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古代文学研究式教学目标是激发学生学习兴趣、培养综合应用能力、树立问题意识,而以考核知识掌握为主的传统古代文学课程考评机制远不适应研究式教学要求.构建一套科学合理的学生考评机制是研究式教学模式探索实践的应有内容和重要环节.建立知识、能力、素质多元的考核目标,灵活多样的考核形式,总结性评价与形成性评价结合的学生考评机制改革...  相似文献   

本文作者对大部分学院专业课程的考评体系的现状进行阐述,并结合职业教育的培养目标,提出对专业课课程考试模式改革的一些建议,以期能客观评价学生的学习.培养学生综合能力。  相似文献   

考试是衡量、评定学生知识的掌握和学习能力的客观手段,也是各学科教学中不可缺少的环节。对于语文考试来说,采取科学的、合理的考试方式不仅能检查出学生掌握知识的水平,同时也能提高学生学习语文的兴趣,而且有利于创新型人才的培养。若采取不科学、僵化的考试方式,可能就会扼杀学生的创造力,同时也束缚学生的思想。语文课程评价根本目的是为了促进学生学习水平,改进教师的教学。本文对农村小学语文考试中存在的一些问题思考后进行了总结。  相似文献   

黄华 《机械职业教育》2001,(12):11-11,17
英语的能力教育应是语言的接受能力、运用能力、创造能力的综合。在学习——考试过程中,培养学生学习知识的能力、运用知识的能力,锻炼学生的专业素质、心理素质,提高学生的适应能力、表达能力,采用合理的考试制度能促使培养目标的实现。 考试作为教学中的一个环节历来被教师和学生所共同重视,它是检验教师教学水平和检查学生学习成绩的必备手段。中专教师不仅要将考试当作一种检验手段,更应将考试当作一种激励机制,用不断改进的考试形式激发出每个学生的学习动力,促进他们对课程应培养能力的认识、理解,并沿着应达到的能力不断地…  相似文献   

构建实践性、开放性和职业性课程考评体系的探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
课程考评引进企业绩效考评机制以往的课程考评体系使学生被动地应付考试,疲于奔命,严重挫伤了学生学习积极性。科学评价课程学习成绩,是引导学生认识并发展自己职业潜能的基础与前提。为此,我们在课程考评上大胆引进企业绩效考评机制。  相似文献   

针对大众化教育的客观因素和学校实际,研究并实践了"统一基本要求、选择扩展内容、统一组织考试、综合合理考评"的大学物理课程分层次教学模式和"考试评价+学习过程评价+延伸学习评价"的考评方式,有效的贯彻了大众化教育背景下因材施教、学有所得的教学理念。教学实践表明,分层次教学在提高学生的学习兴趣、在避免学习两极分化,在培养学生综合素质和创新能力、在稳定和提高基础课程的教学质量方面有着积极的意义。  相似文献   

现有考试考评机制严重制约了学生动手能力和创新能力的培养和发展,难以为新时期创新型社会的发展输送适应性人才,改革考试考评机制势在必行.根据“三位一体”人才培养模式的要求,就信息与计算科学专业课程中实施的考核方式、考评比例、考试内容、考试形式以及考试管理机制等方面进行了总结,探索出一套有利于创新人才能力素质培养的考试考评方案,有效提高了教育教学质量,为社会发展输送了适用的应用型人才.  相似文献   

高凌飚 《辽宁教育》2013,(14):28-29
学习与考评是教学的两个方面。过去人们仅仅把考评看作是对学习结果的检查,学习与考评是对立的;考评的内容局限于对知识的了解和理解,忽视了对学习能力与方法的考评;考评基本上是由外部主体来实施,没有注意调动学习主体即学生的积极性和能动性;考评的方法单一,既不能全面检查学习效果,更没有顾及学生学习过程中的表现。这样的考评方式不能充分发挥考评对学习的促进作用。为此,新课程提倡建立一个内容多维、主体多元、方法多样、既重视结果又重视过程的学业评价体系,以评促学,促进学生的全面发展。  相似文献   

高职教育考试方法的探索与研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
要建立与高职培养目标、教学模式相配套的考试体系,必须对现存考试方法进行改革。目的:检验学生对本专业知识的学习、掌握情况;使考核方法能更真实地反应学生的实际情况,建立科学、有效地考核机制;适应高职院校学生培养目的与要求。方法:总成绩(100分)=理论成绩×n%+实践成绩+平时成绩(10分),理论考试主要考核学生对概念、原理等基础理论知识的掌握情况,实行闭卷、笔答的传统考试模式,实践技能考试采取三级考试法、病历讨论、模拟实践等方法相结合的方法,平时成绩主要考核学生的综合素质。学生一致反映此种考试方法增加了学生学习兴趣、提早培养了学生良好的职业适应力;实习单位与用人单位也认为我专业学生能很快转变角色,很受患者喜爱。  相似文献   

试论对学生的全面考评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本主要阐述了对学生的考评应根据学习内涵的广泛性及学习环节的多重性,将学生的知识、能力全面纳入考评的范围,发挥考评对学生学习行为的积极作用,为培养学生的创新意识和能力培养创造良好的环境;阐明了全面考评中教师对学生的评价的重要性,教师是培养目标得以实现的关键;提出了应建立一个完善的、与培养目标相一致的考评体系,这个体系应具有多方面、多角度的考评指标,使教师和学生对学习标准的相一致,使考评成为调动学生学习的积极性、主动性的有效手段。  相似文献   

选修课与必修课都是以促进学生个性发展为根本旨趣。引导学生根据自己的个性特点进行选择是选修课的一个基本准则。当然学生必须保证修完必修课的基础上选择选修课的学习。因此,既要合理确定选修课与必修课的比例关系;又要科学指导学生选课。  相似文献   

This study compared outcomes in deaf and hard-of-hearing (DHH) students and nondisabled students taking courses by distance learning with the UK Open University in 2012. DHH students who had no additional disabilities were more likely to complete their courses than were nondisabled students, and they were just as likely to pass the courses that they completed and to obtain good grades on the courses that they passed. DHH students who had additional disabilities were less likely to complete their courses, less likely to pass the courses that they completed and less likely to obtain good grades on the courses that they pass than were nondisabled students. It is concluded that hearing loss itself has no effect on academic attainment, but that additional disabilities may have an impact on DHH students’ academic performance.  相似文献   

在线公选课程参与学生数多、涉及面广,在人才培养中发挥了重要作用,但在线课程教学过程中教师和学生时空分离使得教师及管理人员无法直接观察学生的学习状况。解决这一问题的有效途径之一是通过采集和分析学生的在线学习数据,利用数据驱动方法实现在线课程教学评价与管理。本文利用某在线课程平台的学生学习实际数据进行了实证研究,结果表明学生对不同类别在线公选课程的偏好程度差异较大,学生在线公选课程的成绩分布明显偏离正态分布,在线公选课程的考核有效性有待提升,以进一步提高在线课程教学效果。  相似文献   

研究采用问卷调查方式,利用SPSS专业数据分析软件,以国防科学技术大学航天科学与工程学院本科高年级、硕士生、博士生为调查对象,从公共基础课、航空航天专业课、必/选修课配置等方面了解学生对本专业本科阶段课程设置的观点。结果表明:学生认为本科阶段修课学时多,选修课较少,人文类和理工类公共基础课程尚不能满足发展需求,专业课实验教学环节仍有待加强,考核评价方式有待改革。  相似文献   

Community colleges utilize open-door admission policies to provide educational opportunities for all students, including those who are academically under-prepared in one or more areas. Current approaches to assisting under-prepared students include the targeted delivery of remedial courses in math, English, and reading. This approach typically relies on the use of standardized placement tests to determine whether students have remedial needs. Based on those placement test scores, students may have a remedial need in only one of the core academic areas (e.g., math, English, or reading). In such cases, students may concurrently enroll in required remedial courses and college-level courses unrelated to the area in which they are considered to be academically under-prepared. The research reported in this article evaluated the assumption that a student's under-preparedness is limited to a specific area by assessing the college-level performance of students concurrently enrolled in remedial and college-level courses. The results show that college-level pass rates are much lower among students concurrently enrolled in remedial courses who do not successfully complete one or more of these remedial courses. These students under-perform irrespective of the type of college-level course. In contrast, students who pass their remedial courses are generally successful in their college-level courses. Policy implications in regard to developmental education are discussed.  相似文献   

借助人工智能技术构建教育教学一站式平台是对教育变革的一次有效尝试:平台依据以学生为中心的个性化服务理念,通过第一版本的一站式平台第一期选修的学生数达到240人,学生反映课程内容编排紧凑,先导课程与主要课程安排合理.通过平台课程学生能够快速掌握人工智能行业动态.对比计算机专业同层次的其他选修课程,无论是选修人数、课程满意度都有明显提高,证明了一站式平台是切实可行的,符合现代智慧教育的教学理念.  相似文献   

The majority of American high school students enrolling in online education are doing so in credit recovery courses. These are online courses specifically for students who previously failed a face-to-face version of the course. Despite the popularity of credit recovery courses, the literature on online learning largely ignores credit recovery courses and students. Assuming credit recovery students are similar to other online learners can be misleading. In this article, the existing literature on credit recovery is reviewed in 3 specific areas: the proliferation of credit recovery courses, the student experience in credit recovery courses, and outcomes and impacts of credit recovery. Suggestions are given for how to advance the credit recovery literature in future research of online learning.  相似文献   

高校经济学类专业的课程中有一些课程涉及到的数学知识比较多,对于数学基础不太好的学生来说比较难以学习掌握.讲授好这些课程需要在每个环节作出大量的工作.首先要分析课程的特点和授课对象的特点,在此基础上选择不同的教学方法和组合教学手段,对学生进行因材施教,并通过各种途径倾听学生声音,考查授课效果.通过这些环节可以不断的总结教学经验,提高教学效果.  相似文献   

Attainment in higher education tends to be poorer in ethnic minority students than in white students. This study examined whether this attainment gap was affected by the introduction of online tuition. Data were obtained from students who had taken courses in either arts or management with the UK Open University and had opted for either face‐to‐face or online tuition. The arts courses had a higher proportion of white students and lower proportions of Asian and black students than the management courses. Nevertheless, white and ethnic minority students gave similar reasons for choosing face‐to‐face tuition or online tuition. In the management courses but not in the arts courses, the pass rate was lower in students who had received online tuition than in students who had received face‐to‐face tuition. Regardless of the discipline or mode of tuition, black students tended to obtain lower marks and lower pass rate than white students, but Asian students did not. It is concluded that online tuition is an appropriate form of student support in both campus‐based and distance education but that the attainment gap in ethnic minority students probably does not arise from the nature and quality of their interactions with teachers and other students.  相似文献   

学校课程涵盖了学生在校学习的所有经历:为了更好地践行“引领学生更好发展”的学校办学理念,上海外国语大学附属大境中学以培养学生“学习素养”为价值取向,探索有学校特色、立足学生发展的“学养”课程架构和实施策略,加强“学养”课程的开发建设,全面提升学生素养,促进学生的可持续发展。将教育教学改革的着力点与课程实施突破点聚焦在“学养”课程之中,旨在推动学校课程内涵、功能、结构、管理、教学、评价等实践研究,努力使课程成为培养和造就人才的重要载体,为学生学会学习、终身发展打下坚实的基础。  相似文献   

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