,阅读理解水平的高低是考试成败的关键。但是就目前情况来看,大部分考生感觉比较难的部分就是阅读理解。而阅读英语材料时,影响阅读速度和理解思路的最大障碍莫过于生词了。大多数考生都有这样的经历,在做阅读理解题时,往往被一个生词搞得心慌意乱。然而,我们知道即使学富五车的英语语言大师,在阅读中也难免遇到生词。可见生词是不可避免的…  相似文献   

NMET阅读理解部分要求考生能够读懂比较熟悉的日常生活话题 方面的简短文字材料,例如公告、说明、广告,以及书报杂志中一般性话题 的短文材料。在阅读英语材料这类真实语言活动过程中,遇到生词本属正 常,但我们并不是每次遇到生词就一定要去查词典。正确理解、掌握所读 材料中单词或短语的含义是理解全文意思的基础,在阅读过程中根据选 材、背景以及上下文等线索推测生词词义也是真实语言活动中的一项重  相似文献   

This paper investigates EFL learners’ perception of prior knowledge and its roles in reading comprehension. It is based on a survey conducted among 400 EFL students studying at secondary and tertiary levels in China. Through the analysis of the ranked multiple responses to the questions posed in the questionnaire, the paper shows that EFL students in mainland China believe that their command of English vocabulary plays a crucial role in their reading comprehension. However as their linguistic knowledge increases, they tend to attach less importance to their linguistic knowledge, especially the knowledge of English syntax and formal structures. At the same time, conceptual and sociocultural knowledge seems to gain greater importance. Furthermore, the perceived importance of linguistic knowledge seems to start diminishing around the end of secondary education, when EFL students have acquired a vocabulary of about 3000 words and the basic knowledge of English syntax and formal structures. The final replacement of linguistic knowledge by conceptual or sociocultural knowledge as the top factor that affects their reading comprehension seems to take place one year after the beginning of the tertiary EFL course. This may well be considered as an indication of the EFL threshold level for EFL students in China.  相似文献   

Lee  Kathleen  Chen  Xi 《Reading and writing》2019,32(7):1657-1679

This study investigated an emergent interaction between word reading fluency and vocabulary knowledge in the prediction of reading comprehension among French immersion students in Grades 2 and 3. A group of 66 students were tested on measures of phonological awareness, rapid automatized naming, word reading accuracy, vocabulary, word reading fluency and reading comprehension in English and French at both time points. Hierarchical regression analyses were conducted to examine whether vocabulary and word reading fluency interact in predicting English and French reading comprehension. Regressions were constructed for each language and grade separately. Results showed that in Grade 2, word reading fluency and vocabulary contributed independently to reading comprehension, though an interaction between these variables was not observed in either language. By Grade 3, an interaction between these constructs emerged and was shown to predict reading comprehension in both English and French. Specifically, vocabulary was positively related to reading comprehension among students with moderate to high levels of fluency, while vocabulary did not uniquely contribute to reading comprehension among those who were less fluent. The emergence of an interaction in Grade 3 suggests that as students’ reading skills become more proficient, reading comprehension outcomes are better explained by taking into account the interaction between reading fluency and vocabulary knowledge.


Successful anaphor comprehension in reading is related to the explicitness of the antecedent–anaphor relation. It mirrors one of the purposes of textual enhancement (TE), which is that it raises learners' awareness of linguistic forms by enhancing the salience of input. Therefore, learners notice the enhanced form and discover the rule or relationship after they have become relatively explicit. This study investigates the effects of TE on second language learners' anaphor resolution performance and reading comprehension, to reveal the interaction among learners' comprehension, anaphor performance and noticing. Sixty EFL learners in Taiwan were divided into the control and TE groups. Participants' posttest responses were compared with respect to their anaphor resolution performance and their reading comprehension degree. The results showed that the TE group had better anaphor resolution performance, and participants' form processing did not impede their reading comprehension. These findings are discussed with both theoretical and pedagogical implications.  相似文献   

Reading comprehension is a multi-dimensional process that includes the reader, the text, and factors associated with the activity of reading. Most research and theories of comprehension are based primarily on research conducted with monolingual English speakers (L1). The present study was designed to investigate the cognitive and linguistic factors that have an influence on reading comprehension in English-as-a-Second-Language (ESL) speakers. The cognitive aspects of reading comprehension among L1 speakers and ESL speakers in the seventh grade were investigated. The performance of both groups was compared and the role of some relevant processes, including word reading, word reading fluency, phonological awareness, working memory, and morphological and syntactic awareness were assessed. Within this sample, three groups were examined: (1) children with poor comprehension (PC) in the absence of word reading difficulties (2) children with poor word reading and poor comprehension (poor readers, PR) (3) and children with both good word reading and comprehension abilities (good comprehenders, GC). The results demonstrated that a variety of cognitive processes, such as working memory and phonological, syntactic, and morphological awareness are important for reading comprehension and compromised in poor comprehenders. The GC group performed better than the PC group on all of the cognitive measures, indicating that comprehension depends on a variety of phonological, memory and linguistic processes and that adequate word recognition skill are important for reading comprehension. The prevalence of the ESL and L1 students was similar across the three reading groups. The ESL and L1 students demonstrated similar performance, indicating that the skills underlying reading comprehension are similar in the ESL and L1 students. This study demonstrated that ESL students are capable of developing word reading and reading comprehension skills that are as strong as those of their L1 peers.  相似文献   

To better understand dimensions of text complexity and their effect on the comprehension of adolescents, 103 high school seniors were randomly assigned to 4 groups. Each group read versions of the same 2 informational passages and answered comprehension test items targeting factual recall and inferences of causal content. Group A passages had a challenging readability level and high cohesion; Group B passages had an easier readability and low cohesion; Group C passages had a challenging readability level and low cohesion; and Group D passages had an easier readability and high cohesion. Students in Group D significantly outperformed students in Group C (g = 0.78). Although the effect sizes of comparisons among all groups ranged from g = 0.13 to 0.73, no other comparisons were statistically significant. Results indicate that adolescents’ reading comprehension is dually influenced by a text's readability and cohesion. Implications for matching readers to instructional text are discussed.  相似文献   

Orthographies vary in the support they provide for word identification based on grapheme-phoneme correspondences. If skills developed in acquisition of first-language (L1) reading transfer to reading English as a foreign language (EFL), the extent to which EFL readers' word identification shows reliance on information other than grapheme-phoneme correspondences could be expected to vary with whether their L1 orthography is a non-Roman alphabet such as Korean hangul or a nonalphabetic (morpho-syllabic) system such as Chinese characters. Another influence could be whether EFL readers have learned to read a morpho-syllabic L1 by means of an alphabetic transliteration. English text reading speeds and oral reading quality ratings of three groups of adult Asian EFL readers attending an American university were compared with those of two groups of American L1 readers: Graduate student peers and eighth-grade students. All EFL groups read more slowly than both groups of L1 readers, and their reading was more impaired when orthographic cues were disrupted by mixed case print or pseudohomophone spellings. Some of these effects were reduced in EFL readers from Hong Kong, who had earlier exposure to English. Contrary to previous findings, no effects could be attributed to type of first orthography or early exposure to alphabetic transliteration of Chinese characters, which differentiated the Taiwanese and Hong Kong groups. As a whole, the results suggest that, at least across the L1 groups studied, differences in EFL word reading are associated less with type of L1 orthography than with history of exposure to English.  相似文献   

This paper presents an effectiveness study of a computer-based English reading program, the Waterford Early Reading Program (WERP), among first and second grade students in Israel. Students who used the program were compared to a control group only receiving English as a foreign language (EFL) instruction as part of the school curriculum. First grade students who used the software during the study period experienced significantly greater gains than control group students on all four measures of reading ability. Second grade students in the treatment group experienced greater gains than control group students on the nonsense word and phoneme segmentation measures. These results indicate that adaptive English reading software has a place in an EFL education system, especially among young students with complex linguistic backgrounds. Adaptive programs like WERP may produce better EFL results than non-adaptive programs because they are able to adjust based in part on a student’s linguistic proficiency.  相似文献   

Orellana  Pelusa  Melo  Carolina  Baldwin  Paula  De Julio  Samuel  Pezoa  José 《Reading and writing》2020,33(10):2437-2458

This study examined the role of reading motivation in reading comprehension achievement of 1070 Chilean third, fourth, and fifth-grade students enrolled in public and private schools. Students were assessed in Spanish reading comprehension and were administered the Motivation to Read Profile from Gambrell, Palmer, Codling and Mazzoni (1996), at the beginning and end of the school year. Results showed that motivation to read at the beginning of the school year was significantly associated with gains in reading comprehension skills. When disaggregating motivation into self-concept and value of reading, only self-concept of reading significantly predicted gains in reading comprehension. Moderation analyses showed that students that started the year with lower reading comprehension and higher motivation to read, had significantly better reading comprehension at the end of the school year, than their peers who started with lower reading motivation. The pedagogical implications are discussed.


在分析了图式理论及各类图式与英语阅读过程及阅读能力相互关系的基础上,分别通过实例解析了在具备一定语言图式的条件下,形式图式、内容图式、预测对英语阅读理解的促进作用;并分析说明了图式连接困难、语言图式的不足将阻碍英语阅读。因此英语教学中,在帮助学生掌握语言图式基础上,填充源语言的内容图式、形式图式能促使读者提高英语阅读速度及理解能力。  相似文献   

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