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教师课程创生的缘起、涵义与价值   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
李小红 《教师教育研究》2005,17(4):24-28,23
“教师的课程创生”源于但又超越“课程实施的创生”。它主张作为课程主体的教师自觉地主动地变革课程的各要素以达到促进课程完善、教师成长和学生发展的目的;强调教师在整个课程运作过程中都应该充分发挥主体性和创造性;具有自觉性、批判性、全程性和持续性等特征。倡导和认可“教师的课程创生”这一命题,将使:我们的课程观念由单一封闭静止转向多元开放和动态建构;教师的课程角色由忠实执行者转向反思性建构者;课程运作的价值取向由追求技术理性转向追求实践理性和解放理性。  相似文献   

本书借鉴解释、建构和实践的思想,探讨了教师与课程的内在关系,首次明确提出“教师创生课程”的命题,并对其内涵、合理性、理论基础、历史发展、表现方式和形态、素质结构及其发展等问题进行了系统研究。作者认为,教师是课程的反思性建构者,应在整个课程运作过程中充分发挥主体性和创造性。教师的课程创生涉及四方面:目标创生强调教师应由过分注重知识掌握转向以学生主体性发展为根本价值追求;  相似文献   

课程文化创生是一个多元复杂的文化交锋过程,需要通过打破原有形态建构新的文化平衡,教师课程文化创生不是“改造”、“重塑”,而是“融合”.教师课程文化创生的现实困境有教师的文化性格、学校其他文化的限定、倡导与实践理论的差距等.建设高包容力的学校组织文化,转变教师生活方式,采取积极的激励政策让教育难题形成文化转变节点,帮助教师形成新的课程图式是教师课程文化创生的实践策略.  相似文献   

课程创生是基础教育新课程改革提出的新要求,但目前教师的课程创生仍处于自为状态,离自觉尚有距离。要使教师的课程创生从自为走向自觉,完成从应然到实然的转变,从教师的角度来说,一是需要在观念层面上准确理解课程本质,二是需要在操作层面上创造性地进行课程运作;从学校的角度来说,则需要学校积极创设并形成以探究、合作和平等对话为基本特征的课程文化。  相似文献   

只有“抗疫”课程化,教师才能教得专业,学生才能学得有效。创生取向的课程具有情境的真实性、过程的建构性、师生的主体性和成长的共进性四点特征。创生取向的课程开发的基本路径包括课程拓展、课程整合与课程新编。课程创生的过程即是学生获得成长与教师专业发展的过程。  相似文献   

“课程创生”倡导在具体的教育实践中,教师通过现有条件与环境进行符合当下需求的课程创造。作为课程实施的四种取向之一,“课程创生理论”对当代学前教育课程改革具有重大启示。以福建省福州市仓山区盖山中心幼儿园“乐·生长”课程为例,从课程目标、课程内容、课程实施、课程评价四个要素,探讨基于“课程创生”理论的“乐·生长”课程的转型,使幼儿园园本课程更加适切儿童当下发展,提升幼儿园保教质量。  相似文献   

“学前教师课程创生素养”指学前教师为发挥师幼主体地位,促进幼儿全面和谐发展,在后天的学习工作中逐渐培养起来的,依据自身知识能力特点、儿童的兴趣需要和身心发展特点、幼儿园实际情况,自觉地对整个课程运作过程进行反思批判、持续建构所必须具备的知识、意识、能力等综合性品质。  相似文献   

新课程要求教师教学要以“创生”为取向,要根据课堂变化对课前预设进行调整,能将各种“意外”化为“飘来的风景”。那么,教师如何有效地促进课程创生呢?  相似文献   

教师即课程,教师是课程的一部分,教师是课程的创造者.新课改强调教师在课程上的意识觉醒,教师不仅是知识的传授者,也是课程的组织者与创造者.教师在课程中会有意识或无意识地从自己的角度去理解和解读课程,用自己独特的经验对课程进行反思与建构,并在实际教学过程中创生出新的教育经验.课程创生是“教师即课程”观念的一个重要方面,高中数学教学的课程创生是必要的、可行的.课程创生促进教学模式的改进,促进数学教育的再创造.  相似文献   

创生课程以的提出,旨在以“创生”概念作为生长点,探讨适应当前新的课改要求。课堂教学应该是教师和学生皆能充分发挥积极性、主动性和创造性,两者协力共同创生课程的过程。  相似文献   

教师课程创生的合理性辩护   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
“教师课程创生”这一命题意在回答“教师与课程的内在关系”。文章从历史、现实和逻辑三个维度阐释了其合理性。从历史审视,美国新课程改革运动的失败给我们的启示之一就是只有教师作为主体并创造性地参与课程发展,课程改革才能成功地推进。从现实考察,教师的课程创生是我国新课改的重要理念和迫切需要。从逻辑分析,无论是为了弥补国家课程固有的局限性、适应我国教育发展不均衡性和课程实践境域性的特征,还是为了实现学生的个性化发展和促进教师自身的专业成长,都要求教师进行课程创生。  相似文献   

课程创生:中小学教师主体性的自我确证   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
课程创生是当代课程改革的重要理念。这一理念的产生是对历次课程改革效果不佳的原因深层反思的结果。该理念提出的实质是确立教师的课程主体地位。但教师课程主体地位的确立从根本上而言需要教师的课程主体意识和能力的提升。而这种主体意识和能力提升的有效途径实际上就是课程创生实践自身。  相似文献   

创生取向课程实施中教师行为不当,是指教师由于受传统课程实施观念、自身素养等因素的影响所表现出来的与创生取向课程实施理念相悖或不足的行为现象,主要有创生的载体单一、创生的过程不清、创生的方法不明三种表现形式,主要是由于创生取向课程实施理论本身"难且乏"、教师对创生取向课程实施理论认知不足造成的。可以通过研究者易化、丰富创生取向课程实施理论,教师提高对创生取向课程实施理论的认知,研究者和策动者优化创生取向课程实施理论的认知环境等进行矫正。  相似文献   

Revisiting curriculum inquiry: the role of visual representations   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Curriculum materials and knowledge about curricular purposes and structures are valuable tools that teachers often draw upon to organize instruction and facilitate student learning. Careful analysis of teachers’ curriculum implementation and the decision-making that undergirds their curriculum use is critical for fully understanding enactment. This paper compares how integrity analyses of implementation of curriculum materials and actor-oriented analysis of teachers’ curriculum use can help researchers, teacher educators, and curriculum designers interpret teachers’ decisions about what aspects of new materials to use and how to use such materials. Drawing on evidence from teacher interviews and observations, we compare two teachers’ enactments of a new elementary-level environmental biology unit. Our analyses of integrity point to differences in teachers’ adaptations with respect to their consistency with the purposes and structures of curriculum materials as construed by designers. By contrast, our actor-oriented analysis explain how the teachers’ different approaches to interpreting the goals and structures of the curriculum unit partly account for patterns in their enactment in ways that can inform refinements to materials and the design of professional development supports for teachers. In so doing, we show how implementation integrity and actor-oriented analyses offer complementary perspectives to inform curriculum research and development.  相似文献   

This research examines factors influencing elementary science teacher learning as they participate in professional development with and enactment of educative curricula in comparison with learning following limited professional development and enactment of traditional curricula. Using a randomized cluster design (125 teachers and 2,694 students in 4th—5th grades) that met the What Works Clearinghouse standards without reservations, teacher learning was conceptualized using four outcomes. Data were analyzed using standard single-level multiple regression models and possible mediation models for the teacher outcomes were considered using piecewise multiple regression and path analytic approaches. Treatment group teachers experienced greater increases in content knowledge, views of science inquiry, beliefs about reform-based teaching, and teaching self-efficacy than comparison group teachers. The findings indicate that what teachers learn from the combination of professional development and teaching with educative curriculum varies according to what their knowledge and beliefs are on entering the experience. Surprisingly, high entry-level self-efficacy was associated not only with lower learning gains for the teachers, but also for their students. Finally, teachers' space science learning and that of their students are implicated as mediators of the positive effect of the professional development and educative curriculum enactment on teacher beliefs about reform science teaching. This work refines and extends a theoretical framework of teachers' participatory relationship with curricula.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the different ways in which teachers relate their situational agency and professional assignment to the national curriculum content and curriculum dilemmas. It builds theoretically on transactional realism and empirically on analyses of interviews with teachers, exploring the nature of teacher agency during the enactment of a new Swedish curriculum reform. To uphold a dual perspective of teachers’ relation to the curriculum as both collectively and individually experienced and as both an ideal and realistic–practical relation, we term the future as ‘projective experiences’, the presence as ‘practical-evaluative experiences’ and the past ‘iterational experiences’ in relation to agency. Especially, we are interested in the ‘what’ in the curriculum – what the teachers find intriguing, important or impossible and what affects how they relate to the curriculum as part of the multidimensional structures influencing their agency. This approach reveals that the crucial issue of teacher agency is related to the policy discourse on knowledge and equity as standards and the uniformity of assessment and its pedagogical consequences.  相似文献   

This paper examines the educational implications of two curriculum initiatives in China that have produced curricular materials promoting education for sustainable development (ESD) in minority-populated ethnic autonomous areas in China. The two curriculum projects present distinctive discourses, conceptions, models, frameworks and scopes of ESD in the country. Nonetheless, there is a likelihood that the actual implementation of the curriculum initiatives, especially the enactment of the curriculum materials produced, might be thwarted due to structural and systemic educational constraints, an anthropocentric approach to sustainable development, poor teacher support and teacher training, omissions of the affective learning components in curricular contents, as well as loopholes and weaknesses in the development of the curriculum materials themselves.  相似文献   

教师课程创生不仅能缩短"自我与他者"规范和期望的角色距离,而且能改造作为"日常教学生活"直接延伸的固有"角色习性"。课程创生是实现教师角色转变和践行的重要通道,可通过实践反思提升角色自觉意识、师生互动引发角色认同、创设能使社团共构创生愿景。  相似文献   

Adapted primary literature (APL) refers to an educational genre specifically designed to enable the use of research articles for learning biology in high school. The present investigation focuses on the paedagogical content knowledge (PCK) of four high‐school biology teachers who enacted an APL‐based curriculum in biotechnology. Using a constructivist qualitative research approach, we analysed those teachers' aims and beliefs, the instructional strategies they used during the enactment of the curriculum, as well as the outcomes of the enactment as perceived by the teachers and their students, and as reflected in the class observations. Some of the teachers' strategies applied during the enactment, such as the conversational model, were specifically designed for teaching APL‐based curricula. We found that the instructional strategies applied for the adapted articles were associated with cognitive and affective engagement, active learning, inquiry thinking, and understanding of the nature of science. Suitable teacher PCK promoted learning by inquiry in addition to learning on inquiry. Students' challenges were mainly linked to the comprehension of complex, multi‐stage, biotechnological processes and methods that are abundant throughout the curriculum and required the use of previous knowledge in new contexts. A complex interaction of factors, namely teachers' PCK, the APL genre, and the biotechnology content of the curriculum, shaped the instructional strategies of the new curriculum and the outcomes of its enactment  相似文献   

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