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This report documents and compares two cases of pre-service elementary teachers’ beliefs about democracy and education for democracy in the USA and Bosnia and Herzegovina along with contextual factors influencing the similarities and differences among these beliefs. Findings suggest that US pre-service elementary teachers have a self-proclaimed lack of knowledge about democracy and primarily view citizenship education as a means to teach children how to get along. Conversely, Bosnian pre-service teachers hold more nuanced views of democracy and education for democracy, formed while their country transitioned from socialism towards democracy following a devastating civil war. Consequently, they focus on teaching children the skills and dispositions necessary for successful democratic citizenship to preserve their country. These divergent understandings of democracy within the two cases may hold potential benefits to teachers in both emergent and established democracies. Implications of these and other findings are discussed, as well as potential future research.  相似文献   

In this essay Harry Boyte and Margaret Finders argue that addressing the “shrinkage” of education and democracy requires acting politically to reclaim and augment Deweyan agency‐focused concepts of democracy and education. Looking at agency from the vantage of civic studies, which advances a politics of agency — a citizen politics that is different from ideological politics — and citizens as cocreators of political communities, Boyte and Finders explore the technocratic trends that have eclipsed agency. These disempower educators, students, and communities. Using the case study of the youth empowerment initiative Public Achievement and its translation into the Special Education Program and partnerships of Augsburg College, the authors conclude with an examination of how agentic practices have survived in “shadow spaces” in schools, how such spaces might be turned into “free spaces” for democratic change, and how teacher education needs to prepare “citizen teachers” as well as promoting pedagogies of empowerment. These suggest grounds for a movement of hope and democratic change.  相似文献   

This paper will focus on Young's theories of heterogeneity, as they have developed from the essays in Throwing Like a Girl (1990) to those in Inclusion and Democracy (2000). Reading her theories of heterogeneity together with recent developments in political theory which seek to reclaim the agonistic and frictional aspects of polity and political democracy, the paper will argue that attempts to promote ‘citizenship education’ are less pressing than attempts to develop and promote political education.  相似文献   

Citizenship (education) is de facto a political and spatial concept and should be considered in local, national, and global contexts. Adopting a spatial and cultural politics perspective and with the dynamic formation of Hong Kong's citizenship education as a case study, this article tries to illustrate the politics at three different levels. It shows how citizenship and identity are hotly contested, with the result that, while the official civic education programme is oriented towards “national education”, a pluralistic and vibrant civil society allows the hybridization and cross-fertilization of multiple discourses and practices to run parallel with the state project, either in a complementary or competitive way. Civic education launched by the democratic camp in civil society may be viewed as empowerment struggles for human rights and democracy vis-à-vis the domestication efforts made by the government and the pro-Beijing camp, as well as the tyranny of global capitalism.  相似文献   

This article explores the ways in which a group of primary school teachers in Cyprus interprets the relationship between religious and citizenship education. The contextualisation of the meaning of religious education shows the extent to which social, historical and political elements shape teachers’ perceptions about the entanglements between religious and citizenship education. In particular, the present study reveals two important findings – one concerning the conceptualisation of each school subject and their perceived relationship and the other concerning the contextualisation of this relationship in the cultural and political contexts of Cyprus. The findings also reveal important constraints and political dilemmas for the possible trajectories of ‘religious citizenship education’ in Cyprus. The article discusses the implications for curriculum and policy deliberations, as well as further research on ‘religious citizenship education’ in specific cultural and political settings.  相似文献   

打造一批具有样板效应的课程思政示范课是当前高校教学改革的热点话题和重要举措。从课程思政教学改革的价值意蕴着手,探索化妆品经营与管理专业“形象设计”课程实施策略,不断总结课堂教学实践经验,建立起“专业课教师+思政课教师”的双主体教学模式。通过对教学方式、教学目标、教学内容和教学效果的问卷调查,双主体教学模式显示全方位育人的良好效果。  相似文献   

为切实提升大学生公民素养,大陆高校积极探索各种有力措施对其进行培育和引导。根据台湾东南科技大学实施的融渗式教学,探索台湾地区融渗式教学的开展背景、主要特征及基本做法。在特征分析和实践探索的基础上,获得以下几个方面的启示:加强顶层设计,构建学生公民素养教育的融渗教育体系;凝聚教师共识,推进学生公民素养教育的融渗教育实施;树立“以生为本”理念,深化学生公民素养教育的融渗教育活动。  相似文献   

“课程思政”明确要求“课程门门有思政,教师人人讲育人”,每个专业建设好课程思政势在必行。专业课教师是影响大学生思想言行和道德发展的最大因素。工程管理教育与课程思政改革在育人目标、价值引领、教育理念方面存在内在契合的一致性,有利于教学双方的政治素养提升和道德人格养成。工程管理专业课程思政体系创新需做好五个方面的工作:设定专业思政目标、搭建课程思政平台、优化思政课堂教学、提高教师思政素养、提升思政教学管理。课程思政的终极追求,是勉励每名学生拒绝做“才胜德”的精致利己主义者,并终生做社会主义核心价值观的“燃灯者”。  相似文献   

Drawing on Ulrich Beck’s theory of “freedom’s children”, the present contribution examines contemporary concerns about educating young people for citizenship as well as educating them about citizenship. Under the first theme, the author focuses on the citizen as learner, highlighting some of the gender- and class-related inequalities that are typically associated with individualisation. Under the second theme, she looks at the learner as citizen in view of the fact that citizenship education courses often prepare learners for a gender-divided world — even though the processes of individualisation have themselves significantly reshaped contemporary gender relations. In light of current challenges facing citizenship education, the study concludes by reflecting on gender-related dimensions of individualisation and their implications for democracy and the learner-citizen.  相似文献   

Drawing on Ulrich Beck’s theory of “freedom’s children”, the present contribution examines contemporary concerns about educating young people for citizenship as well as educating them about citizenship. Under the first theme, the author focuses on the citizen as learner, highlighting some of the gender- and class-related inequalities that are typically associated with individualisation. Under the second theme, she looks at the learner as citizen in view of the fact that citizenship education courses often prepare learners for a gender-divided world – even though the processes of individualisation have themselves significantly reshaped contemporary gender relations. In light of current challenges facing citizenship education, the study concludes by reflecting on gender-related dimensions of individualisation and their implications for democracy and the learner-citizen.  相似文献   

Studies of the educational theories which have influenced teachers have traditionally relied heavily on the textual analysis of policy documents and syllabi. While such studies are crucial, they offer a “top-down” view of the educational terrain and can imply that teachers passively absorbed the dominant policy initiatives. This paper is taken from a wider study of the educational life—histories of 150 teachers and former teachers ranging in age from 21 to 98. The aim of the overall project is to map the tides and current of educational thought as lived by New Zealand teachers from the 1920s to the mid-1990s and to produce a resource for teacher education which will help dissolve the “theory-practice split” experienced by many of our students. Life-history methods enable a focus on how teachers create educational theories within the possibilities and constraints of their circumstances—biographical, historical and political, geographical, cultural and discursive. This paper uses three case studies as a basis for discussion of the impact of “neo-progressivist” (or student-centred learning) ideas in secondary schools from the 1950s to the 1980s.  相似文献   

This paper reports on an investigation carried out in New Zealand into experienced elementary and student teachers’ beliefs about the nature and purpose of social studies education. Since its inclusion in New Zealand's curriculum, social studies has been organized around the notion of citizenship education with curricula and programmes of work influenced by four overarching “traditions” – social studies as: citizenship transmission; social science; reflective inquiry; and personal, social and ethical empowerment. A 20-item scale based on these traditions was administered to 228 student teachers and 64 experienced teachers. A factor analysis indicated that participants' perceptions of the dimensions of social studies education were, with one exception, reasonably close to the four traditions. Despite the contested nature of social studies, the student and experienced teachers held similar positions on the relative importance of the traditions and dimensions. It is argued that this agreement arises, wholly or in part, from their common “apprenticeship of experience” in classrooms, the broader socio-historical context in which their beliefs were developed, the widespread influence of a prevalent educational discourse, and a shared lack of experience in formal knowledge associated with specific social science disciplines. It was concluded that the uncomfortable generational encounters often reported in the literature between novice and experienced teachers are unlikely to occur in relation to the teaching of elementary social studies in New Zealand.  相似文献   

"讲好中国故事"对高校思政课教学而言,具有增强教学话语时代性、提升课程教学吸引力、强化思政课程影响力等积极意义。同时教师在"讲好中国故事"的思政教学实践中,也存在偏重宏大叙事、强调教师主体、倚重课堂教学、缺乏叙事能力等现实阻碍。高校思政课教师还应通过转化叙事角度、丰富讲授主体、结合实践教学、提升叙事能力等方式,为"讲好中国故事"带动思政课教学效果提升构建有效路径,从而切实提高思政教学及全面育人的效率和质量。  相似文献   

在高职教育中,专业课是课程思政的基本载体。为推进高职院校专业课程与思政课程协同育人,要以教师队伍为“主力军”、以课程建设为“主战场”、以课堂教学为“主渠道”,形成协同效应。相应地,从打造“双导师”教师队伍、构建“双育人”课程体系、拓展“多渠道”课堂教学3个方面提出专业课程与思政课程协同育人的有效路径,对推进课程思政建设具有重要意义。  相似文献   

教育的本质决定了思想政治教育是培养“全人”不可或缺的环节。课程思政是思想政治教育的抓手,可以将思政工作体系贯穿到整个人才培养全过程中。“数字逻辑设计及应用”课程作为一门理工科专业的大面积必修课程,受众广泛,课程思政需要因课施策、有的放矢。从教师坚定决心、深挖思政元素、身教言传等多个角度,将人格塑造、知识传递、能力培养的目标与课程知识点相结合,达到如盐入水潜移默化的育人效果。同时,课程思政的设计和计划需要与时俱进、不断迭代更新,并将课程思政作为常态化开展下去。  相似文献   

公共英语课程兼具工具性、人文性和思辨性等多重属性,而且课时多、影响大,通常是团队教学,具有开展“课程思政”教学的先天优势。公共英语课教师必须站在党和国家战略全局的高度,更新教学理念,提高政治素养和业务能力,树立“新文科、大英语”的新理念,跳出语言和文化教育的传统格局,增强“课程思政”意识,积极开展“课程思政”教学,科学、合理地将思想政治教育元素有效地融入到公共英语教学当中,打造“知识传授、能力培养、价值引领”三位一体的教学模式,自觉做“课程思政”教育的探索者、研究者、践行者、先行者和示范者。  相似文献   

Some proponents of Africanism argue that African traditional education and the principles of ubuntu should provide the framework for citizenship education. While conceding that understandable concerns lie behind defences of ubuntu as underpinning African democracy, we argue that the Africanist perspective faces various problems and makes substantial errors: political, moral, epistemic and educational. While democracy and democratic citizenship necessarily involve sensitivity to local context, their fundamental principles and tenets are universal. Failure to acknowledge this comes at a substantial price. Taking as its initial focus an analysis and critical evaluation of Malegapuru William Makgoba's critique of liberal democracy, the paper questions the purported uniqueness of ubuntu and its value and efficiency as a practical guide to action and policy, as well as its capacity to indicate how conflict between its associate principles and values might be resolved, insofar as these principles and values are indeed morally worthy.  相似文献   

This article examines current policy on citizenship education in England, drawing on the recommendations of the 1998 Crick Report, Education for Citizenship and the Teaching of Democracy in Schools. In particular, it seeks to establish whether the proposals for citizenship education outlined in the report and draft frameworks for citizenship education, published by the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority as part of the National Curriculum review for England, have the potential to contribute towards racial equality. The report sets out to provide a framework for citizenship education which is intended to strengthen our democracy. The publication of the Macpherson Report of the Stephen Lawrence inquiry in 1999 led senior politicians to acknowledge institutional racism in British society and to pledge themselves to a programme to eradicate racism. Racism is therefore now officially recognized by those in government as one of the forces which operates to restrict the citizenship rights of minorities and undermines the principles of democracy. An understanding of racism, the ways in which it serves to undermine democracy, and skills to challenge this anti-democratic force are therefore essential features of any education programme which seeks to promote the political literacy of citizens. This article argues that a key aim in any programme of citizenship education must be to enable young people to understand the barriers to citizenship and to equip them with the skills to challenge and overcome such barriers. It examines the images and understandings of multiculturalism in the Crick Report and considers how it deals with questions of difference, equality and justice. It further examines whether the proposals within the report are an adequate basis from which sound anti-racist education programmes might be developed or whether the report itself may unwittingly reflect racism. It concludes by suggesting how the citizenship education project might be modified so that it promotes a vision of a multicultural society founded on principles of human rights and of schools where children are able to realize their rights on the basis of equality.  相似文献   

The global flow of citizenship education in China has spurred much discussion in Chinese academic circles. This study explores the interaction between citizenship education and China’s the existing political-ideological education and moral education as a space is negotiated a space in the current “ideoscape.” A qualitative approach is adopted to synthesize the literature coming from China on citizenship education from an interpretive and critical perspective. The research findings suggest: (a) The territory of orthodox political-ideological education is being narrowed down as its relationship with citizenship education is configured; (b) citizenship education and moral education are represented using different images to delineate their distinctions; and (c) the introduction of “global citizenship education” includes many new topics and competencies that expands the current ideoscape. This study argues that the ongoing debates on citizenship education are deeply rooted in China’s structural transformation, in which society tends to be separated from state. In negotiating its own territory, citizenship education reshapes China’s ideoscape in the education field. The paper concludes by suggesting that citizenship education should make a unique contribution to facilitating young citizens in a reexamination of the values imbedded in political-ideological education and moral education with a new social consensus being reached through the communication of ideas.  相似文献   

The ‘Bolivarian Revolution’ in Venezuela is conceptualised as a pedagogical project that aims to develop ‘twenty-first century Socialism’ through state-grassroots collaboration in the reorganisation of political space in order to develop participatory, democratic institutions and processes. The cornerstones of this project to deepen and expand democracy in and through education are the adult Education Missions, set up in parallel to existing educational structures, and with an explicit focus on socio-political education and community projects aimed at promoting a new hegemony based on active grassroots citizenship. While the struggle to extend democracy in and through education is not unique to Venezuela, the conceptualisation of democracy as protagonist and participatory, and the explicit links made between education and democratic social change within the broader framework of twenty-first century socialism, makes Venezuela a dynamic site to revisit and reinvigorate classical debates as to the role of education in promoting democratic social change. Based on 15 months of empirical research, this paper examines the extent to which adult education in Venezuela is contributing to the development of a counter-hegemonic movement to build socialism for the twenty-first century.  相似文献   

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