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胸上持铃深蹲起(简称前蹲起),是举重项目挺举技术的一个重要环节,也是举重专项训练的一个主要内容。举重运动员腿部力量的大小,直接影响专项成绩的提高,而合理的前深蹲动作对腿力的均衡发展又有着一定影响。本文目的旨在通过遥测肌电图与三维测力平台测力参数,分析不同站距、不同蹲起动作对下肢肌肉工作的影响,为合理前蹲起技术以及预防膝损伤提供客观依据。研究方 法  相似文献   

前言 举重运动员腿部力量训练主要是发展股四头肌和臀大肌,因为只有提高这两大肌肉力量,才能提高运动员的蹲起能力,在做下蹲抓、下蹲翻时才能站起来,举重运动员腿部力量大小与举重运动员专项成绩密切相关,举重运动员必须要有强大的腿  相似文献   

为了解女子举重运动员冬训期生化指标变化特点和身体机能状况,监测了湖北省女子举重运动员冬训期间的部分生化指标.结果显示:我省女举运动员的生化指标随运动训练负荷和训练强度呈现不同的变化,冬训监控机能评定的结果是女举运动员的身体机能处在较好状态,机体抗疲劳的能力较强.  相似文献   

后深蹲振动刺激训练对女子举重运动员后深蹲力量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用振动台将10名16—18岁女子举重运动员,随机分成实验组Ⅰ与实验组Ⅱ,对两者分别进行后深蹲振动刺激训练与传统后深蹲力量训练的实验观察,结果表明,通过8周训练,实验组Ⅱ比实验组Ⅰ后深蹲力量明显提高。  相似文献   

交变负荷训练法对肌肉力量训练效果影响的实验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:采用自制振动台为干预手段,对下肢肌肉进行力量交变负荷力量训练,研究交变负荷力量训练对肌肉力量增长效果的影响。方法:将上海体育学院体育教育专业男子跳远运动员10名,随机分为“交变负荷训练组”和“传统力量训练组”,两组共接受8周训练,每周3次,实验前后一周内利用测力台和B iodex对原地纵跳能力和下肢三大关节屈伸肌肌群的一般、快速力量和缓冲力等指标进行测定。结果:振动刺激训练能够有效地提高受试者的原地纵跳能力,下肢三大关节屈伸肌肌群的一般、快速力量和缓冲能力,组间比较具有显著性差异。结论:交变负荷力量训练法能有效地提高肌肉力量训练的效果。  相似文献   

运动训练的效果是建立在适宜运动量的基础上,运动量太小,机体的反应就小,机能状况也就得不到更大的改善;反之运动量太大,超过了运动员的负荷,则会造成运动员过度疲劳。本文在女子举重运动员力量训练中采用“最高负荷六次”训练法,从根本上提高了女子举重运动员的力量。  相似文献   

为了探求优秀少年女子举重运动员身体形态、身体素质的选材模型。以多次夺得奥运轻量级举重冠军属地的福建省在训的23名健将级和一级少年轻量级女子举重运动员为研究对象,通过文献资料法、专家筛选法、主成分因子分析法,探寻举重选材的指标模型,进而探求选材模型。结果表明:体型因子为髂宽指数,充实度因子为克托莱指数,围度因子为上臂松紧差,上肢力量因子为左握力,腿部爆发力因子为纵跳,专项素质因子为前蹲。因此,在对主成分因子处理的基础上,构建了选材的均值模型和权重模型,其中一级指标形态与素质的权重为0.48、0.52,构建了身体形态、身体素质单项和综合评分标准的选材模型。  相似文献   

如何安排少年女子举重运动员的赛前训练   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赛前训练的好与坏,训练安排是否得当,将直接决定比赛的结果,运动员的赛前训练,要在思想上、体能上、专项技术上和心理方面作好比赛的准备,培养良好的竞技状态和能力,力争在比赛时最大限度地调动身体的各部位肌肉力量,尽可能有效的发挥出更为理想的成绩。少年女子举重运动员赛前训练及安排尤为重要,因为少年女子举重运动员的肌肉能力相对薄弱;专项技术不够成熟;身体机能变化较大;心理因素不稳定等特点。根据自己多年对女子运动员的训练情况,对赛前训练及安排提出自己的观点和看法,供大家探讨。1确定赛前的训练时间,要因人而异,要考虑运动员的…  相似文献   

<正> 举重运动员用力的特点是要求运动员在最短的时间内发挥最大的肌肉力量。因此在全面提高素质训练的基础上,必须突出发展举重专项素质——腿部力量。 笔者就训练本校课余举重队初学队员的训练和研究的体会,谈谈举重运动员腿部力量强化训练法。  相似文献   

介绍速滑运动员不同年龄阶段力量的训练方法   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
为了有效地发展青少年速滑运动员的力量素质,可采用杠铃练习,如:推举、半蹲、深蹲以及蹲跳等,通过不断增加机体的负荷量,发展上肢、肩带、躯干及下肢肌群力量。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the effects of 7 weeks of high- and low-velocity resistance training on strength and sprint running performance in nine male elite junior sprint runners (age 19.0 - 1.4 years, best 100 m times 10.89 - 0.21 s; mean - s ). The athletes continued their sprint training throughout the study, but their resistance training programme was replaced by one in which the movement velocities of hip extension and flexion, knee extension and flexion and squat exercises varied according to the loads lifted (i.e. 30-50% and 70-90% of 1-RM in the high- and low-velocity training groups, respectively). There were no between-group differences in hip flexion or extension torque produced at 1.05, 4.74 or 8.42 rad·s -1 , 20 m acceleration or 20 m 'flying' running times, or 1-RM squat lift strength either before or after training. This was despite significant improvements in 20 m acceleration time ( P ? 0.01), squat strength ( P ? 0.05), isokinetic hip flexion torque at 4.74 rad·s -1 and hip extension torque at 1.05 and 4.74 rad·s -1 for the athletes as a whole over the training period. Although velocity-specific strength adaptations have been shown to occur rapidly in untrained and non-concurrently training individuals, the present results suggest a lack of velocity-specific performance changes in elite concurrently training sprint runners performing a combination of traditional and semi-specific resistance training exercises.  相似文献   

采用等速测试和平衡测试方法,对我国优秀自由式滑雪空中技巧女子运动员的髋关节、膝关节屈肌力和伸肌力以及4种站姿下的静态平衡能力特征进行研究。结果表明髋关节右侧屈伸肌力、屈伸肌力比、平均功率值稍大于左侧屈肌力量,膝关节伸肌左、右侧单位体重峰力矩和左、右侧平均功率4个指标数值均大于屈肌,在60°/s(慢速)和240°/s(快速)不同的测试速度下,单位体重屈伸峰力矩、屈伸平均功率、屈伸肌力、平均功率随着测试速度的增加出现了显著性差异;正常双脚站立的平衡性大于单脚站立的平衡性。建议合理控制体重及均衡的训练肌肉力量,在适度提高运动速度的情况下,加强下肢伸肌力量的训练,为运动员进行针对性的力量训练、训练后肌肉效果的评价、运动员选材提供科学依据及有价值的理论参考。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the effects of 7 weeks of high- and low-velocity resistance training on strength and sprint running performance in nine male elite junior sprint runners (age 19.0+/-1.4 years, best 100 m times 10.89+/-0.21 s; mean +/- s). The athletes continued their sprint training throughout the study, but their resistance training programme was replaced by one in which the movement velocities of hip extension and flexion, knee extension and flexion and squat exercises varied according to the loads lifted (i.e. 30-50% and 70-90% of 1-RM in the high- and low-velocity training groups, respectively). There were no between-group differences in hip flexion or extension torque produced at 1.05, 4.74 or 8.42 rad x s(-1), 20 m acceleration or 20 m 'flying' running times, or 1-RM squat lift strength either before or after training. This was despite significant improvements in 20 m acceleration time (P < 0.01), squat strength (P < 0.05), isokinetic hip flexion torque at 4.74 rad x s(-1) and hip extension torque at 1.05 and 4.74 rad x s(-1) for the athletes as a whole over the training period. Although velocity-specific strength adaptations have been shown to occur rapidly in untrained and nonconcurrently training individuals, the present results suggest a lack of velocity-specific performance changes in elite concurrently training sprint runners performing a combination of traditional and semi-specific resistance training exercises.  相似文献   

目的:通过对湖南师范大学9名北狮运动员双侧膝关节屈伸肌群进行等速测试,为揭示该项运动膝关节肌群收缩的生物力学特性提供实验依据。方法:采用BIODEX SYSTEM 3等速测试系统对湖南师范大学北狮运动员膝关节屈伸肌群进行等速测试,测试指标为峰力矩、相对峰力矩、屈伸肌峰力矩比、平均功率及做功疲劳度。结果:1)北狮运动员双侧膝关节屈伸肌峰力矩和相对峰力矩随测试速度的增加呈递减趋势;2)狮头狮尾屈伸肌群峰力矩比值和做功疲劳度无显著性差异;3)狮头狮尾左右膝关节同一肌群峰力矩无显著性差异。结论:舞狮运动员膝关节肌群峰力矩变化随测试速度的增加而减少,平均功率呈现随运动速度的增加而增加,到达一定速度后随速度的增加而减少的特征。  相似文献   

为了解我国高水平女子散打运动员不同赛前时期膝关节屈伸肌等动力量的水平与特征,选择上海体育学院女子散打运动员19名作为研究对象,选取整个赛前集训中一个周期的训练作为训练周期,按经典分期理论进行训练分期。等速肌力的测试采用CONTREX等动测试系统,以向心和离心60°/s的恒定角速度下进行右膝关节测试,同时测试0.2s快速屈伸时的最大伸肌力矩。研究结果:优秀女子散打运动员屈肌相对峰力矩值是(1.13±0.15)Nm/kg,伸肌相对峰力矩值为(2.11±0.33)Nm/kg,屈伸肌力矩比值是(53.0±4.0)%,比赛期达到最高值。健将级女子散打运动员的0.2s最大相对屈肌力矩为(1.053±0.207)Nm/kg,伸肌相对最大力矩健将级为(1.795±0.295)Nm/kg。结论:运动员水平越高,膝关节屈肌力量越高,屈伸肌力矩比值越大,不同赛期屈肌力量不同,比赛期达到最高。  相似文献   

An analytical biomechanical model was developed to establish the relevant properties of the Smith squat exercise, and the main differences from the free barbell squat. The Smith squat may be largely patterned to modulate the distributions of muscle activities and joint loadings. For a given value of the included knee angle (θ(knee)), bending the trunk forward, moving the feet forward in front of the knees, and displacing the weight distribution towards the forefoot emphasizes hip and lumbosacral torques, while also reducing knee torque and compressive tibiofemoral and patellofemoral forces (and vice versa). The tibiofemoral shear force φ(t) displays more complex trends that strongly depend on θ(knee). Notably, for 180° ≥ θ(knee) ≥ 130°, φ(t) and cruciate ligament strain forces can be suppressed by selecting proper pairs of ankle and hip angles. Loading of the posterior cruciate ligament increases (decreases) in the range 180° ≥ θ(knee) ≥ 150° (θ(knee) ≤ 130°) with knee extension, bending the trunk forward, and moving the feet forward in front of the knees. In the range 150° > θ(knee) > 130°, the behaviour changes depending on the foot weight distribution. The conditions for the development of anterior cruciate ligament strain forces are explained. This work enables careful use of the Smith squat in strengthening and rehabilitation programmes.  相似文献   


The barbell back squat is commonly used by athletes participating in resistance training. The barbell squat is typically performed using standard athletic shoes, or specially designed weightlifting footwear, although there are now a large number of athletes who prefer to squat barefoot or in barefoot-inspired footwear. This study aimed to determine how these footwear influence 3-D kinematics and muscle activation potentials during the barbell back squat. Fourteen experienced male participants completed squats at 70% 1 rep max in each footwear condition. 3-D kinematics from the torso, hip, knee and ankle were measured using an eight-camera motion analysis system. In addition, electromyographical (EMG) measurements were obtained from the rectus femoris, tibialis anterior, gastrocnemius, erector spinae and biceps femoris muscles. EMG parameters and joint kinematics were compared between footwear using repeated-measures analyses of variance. Participants were also asked to subjectively rate which footwear they preferred when performing their squat lifts; this was examined a chi-squared test. The kinematic analysis indicated that, in comparison to barefoot the running shoe was associated with increased squat depth, knee flexion and rectus femoris activation. The chi-squared test was significant and showed that participants preferred to squat barefoot. This study supports anecdotal evidence of athletes who prefer to train barefoot or in barefoot-inspired footwear although no biomechanical evidence was found to support this notion.  相似文献   

女子抓举技术动作肌电信号的时序分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
孙砺  张兆华 《湖北体育科技》2006,25(1):31-32,34
针对江苏省女子举重队的现役队员,运用肌电测试仪对抓举的技术动作进行分析.研究选取8块在抓举过程中具有代表性的浅层骨骼肌做同步肌电测量.运用相关软件得出8名运动员在3个不同重量的抓举全过程中8块骨骼肌活动的先后顺序(时序).运用相关统计学软件对其中的任意两块骨骼肌的发力时间进行比较,从而得出改进技术动作的方法的理论依据.  相似文献   

An analysis system for barbell weightlifting exercises is proposed to record reliable performance and neuromuscular responses. The system consists of surface electromyography (sEMG) synchronized with electrogoniometry and a barbell position transducer. The purpose of this study was to establish the reliability of the three components of the system. Nine males (age 28.9 ± 4.8 years, mass 85.7 ± 15.1 kg) performed squat exercise at three loads on three separate trial days. A data acquisition and software system processed maximal knee angle (flexion), mean power for the concentric phase of squat exercise, and normalized root mean square of the vastus lateralis. Inter-trial coefficients of variation for each variable were calculated as 5.3%, 7.8%, and 7.5% respectively. In addition, knee joint motion and barbell displacement were significantly related to each other (bar displacement (m) = 1.39-0.0057 × knee angle (degress), with goodness-of-fit value, r2 = 0.817), suggesting knee goniometry alone can represent the kinematics of a multi-joint squat exercise. The proven reliability of the three components of this system allows for real-time monitoring of resistance exercise using the preferred training methods of athletes, which could be valuable in the understanding of the neuromuscular response of elite strength training methods.  相似文献   

举重发力动作的运动生物力学分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过测量和计算不同髋关节角度下举重发力动作的外负荷值、肌力值,发现外负荷和肌力随髋关节角度增加而增加.在180°时,外负荷值最大,运动员克服的外阻力最多。  相似文献   

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