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《2050年高校图书馆尸检报告》引发的若干思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章通过图书馆界对Brian T.Sullivan的《2050年高校图书馆尸检报告》赞同和反对的观点的提炼和总结,运用波特五力竞争模型对图书馆所处环境进行分析,通过建模分析了影响图书馆发展的关键因素,在此基础上提出高校图书馆的战略发展模式,证实未来图书馆不会死亡,反而会更具有旺盛的生命力。  相似文献   

近年来我国高校图书馆管理研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正> 从专业期刊中论文的分布状况,能够寻出学科研究的轨迹。在对1988—90年间刊登在《大学图书馆学报》等八种高校图书馆专业期刊调查统计的基础上,通过有关高校图书馆管理论文分布状况的统计分析,从中了解到近三年来我国高校图书馆管理的研究动态。现略述如下。一、基本的研究趋势——总的认识根据对八种高校图书情报专业期刊的调查,将有关图书馆管理的论文分类统计,制成表1。从表1的统计数据可以粗略地看到近三年来,我国高校图书馆管理研究的基本状况和发展  相似文献   

2010年12月18日,湖南省高等学校图书情报工作委员会将迎来其30年华诞。回顾湖南省高校图工委30年走过的历程,曲折、艰难、而又充满激情!这是见证与实践湖南省高等学校图书馆由传统图书馆走向现代图书馆之路的30年。是图书馆人用智慧与汗水,成就了湖南省高校图书馆事业灿烂的今天。  相似文献   

河北省高等学校图书馆科学管理研究会第三届理事会第三次会议暨第四次学术研讨会于2005年6月12日至15日在文化古城保定市召开,全省44所高校图书馆馆长及会议代表共88人参加了会议。本次学术研讨会的主题有两个:一是高校图书馆新馆建筑问题探讨:二是高校图书馆管理与服务工作研究。现将会议情况纪要如下:  相似文献   

国内外高校图书馆2.0应用调查对比分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对高校图书馆网站和文献调研,对图书馆2.0相关技术在国内外高校图书馆中的应用现状和具体应用形式进行调查,将其结果分类列表,并以此为基础,将国内外高校图书馆应用图书馆2.0服务的实际情况进行了对比分析,指出其相互差异.  相似文献   

高校图书馆主动服务项目探索   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
图书馆开展主动服务的重要性已是尽人皆知,本文从图书馆"主动服务"的定义出发,根据高校图书馆服务群体的特殊性,将主动服务精神和高校图书馆基本服务项目相结合,探索出高校图书馆开展主动服务的项目,为高校图书馆开展主动服务提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

安徽省高校图工委文献资源建设专业委员会拟于2011年4月下旬召开第二届图书采购和编目工作学术研讨会。届时,我们将邀请安徽省内高校图书馆界同仁和撰写论文的采编专业人员参会,会议要求以文会友,希望大家积极撰写论文参会,共同探讨高校图书馆采编专业理论和实践问题,增进高校图书馆采编同行间的了解与交流。为此,特向广大会员和高校图书馆工作者征文。  相似文献   

传统图书馆的空间功能已无法满足发展需要,亟需转型。开展新建图书馆空间功能的调查研究,揭示其现状及特征,对高校图书馆空间的功能布局研究和新建馆舍的空间规划及功能定位具有重要现实意义。文章参考和借鉴肖珑的高校图书馆空间功能分区框架,将馆舍空间划分为9类功能区域,选取2005-2015年北京、江苏、上海三地高校新建图书馆开展调查,以揭示和厘清新建高校图书馆空间功能的现状及其特征。调研结论是:馆舍空间功能的转型已成必然趋势;在未来的图书馆空间规划中,应实现空间布局按读者需求动态优化和多中心空间服务模式;"大型购物中心模式"将成为图书馆空间规划建设的新趋势。  相似文献   

<正>各省、自治区、直辖市高校图工委:新学期开始了,为尽快收集、汇总2013年高校图书馆事实数据,请抓紧动员、督促各高校图书馆到"教育部高校图书馆事实数据库"网站(网址:http://libdata.scal.edu.cn)填报统计数据,争取于2014年5月31日之前完成填报。秘书处将汇总和发布排行榜,并为《中国图书馆事业发展报告(蓝皮书)》和《中国图书馆年鉴》撰写《2013年高校图书馆发展报告》,不能按时填报数据的图书馆,其数据将不能在蓝皮书和年鉴中得到反映。  相似文献   

从印象管理理论的视角将高校图书馆微博视为其表演的前台,使用内容分析法分析高校图书馆微博所扮演的角色形象特征,得出高校图书馆微博试图呈现的形象:优质信息服务形象、阅读文化倡导者形象、热爱校园文化形象、关注微博舆论形象、励志形象、乐于互动形象、亲切幽默形象。文章认为高校图书馆微博形象继承了高校图书馆优质信息服务形象和阅读文化倡导者形象,其他的形象对其刻板印象有所突破,并为其形象增添了新的内容。建设高校图书馆微博的良好形象,需要重新定位微博上高校图书馆与用户的关系。  相似文献   

论复合图书馆与图书馆发展趋向   总被引:124,自引:5,他引:119  
复合图书馆是一种新事物、新概念、新思路、新模式。文章主要论述建立复合图书馆是图书馆发展的必由之路;复合图书馆不是图书馆发展的过渡阶段,而是未来图书馆的新模式,它有利于图书馆事业整体的发展,纯数字图书馆时代不会出现;新建和扩展图书馆馆舍仍是不可阻挡之势;复合图书馆将实现跨越式发展,可与数字图书馆同步建设;未来社会是以复合图书馆为主体的三维结构模式。  相似文献   

21世纪图书馆的展望、预测与现实   总被引:46,自引:0,他引:46  
美国图书馆界对图书馆的未来有不少争论。有人认为图书馆为读者提供服务的各种手段将不断改变 ,但其服务宗旨将保留。有人认为数字化图书馆将完全摒弃传统图书馆的管理方式。也有人主张建立全球性的联网图书馆。参考文献 7。  相似文献   

THE PRESENT SYSTEM OF EDUCATION FOR MEDICAL LIBRARY PRACTICE IN THE UNITED STATES CONSISTS OF FOUR MAJOR COMPONENTS: graduate degree programs in library science with specialization in medical librarianship; graduate degree programs in library science with no such specialization; postgraduate internships in medical libraries; continuing education programs. Data are presented illustrating the flow of graduates along these several educational pathways into medical library practice.The relevance of these educational components to the current medical library work force is discussed with reference to manpower data compiled for Ohio. The total number of medical library personnel in Ohio in 1968 is 316. Of this total, only forty-two (approximately 14 percent) have received any formal library training. Seventy persons have only a high school education. From these figures, it is concluded that there is no standard or essential qualification which is universally accepted as educational preparation for work in medical libraries; that the comparative sophistication of the educational programs in medical librarianship has yet to be reflected widely in general medical library practice; that an increasingly large number of non-professional or ancillary personnel are being, and will continue to be, utilized in medical libraries; that large numbers of untrained persons have sole responsibility for medical libraries; and that appropriate educational programs will have to be designed specifically for this type of personnel.  相似文献   

What is the future for libraries and their librarians? In trying to give an answer to this pressing question we do not deal with utopian libraries of the next century, but with the library and the librarian of the next decade. The emphasis is on libraries within educational and research institutions, especially university libraries. We examine the changes confronting the library of the future and identify four key aspects of the library of the future. It will be (i) a gateway to information, whatever format this information comes in and wherever it is located; (ii) an expertise centre; (iii) a physical entity, not only in the sense of being a social meeting place and place of scholarly interaction, but also as a place where students and other users are provided with modern study facilities and adequate user support; and (iv) a collection centre of printed material. Such libraries can only take on an appropriate shape and will only survive if the institutions that librarians serve in meet the four criteria outlined above. We look at the demands that will be made on professional library knowledge and skills and the new job responsibilities and job attitudes required.  相似文献   


Special libraries exist in an ecosystem consisting of the information industry, the library world, their own organizations, and workforce demographics. Librarians need to be aware of the trends shaping all of these facets. This column takes a close look at Outsell's Information Industry Outlook report for 2016 and its implications for special libraries. The outlook for special libraries is neither the previously forecast Baby Boomer retirement crisis nor the dire end of special libraries many feared during the recent recession. Instead, the special library world is transforming, creating both challenges and opportunities for special librarians. Millennials entering both the workforce at large and the library workforce will make their presence known. Savvy information professionals will stay on top of these trends and find their niche, whether in a traditional physical library or in emerging careers outside the library.

Column Editor’s NoteSpecial libraries share concerns with their more general academic, public, and school counterparts, but they also have unique characteristics and concerns which merit separate consideration. Libraries of all types are evolving, and just as special libraries can learn from the general literature on libraries, practitioners in all types of libraries can learn from the experiences and best practices of special libraries. “The Specialist,” appearing in even-numbered issues of this journal, addresses the administrative concerns of special libraries. The column's scope is a broad umbrella of specialized librarianship and includes corporate, non-profit, government, and independent libraries as well as the specialized departments and branches of academic and public libraries. Contributions from practitioners and scholars on any aspect of special libraries are welcome. Interested authors are invited to contact the editor at tmurray@stamps.org for submission guidelines.  相似文献   

物竞天择,适者生存——图书馆新消亡论论辩   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对国内外新一轮关于图书馆消亡的讨论,结合笔者的微博调查,从达尔文“适者生存”的理论,阐述图书馆,特别是研究图书馆面对的挑战与应对策略。主张以理性的思维看待图书馆的生存问题,客观地认知环境的变化,直面图书馆转型变革的挑战,积极地树立自身的忧患意识,进一步增强职业的危机感,前瞻性地洞察发展趋势,能动地增强适变能力。提出必须通过确立融入数字化战略、嵌入教学科研过程、提供移动服务、创新学科服务,重新定义图书馆的发展战略,重新确立图书馆的职业特征,将知识管理与知识服务置于图书馆的核心业务,构建真正的以用户为中心的业务模式与管理机制,重构适应数字环境的新型图书馆范式。  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(93):137-149

The information age has changed libraries of all types and sizes in ways that no one could have predicted. For a rural library, though, changes have been fast and furious and have made a dramatic impact on the very nature of the library and the services the library offers. Rural libraries went from a gathering place for community activities to fully wired information centers in a matter of a few years. The article addresses what these changes mean for reference services-one of the most basic functions of a public library. While people are consuming more information than ever, will the rural library be able to keep up with this demand even with the Internet? The article explores reference services in rural public libraries, using examples from libraries in central and northern Illinois, giving consideration to the nature of reference services, how they have changed over time, and how this compares to small libraries in a metropolitan setting.  相似文献   

关于《信息网络传播权保护条例(草案)》的修改建议   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
条例草案所称之“公共图书馆”,应改为“公益性图书馆”,以便包括公共、教育和科研系统的图书馆在合理使用制度下,保证读者对馆藏文献的网上借阅需求。信息网络传播权不应偏离其立法目标,去取消图书馆馆藏作品数字化的权利。公益性图书馆信息网络传播豁免条款是有其理论依据和合理性的。  相似文献   

2003年深圳建设“图书馆之城”的设想在“文化立市”战略的指导下应运而生。文章梳理“图书馆之城”4个阶段的发展历程与主要成就,勾勒出政府、业界共同筚路蓝缕、锐意创新、建设“图书馆之城”的奋斗历程。实践表明,“图书馆之城”的深圳模式具有普惠均等的价值追求、重视行业法制化建设、图书馆界通力协作、广泛引入社会力量等重要特征;展望未来,应以打造先行示范的“图书馆之城升级版”为目标,全面建设以区馆为总馆的垂直型总分馆体系,高标准修订《深圳经济特区公共图书馆条例》,打造具有示范性的基层公共图书馆一体化服务体系,全方位推进跨区域、跨系统的资源共知共建共享,构建高质量“图书馆之城”标准化体系和技术平台。  相似文献   

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