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Cloud computing is a current trend that reveals the next-generation application architecture and it is estimated that by 2013 the cloud market will have reached $8.1bn. While cloud services such as webmail, Flickr and YouTube have been widely used by individuals for some time, it not until relatively recently that organisations have began to use cloud services as a tool for meeting their IT needs. This study aims to investigate how cloud computing is understood by IT professionals and the concerns that IT professionals have in regard to the adoption of cloud services. The study was carried out in Taiwan and used a survey by interview approach to understand IT professionals’ understandings and concerns about cloud computing. The findings of the study suggest that while the benefits of cloud computing such as its computational power and ability to help companies save costs are often mentioned in the literature, the primary concerns that IT managers and software engineers have are compatibility of the cloud with companies’ policy, IS development environment, and business needs; and relative advantages of adopting cloud solutions. The findings also suggest that most IT companies in Taiwan will not adopt cloud computing until the uncertainties associated with cloud computing, e.g. security and standardisation are reduced and successful business models have emerged.  相似文献   

Derided, when it emerged in 2007 as a fad, cloud computing has proved to be a viable business model for remotely delivering IT services through the Web (and other media) on a pay-as-you-go basis. The flexibility of this emerging computing service has opened many possibilities for organizations. Drug companies and medical research centers are among those organizations that are likely to benefit from this new IT service model. As well as providing massive cost-savings, cloud computing could offer these organizations the opportunity to greatly enhance the efficiency of their operations. For cloud providers, this is a new field to expand their reach. The aim of this article is to explore this new development and the potential of cloud computing in contributing to the advancement of research in life science and explain why this IT service model (despite many of its problems) could be game-changer for companies engaged in this business.  相似文献   

Reaching for the “cloud”: How SMEs can manage   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cloud computing is an emerging new computing paradigm for delivering computing services. The approach relies on a number of existing technologies e.g., the Internet, virtualization and grid computing. However, the provision of this service in a pay-as-you-go way through the popular medium of the Internet renders this computing service approach unique compared with currently available computing service modalities. This article highlights some aspects of this uniqueness and also explores some of the concerns that might be preventing some companies from adopting it. Notwithstanding these concerns, it is argued in this article that cloud computing is likely to prove commercially viable for many small and medium enterprises (SMEs) due to its flexibility and pay-as-you-go cost structure, particularly in the current climate of economic difficulties. A case study of a cloud experience by a British SME is also presented in this study in order to further highlight the perceived values of cloud computing in terms of cost and efficiency for real small enterprises.  相似文献   

Cloud computing is a new information technology (IT) paradigm that promises to revolutionize traditional IT delivery through reduced costs, greater elasticity, and ubiquitous access. On the surface, adopting cloud computing requires a firm to address many of the same concerns they face in adopting any enterprise IT. However, cloud technologies also offer new pricing and deployment strategies that are unavailable in traditional enterprise solutions. It is unclear how previous research frameworks of enterprise IT adoption relate to these new adoption strategies. To bridge this gap in the literature, our study uses the technology–organization–environment (TOE) framework of innovation diffusion theory to develop a cloud service adoption model that deals with not only adoption intention, but also pricing mechanisms and deployment models. Our research model has been empirically tested using 200 Taiwanese firms. We found that: (1) Cloud adoption is still at its initial stage, since the adoption rates are very low; (2) the perceived benefits, business concerns, and IT capability within the TOE framework are significant determinants of cloud computing adoption, while external pressure is not; (3) firms with greater IT capability tend to choose the pay-as-you-go pricing mechanism; (4) business concern is the most important factor influencing the choice of deployment model, with higher concerns leading to private deployment options.  相似文献   

With the increasing rate of adoption and growth of cloud computing services, businesses have been shifting their information technology (IT) infrastructure to the cloud. Although cloud vendors promise high availability and reliability of their cloud services, cloud-related incidents involving outages and service disruptions remain a challenge. Understanding cloud incidents and the ability to predict them would be helpful in deciding how to manage and circumvent future incidents. In this study, we propose a hybrid model that employs machine learning and time series methods to forecast cloud incidents. We evaluate the proposed model using a sample of 2261 incidents collected from two cloud providers namely, Netflix and Hulu. Unique to this study is that our model relies solely on historical data that is independent of the underlying cloud infrastructure. Results suggest that the proposed hybrid model outperforms individual forecasting models: neural network, time series and random forest. Results also reveal important temporal insights from the proposed model and highlights the practical relevance of historical data to forecast and manage cloud incidents.  相似文献   

云计算在各行业的创新应用 , 衍生出诸多新型业态和新型商业模式, 产生了巨大的 经济价值和社会价值,主要体现在: 云计算集中了信息技术资源和服务,大幅提高了 IT资源的 应用效率; 降低了应用技术门槛, 最大限度扩展用户规模; 集中整合了数据资源, 挖掘出大数 据价值潜力; 引起体制机制的变革, 以技术方式突破体制屏障; 加强了信息系统综合集成, 实 现智慧管理与服务。 云计算应用创新具有独特的价值生成机理。 首先, 云计算通过将市场交 易双方的博弈改变为无限重复动态博弈, 形成诚信自律机制, 提高了市场交易效率从而形成 增值; 其次,云计算的创新应用向资本市场展示了收益前景,以内部学习效应形成了以未来收 益弥补当前亏损的资本补偿机制 , 挖掘了知识价值; 第三, 云计算形成了新型互联网商业平 台 ,以交叉补贴机制确保长期可持续经营,创造了低成本、高收益的价值增值模式。 鉴于云计 算平台已经成为涉及公共利益、承载公共服务的信息基础设施, 建议将云设施视为信息基础 设施,纳入监管保护体系; 制定针对云计算的知识产权和个人信息保护措施,鼓励云计算创新 应用 ;开展多层次试点示范,帮助中小企业和社会大众利用云计算创新创业。  相似文献   

Today’s data is sensitive that requires privacy and security both from the cloud service providers (CSP) as well as from users in its all the form of data states: data at rest, while transferring data, enquiring data, and processing the data. Cloud computing has been applied in the health sector, national security services, banking and other business and companies that store confidential data into the cloud as we have seen in recent years. Therefore, information and data security is a crucial issue that needs to be addressed thoroughly in the cloud computing business. This research deals with the performance analysis of recent cloud data security models. This paper proposes cloud data security models based on Business Process Modeling Notations (BPMN) and simulation results can reveal performances issues related to data security as part of any organizations initiative on Business process management (BPM).  相似文献   

Cloud computing is an IT service paradigm that can, if used meaningfully, enhance traditional health IT approaches and offer major benefits to the healthcare industry. However, its adoption by healthcare organizations has been accompanied by diverse challenges that could impede its meaningful use. Decisions about its adoption should be made after serious consideration of relevant industry-specific factors. Whereas the literature has focused on cloud computing adoption in general, the industrial specificities that influence the decision to adopt cloud computing in the healthcare context have yet to be systematically addressed. We reviewed empirical studies on both information systems and medical informatics to investigate the determinant factors of the cloud computing adoption decision in healthcare organizations and the industrial specificities of those factors. Based on the results of our review, we proposed a conceptual framework of cloud computing adoption studies in healthcare and made seven recommendations for related future research. Our research contributes to the theory by providing a comprehensive list of industry-specific factors that influence cloud computing adoption decisions in healthcare and explains their specificities for the healthcare industry. For practitioners, the identified factors serve as a checklist that informs healthcare organizations’ decision making regarding cloud computing adoption.  相似文献   

This paper presents a systematic approach to develop a resilient software system which can be developed as emerging services and analytics for resiliency. While using the resiliency as a good example for enterprise cloud security, all resilient characteristics should be blended together to produce greater impacts. A framework, cloud computing adoption framework (CCAF), is presented in details. CCAF has four major types of emerging services and each one has been explained in details with regard to the individual function and how each one can be integrated. CCAF is an architectural framework that blends software resilience, service components and guidelines together and provides real case studies to produce greater impacts to the organizations adopting cloud computing and security. CCAF provides business alignments and provides agility, efficiency and integration for business competitive edge. In order to validate user requirements and system designs, a large scale survey has been conducted with detailed analysis provided for each major question. We present our discussion and conclude that the use of CCAF framework can illustrate software resilience and security improvement for enterprise security. CCAF framework itself is validated as an emerging service for enterprise cloud computing with analytics showing survey analysis.  相似文献   

云计算安全问题是限制云计算发展的主要问题,一直是IT 界研究的热点。介绍了云计算的特点和服务模式,总结了云计算的安全问题,最后根据云计算的层次架构探讨了解决各层次安全问题的安全策略,并在此基础上提出了一种云计算安全框架。  相似文献   

银行业在实现业务和数据集中处理的信息化架构后,随着业务的发展,面对数量越来越多、规模越来越大的批处理需求,如何提高计算资源的使用效率和灵活配置资源是银行信息中心不断面对的挑战。以资源和应用虚拟化为核心的云计算架构和技术正在不断发展和成熟,它可以有效地提高信息中心的资源使用,为批处理业务动态配置有效资源。针对以批处理中按照业务类型和处理流程进行资源配置的传统方法,提出了一种将业务流程进行优化分解成为可以进行独立并行处理任务的方法,可以在云计算环境下分组处理具有共同特征的计算和操作任务,实现优化资源调配。通过HadoopMapReduce并行计算架构进行模拟验证,初步实验结果表明了该方法在批处理执行效率、资源使用和灵活性方面的优势,在大量批处理业务领域(金融、证券、电子商务)具有一定的应用和研究价值。  相似文献   

Cloud or utility computing is an emerging new computing paradigm designed to deliver numerous computing services through networked media such as the Web. This approach offers several advantages to potential users such as “metered” use (i.e., pay-as-you-go) which offers scalability, online delivery of software and virtual hardware services (e.g., collaboration programmes, virtual servers, virtual storage devices) which would enable organizations to obviate the need to own, maintain and update their software and hardware infrastructures. The flexibility of this emerging computing service has opened many possibilities for organizations that did not exist before. Among those organizations are those engaged in healthcare provision. The aim of this article is to shed some light on this development and explore the potential (and future) of cloud computing in contributing to the advancement of healthcare provision. A small case study will also be presented and discussed.  相似文献   

Cloud computing is a pervasive computing paradigm that has revolutionized how computer infrastructure and services are delivered. Current research trends on cloud computing have been focused on the technology, applications, costs, benefits, and security of cloud computing at the organizational level within small and medium sized enterprises. Little research attention has been paid on adoption and usage of cloud computing at educational establishments and how contextual factors can influence diffusion and adoption of cloud computing. Universities in developing countries are faced with challenging socio-economic and political constraints that limit their ability to invest in expensive information systems to compete on the global stage. Using constructs from the diffusion of innovation theory and the technology acceptance model, this paper proposes a model that takes account of contextual, economic, and technological influences in the perception and adoption of cloud computing at universities in sub-Saharan Africa. Results from a pilot study, based on the model, through a survey of university lecturers and IS experts shows reliability and validity of the instrument and supports its usage for a more extensive study. Implications, potential contributions to research, and suggestions for future study are discussed.  相似文献   

唐国锋  李丹 《科研管理》2019,40(9):170-180
客户企业在实施SaaS云外包时,面临因效率参数不可观测所引发的云服务提供商(Cloud Service Provider,CSP)道德风险问题。针对该问题,在考虑服务投资影响效率参数分布情况下,以客户企业期望收入最大化为目标,应用委托-代理理论设计了云外包激励机制,并对合约性质及激励效果进行了分析。研究表明,激励相容性的自我实施条件由效率参数改进的边际效用、努力的边际负效用及边际产出决定;最优努力水平是效率参数的减函数;服务投资与效率参数进一步改进的条件概率间存在一定的相关关系;最优激励机制可由固定服务报酬及收益共享构成的线性合约表示。  相似文献   

For cutting down cost and improving the efficiency of enterprises, adoption of innovations in ICT especially in cloud computing applications is the need of the time in the highly competitive global environment. It has been noted that generally, the Indian MSMEs are not utilizing the CC applications for the promotion of their business activities and are not availing their benefits. Hence, in the present investigation, the critical success factors (CSFs) for cloud computing adoption (CCA) in the Indian micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) are identified through an exhaustive literature review and expert opinions. The association between the identified factors is established by employing an interpretive structural modeling methodology that is a multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) approach. Later, the MICMAC analysis is carried out for identifying the factors having high influential power. The results of the study revealed that a CSF namely ‘previous technological experience’ is the most significant factor having the highest driving power. The findings of this research are intended to guide cloud service providers, enterprise managers, and governmental bodies in formulating the strategies and policies for effective implementation of cloud computing facilities and harness the benefits of the same. This study makes a significant contribution to the knowledge base of CC adoption for future research in the subject field.  相似文献   

在全球云计算迅猛发展的背景下,与国内外先进省市相比,广西的云计算产业发展仍然是任重道远,结合广西企业在云计算产业的发展现状,分析了广西发展云计算产业面临的困难与挑战。  相似文献   

The mechanism of business analytics affordances enhancing the management of cloud computing data security is a key antecedent in improving cloud computing security. Based on information value chain theory and IT affordances theory, a research model is built to investigate the underlying mechanism of business analytics affordances enhancing the management of cloud computing data security. The model includes business analytics affordances, decision-making affordances of cloud computing data security, decision-making rationality of cloud computing data security, and the management of cloud computing data security. Simultaneously, the model considers the role of data-driven culture and IT business process integration. It is empirically tested using data collected from 316 enterprises by Partial Least Squares-based structural equation model. Without data-driven culture and IT business process integration, the results suggest that there is a process from business analytics affordances to decision-making affordances of cloud computing data security, decision-making rationality of cloud computing data security, and to the management of cloud computing data security. Moreover, Data-driven culture and IT business process integration have a positive mediation effect on the relationship between business analytics affordances and decision-making affordances of cloud computing data security. The conclusions in this study provide useful references for the enterprise to strengthen the management of cloud computing data security using business analytics.  相似文献   

Cloud computing has become the buzzword in the industry today. Though, it is not an entirely new concept but in today's digital age, it has become ubiquitous due to the proliferation of Internet, broadband, mobile devices, better bandwidth and mobility requirements for end-users (be it consumers, SMEs or enterprises). In this paper, the focus is on the perceived inclination of micro and small businesses (SMEs or SMBs) toward cloud computing and the benefits reaped by them. This paper presents five factors influencing the cloud usage by this business community, whose needs and business requirements are very different from large enterprises. Firstly, ease of use and convenience is the biggest favorable factor followed by security and privacy and then comes the cost reduction. The fourth factor reliability is ignored as SMEs do not consider cloud as reliable. Lastly but not the least, SMEs do not want to use cloud for sharing and collaboration and prefer their old conventional methods for sharing and collaborating with their stakeholders.  相似文献   

云制造平台是以新一代信息技术为支撑,为企业提供网络化制造服务的重要载体.研究服务创新的机理与路径,是提高其服务能级和服务效率的基本前提.在梳理国内外相关研究成果的基础上,以云计算技术作为外生变量,以服务概念创新、服务流程创新、服务界面创新为内生变量,构建提升云制造平台服务创新绩效的结构方程模型;通过对我国各省区市云制造平台的问卷调查,采用最大似然估计法进行统计分析.研究结果表明:云制造平台服务创新存在两条创新路径,分别是“云计算一服务概念创新—服务绩效提升”和“云计算—服务界面创新—服务绩效提升”.该成果为云制造平台的运营与发展提供理论支撑和方法借鉴.  相似文献   

This study introduces the concept of outsourcing appropriation based on adaptive structuration theory (AST) to explore how organizations attain IT-dependent organizational agility through outsourcing appropriation. It examines the mediating role of IT alignment and the moderating roles of the adoption of cloud computing and knowledge transfer. The proposed model was tested using survey data from a sample of 170 IT executives. Our results indicate that the consensus of appropriation (COA) and faithfulness of appropriation (FOA) are positively associated with IT-dependent organizational agility, and the relationships are partially mediated by IT alignment. When adoption of cloud computing is high, the positive relationship between IT alignment and IT-dependent organizational agility becomes stronger than when it is low. Interestingly, results also show that the moderating roles of the transfer of explicit knowledge and transfer of tacit knowledge in the relationship between outsourcing appropriation and IT-dependent organizational agility vary significantly. The transfer of explicit knowledge negatively moderates the relationship between COA and agility. The transfer of tacit knowledge positively moderates the relationship between FOA and agility. These findings deepen our understanding of how organizations gain IT-dependent organizational agility in the context of IT outsourcing.  相似文献   

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