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实施素质教育的关键之一是要加强对学生的创新教育,培养学生的创新素质.如何培养学生的创新素质是当前教学研究的重要课题.创新素质的基本内涵包括创新意识、创新思维和创新能力等几个方面,而创新意识是创新的前提和关键.有了创新意识,才能抓住创新机会,产生创新方法,启动创新思维,从而获得创新结果.  相似文献   

高师院校英语专业创新人才培养与创新课程设置研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
创新人才是指具有创新意识、创新能力、创新精神和创新人格的高素质人才。培养创新人才是创新教育的目的,要培养出创新人才,首先是创新教育。课程创新是创新教育的基础,是创新人才培养的前提。高师院校英语专业实施创新教育,创新人才培养,要求我们转变继承性教育思想,树立创新人才培养的观念,注重培养创新思维和科学精神,从而推动教学内容和课程体系的创新。课程设置除了传统的语言技能课程,素质教育课程外,还应当增设教学实践课,开设开放性、创新性,多元性的专业选修课和能力创新教育课程。  相似文献   

对原始创新、集成创新与消化吸收再创新的认识   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
原始创新、集成创新与消化吸收再创新这三种创新方式具有不同的特点,因而实现的途径、所需的条件以及产生的形式结果也不同。一般来说,原始创新是通过理论创新、原理创新、方法创新实现,而集成创新、消化吸收创新主要是通过结构创新、功能创新实现;原始创新可以得到理论、方法、技术或产品,但集成创新或消化吸收创新往往一般得到技术或产品;创新首先从集成创新、消化吸收开始,但较易退出其历史舞台,需要靠原始创新不断地为集成创新或消化吸收创新准备素材,原始创新是以目前已有的技术、方法、理论等为基础的长期的学术、经验和阅历积累后的"裂变",消化吸收创新侧重于创新的素材的来源,重点强调的是从他地引进消化而来,而集成创新则更多地强调了是通过集成的方式方法来获取创新结果,因此,集成创新与消化吸收创新互相联系包含。  相似文献   

一、创新教育对高校教师素质的要求 1.具有创新的意识.一个人只有在强烈的创新意识引导下,才能产生创新动机,树立创新目标,发挥创新潜能,从而投身创新实践.高校教师一定要树立创新为荣的观念和意识,推崇创新,追求创新,积极投身于教学和科研的创新实践中,帮助学生树立创新志向,激发学生创新欲望,发展学生创新思维,培养创新精神和创新能力.  相似文献   

实施素质教育的关键之一就是要加强对学生的创新素质的培养.如何培养学生的创新素质是当前教学研究的重要课题之一.创新素质的基本内涵包括创新意识、创新思维、创新能力等几个方面,而创新意识是创新的前提和关键.有了创新意识,才能抓住创新机会,产生创新方法,启动创新思维,从而获得创新结果.  相似文献   

创新教育是依据社会主义现代化发展对人的要求 ,有目的地培养学生的创新精神、创新能力和创新人格的教育。创新教育呼唤教育创新 ,必须以教育创新实现创新教育。创新教育是顺应知识经济兴起而出现的教育理念。现阶段提倡培养创新人才强调“创新本位”,把学生创新能力 (创新思维、创新实践 )、创新意识和创新人格的培养置于教育活动的核心地位。创新教育是以继承为基础 ,以发展为目的 ,以培养创新型人才为价值趋向的新型教育。一、创新精神和创新能力是人才综合素质的集中表现创新人才的基本特征是创新精神、创新能力和创新成果三个方面的统…  相似文献   

时代呼唤创新 ,一切创新都离不开具有创新素质的人。创新型德育教师除了具有一般人才共有的10大创新素质元即创新意识、创新情感、创新勇气、创新精神、创新意志、创新信念、创新知识、创新思维、创新技法和创新能力外 ,还具有以下比较特别的创新素质元 :创新的思想观念、创新的政治观念、创新的道德品德和创新的教学方法等  相似文献   

通过分析创新思想的渊源 ,阐释了高等教育创新的涵义 ,揭示了高等教育创新的三个层次 :理念创新、制度创新、行为创新。理念创新是高等教育创新的核心和先导 ,制度创新是高等教育创新的保障 ,行为创新是高等教育创新的手段。三者相互联系、相互作用 ,构成高等教育创新的完整体系。  相似文献   

培养大学生的创新精神,是推进教育创新和加强大学生思想政治教育的内在要求。培养大学生的创新精神,要激发创新动力,强化创新意识;启发创新思维,提升创新素质;培育创新潜能,开发创新个性;提高创新志趣,锤炼创新能力。  相似文献   

创新人才是指具有创新意识、创新能力、创新精神和创新人格的高素质人才。培养创新人才是创新教育的目的,要培养出创新人才,首先是创新教育。课程创新是创新教育的基础,是创新人才培养的前提。高师院校英语专业实施创新教育,创新人才培养,要求我们转变继承性教育思想,树立创新人才培养的观念,注重培养创新思维和科学精神,从而推动教学内容和课程体系的创新。课程设置除了传统的语言技能课程,素质教育课程外,还应当增设教学实践课,开设开放性、创新性,多元性的专业选修课和能力创新教育课程。  相似文献   

In the interaction between the child and the adult, interest can be a significant motivational initiator of activities. Systematic monitoring and development of the interest in music activities enables the teachers to influence the preschool children in forming a positive attitude towards the art of music. The research involving preschool teachers, children at the age of five to six and their parents, was conducted in order to determine the interest of preschool teachers and children in music activities. We found that the teachers showed greatest interest in singing songs, playing instruments and listening to music. The children’s favourite activities in kindergarten were movement to music (dancing), singing songs and playing on instruments, namely activities where they could take active part in the educational process. The parents reported that at home the children preferred most to listen to music, to sing songs and move to the sounds of music, and less to play on instruments and to be creative in music. The development of the children’s interest in music depends on the teachers’ expression of interest in music activities, on the choice of music activities and music contents and on the experience in the music environment of the family.  相似文献   

As a result of reported failings in the care of people in the health and social care sector in the UK, HE providers who produce professionals to work in these areas are being challenged to address caring values in the student body. As values are subjective and affective, this requires the learning environment to not only promote critical thinking and the development of professional competencies, but to facilitate personal growth and change within students at cognitive, emotional and spiritual levels. As the latter dimensions are frequently ignored in education, this is very challenging: it requires a curriculum that supports students to understand, reflect on and, if necessary, restructure their own caring values in order to develop a transcendent lens i.e. the ability to put others before their own self interests and that of the organisation in which they work. It also requires students to develop the skills to challenge others in situations where caring values are not achieved or sustained. This can only be accomplished as a co-produced phenomenon, as it requires students who are prepared to engage in the process and educators, in both HE and practice settings, who are able and willing to role model appropriate skills and facilitate a learning relationship in which students can grow. However, if the true wisdom of caring values is to be realised in everyday practice, then this kind of transformational learning has to be supported at wider structural levels, and this just may be its Achilles heel.  相似文献   

《全日制义务教育数学课程标准》中指出:通过义务教育阶段的数学学习,使学生能获得适应未来社会生活和进一步发展所必须的重要教学知识;学会运用数学的思维方式去观察分析现实社会;体会数学与自然及人类社会的密切联系。同时要求学生具有初步的创新精神和实践能力。这是新大纲和课程标准的新提法。如何对学生进行创新思维能力的培养,结合长期的数学教学尝试,以四个方面提出一些体会。  相似文献   

我校图书馆期刊利用的调查及建议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高等学校课程体系的改革,要求给学生更多的自学时间和思考的空间,以提高学生的自学能力,适应未来社会发展的需要。如何引导在校师生高效率、快节奏地获取最新信息,做好住处服务工作,是高校图书、期刊管理中急需探讨和研究的问题。笔者通过8个多月对我校过刊利用情况的实际调查,针对当前期刊订阅中存在的问题,提出了期刊订阅和有效利用的建议。  相似文献   

电子琴教学中,尽快提高学生的演奏水平的最好方法就是重视和加强学生电子琴基本功的训练,作为一名电子琴教师,要想教好一件乐器首先必须对这件乐器的发展原理,构造,特点及与相近乐器有一定的研究和了解。基本功训练的要求主要是以下两个方面,首先要求头脑清醒,抛开一切杂念,全身心投入,领会乐曲的旋律,意境,让乐曲的每个音筏,乐句在自己手指,手腕,手臂的每一个细微动作的配合上找到最好的感觉,其次,在理解作者的创作乐曲的创作意图的同时,对特殊意句,乐段进行重点练习。  相似文献   

当代青年大学生的政治参与与以往相比,多了.一分冷静与理性,少了一分热情与积极。特别是体现在高职学生身上,更多了一些务实、自我甚至冷漠。他们本应该是整个社会中最积极、最有生气的一部分,也是社会主义建设事业的未来与希望,在他们身上出现政治参与不积极的问题值得反思。高职院校在思想道德建设中应重视对学生的正确引导,健全和完善高职学生政治参与机制,以利于高职学生正确政治观的形成,培养有用的、健康的、积极的社会主义建设者和接班人。  相似文献   

中国近代大学校长与自由主义教育   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
20世纪初 ,由于受西方自由主义思潮的影响 ,加之部分著名大学校长的身体力行 ,中国近代大学教育逐渐滋长了一种自由主义教育的倾向。这种倾向 ,在教育目的上崇尚个性主义 ,在教育过程上坚持学术自由 ,在教育管理上力求教授治校。它反对封建教育对个人发展的专制 ,具有进步意义。但是 ,由于它生不逢时 ,加之其本身的软弱性 ,因此在半封建半殖民地社会条件下 ,它也就不可避免其最终的失败命运  相似文献   

A resurgence of national and international interest in citizenship education, citizenship and social cohesion has been coupled with an apparent emergence of a language of crisis (Sears & Hyslop-Margison, 2006). Given this background, how can or should one consider a subjective sense of membership in a single political community? What this article hopes to show is that confining the subject of citizenship or patriotism to a national framework is inadequate in as much as there are grounds to argue for a more expansive and, at the same time, integrated outlook. Patriotism, like Citizenship, is still open to interpretation and potentially in danger of falling short of a richer conception. Education, therefore, needs to incorporate inclusive practices and encourage an integrative mindset in order to accommodate: increasingly complex identities, associations, experiences and continuing changes in the political landscape. In this article, the author argues for the importance of learning ways in which to value and respect diversity while working towards a principle of unity in diversity. Cultivating a subjective sense of membership in a single world polity is vital in matters pertaining to sustainability and justice.
In response to considering possible ways of sharing a subjective sense of membership in a single community and some implications for Citizenship, Patriotism and Citizenship Education, this article looks to three areas: ways in which to understand the notion of citizenship and patriotism, cultural crises and the notion of a cosmopolitan nation and, finally, the personal dimension to education for world citizenship.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to critically evaluate the use of action research as a tool for developing critical reflection which has the potential to lead to change and development in practice in education, in particular, in the area of special educational needs (SEN) and inclusion. In order to support and illustrate the critique, a case study of a group of Dutch practising teachers and education professionals engaged in studying for a master's degree in SEN is used. The three-year programme of study followed by the group was a practice-based programme of professional development, with heavy emphasis on action research throughout. For this particular group action research was an entirely new concept, and indeed many of them expressed considerable scepticism about its validity as an approach to research, or for that matter, professional development, at the beginning of the programme. The whole group were working in areas associated with SEN where the need to change practice was an urgent imperative, due to changes in education policy and the rapid move towards inclusion in The Netherlands. Having been responsible for the development and teaching of the programme for several years, I decided to make a case study of one cohort of students in order to carry out some more structured and detailed evaluation of the impact of the programme on practice. I also wanted to reaffirm the general impression I had gathered from continuing student evaluation and feedback, that their work, and in particular the action research they had carried out, had led to genuine development and, in some cases, fairly radical change in their professional practice.  相似文献   

伴随着艺术学习在社会中的普及,越来越多的学生开始学习钢琴,要想掌握钢琴的演奏技巧,广大学生在学习中既要坚持练习,更要注重钢琴学习中的几种有效方法,即钢琴练习中注重慢速练习,要分手、分章、分段练习,要用心聆听,再思考中练习,才能把学习者的钢琴演奏提高到新高度、新水平。  相似文献   

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