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Mathematics teachers face a myriad of instructional obstacles. Since the early 1990s, mathematics education researchers have proposed the use of constructivist practices to counteract these ever-prevalent obstacles. While we do give credit to the choices of instructional activities the constructivist paradigm promotes, there are problems with its use as the foundation of mathematics pedagogy (e.g., Phillips, Educational Researcher 24: 5–12 1995; Simon, Journal for Research in Mathematics Education 26: 114–145 1995). In this paper, we will analyze and review the literature pertaining to the conceptual tenets and operational practices of constructivism, and the viability of these practices for meeting the professional teaching standards proposed by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM; 2000). We will then review the literature pertaining to a paradigm of teaching that may be more applicable, that of persuasive pedagogical practices, and the ways in which these practices can differentially meet the goals of the mathematics standards. The differences between constructivism and persuasive pedagogy lead us to believe that the adoption of the theory of teaching as persuasion, or persuasive pedagogy, may be more appropriate for learning mathematics and the identification and correction of misconceptions. Further, these pedagogical practices correspond with suggestions for mathematical discourse provided by NCTM (2000).  相似文献   

The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) states that “Communication is an essential part of mathematics and mathematics education” (2000, p. 60). In fact, communication is one of the five process standards emphasized by NCTM. The communication standard highlights the importance of young children communicating their mathematical thinking coherently to peers and teachers. This standard also states that young children should use math language to express mathematical ideas (Baroody, 2000; Ginsburg, Inoue, & Seo, 1999; NCTM, 2000; Rubenstein & Thompson, 2002; Whitin & Whitin, 2003). Teachers must create a link between mathematics and language (Rubenstein & Thompson, 2002; Stigler & Hiebert, 2004). This article focuses on the informal strategies used by Melissa (a kindergarten teacher) that promoted the use of math language. The strategies were identified during a 3-month observational period in her classroom at Clinton Elementary (pseudonym). Clinton Elementary is located in a low-income neighborhood of a southern city that has a population of approximately 450,000. The neighborhood population is predominantly African-American (Davis, 1994).  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to describe a two-year investigation of pre-service teachers in mathematics. Of particular interest is the degree to which the NCTM (1989) Curriculum and evaluation standards for school mathematics, the NCTM (1991) Professional standards for teaching mathematics, and other reform agendas impact pre-service teachers' thinking and practices. The beliefs, perceptions, philosophies, and classroom actions of four cohorts of student teachers (n = 44) were examined throughout this 2year study. Of particular interest were the pressure student teachers felt to implement the Standards in their teaching, their perceptions of their own teaching with respect to the Standards, the content of their lessons, and the impact of cooperating teachers on the development of the student teachers. Data was collected through a variety of sources, organized and analyzed in the spirit of ethnographic work. Data was generated through classroom observations, pre- and post-lesson conferences, lesson plans, seminar sessions, survey questionnaires, and informal conversations. A minimum of four classroom observations were made for each participant. Analysis of the data revealed general agreement among the student teachers in their regard for the Standards. Although they appeared to affirm the goals, content and recommendations contained therein, they almost uniformly suggest that they lack the tools to implement the Standards appropriately in the classroom. The consistency in the types and content of lessons observed appeared to validate this concern. An overwhelming majority of the lessons observed bore little or no resemblance to the values so highly espoused by the student teachers. Student teachers perceived notable pressure from the education program to include the Standards in their teaching practices, while feeling little pressure from cooperating teachers. They also point to cooperating teachers as the most significant influence on their teaching.  相似文献   

《从先学前班到8年级的课程焦点:追求连贯性》报告述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在美国数学课程改革过程中,学生在国际数学测试中排名下降,教师授课存在困难.为了国家教育政策的需要,美国全国数学教师理事会公布了《课程焦点》报告.该报告列出了从幼儿园到8年级每个年级具体的数学课程焦点,是美国建构主义数学课程改革回归基础的适当转向.  相似文献   

Many students have found the learning of multiplication a difficult task. Without mastering multiplication facts, a student will always resort to fundamental strategies which may be undesirable in problem-solving. Many teachers and educators agree that learning basic facts in the four operations are the fundamental steps that precede learning harder facts. Referring to the aspect of computational errors, Knifong and Holton (1975) indicated that computational errors accounted for 49% of the total errors made by 35 students who sat for the Metropolitan. Achievement Test. Suydam (1975) and NCTM (1977) stressed the importance of basic facts even though calculators and lately computers have been introduced into the school curriculum. The purpose of this study was to investigate the methodology of teaching basic facts which would alleviate the problems of teaching these facts to low achievers of Mathematics. A review of studies on thinking strategies shows that very few were carried out in learning the thinking strategies, particularly in multiplication using low achievers as the target. The success of using thinking strategies to teach multiplication number facts to most students does not imply its success in teaching all students. One of the intentions of this study is to investigate what strategies are useful in helping the low achievers in learning mathematics.  相似文献   

全美数学教师理事会(NCTM)在2000年出版发行了《学校数学教育的原则和标准》,与之前相比,此文件中“问题解决”这一过程标准,在坚持以前的一些基本观点的同时,进一步明确“问题解决不仅是学习数学的一个目标,也是学习数学的一种主要方式”;而且增加了新的目标——“使学生能够检验和反思数学问题解决的过程”。由此可见,“课程标准”的制定必然有一个继承和不断改进的过程。自我国的数学课程标准将“解决问题”作为课程目标提出以来,在课程设计和教学实践中出现了一些变化和问题。在借鉴他国经验的同时,应根据我国的国情,继承和发展我国在“解决问题”方面的各种理论和实践成果,研究出培养学生解决问题能力的课程设计方案。  相似文献   

高等数学是高职教育中一门重要的基础课。调查显示,大多数高职学生喜欢高等数学,认可高等数学特有的教育功能和价值.而且能够通过自己的努力完成作业。但是,部分同学数学基础较差,欠缺学习的主动性。因此,教师在教学中要更新观念,重视学生数学素养的培养;因势利导,进一步激发学生学习高等数学的兴趣;采取措施,加强对学生高等数学学习的指导。  相似文献   

Research on teachers’ use of social media has typically assumed that it is a) driven by a need for professional learning and b) best understood in terms of individual motivations. In this study, we use a dataset of nearly 600,000 tweets posted to one or more of 48 Regional Educational Twitter Hashtags associated with 44 U.S. states. To explore the influence of local contextual factors on hashtag- and account-level activity in these hashtags, we use an analytic approach heretofore uncommon in social media-focussed education research: generalised linear and multilevel modelling. At the hashtag level, higher numbers of teachers within a state, proportions of students receiving subsidised meals, student-to-teacher ratios, and amounts of state spending per child are associated with more activity within a regional hashtag; by contrast, more left-leaning state governments and citizenries are associated with less activity. At the account level, more experienced accounts and accounts in more right-leaning states contribute more tweets to these hashtags. These findings reinforce established understandings of Twitter as a site for teacher learning; however, they also underline the importance of acknowledging other important purposes of teachers’ Twitter use, including receiving emotional support and engaging in activism. Practitioner notes What is already known about this topic
  • Many teachers use Twitter (and other social media platforms) for professional purposes.
  • Teachers have identified professional learning—among other purposes—as motivating their use of Twitter.
  • Regional Educational Twitter Hashtags are diverse learning spaces for teachers and other education stakeholders.
What this paper adds
  • Local context and policy factors help influence teachers’ use of Twitter.
  • Teachers may turn to Twitter because of a lack of emotional or political support—not just a lack of material support or professional development opportunities.
  • Individual and idiosyncratic factors remain important in explaining teachers’ engagement with social media.
Implications for practice and/or policy
  • Informal spaces like social media may supplement formal support mechanisms for teachers.
  • Teachers’ use of social media may help administrators and policymakers identify existing gaps to be repaired in those formal support mechanisms.
  • Support for teachers should be conceived holistically and include emotional and political support.

This article describes a unique supplementary program that teaches early childhood mathematics (Pre-K to Grade 2), through a series of six problem-solving adventure stories. The mathematics concepts are taught to the children through the medium of oral storytelling sagas in an integrated approach that addresses language arts as well as early childhood mathematics competencies. Teachers and schools can select from the supplementary books in this series to enrich and address gaps in their present mathematics curriculum based on the most recent NCTM [Principles and Standards for School Mathematics, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Reston, VA, 2000] standards recommending a stronger emphasis on geometry, measurement, pre-algebra, and graphing skills.  相似文献   

基础性是基础教育的本质属性。全美数学教师理事会(NCTM)于2006年9月12日发布了《幼儿园学龄前到八年级数学课程焦点:寻求一致性》,其中列出的从幼儿园学龄前到8年级每个年级的数学焦点,充分表现出对数学教育的基础性的关注,这与我国的"数学双基"颇为相似。"他山之石,可以攻玉",借鉴与反思美国的数学课程焦点,可以促进我国数学双基的发展。  相似文献   

Social media are a group of technologies such as Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn which offer people chances to interact with one another in new ways. Teachers, like other members of society, do not all use social media. Some avoid, some experiment with and others embrace social media enthusiastically. As a means of communication available to everyone in modern society, social media is challenging teachers, as other professionals in society, to decide whether to engage with these tools and, if so, on what basis – as an individual (personally), or as a teacher (professionally). Although teachers are guided by schools and codes of practice, teachers as individuals are left to decide whether and how to explore social media for either their own or their students' learning. This paper analyses evidence from interviews with 12 teachers from England about their use of social media as to the challenges they experience in relation to using the media as professional teachers.. Teachers are in society’s spotlight in terms of examples of inappropriate use of social media but also under peer pressure to connect. This paper explores their agency in responding. The paper focuses on how teachers deal with tensions between their personal and professional use of social media. These tensions are not always perceived as negative and some teachers' accounts revealed a unity in their identities when using social media. The paper reflects on the implications of such teachers' identities in relation to the future of social media use in education.  相似文献   

Reform of mathematics education has been in focus in many countries including those in major economic transition. This paper reports a segment of a study which was conducted in Bhutan, where a reformed elementary mathematics curriculum has been recently introduced. The reformed curriculum is based on social constructivism and its design has been influenced by the USA’s National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) standards. This paper reports upon the planned teaching of a sample of elementary (primary) teachers in their implementation of the reformed curriculum. The data for this part of the investigation were aggregated from a qualitative survey of randomly selected elementary school teachers (N = 72) from 40 schools across the country. A set of 3 analytical rubrics, based on intentions embedded in the curriculum, was developed to analyse the alignment of teachers’ planned sample learning activities with the intentions of the curriculum. Our conclusions are that while the curriculum’s intentions might be meaningfully stated in the curriculum documents, implementation remains problematic because there appears to be a mis-alignment between curriculum intentions and classroom practices. For instance, teachers by not adopting evidence-based approaches recommended in the curriculum document and are continuing to deny students opportunities to achieve deep understanding in achieving national priorities. This paper also argues that the proposed analytical rubrics may be of value for Bhutanese mathematics educators and, with minor modification, educators in other contexts, as they critique planned and actual practices.  相似文献   

Teacher Work Sample Methodology has been described as an alternative means/set of procedures for assessing teacher effectiveness in producing student learning that are more authentic than traditional means of teacher certification. To investigate the degree to which the methodology aligns with state/national standards, 50 work samples produced by student teachers at Western Oregon University between fall 1991 and spring 1999 were analyzed to determine: (1) the efficiency of Teacher Work Sample Methodology in moving state and national standards, for example, the NCTM standards, into the classroom; and (2) the extent to which Teacher Work Sample Methodology promotes alignment of standards, content, instruction and assessments of instruction. The research found that a majority of the student teacher work samples demonstrated weak alignment or no alignment between stated instructional objectives and selected NCTM Curriculum and Evaluation Standards (Problem Solving, Communication, Reasoning, and Connections). However, in most of the work samples, more than half of the pre/post-assessment methods (performance, knowledge) were aligned with the instructional objectives.  相似文献   

南京晓庄学院数学系的培养目标主要为中学培养数学师资,故中学数学教学论课程及实践课程的教学大纲必须以培养适应我国当前的数学新课程标准,能运用新理念、新方法进行教学的合格师资服务。针对数学实践课具体特点,经过较全面的调查分析及广泛征求意见,形成了初等数学研究与实践课程的整合方案,经过四年多的实践,逐步得到完善。  相似文献   

The mathematics education community has been widely recognized as a leader in the standards-based reform movement. Despite the widespread interest and attention that reform documents such as the NCTM Standards have generated, what has yet to be fully understood is the impact of these types of reform documents on the preservice teacher preparation process. This paper examines the state of the standards-based reform effort in mathematics teacher education by presenting the results of a three-year study of six cohorts of secondary mathematics student teachers (n = 63). Examined in particular are the ways in which these student teachers' professed beliefs about and knowledge of the NCTM Standards contrast with their teaching practices. Possible explanations for the mismatch between belief and knowledge statements and teaching practices are examined, along with other implications for mathematics teacher preparation.  相似文献   

As part of a research project examining relationships between instructional practices and student cognitive and social outcomes in middle-school mathematics classes, external observers and students reported perceptions of teachers’ instructional practices. The extent to which students in classrooms identified by external raters as reform-oriented actually perceive instruction in ways aligned with reform principles has not been established. A 25-item observation protocol aligned with the reform practices called for in the Standards of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) was used to develop a quantitative profile of instructional practices across two lessons in each of 28 classes of 15 participating teachers. Students in each of the observed classes completed a 49-item survey of their perceptions of instructional practices. As items for both the observation protocol and Student Survey were designed to measure alignment with the same dimensions of reform practice, the convergence of these two data sets was examined as a means to confirm the observation ratings. The findings show moderately strong correlations between ratings of external observers and perceptions of sixth-grade students across three dimensions (pedagogy, tasks and mathematical interactions) of reform-oriented teacher practice in mathematics classrooms. Implications of these findings for future research are discussed. The research in this article was supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) under grant REC 0125868. The opinions expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the view of NSF. The research was also supported by the Roysters’ Fellowship to Mark Ellis from the Graduate School at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.  相似文献   

In this paper, the specific concerns for literacy and numeracy as we enter a new era are addressed through a discussion of an innovative mathematics early intervention programme, which the author and classroom teachers have developed and applied. ‘Mathematics Intervention ‘ is an innovative programme developed by three classroom teachers to identify, then assist, children in year 1 ‘at risk’ of not coping with the current mathematics curriculum. The programme incorporates assessment tools and learning activities based on recent research about children's early numerical learning. It develops the basic concepts of number upon which children build their understanding of mathematics. All three teachers participated in a professional development course, which developed skills that allow teachers to recognise which children have a problem, to identify the underlying problem and to provide appropriate activities to advance their mathematical development. The course highlights the benefits of clinical interviewing as an assessment tool and promotes various strategies that classroom teachers can use to assist the development of numerical concepts. ‘Mathematics Intervention’ is an example of a programme developed and implemented by classroom teachers using new learning processes designed to empower classroom teachers to meet the challenge of advancing all children's mathematical development.  相似文献   

数学新任教师既有一般新任教师的特征,又有数学学科带来的特点.为实现数学新任教师培训的实效性,文章在充分分析数学新任教师特点的基础上,就数学新任教师培训的目标确立、课程设置、内容选择、教师配备等进行探析.  相似文献   

For educational technology integration in content disciplines to succeed, teachers and teacher educators need clear standards delineating why, how, where, and how much educational technology they should include in their teaching. This paper examines the visions offered by current science, mathematics, and educational technology standards for educational technology integration in K-12 schools. Since national assessments exert a profound influence on what teachers and students choose to teach and learn, the vision of educational technology use supported by national assessments is also examined. The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Standards (NCTM, 2000. Principles and Standards for School Mathematics. Retrieved April 6, 2002 from http://standards.nctm.org), the National Science Education Standards (National Research Council (NRC) 1996. National Science Education Standards. Available at http://books.nap.edu/catalog/4962.html), and the National Educational Technology Standards (International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) 2000. National Educational Technology Standards for Students: Connecting Curriculum and Technology, ISTE, Eugene, Oregon) provide different visions of educational technology use in the classroom. In addition, the current technology use policies for national assessments in science and mathematics, in particular the college admission tests (ACT, SAT I and SAT II subject area tests), Advanced Placement (AP) course assessments, and the Praxis Series assessments indicate that while mathematics assessments often recommend or require the use of educational technology, few science assessments permit the use of educational technology by students. Recommendations are offered for science educators regarding teacher preparation for the technology-rich classrooms of the future.  相似文献   

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