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Depletion of the Earth’s ozone layer is one of the major environmental concerns for the new millennium having serious implications on human health, agriculture and climate. In the past decades, research by the international scientific community has been directed towards understanding the impact of human interference on the Earth’s atmosphere. The importance of ozone radiation absorption in the atmosphere and the general kinetics of the stratospheric ozone depletion mechanisms have motivated many theoretical and experimental studies on various chemical species. The distribution of ozone and other trace gases in the atmosphere is governed by the complex interaction of dynamical, chemical and radiative processes. This article concentrates on the basic concepts underlying the problems that may be faced by humankind due to reduction in the ozone layer in coming decades, and the ways in which the scientific community can contribute to predicting and remediating these effects through design of international treaties, regulations and amendments.  相似文献   

The ideas of trainee primary teachers about the ozone layer have been examined. Students were well informed about the nature and location of the ozone layer and appreciated that it screens the Earth from ultraviolet (UV) rays, although some thought that it protects the Earth from acid rain. Most identified real causes of ozone layer depletion, but many thought that radioactivity and factory and vehicle emissions cause ozone layer degradation. Almost all realised that ozone depletion might cause more skin cancers; fewer recognised other potential biological problems. Many confused ozone layer depletion with global warming. The proportions holding these ideas were similar to those of older secondary school children, suggesting that misconceptions persist to the adult population. Since these ideas were found in final year trainee teachers, there is a danger that erroneous ideas or the attitudes based on them might be perpetuated in a formal learning context.  相似文献   

This study is an attempt to contribute to the growing body of knowledge about students' conceptions and views concerning environmental and natural resource issues. Answers have been sought to the following questions: “How do Swedish students in grade 9 (15–16 years old) and grade 12 (18–19 years old) explain the greenhouse effect?”, “How do they think reduction of CO2 emission would affect society?” and “How do they explain that the depletion of the ozone layer is a problem?” The method chosen to answer these questions was to give students written tasks of the open‐ended type. Five models of the greenhouse effect appear among the answers, all more or less incomplete, but nevertheless with potential for development. The students' responses also indicate that they do not fully understand what fundamental societal changes would occur as a result of a drastic reduction in CO2 emission. On the other hand, they are rather well informed about how injurious depletion of the ozone layer is to humans. The findings are discussed, including implications for teaching. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 37: 1096–1111, 2000  相似文献   

温室气体与全球环境变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,人类正面临着许多全球环境问题,如引起全球变暖的温室气体、臭氧减少、物种严灭绝、土地荒漠化以及淡水资料短缺等,而大气中温室气体浓度的增加已引起科学家们的极大关注,N2O和CH4是两种重要的温室气体,因为它们在大气中浓度迅速增加和其在大气化学中的重要作用,因此,N2O和CH4的研究已成为温室气体的研究的热点。  相似文献   

臭氧(O3)污染在中国沿海地区愈发严重,对臭氧污染的成因和来源进行定性或定量的识别是O3污染治理的关键。目前,国内外关于臭氧污染来源解析的工作主要从观测和数值模拟两个方面展开,在臭氧及其前体物污染特征分析、臭氧生成潜势(Ozone Formation Potential,OFP)、挥发性有机化合物(VOCs)来源解析以及臭氧前体物源排放清单的编制及应用、数值模拟等几个方面归纳与总结了近年来国内外臭氧污染来源解析的工作进展,了解近年国内外臭氧污染成因与来源技术方法的研究进展,可以显著提升环境空气臭氧污染防治工作的科学性、针对性和有效性。  相似文献   

温室气体及其排放的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文对主要的温室气体及其源、汇、环境效应、减排措施进行了研究。温室气体主要指CH4、CO2、N2O、CFCs等,其中CH4、N2O和CFCs不仅是温室气体,而且在平流层中会玻坏臭氧层。自工业革命以来,大气中温室气体排放源的增加及汇的降低导致了全球气候变暖,严重地威胁着人类赖以生存的环境——地球。  相似文献   

近年来随着地球臭氧层的损耗,地球表面紫外线强度越来越强,紫外线引起皮肤损伤的概率越来越高。EGF通过参与组织的再生和修复、胚胎生长发育等生理过程,在皮肤损伤、肿瘤的侵袭和转移等疾病发生和发展过程中扮演着十分重要的角色。文章主要对EGF对紫外线引起的皮肤损伤的保护作用研究进行总结。  相似文献   

This constructivist study investigates 225 student drawings and explanations from three different schools in the midwest in the US, to identify seventh grade students' mental models of the greenhouse effect. Five distinct mental models were derived from an inductive analysis of the content of the students' drawings and explanations: Model 1, a ‘greenhouse’ for growing plants; Model 2, greenhouse gases cause ozone depletion or formation, causing the Earth to warm; Model 3, greenhouse gases, but no heating mechanism, simply gases in the atmosphere; Model 4, greenhouse gases ‘trap’ the sun's rays, heating the Earth; and Model 5, the sun's rays are ‘bounced’ or reflected back and forth between the Earth's surface and greenhouse gases, heating the Earth. Science textbooks are critiqued in light of the students' mental models and curricular and instructional implications are explored.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the changing rule of indoor ozone concentration and its influencing factors. A formula of indoor-outdoor concentration ratio (I/O ratio) was deduced based on the indoor ozone mass-balance equation. The ozone I/O ratio in different kinds of buildings was studied. Results show that I/O ratio is much related to air-exchange rate, which is well compatible with the theoretical calculation results.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a study conducted among Greek kindergarten teachers aiming to explore their conceptual frameworks on a major environmental issue of our times: the ozone layer depletion. The choice of this particular issue was premised on its novelty, complexity and abstractness which present teachers with difficulties in its teaching. A free word association task was employed to identify the associative meaning of the issue among the participant teachers. The study’s results revealed the existence of a simplistic, linear, cause-and-effect scheme in the teachers’ conceptual frameworks, the two poles of which are “solar radiation” and “its harmful results for human health”. Some of the well-known misconceptions and misunderstandings already emerged in previous research also arise in this study. Prominent among them are the deeply rooted confusion between the “ozone hole” and “greenhouse effect”, a general fusion of ideas concerning all environmental problems and an overemphasis on the harmful consequences of the ozone depletion on human health. Implications for kindergarten teacher education are also discussed.The present study is part of a research project that is co-funded by the European Social Fund and National Resources – (EPEAEK II) PYTHAGORAS II.  相似文献   

程序混乱、缺乏研讨氛围、深度不够往往构成参与式培训的障碍。究其原因,一方面在于培训者不能科学设计议题、急于求成,另一方面也是由参与式培训的要求与参与者本身的特点造成,如参与者有根深蒂固的防卫心理、中国人老成持重的性格倾向等。要克服参与式培训的障碍,首先,应科学预设参与议题,做到理论联系实际、难易适度、系统全面;其次,还要做好充分准备、积极创设参与氛围;最后,应有信心,坚持不懈地把参与进行下去,达到目标为止,即参与者思想的充分活跃与思维的充分碰撞。  相似文献   

近年来,高职教育办学规模逐渐扩大,在校生人数逐年增加。但高职学生的学习状况堪忧,其原因是高职学生学习动机缺乏和学习兴趣不强,不能把未来的生活需要转化为内在的学习动力。通过对高职学生学习动机的分析,找出高职学生学习存在的问题和障碍,对于帮助学生端正学习态度,树立学习信心,提高学习兴趣,激发学习效能,形成良好的学习氛围,具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

The explanations of thirty primary pupils for changes in matter were recorded through individual, semi-structured interviews. The analysis of data pointed to the construction of a system for classifying pupils' explanations of changes in matter. A parallel analysis of data focused on the identification and interpretation of associations between the explanatory categories resulting from the classification, and certain variables of the context, that is (a) category of change to be explained, and (b) familiarity with the system about which they were being questioned. The results of the two phases of the analysis were combined with the findings of a previous study, to produce the formation of a limited number of pupils' models concerning matter, changes in matter and their explanations. Pupils' models involve a variety of conceptions which could be attributed to the presence of a conceptual obstacle: that is the “continuous and static conception of matter.” The definition of teaching objectives in relation to obstacles (“obstacles as objectives”) can bring together pupils' conceptions with concepts to be built and consequently to contribute to the design and evaluation of constructivist teaching and appropriate material.  相似文献   

In the framework of a subject-centred socio-cultural approach, this study investigates creative collaboration and the resources for and obstacles to it in a long-term learning community of ten teacher students. The study focuses on five different learning situations over a 2-year period. The data were taken from teacher students’ evaluations and accounts (on given criteria) of their videotaped group-learning sessions, and their reports of the obstacles to creative collaboration. Using the students’ evaluations of the five videotaped group learning situations, the sessions they assessed as the least and most creative were compared, the aim being to discover the most important situation-specific contextual resources for collaborative creativity in the learning settings addressed. The findings showed that creative collaboration was manifested by the presentation of alternative views, and in most situations also by the production of new ideas. However, it was less evident that group discussion would in every session reveal contradictions or lead to the disclosure of opposing views concerning different meanings; nor would it necessarily create an elaborated understanding of the learning topic. The main obstacles to creative collaboration were related to the emotional atmosphere and power relations of the group. A comparison of the contextual conditions of the least and most creative evaluated situation illustrates that the least creative situation was characterised by participants’ disputational talk, aimed at invalidating opposing opinions. Here, the group atmosphere was emotionally charged in a negative sense, and mutual care taking was lacking. The unsafe atmosphere made group members afraid of being emotionally bruised by other members. The most creative situation was characterised by complementarity in participants’ talk and by inclusive utilisation of each other's views. The shared history of the group was an extremely important resource for group dialogue, allowing alternative future scenarios to be constructed reflectively. The emotional scaffolding between students was rich, and the tutor's resources were utilised. Results are discussed in terms of complementarity, emotions and power relations.  相似文献   

目前我国高等教育事业发展遇到了一些障碍,如缺乏一个自由公平的外部竞争环境和独立、自主、自由的内部学术氛围,其主要原因是高校内外部权力结构的失衡。从管理学视角分析,我国高等教育事业在发展过程中,存在着政府与高校管理上的错位,致使高校缺乏改革发展的外部压力;同时,在高校内部存在着行政权力与学术权力失衡现象,致使高校缺乏改革发展的内在动力。要解决这一问题必须重构高校治理结构,建立现代大学制度,使高校权力结构得到有效协调。  相似文献   

Climate change is one of the most serious global environmental problems and for that reason there has been lately a great interest in educating pupils, the future citizens, about it. Previous research has shown that pupils of all ages and teachers hold many misconceptions and misunderstandings concerning this issue. This paper reports on research concerning student teachers' perceptions about aspects of climate change as well as about greenhouse effect and ozone layer depletion. The aim of this research is to take findings into account for teaching student teachers about these issues. An open-ended questionnaire was used in order to gain a more comprehensive understanding of their thought. From their answers it appeared that these students believe that climate change is under way and base their beliefs on their own experience. They are unaware of the proper actions to be taken for slowing down the climate change, they also hold the misconception that ozone depletion, acid rain, and pollution in general are conducive to climate change. They confuse greenhouse effect with ozone depletion as far as the mechanisms through which they occur is concerned and the causal compounds. By taking into account these research findings the possible implications for teaching are discussed and some suggestions for more effective teaching are made.  相似文献   

汽车空调用的CFC工质对臭氧层有破坏作用,因此对CFC工质的替代势在必行.HFC134 a和HFC407 c工质因其不损害臭氧层,并且在生产技术经济方面都是可行的,正在汽车空调中推广.  相似文献   

以实验室制备的羟基氧化铁(FeOOH)为催化剂催化臭氧氧化处理苯胺废水,对比催化臭氧氧化与单独臭氧降解苯胺的效率,实验结果表明,FeOOH催化臭氧氧化能加快对苯胺的降解速率,并且矿化程度高.说明FeOOH对臭氧氧化水中的苯胺具有明显的催化作用.探讨了氧气的进气流量、苯胺的初始浓度、水溶液的pH、催化剂的投加量等因素对催化氧化苯胺的影响.研究表明:氧气的进气流量为30L/h、初始浓度300mg/L时、pH值7.3、催化剂的投加量为2g/L、反应15min后,苯胺的去除率可达98.2%,COD的去除率可达70%.在催化体系中加入自由基捕获剂叔丁醇后,催化臭氧氧化反应明显受到抑制,间接证明了FeOOH催化臭氧氧化苯胺遵循自由基反应机理.  相似文献   

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