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蒋丰 《留学生》2013,(2):29-29
在中国收养小孩,养父母都很保密,孩子如果没有发现就会一直隐瞒下去。罗伯特和米歇尔是两个美国人,收养了一个中国女孩丽萨。笔者问米歇尔:丽莎知道她是中国小孩吗?米歇尔爽朗回答:当然,她的脸就是她的中国符号,无论走到哪里都改变不了的。我无须也没有必要去隐瞒。我们也为有一个中国女儿很骄傲。我们从小就告诉丽莎,和她相遇是上帝安排的,上帝  相似文献   

正我是家中第一个孩子。我是家中的老大,我还有一个妹妹叫"羊羊"。可是我一直还有一个梦想,那就是希望爸爸和妈妈再生一个妹妹给我和羊羊。这样,我就是有两个妹妹的大姐姐了!但是,爸爸妈妈说:"如果再有个妹妹,我们就没有时间送你去学体操了……"虽然我很喜欢体操,但我还是想要第二个妹妹!  相似文献   

一妈妈说我是一个霸道的孩子,因为在我三岁的时候,我就知道伸着胖胖的小手去打抢我玩具和糖果的人,这个人不是别人,是我的妹妹周辰辰。妹妹比我小两岁,在我幼小的心里,她不是妹妹,而是一个老爱抢我  相似文献   

“卡彭特小组”是七十年代到八十年代初美国著名乡村歌曲风格演唱组,主将是卡彭特兄妹二人,他们是康纳狄克州人,姓卡彭特。父亲是一名保龄球管理员。哥哥理由,1945年出生,十二岁开始学钢琴;妹妹卡伦,比理查小五岁,喜欢唱歌。小组的成功,卡伦在里面起了重要作用,因为她生性聪慧,嗓音也十分甜美。在卡伦念中学的时候,她参加了学校军乐队,先在里面敲钟琴,由于这种乐器发出来的声音小,经常被管  相似文献   

来自法国北部鲁贝的米歇尔·佩尔利克一家,从未见过多尔多涅省的波尔切利村的任何一个村民,而米歇尔·佩尔利克又是一个没钱没势的无名小卒。鲁贝这个地方多雨多阴天,为了沐浴阳光,佩尔利克就带着妻子和10个孩子驾车外出野营。这天他们偶然路过波尔切利村,发现这里阳光灿烂,风景秀丽,立刻决定住上  相似文献   

美国心理学家瓦特·米歇尔于20世纪60年代做了一个“软糖实验”,实验对象是美国斯坦福大学附近幼儿园的孩子。实验要求一群4岁的孩子分别就下列情景做出选择:一个大哥哥要到别的地方去办事,如果你能够耐心等待,直到他回来,就可以拿到两块软糖;如果你不愿意耐心等待,就只能拿一块软糖,但立刻可以拿到。  相似文献   

我是一个善于解决问题的孩子, 我经常眉头紧锁,那是我在思考问题呢! 一天,我和妹妹、爸爸一起来到游泳场游泳。一到游泳场,我和妹妹就三下五除二地把充气垫充满气。充完气后,我们就把充气垫放到了水里,一下就跳了上去。我和妹妹在上面玩耍,可是,一不小心,充气垫翻了,我和妹妹被充气垫盖在水下,我感到一片漆黑,因为,我不但没戴泳境,又不会在水中睁眼。大概 10秒钟后,我感到旁边有人在打水,  相似文献   

陈维妃 《教育导刊》2009,(10):51-51
案例:我们班新来了一个小女孩.长得圆嘟嘟的.非常可爱。班里的孩子都很喜欢她。都亲切地称呼她为“妹妹”。但我发现.小凯对这个“妹妹”似乎不同于别的小朋友,时不时会去抢她的玩具.或者趁着老师不注意去捏她的脸蛋。有时,一听到妹妹哭他就开始烦躁了.嘟囔着:“妹妹真不乖!”  相似文献   

“菲菲,我和你妈出去一下,你帮忙照看一下妹妹。”听到这句话,我目瞪口呆地站在原地。什么?让我照看妹妹,那个不到两周岁的小孩子?今天妈妈不舒服,小姨要陪妈妈去医院检查,她们不能把小孩子带到医院去。平日里我们过家家都是弄个玩具娃娃当孩子,这下可好了,我有了真的孩子,我要好好当一回“妈妈”。我坐在妹妹身边,把手放到她的嘴边。谁知她的小嘴好像一个瞄准器,嗖地就找到了目标,上来就含住我的手指。我把手  相似文献   

米歇尔·佩尔利克和妻子屈格蒙带着自己的10个孩子,驾车外出野营,偶然来到波尔歇力村。他们发现这里阳光明媚,景色宜人,便在村外一块空地上搭起两个帐篷。父母和3个最小的孩子住一个,剩下的7个孩子住另一个。当他们进村采购物品时.10个金发小脑袋晃来晃去,十分惹眼。第二天一大早,村里的面包师突然为他们送来了剐出炉的月牙小面包。不一会儿,村长贝罗奈特也来了,并以村民委员会的名义邀请他们全家明天晚上出席专为他们举办的宴会。父亲米歇尔对此颇为费解.他决定把丑话说在前头。  相似文献   

1.One day the detective Jerry received a telephone from his sister Helen. Helen told him she bought a new car and a new TV. But her new TV was stolen.  相似文献   

吕浙  碧群 《初中生》2005,(15):40-41
1.One day the detective Jerry received a telephone from his sister Helen.Helen told him she bought a new car and a new TV.But her new TV was stolen.  相似文献   

Little Chad was a shy,quiet young man.One day he came home and told his mother that he'd like to make a valentine for everyone in his class.Her heart sank.She thought."I wish he wouldn't do that!"because she had watched the children when they walked home from school.Her Chad was always behind them.They laughed and hung on to each other and talked to each other.But Chad was never included.Nevertheless.she decided she would go along with her son.So she purchased the paper and glue and crayons.For three weeks,night after night,Chad painstakingly made 35 valentines.……  相似文献   

Nelly and her children live in Queensland, Australia. When it came time for her second youngest son to start school, Nelly was not prepared for the difficulty that she had enrolling him at the school of her choice. In spite of her son's disability, Nelly thought that it was natural that he would go to his local school with his sister. It is not surprising that she expected this, given the legal and policy endorsement of inclusive education that exists in the Queensland education system. What unfolded in Nelly's life as she pursued this enrolment is the subject of this article. This is the story of a mother who believed in and hoped for inclusive schooling for her son but who found herself caught in a series of events and experiences which ultimately led to the decision to transfer him into a special school. This is also the story of how, disillusioned and regretful, she went on to undo that decision. Told primarily in Nelly's own words, this narrative provides a deep insight into one mother's efforts to exercise her parental authority, the difficulties she encountered in trying to do so, and the consequences for her son.  相似文献   

石评梅创作价值的独特性体现为作品浓郁的自我悲悯,这种悲悯暗喻着一种彻底的回归,一种对俗常彻底洞察之后的无奈的选择,在回归式的自我祭奠中,她仍然在为自己爱情与事业、“自我”与“时代”之间的矛盾寻求出路,她真诚地以为自己终于找到了的真实的生命,因而也就终于勃发出了新的力量——以一种新的战斗的姿态挣扎着向前。然而,最后她终于又归于绝望,她后期的大部分作品都可看作是“绝望之后的哀词”。  相似文献   

冯铿的姐租冯素秋不仅家学渊源,遍读诗书,工于吟咏,有诗词稿《秋声》集二卷,而且胆略过人,曾立志要继承秋瑾的未竞事业,秘密策划革命,准备起义。后与丈夫蔡梦香一起在潮汕兴办女子教育,培养了大批优秀人才。她敢于反抗封建礼教,追求自由恋爱与婚姻,倡导女性独立自强。作为潮汕早期的革命者、教育者、女权者、女诗人,堪称一代女杰。可惜,因病未满三十而亡,诗词稿也在日寇陷潮时被毁,仅存剩句“今夜夜窗灯似豆,更无魂向此中销”。  相似文献   

Joey, age two and a half, spends most of his day sitting in a corner sucking his thumb. He doesn't seem to find interest in the toys or activities available to him. Sandy is three years old. Most of the time, she seems oblivious to the rules and routines of her care center. When she arrives in the morning, she throws her coat on the floor instead of hanging it in her cubby. She refuses to respond appropriately to the cleanup signal. She rarely smiles or laughs, nor does she make eye contact with her teachers or peers. She is unusually attached, however, to one caregiver and attempts to stay close to that person whenever she can. However, the social interaction between the two is limited by Sandy's reluctance to communicate despite the efforts of the caregiver. Laurie, age four and a half, has a violent temper. She solves any personal conflict by using physical aggression. She often strikes out without apparent provocation. She is delayed in her speech development and lacks curiosity about her physical world.Shirley Shaw is Assistant Professor in the Department of Child Development, Iowa State University, Ames, IA.  相似文献   

Without the confidence and support of the medical team, this mother’s first birth was difficult and unsatisfying. She was able to give birth naturally, in the care of a midwife, with her second baby. With confidence in her ability to give birth and the wisdom that comes with experience, she is able to give birth naturally with her third baby in spite of being induced.  相似文献   

乔恩是我最好的朋友,我们无论做什么事都在一起。一天放学的时候,乔恩问我今晚愿不愿意去他家过夜,我说好啊。所以放学后我就跟乔恩回家了,  相似文献   

元春其实是死于一场非常普通的后宫斗争。在临死前,元春也许对自己20年来所走过的路有了一个清醒的认识:无论自己当初是如何的美丽动人,无论自己这朵"榴花"曾在宫帏中如何绚烂多彩,善良的她终久只是一只柔弱的小兔,当遇到恶虎时,她的结局只能是灭亡。一切的荣华富贵,都抵不住世事无常的变化,所有的青春年华,全都在岁月中如烟云虚化。  相似文献   

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