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张洋 《文教资料》2013,(18):125-126
感觉统合训练是纠正儿童感觉统合失调的最佳办法,受到研究者、教师及家长的认可,并将其融入幼儿课程作为教育方式。本文通过理论与实践证明,感觉统合训练同样有助于改善自闭症儿童感觉统合失调,促进自闭症儿童各方面能力的提高,将感觉统合训练融入自闭症儿童游戏效果更佳,并提出感觉统合游戏的实施策略。  相似文献   

感觉统合是正常儿童的发展过程,自闭症儿童显示出许多感觉处理不良的症状,他们在接受感觉刺激、感觉调节、感觉统合等方面都存在一定的问题。有针对性的对自闭症儿童进行感觉统合训练,有利于他们的健康发展。  相似文献   

文章采用文献对比研究了DTT与PRT应用于自闭症儿童干预的异同点,进而得出DTT与PRT应用于自闭症儿童干预,不仅要加强融合发展,还需要结合感觉统合、密集训练等多种方式对儿童进行强化干预,全面提高儿童的基本能力。  相似文献   

在对一名学龄前自闭症儿童自身旋转刻板行为的干预中,运用单一被试实验法的实验设计,采用感觉统合结合运动训练的综合干预方案,进行为期11周的干预。干预后该儿童旋转的刻板行为消失,表明提高感觉统合和粗大运动功能对自闭症儿童刻板行为有明显的改善作用。  相似文献   

言语交流障碍是自闭症的典型症状。近年来,国内针对自闭症患儿言语交流障碍的干预手段主要有药物治疗、针刺治疗、结构化教育训练、行为训练、感觉统合训练、语言训练、综合训练和家庭指导等,这些策略对自闭症儿童的言语交流障碍的干预作用有效。  相似文献   

研究采用感觉统合训练、游戏、生活训练、视觉追踪等方法对一例高功能自闭症儿童进行注意力训练。经过近四个月的训练,个案的共同注意能力,注意的广度、稳定性、分配及转移能力取得较大进步,且个案自伤行为消失,刻板语言减少,语言和社会交往能力得到提高。  相似文献   

儿童整合运动训练室儿童整合运动训练室是改善和促进儿童大脑发育,提高儿童运动神经功能、身体平衡与控制功能及专注力与学习能力的有效训练方式之一。在儿童整合训练室中,脑瘫、大脑发育障碍、自闭症、多动症、上下肢障碍儿童及各种原因不明运动障碍儿童等可以在训练师的指导下开展各种游戏,进行平衡感、运动感及试听能力的多感觉统合训练。  相似文献   

佟海兰 《文教资料》2014,(28):167-168
智力障碍儿童普遍存在感觉统合能力发展不足的问题,智力落后的程度越严重,感觉统合失调也越严重,影响智力障碍儿童的学习活动及日常生活质量和个体间的人际交往。所以在智力障碍儿童教育与训练中,感觉统合训练就成为常用的干预技术之一。得到广泛应用。感觉统合训练能有效促进智力障碍儿童的智能开发和综合能力提升。  相似文献   

音乐感觉统合训练是以感觉统合为本,以促进儿童的身心各方面发展为目的,加入作为辅助性作用的功能性音乐,针对儿童感觉统合发展的专门训练。本文在对儿童身心发展与音乐感觉统合训练之间的联系进行分析后,发现多功能性的音乐感觉统合训练会在儿童的身心发展过程中发挥正面、积极的作用,可以更好地促进儿童全面发展,得出该训练方法具有重要的...  相似文献   

邵群 《现代教育》2014,(5):55-57
幼儿基本体操可以有效地提高自闭症儿童的参与能力和专注力、感知觉、模仿能力、精细和手眼口耳协调、身体协调、感觉统合能力、听力、记忆力、认知理解能力、语言和交流能力,增进自闭症儿童的情感,对改善情绪和行为问题都有很好的帮助。  相似文献   

Individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) often undergo various assessments and evaluations as part of the diagnostic process, identification and classification for special education eligibility, and continued progress monitoring for skill growth. Such evaluations may include cognitive, social and emotional, behavioral, and speech evaluations, among other skill and ability assessments. One other area for assessment that clinicians may consider examining when working on evaluations for individuals with ASD includes the integration of assessments capturing physical and sensory needs. Physical health identifiers that may be included in such evaluations cover physical exercise, sleep, diet and food sensitivities, and elimination. Additionally, sensory evaluations may consider auditory, olfactory, taste, tactile, vestibular, and proprioceptive sensory abilities and needs. This practitioner-focused chapter includes a brief review of each of the aforementioned physical and sensory abilities and their connection to ASD. Further, implications for practitioners in their assessment of ASD are explored with practical tips and recommendations for providers to use for their future assessments for ASD.  相似文献   

调查赣州市章贡区829名3-6岁幼儿感觉统合失调率及分布情况,为探讨幼儿感觉统合失调的原因提供一定的线索.方法:采用感觉统合能力发展问卷,对章贡区8所公、私立幼儿园幼儿进行问卷调查.829名3-6岁幼儿的轻度感觉统合失调率为12.69%,重度感觉统合失调率为4.08%,轻重度感觉统合失调率为16.77%.男孩和女孩感觉统合失调率分别为17.47%、15.91%.各项轻度和重度感觉统合失调率的年龄和性别分布无显著性差异.在3-6岁幼儿中感觉统合能力发展存在一定的问题,应引起幼儿园和家长的重视,最好进行早期干预,可全面促进幼儿感觉统合能力的改善.  相似文献   

在回顾感觉统合训练在自闭症康复中的作用的相关研究的基础上,以华北地区中小型自闭症教育和康复机构的5名感统训练师为个案,从教师在教学过程中占主导性的视角出发,研究该机构中感统训练师教学现状及影响其教学效果的因素,针对该机构感统训练师的发展与培养提出针对性建议。  相似文献   

多感觉学习是指同时呈现视觉、听觉、嗅觉、体感觉等不同感觉模式信息组合获得经验与知识的学习方式,较单一感觉学习模式表现出诸多优势。本文首先从神经科学的角度回顾了多感觉学习的脑基础,即多感觉整合。多感觉学习增强了不同大脑部位的激活水平,同时加强了不同脑区之间的功能联系,从而导致学习效率的提高。研究表明阅读障碍和自闭症患者的多感觉整合能力表现出明显的缺陷,因此通过多感觉学习训练可以改善患者的多感觉整合能力,从而起到较好的行为干预效果。  相似文献   

Inclusion in the general education classroom is becoming the placement of choice for many students with autism. Autism is a disorder that can impact many aspects of a child's learning experience. A child's profile along the continuum of Autism Spectrum Disorders dictates the severity of impairment in language engagement, social connectedness, sensory integration, and cognitive skills. This can often be overwhelming for teachers who are uninformed and untrained in the unique issues of autism. Teacher awareness and understanding of behaviors and perceptions unique to these disorders can facilitate the development and implementation of strategies created specifically to ease this potentially overwhelming situation for students and teachers.  相似文献   

自闭症又称孤独症,是起病于婴幼儿期的一种广泛发育障碍。患有自闭症的儿童感情淡漠,除了能够与熟悉的人进行交往外,一般不会和陌生人交往。虽然自闭症儿童与能够听懂他们语言的家长、教师在一起时,会有一定的交往行为表现,但大多数时候他们不会表现出主动性交往行为。为帮助自闭症儿童改善人际交往能力,借助多感官综合训练系统中的听、视、触觉训练,增强老师与自闭症孩子的沟通,促进学生与自闭症孩子的交流,使之不愿交流为主动表达想法。  相似文献   

Although there is ample clinical evidence supporting sensory hyper- and hypo-sensitivities in children with autism, empirical evidence is scant. Review of the available evidence indicated that there was a need for further systematic data on unusual sensory-perceptual sensitivities. A questionnaire was developed to investigate this phenomenon in 30 young children with autism and their controls across auditory, tactile, visual, gustatory, and vestibular domains. Significant differences were found between the two groups across all domains, although the limitations of this preliminary investigation need to be taken into account. The findings are interpreted within the framework of theory of mind and joint attention deficit, as well as psychodynamic hypotheses for autism. A brief argument is given as to how an ongoing experience of sensory aberrations may have an inhibitory effect on the prerequisite processes through which social interactivity, attachment, and communication skills develop. The applied implications of the findings are also discussed.  相似文献   

Young children with autism benefit from various adaptations made to an early childhood classroom. This article includes modifications for both teacher‐directed and child‐initiated activities. Adaptations are given for the classroom environment, daily schedule, sensory needs, transitions and general teaching strategies. The techniques described are especially important when working with young children with autism, but are also helpful for all young children. The information provided is gained from several years of experience working with young children with autism in schools, homes and childcare.  相似文献   

Historical research in the field of autism has suggested that judgements regarding the ability of students with autism should be made carefully, taking into consideration the person with autism's difficulty with communication, movement and performance in general. Although the historical literature has urged professionals to proceed with caution regarding judgements about ability, a haphazard understanding of people with autism as retarded prevails. This qualitative study analyses the experiences of four teachers who, within the context of the inclusive classroom, resist interpreting non-verbal students with autism as mentally retarded and seek to form a new understanding of ability. The following themes will be discussed: (1) finding situations where students demonstrate competence, (2) rethinking performance and understanding, and (3) expecting struggles.  相似文献   

The aims of the study were: to identify the number of SENCOs who have received specific training on sensory integration. To determine the understanding of the eight senses and sensory integration theory and sensory strategies. Determine any common gaps in knowledge or misconceptions. Fifty-five surveys were completed. 40% of respondents had received training on sensory processing. There was a significant chi-squared correlation between those that had received training and those that stated they did not know or made guesses about what the vestibular and proprioceptive senses are important for. There was a correlation between those that had received training and those that had good knowledge of the signs of sensory hyper-responsivity. There was no statistical significance of increased knowledge on sensory hypo-responsivity between those who had and had not received training. SENCOs who rated their school as being sensory-friendly had a greater understanding of what sensory integration is important for. Pertinently, those who rated their school as being ‘sensory-friendly’ (45.5%) were 8.5 times more likely to know sensory integration is needed for self-regulation. A number of recommendations are made including the need for greater collaboration between therapists and teachers to increase understanding of sensory integration and the impact of this on a child's education and wellbeing at school. Sensory strategy programmes are to be written with teaching staff and not given by the therapist in an ‘expert’ role. Sensory integration awareness training, including why and how to utilise sensory strategies, is to be encompassed in the SENCO national qualification.  相似文献   

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