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我们的江南很美,是杏花、桃花、桂花、芍药、牡丹、丁香、栀子、映山红、油菜花、茉莉花编织的花篮;是小桥、流水、青山、稻田、茶园、丽都、清泉、高楼、峰峦打造的景点。我们的江南很靓,是西施那件透明的浣纱,是  相似文献   

周政 《安康学院学报》2006,18(1):8-12,16
本文介绍了陕西平利方言的情态语气词,包括:唦、喔、啦、赦、噢、的、得、啵、的了、的耶、的啰、了啰、去了等,并描写它们的语气表达状态.  相似文献   

白晋慧 《陕西教育》2008,(1):114-114
红学的研究在国内外进行得轰轰烈烈。国外的红学研究主要是依据《红楼梦》的外译本。《红楼梦》先后被译成法语、英语、德语、意大利语、俄语、捷克语、匈牙利语、波兰语、罗马尼亚语、荷兰语、西班牙语、日语、朝语、越语、蒙古语、泰国语等,涉及的国家包括法国、英国、澳大利亚、新西兰、加拿大、美国、意大利、德国、俄国、捷克、匈牙利、波兰、西班牙、日本、朝鲜、韩国、越南、蒙古、泰国、新加坡等。《红楼梦》的对外翻译及研究主要有以下特点:  相似文献   

一、容合:宇宙的胸怀 "容合"是笔者创造的一个词,与"融合"有区别,是"兼容、包容、宽容、容纳、集合、综合、化合、合作"的概称。龙凤的形象是"容合"的。龙是中国人对蛇、鳄、鱼、鲵、猪、马、牛、鹿等动物和云、雷电、虹、龙卷风、星宿等自然天象的多元容合;  相似文献   

在上个世纪八十年代末至九十年代初,中国当代文坛上迅速崛起了一个非常独特的写作群体——新生代作家群。他们的代表性人物有六十年代出生的余华、苏童、格非、北村、海男、毕飞宇、艾伟、东西、李洱、陈染、刁斗、红柯、李冯、朱文、韩东、邱华栋、潘向黎、鲁羊、徐坤、王彪、刘继明、曾维浩、夏季风、吴晨骏、叶弥、夏商、张生、张者、李大卫、刘建东、海力洪、罗望子等等,同时也包括极少数五十年代末出生的作家如林白、鬼子、张曼等。  相似文献   

修辞方式就是为了提高语言表达效果而采用的具有明显特点的表达方式。它通常包括比喻、借代、比拟、夸张、双关、反语、对偶、对比、衬托、排比、反复、反问、设问、引用、拈连、仿词、移觉、互文、顶针、同文、回环、呼告等。每一种修辞方式都有其突出特点及特殊的作用。现就教材中的例子谈谈部分修辞的妙用。  相似文献   

在初中阶段,学生应掌握的日常应用文写作包括条据(借条、收条、便条、留言条、请假条)、申请书、启事、通知、日常书信、介绍信、表扬信、建议书、倡议书、计划、简单的会议记录、简单的总结、简单的调查报告、说明书、简单的合同、简单的民事诉状等。在新教材里,也体现了应用文在写作中的重要地位,教材中出现多类应用文写作的话题,如通讯报道、计划总结、书信、合同、民事诉状、调查报告、发言稿等。  相似文献   

目前,在辽宁招生的外语类专业有英语、商务英语、日语、俄语、朝鲜语、法语、西班牙语、德语、阿拉伯语、意大利语、葡萄牙语、越南语、芬兰语、罗马尼亚语、泰语、保加利亚语、波斯语、土耳其语等18个。除英语、商务英语外,均为小语种。英语是外语类专业招生大户。如今,适合英语专业毕业生的职位(如翻译、文秘、外贸等)竞争愈发激烈,该专业毕业生正面临人才饱和、就业渠道狭窄的窘境。人才市场翻译职位的空缺中,只有很小一部分针对英语专业毕业生,绝大部分翻译职位招的是葡萄牙语、西班牙语、日语、朝鲜语等专业的毕业生。  相似文献   

日趋功利化的高校在师生关系存在着诸如教师公正性缺失、师德滑坡,重教书轻育人、师生感情淡漠,重科研轻教学、教学流于形式,学费逐年攀升、服务无改善等问题.观照后现代主义的反唯理性、反基础观、反中心思想,以及重视差异性、多元性、宽容性、随机性的理念,高校应当建成合作、对话、民主、平等的高校师生关系,促成师生间相互尊重的、情感约定的关系.  相似文献   

费迪 《考试周刊》2013,(31):147-148
<正>生物学是从分子、细胞、机体乃至生态系统等不同层次研究生命现象的本质、生物的起源进化、遗传变异、生长发育等生命活动规律的科学。其包含的范畴相当广泛,包括形态学、微生物学、生态学、遗传学、分子生物学、免疫学、植物学、动物  相似文献   

This paper reports a study which sought to obtain deeper insights into the experiences of beginning secondary school teachers in Swaziland during 1997. Out of a sample of 48 beginning teachers, 28 participated in the study. They were invited to complete a questionnaire and were also visited in their schools where they were interviewed and observed during teaching practice. The paper describes the experiences of these teachers. The study found that, while there were several common concerns and experiences during the first year of teaching, there were also some significant different experiences. The paper discusses some implications of the study for teacher education.  相似文献   

元认知在成功的语言学习中起着重要作用。其中,元认知体验扮演着重要角色。文章分析了元认知体验在阅读活动中的不同表现,提出了从元认知阅读体验入手进行阅读能力培养的策略。  相似文献   

In this paper I identify the components of ‘meaningful experiences’ for participants on a wilderness river rafting journey. The research is phenomenologically informed, and includes interviews, journals, observations and follow-up emails from 32 participants on eight Franklin River (Tasmania) 10-day trips. It elicits individual perceptions of meaningful experiences and combines recollections to reveal the commonalities within those experiences. The research identifies two key recurrent ‘streams of experience’ that provide meaning. The two recurrent streams of experience involved, firstly, a feeling of humility and, secondly, being alive to the present. In this paper I focus on the stream of experience surrounding a feeling of humility, highlighting the qualities of the ways in which participants interrelated with their surrounding environments and the structure of such experiences. Additionally, I consider some unique elements of the wilderness river journey that contributed to the experiences that participants valued as meaningful.  相似文献   

The experience of place in arts-based service learning (ABSL) is personal. It can be difficult to define and challenging to share and build upon. This paper, reporting from a national ABSL project involving three Australian universities, is concerned with experiences of place in forming professional teacher identity. Using a narrative methodology in presenting the stories of six people, pre-service teachers and Indigenous community members, the paper draws on a number of different theoretical frameworks to explore each participant’s experience and its longer-term impact on their thinking. The participant stories revealed the value of spaces between art-making, teaching, and research. The learning experiences led pre-service teachers to reflect deeply in relation to self and to consider the impact of their experiences on both current and future professional interactions. As anticipated, participants found it difficult to communicate these elemental experiences in the written word. The findings have implications for the value of flexible and critical service-learning approaches, particularly in diverse cultural contexts.  相似文献   

This paper examines BSc Physiotherapy students’ experiences of developing their neurological observational and analytical skills using a blend of traditional classroom activities and computer‐based materials at the University of Birmingham. New teaching and learning resources were developed and supported in the School of Health Sciences using Web Course Tools combined with a wide range of video clips of patients with neurological disorders on CD‐ROM. These resources provided students with the opportunity to observe “real patients” prior to clinical placements, thus bridging the gap between their theoretical understanding of these disorders and their practical experience of evaluating abnormal movement in the clinical setting. This paper considers how this blended approach to learning enhanced students’ experiences of developing their neurological skills and of preparing for their clinical placements. This paper also discusses the lessons that have been gained from students’ experiences to provide future or similar projects with the opportunity to learn from these experiences.  相似文献   

From Aboriginal Australian perspectives and experiences, Aunty Judi Wickes and Marnee Shay bring a cross-generational, critical race analysis of Aboriginal identities and how they are implicated in the schooling experiences of Aboriginal young people. Using autoethnography, Aunty Judi and Marnee discuss their educational experiences in the Australian education systems from primary schooling experiences to university settings. These narratives bring forth the dominant discourses that continue to subjugate and subordinate Aboriginal Australians and Aboriginal Australian identities in Education settings. The paper distinguishes the narratives of two Aboriginal women and how on-going colonial and racialised constructions of Aboriginal identity continue to impact upon the educational experiences of Aboriginal peoples and consequently the engagement of Aboriginal young people in school settings. Moreover, we will use the process of critical self-reflection to re-imagine educational approaches to reconstruct our own experiences and consider what changes might improve the outcomes of Indigenous young people for future generations.  相似文献   

This paper deals with practicum in a deviating classroom environment. The paper argues that to enhance critical examination, reflection and changes in student teachers’ beliefs and perspectives we need to offer them unfamiliar, problematic experiences causing cognitive conflict and making a break in the chain of experiences of cumulative socialisation of student teachers, dating back to their own school years.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the role of the current student experience questionnaire in gaining student views on their educational experiences while studying at a research-intensive university in Australia. In particular, the paper focuses on the experiences of engineering students. The paper goes on to examine the areas of best practice and those identified for improvement by students. A number of areas identified by engineering students as needing improvement fall within the teaching dimension; in particular, issues relating to feedback to students and clarity of explanation. Finally, the paper outlines some of the actions that have been taken by the university and the Faculty of Engineering based on the results.  相似文献   

美国研究生教育发展特点的因素探析与启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘洋 《中国地质教育》2007,16(2):118-121
美国研究生教育发展的内、外因素是美国研究生教育拥有世界上最庞大的研究生教育体系并始终维持着高水平的教育质量的最重要保障。本文总结了美国研究生发展特点的内外因素,借鉴及探索美国研究生教育的形成特点和成功经验,对改进目前我国研究生教育培养模式及提高研究生教育质量有积极的意义和参考价值。  相似文献   

Determining the factors that influence young adults’ engagement in environmental action is critical to further developing their active and important participation in environmental issues. In this paper, we designed two studies to identify life experiences of Chinese college students that foster environmental action. In Study 1, we used an open-ended survey to ask 34 young environmentally active citizens about the life experiences influencing their current engagement in environmental protection. In Study 2, we developed a significant life experience scale based on the results of Study 1 and recruited junior and senior students from seven universities to participate in an online questionnaire. We analyzed 606 valid questionnaires to understand whether the significant life experiences identified in Study 1 can distinguish environmentally committed students from other students and to what extent the significant life experiences can predict environmental action. Our results suggest that environmental organizations, college education, natural experiences and life principles could be important factors influencing the formation of environmental action, while other life experiences may also contribute to this process.  相似文献   

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