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英才教育研究中,对超常儿童的理解和界定,不仅涉及最基本的理论问题,也直接影响到超常儿童甄别选拔、教育安置、培养目标、教学方案等一系列实践环节.加涅等西方学者强调"天才"与"专才"的区别,表明了英才教育理论的一种发展趋势.本文梳理分析了有关"天才"与"专才"理念的内涵和演变趋势,以为英才教育的实施提供理论参考.  相似文献   

高级创新人才的质量决定中国在未来社会发展中的坐标位置,超常教育成为国家精英教育的载体.人们对超常儿童的认识经历了神童--超常儿童--资优儿童等发展过程,跨越了神童教育--天才教育--资优教育阶段;以陶行知和沈亦珍为代表的先驱者从整合儒家精英教育和西方民主教育理念角度,尝试构建富有中国特色的现代超常教育理论.伴随新中国改革开放三十年的巨大成就--初步形成中国现代超常教育体系.但亦存在超常教育资源匮乏、教育立法等问题.据此,必须树立正确的超常儿章成才观,重视人才富矿,为超常儿童提供适合其身心特征的个别化教育服务;并给予政策支持和法律保障;扩大超常教育范围,促进城乡超常教育一体化,大力推进双超常教育新理念.  相似文献   

资赋优异教育又称为“超常教育”“英才教育”“优才教育”。近年来,传统的单一类型资赋优异观念已逐渐为多元才能的理念所取代。所谓资赋优异,不但指智力优异,还包括学术性向、创造力、实用能力、整合能力、人事智能、领导才能、艺术才能及其他特殊才能的卓越。资优教育是一种适性教育,强调尊重学生的个性,其课程与教学必须多元而弹性;同时,必须重视学校与社区的环境因素,从生态心理学的角度发展资优教育。为使资优儿童和青少年有机会充分发展其潜能,未来应从基本观念、方案规划、教师增能、亲职效能、研究发展方面寻求改进或突破。  相似文献   

题为“资优”(超常)教育与创新人才的培养”的上海市教育学会第五次“教育论坛”于1998年9月19日在市西中学举行。这次论坛围绕上海市教育科学研究院特殊教育研究中心的主题报告《开发资优潜能、培养创新人才》对我国二十年来的资优(超常)教育作了回顾,并对未来上海市培养创新人才的措施作了讨论。  相似文献   

超常教育亦称天才教育、资优教育,是针对超常学生的独特优势,突破传统教育体制而进行的一种特殊教育实验。超常儿童的智能发展明显超出同年龄一般儿童的发展水平,他们记忆力强、学习反应快、抽象思维及语言表达力佳、富有好奇心与想象力、偏好复杂而具挑战性的作业,有强烈的民主和自主意识,敢于挑战权威。  相似文献   

超常教育亦称天才教育、资优教育,是针对超常学生的独特优势,突破传统教育体制而进行的一种特殊教育实验.我校经过22年的实践探索,已基本形成了超常学生的选拔及具体教育模式,但在"如何促使超常学生的个性潜能得到最大限度的发展"的探索过程中,一个突出的问题摆到了我们面前:什么样的教师最适合超常教育?  相似文献   

美国于1868年制定了“天才儿童教育计划”,1901年建立第一所“天才儿童学校”,实施英才教育已有100多年历史,积累了不少经验:一是要有培养拔尖人才的危机感和紧迫感;二是要破除思想观念上的障碍;三是政府重视,加强立法;四是高度关注5%优秀学生的选拔和培养;五是有完善的选拔和培养体系。美国之所以成为世界头号经济强国、科技强国,与其英才教育密不可分。我国基础教育在“以人为本,立足全体”“大面积丰收”上,取得了很大成绩,但忽视了对5%优秀学生的选拔和培养、忽视了英才教育,是一大缺憾和失误。中国基础教育应打破在英才教育方面的沉闷,理直气壮地对“超常”儿童、天才学生实施英才教育;充分发挥我国制度优势,既要关注全体学生的全面发展,实现“大面积丰收”,更要立足5%优质学生的早期选拔与培养,为建设社会主义现代化强国培养大批创新人才、杰出人才、领军人才。  相似文献   

超常教育亦称天才教育、资优教育,是指智商超过常态的特殊儿童少年的教育。自1978年中国科技大学首先创办少年班以来,我国超常教育经历了一个艰难曲折的发展过程,这里有成功的经验,也有深刻的教训。当人类即将进入21世纪,如何迎接信息时代高科技的挑战,培养高素质创新人才,是世界各国要研究和解决的一个重大课题。  相似文献   

超常教育是针对智商超常儿童,采取适合他们个性的一种特殊教育.亦称为"优才教育"或"天才教育".它并不是仅仅通过缩短学制、加快速度、提高难度来使超常儿童达到较高的学业水平,为国家培养高素质的英才才是它最终的使命.  相似文献   

资优儿童(天才儿童)是指资赋优异与有特殊才能的儿,童。本文介绍了天才儿童的主流鉴定方法和当前欧美资优教育的现状。本文还着重阐述了香港特别行政区的资优教育政策,并对大陆的资优教育提出了一些建议,同时提供了可供资优生和普通生共同学习的课程设计以便教师参考。  相似文献   

美国国家英才研究中心(NRC)是美国目前最大、最有影响力的英才教育研究机构。本文通过美国国家英才研究中心及其近年最具代表性研究成果的介绍与考察,旨在使读者对美国目前英才教育及研究现状有一个总体的了解,并为我国的教育工作者提供参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

美国英才教育中的选拔机制:能力要求与方法选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
英才的选拔是英才教育的起点和重点,美国在英才教育选拔方面积累了宝贵的经验。在能力要求上,联邦政策聚焦于智力水平、创新能力、艺术领域、领导能力以及特定学科领域。在此基础上,州政府对英才的能力要求已形成较大共识,但具体关注仍存在差异;在方法选择上,州政府开发并综合运用推选、标准化测验和其他非正式方法。美国的经验对我国英才教育选拔机制的形成与完善具有很强的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

超常儿童健康成长的主客观条件   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
通过整理和总结 2 0年来对 14 0余名超常儿童进行的追踪研究 ,概括出了超常儿童成长过程的五种不同的类型 ;分析了造成不同类型的原因 ;讨论了超常儿童健康成长的主客观条件 ,以及两者的相互作用 ;并提出了对教育的建议。  相似文献   

要素主义的天才教育观及其启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
要素主义特别重视天才教育 ,在天才儿童的鉴别 ,培养及目标等方面提出了独特的见解。天才教育经过半个世纪的发展有了很大进步 ,表现为天才的定义、鉴别更全面科学 ,培养过程更注重个体差别。我国天才儿童教育还存在一些不足 ,应该更加重视对天才儿童的研究和培养。  相似文献   

One of the principle reasons responsible for the fact that nurturing the gifted and talented in Germany has (once again) advanced to a pedagogic concern in the 1990’s lies in the dichotomy of equality and excellence. Are these two pedagogic goals actually incompatible, as often maintained in open discussions? After a long period of oscillation between these two poles, in the age of information a new emphasis has increasingly been placed on excellence. “It becomes more and more important for bright students to be using their abilities to stimulate this new era with economic and political productivity. But this will not happen if the current ‘laissez faire’ approach to gifted students continues into the next decade”(Gallagher, 2000, p. 691). Following a short definition of giftedness and related conceptions, arguments for gifted education stemming from the areas of learning psychology and instructional psychology will be discussed. The central problems concerning identification and programming will then be addressed in greater detail. Hypotheses will be developed, on the basis of the ATI model that gifted students need creative, stimulating learning environments. Various approaches will be presented here and discussed in the context of TIMSS and PISA. The second part of the article will deal with guidance and counseling issues with respect to the special needs of gifted children and adolescents and their social contact persons (peers, parents, teachers). In conclusion, German program evaluation, studies in the fields of gifted education, counseling and nurturing giftedness and talent will be presented. The outcomes of these studies and their consequences for improvements for the quality of gifted and talented education and counseling in Germany will be discussed. Excellence is one of the most important educational-psychological challenges of the new century.  相似文献   

Efforts by schools to cater more adequately for highly able students necessitate a shared understanding regarding the gifted and talented. This research aims to ascertain the qualitatively different ways in which teachers identify and describe gifted and talented children. It examines the variety of conceptions of giftedness held by teachers and analyses the patterns and inconsistencies among them. Initial findings of the study, conducted with 16 early childhood teachers (two male and 14 female), are reported. A qualitative phenomenographic research design was adopted because of its focus on revealing individual understandings (conceptions). These results show that teachers understand giftedness as a series of conceptions, namely excellence, potential, rarity, behaviour, innate ability, motivation and asynchrony. These are discussed with reference to existing theories and pertinent research. Results represent the initial findings of an ongoing major research project.  相似文献   

Over a decade ago the UK government launched its gifted and talented education policy in England, yet there has been very little published research which considers how schools and teachers are interpreting and implementing the policy. By seeking the views of the gifted and talented co‐ordinators (For ease of reference, the term gifted and talented (G&T) co‐ordinator is used throughout the paper as a generic shorthand for the research participants who were either designated school gifted and talented co‐ordinators or teachers or head teachers with responsibility for policy implementation) with responsibility for addressing the requirements of the policy, the study reported in this paper explored how primary schools in England responded to the policy. Drawing on data gathered using questionnaires with a national sample of primary schools as well as follow‐up in‐depth interviews with a sample of G&T co‐ordinators, the authors report their findings. The study found that there was considerable unease about the concept of identifying and ‘labelling’ a group of pupils as ‘gifted and talented’. G&T co‐ordinators found it difficult to interpret the policy requirements and were responding pragmatically to what they considered to be required by the government. Curriculum provision for the selected group of gifted and talented pupils was patchy. The paper concludes by identifying a need for further professional development for teachers and by challenging the policy's over‐emphasis on identifying and labelling gifted and talented pupils. We posit whether the gifted and talented education policy would have been better introduced and enjoyed greater success by leaving the identification of pupils to one side and by placing greater emphasis on developing effective learning and teaching strategies instead.  相似文献   

What recent research has been conducted about gifted and talented students and their learning experiences in school? As we complete the first decade of the new century we are entering a time when much attention is focused on remediation and test preparation; it only seems appropriate to reflect upon what has been learned about gifted education during the last few decades and consider the compelling evidence that may or may not support special services for gifted and talented. Consensus on which research themes and studies should be included in this type of examination would difficult to reach, but we have identified six important themes that are discussed in the article. This review of research strongly suggests that the need for gifted education programs remains critical during the current time period in American education when our nation's creative productivity is being challenged by European and Asian nations.  相似文献   

现代美国天才教育发展的保障与困惑   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
唐璇 《现代教育论丛》2010,(2):51-54,58
美国的天才教育一直走在世界的前列。文章以二十一世纪为背景,介绍了美国天才教育发展的现状,包括各方力量是如何在政策、服务、研究、学习这四方面给予支持,来保障其发展的连贯性和稳定性。同时,本文也提及美国在天才教育领域发展中存在的问题.希望对我国的天才教育改革同时起到启发和提示作用。  相似文献   

An analysis of contemporary motivation theories reveals implications for gifted and talented students. The expectancy‐value framework, intrinsic‐extrinsic motivation theories, goal orientations, self‐efficacy and other self‐perceptions, and attribution theory are described and discussed with respect to implications for the psychology and education of gifted and talented students. Illustrative empirical research on motivation and gifted students is presented, and a model of classroom motivation factors is provided as a practical structure within which to consider instructional practices with this population. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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