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研究中国的教育平等问题,需要明确几个关键问题:公平与效率、权利平等与实质平等、机会均等与结果均等。在现阶段,在教育的不平等已经影响到社会经济协调发展的情况下,必须体现"公平优先,效率兼顾"的原则,在公平的前提下追求效率;不但要重视权利的平等,更要关注实质的不平等,以及教育的不平等对社会经济发展的影响;既要关注微观个体的机会均等,也要关注宏观上结果的不平等,重视弱势群体和弱势地区的教育补偿机制的建设。  相似文献   

略论成人教育平等   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
成人教育平等问题的核心是"成人受教育机会均等",其主要内容包括:成人入学机会均等、成人教育条件平等、成人教育效果平等、成人竞争机会均等、成人教育财政公平、成人成功机会均等六个方面。同时,本文还从成人教育课程中的平等问题、成人教育教学活动中的平等问题、成人教育评价中的平等问题三个方面对微观成人教育活动是否存在着平等加以讨论和研究。  相似文献   

教育机会均等的社会学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育机会均等是教育公平的核心,是社会公正的反映,其主要内容涵盖了入学机会均等、受教过程机会均等和受教结果机会均等三个方面。在我国现阶段,教育机会不均等现象仍在一定程度上普遍存在。通过从社会学的角度研究教育机会均等,对于推动教育的良性发展,实现人的全面发展和社会公正公平具有重要的理论意义和现实价值。  相似文献   

美国20世纪60至80年代的教育机会均等运动在教育公平理论与实践的发展史中占有重要地位.该运动显示出美国教育机会均等有四个方面的含义:机会的平等、结果的平等、能力的平等和选择的平等,反映出教育机会均等的含义是一个从简单到复杂的发展历程;实现教育机会均等的基本策略有补偿教育政策与学校选择制度两种.鉴于我国实现教育公平的现状与经济实力,现阶段实现教育公平的策略要以补偿措施为主,同时需要做出教育制度创新.  相似文献   

This article aims to explore the relations between equality of opportunity and early childhood. By referring to the work of contemporary philosophers, i.e. Rawls, Sen, Dworkin, Cohen and Roemer, we argue for different possible interpretations, based on political discussions, concerning how to operationalize equality of opportunities. We represent these diverging options on a continuum, ranging from Responsibility‐oriented Equality of Opportunity (REOp) and Circumstances‐oriented Equality of Opportunity (CEOp). We then analyse how early childhood care and education policies can be constructed in relation to these conceptualisations and argue that the CEOp is a more plausible interpretative framework to operationalize equality of opportunity in early childhood.  相似文献   

Akito Okada 《Compare》1999,29(2):171-189
This paper aims to throw light on the evolution and historical transformation of the concept of equality of opportunity as applied to educational policies in Japan from the end of World War II to the present day. It analyses the Central Council for Education's (CCE) reform proposals in the 1990s, and places them in the context of developing the concept of equality of educational opportunity in the years since 1945, when the post‐war education system was established in Japan. More specifically it addresses the following questions: What kinds of equality of educational opportunity have the central administrative bodies (Monbusho or the CCE), the political parties and teachers aimed to achieve since the war? How have they applied equality of opportunity to educational policies? What kinds of criteria are used by them to measure equality of educational opportunity? To do so, it looks in detail at the main agenda in relation to the issue of equal opportunity in the reports by the CCE on both the state of education in the 1990s, and its transformation during the five decades since the war. To trace the historical transformation of the concept of equality of educational opportunity, this article selects two major explanatory models—egalitarianism and meritocracy. Although there is widespread agreement that equality of opportunity is a requirement of a just society in Japan, there is also widespread disagreement about just what this requirement amounts to and how it is to be balanced against other requirements such as ‘meritocracy’.  相似文献   

差异机会平等是指社会成员之间的生存与发展机会的不完全相等性,存在程度上的差别。政府的各项民生政策的实施要以差异机会平等为前提,要高扬自由、平等理念,确立自致性、能力本位的价值取向;完善公平公正的体制机制,大力发展教育尤其是基础教育事业,把促进公平作为国家基本教育政策。  相似文献   

社会公平与教育机会均等   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文立足于构建和谐社会的时代背景,从理论上分析了社会公平与教育机会均等二者的应然关系,从现实中考察了社会公平的目标追求与教育机会在区域、阶层和性别上严重不均的矛盾,提出了公平与效率兼顾、层次推进的发展思路,以及采取差异策略,促进地区之间的教育机会均等;扶持弱势群体,促进阶层之间的教育机会均等;制定鼓励性政策,促进不同性别之间的教育机会均等的操作策略.  相似文献   

教育总体上具有准公共品和社会权的双重属性,其分配应遵循机会公平原则。但质量越高、层次越高的教育越强调效率。优质教育不是基本权利,而是限制性权利,其分配应遵循机会公平优先兼顾效率的原则。具体而言,义务教育阶段的公立优质教育仍应遵循机会公平原则。高中和高等教育阶段的公立优质教育应遵循机会公平优先兼顾效率原则。优质私立教育应遵循效率优先兼顾机会公平的原则。  相似文献   

机会平等才是真正的平等   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
平等历来是哲学和政治学的重要概念,也是当今时代的焦点问题。对于平等可从多个维度进行研究,从人的发展维度看,平等可分为起点平等、结果平等与机会平等三个层次。起点平等不可能,结果平等不可取,唯有机会平等才是真正的平等。构建社会主义和谐社会必须努力创造发展机会平等的社会环境。  相似文献   

美国教育机会平等问题——道德和财政上的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育机会平等是当今美国儿童最重要的权利之一,其以教育资源的合理分配为保障。受教育机会平等的第一条原则是学生所受的教育不应该受到学生的非教育相关因素的影响;其第二个原则是不论是否可能,学生受到的教育应该设计为与学生教育相关特征相适应。因此,受教育机会平等应该理解为所获教育利益的平等而非生均费用的平等。  相似文献   

The basic principle of educational equality is that each child should receive an equally good education. This sounds appealing, but is rather vague and needs substantial working out. Also, educational equality faces all the objections to equality per se, plus others specific to its subject matter. Together these have eroded confidence in the viability of equality as an educational ideal. This article argues that equality of educational opportunity is not the best way of understanding educational equality. It focuses on Brighouse and Swift's well worked out meritocratic conception and finds it irretrievably flawed; they should, instead, have pursued a radical conception they only mention. This conception is used as a starting point for developing a luck egalitarian conception, pluralistic and complex in nature. It is argued that such a conception accounts for the appeal of equality of opportunity, fits with other values in education and meets many of the objections. Thus, equality is reasserted as what morally matters most in education.  相似文献   

Recent policy changes in teacher education have had a significant impact on equality of educational opportunity for the teaching profession. Improving standards of excellence in the school system while at the same time insuring equality of opportunity has become a major concern. The policy maker interested in promoting equality of opportunity will have to balance the need for teacher quality with the notion of equity. This paper examines some of the policy changes in teacher education and focuses on how they impact the recruitment and retention of minority students.  相似文献   

量能课税原则的法哲学解释   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从量能课税的含义出发,引出形式平等和实质平等的话题,然后对平等概念进行了法哲学史上的梳理。从古往先贤的理论里认识到形式平等和实质平等的深层含义,得出量能课税原则本质上是也只可能是一种形式平等或者机会平等,但是是一种含有实质平等追求的形式平等,区别于纯粹的形式平等,也区别于实质平等。这样,就对流行的量能课税原则是对实质平等的追求的观点进行了修正。  相似文献   

教育公平主要包括教育权力平等和机会均等两个方面,高等教育公平是一个复杂的不断发展的概念,它的核心是制度或规则的公平,因而,我们在政策抉择中,应完善高等教育体制,改善高等教育过程,提高高等教育质量以及关注弱势群体,建立有效补偿机制,以实现我国高等教育公平与效率的和谐共生。  相似文献   

转型期机会平等理念与传统平均主义思想探析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
机会平等是现代意义上公正的一项重要理念和准则。它是同现代化进程和市场经济相伴而生的 ,而平均主义思想却深深地根植于中国的传统文化中 ,一直延续到今天。现阶段 ,我国正处于社会转型期 ,在机会平等方面已取得重大进展 ,但平均主义思想却严重阻碍着机会平等理念的实现  相似文献   

教育机会均等的历史演进与现实思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
教育机会均等的内涵随着社会和教育的发展而不断丰富和深化,在我国现阶段,教育机会不均现象仍在一定程度上普遍存在,为此,有必要采取一系列积极有效的应对策略和措施,努力实现教育机会均等的目标。  相似文献   

严学钧 《滁州学院学报》2010,12(1):14-16,29
依据于现代的公平原则,人们应当有发挥才能的同等机会,社会中那些令人向往的位置应当根据才德与表现分配。而能力的不平等可以通过后天培养改变,发展国民教育、提高国民素质有利于改变不平等已经得到社会的普遍认同。教育公平被视作机会平等的基础,在此基础上,应当为平等的能力提供平等的进入机会。社会的发展已经把"前途平等"推向一个突出位置,"平等进入"在机会平等的推进中具有价值的优先性。  相似文献   

优先政策与教育公平   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对于教育公平,可以从机会与结果两个层面来讨论,然而,不论是机会还是结果,都不可能达到一种完全均等的状态,因而也就有了制定优先政策以实现教育公平的必要。从个人所处的自然和社会条件两个方面的影响因素角度来看,社会应对由此所产生的不公平负起责任,通过采取一定的优先政策,来弥补个体某些先赋性的不平等以及后天社会因素而导致的结果的不平等;同时,还存在优先政策自身的公平性问题。只有既注意到不同个体自身所存在的差别,也注意到由社会因素而引起的发展起点的不同,这样的优先政策才真正有利于教育公平的实现。  相似文献   

The number of disabled students within higher education in the UK is thought to have increased significantly in recent years and is expected to increase further in the next few years. The practice of permitting disabled students to take an alternative form of assessment is commonly used as a means of providing them with an equality of opportunity. However, whilst these aims are commendable, this widely used practice raises a number of issues and is open to several criticisms. This paper examines the implications of allowing the use of alternative forms of assessment in the light of the principles by which we assess. It suggests that the use of alternative assessments is compensatory in nature and, as a result, ultimately threatens to subvert the equality of opportunity it aims to provide. The authors conclude that this widely used practice violates the principles of assessment and undermines the validity of assessment in higher education.  相似文献   

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