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以工程素质培养为目标的单片机教学改革探索   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从单片机技术的特点和知识建构的一般规律出发,以培养学生的应用能力和工程素质为目标,本着“学生为主体,教师为主导”的指导思想,在单片机课程教学和实践教学两个层面进行了一系列改革尝试。其效果是有效调动了学生学习的积极性和主动性,在探索式学习和工程化训练的过程中,系统设计能力得到迅速提高,创新意识不断增强。文中从教学内容、教学方法和训练手段几个方面阐述了具体改革措施。  相似文献   

网络教学设计样式的研究与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
网络教学对于习惯传统面对面教学的教师来说是一个新领域,由于缺乏可借鉴的原则、方法和网络教学设计支架,所以,传统教师面对网络课程建设与网络教学时常感到无所适从。针对这种情况,根据国际上网络教学设计领域的发展趋势,提出了网络教学设计样式的解决策略并对之进行了研究与实践。教学样式是获取教学实践中专家经验的方法,目的是以一种简洁的方式记录教学实践的专门知识,使得需要这些知识的人可以方便地获得。通过教育设计研究(EDR)方法,总结出七种典型的网络教学设计样式—理论导学型、技能训练型、问题研学型、案例研学型、情景模拟型、虚拟实验型和自主探究型,并将这些样式应用到了实践之中,将之应用于"网络课程"的建设中,有效提升了教师/教学设计人员间分享成功教学实践的格式和方法,保证了成功的实践经验可以被不同的人在不同的教学情境中以不同的方式使用,从总体上提升了网络课程建设质量。  相似文献   

Inspiration is the primary element of good design. Designers, however, also risk not being able to find inspiration. Novice designers commonly find themselves to be depressed during the conceptual design phase when they fail to find inspiration and the information to be creative. Accordingly, under the graphic design parameter, we have developed the ‘Analytic Composition Method (ACM)’ to guide novice designers in gradually breaking through their usual modes of thinking to construct their own methods of composition. This method provides a variety of creative modes for the design field. Three stages are presented in this study. A design method is first constructed based on the results of a pretest and the existing composition methods of graphical design. We then apply the design method to three iterations of graphic design instruction. Lastly, we conduct an expert interview to evaluate the usefulness of this method. The following are the results obtained. 1. Most of the participants tested sought inspiration visually; they usually began their design process from image data and do not use the data beyond imagery. 2. The results of teaching activities show that using this method as a tool for graphic design enables various sources of inspiration to generate different modes of thinking and creative expression. 3. Our method could potentially be used for basic composition training and project design execution. However, the application of this method may vary with different design objectives.  相似文献   

结合建筑结构方案、结构计算和施工图设计三个主要过程,融合结构概念设计、结构优化设计、结构构造措施等的设计思想用于建筑结构设计PKPM软件教学实践中。运用工程范例教学法,将《建筑结构PKPM课程》教学划分为结构概念设计、结构优化设计和结构构造措施设计三个能力训练模块。将结构方案概念设计、结构优化计算、结构构造措施设计为主线的设计思维方式循序渐进融入PKPM课程教学中,构建理论和实践教学相辅相成的知识和能力并重的教学模式。  相似文献   

研究性教学是融教学与研究于一体的教学模式,涉及教学内容设计、课堂教学组织、学习资源建设、实践教学组织和课程考核改革等方面。通过教学模式的研究与实践,培养学生学科研究思想、学术交流和创新思维能力,使科学研究与教育教学需求相互渗透,为学习者提供自主知识建构的学习支持服务,实现对知识的自主学习和自主建构。  相似文献   

王世光 《教育学报》2007,3(2):50-54
新课程社会科教科书在探究设计方面存在着一些误区。教科书编写者往往简单地把探究设计理解为问题设计或者活动设计,大胆地将探究设计作为教科书的主体,却没有在教科书中适当凸显探究程序,只注重探究设计的示范性,而又忽视了探究设计的可操作性。这些失误根源于教科书编写者对社会科教学理论没有深入的研究,同时对国内外社会科课堂教学实践没有深入的了解。这一系列失误无论对教师的探究教学还是学生的探究学习都带来消极影响。  相似文献   

In this article, we suggest that we are witnessing a challenge to the hegemony of text-based knowledge in academic scholarship, brought about by newly available modes of expression, and a cultural shift in our notions of reading and writing, authorship, and networked knowledge production. The central question we address here concerns the implications of widening our ideas of acceptable forms of inquiry, analysis and representation in academic scholarship. As a collective of scholar-practitioners exploring new modes of expression and working both within and outside the formal structures of academia, we argue for the increasing significance of multimodal research in the contemporary context of academic inquiry. By more equitably valuing different ways of thinking, knowing and communicating, multimodal research can facilitate wider and more diverse participation in the production of knowledge, offer a more nuanced and ethical mode of inquiry, emphasize different ways of knowing and connecting, and make scholarship more broadly accessible beyond academic contexts. Here, we analyze the key opportunities facilitated by multimodal inquiry, as well as the obstacles that stand in the way of a wider adoption of this type of research in higher education.  相似文献   

The study presented in this article forms part of a wider project promoting collaboration between junior researchers from different universities with the objective of rethinking and improving teaching practice in relation to the use of technology. The article describes research carried out during the 2012/13 academic year aimed at developing collaborative action research through technologically mediated agoras involving students from three Spanish universities. The main results of this study show that junior researchers improved their teaching practice through technologically mediated inside and outside agoras. In addition, the transformation of university classrooms into agoras enabled the negotiated reconstruction of knowledge for the analysis of good practice in the use of technology. Likewise, these agoras helped reduce limitations by breaking down the barriers of time, distance and resources for sharing findings and limitations between junior researchers. Furthermore, they pave the way for improvements and their implementation in learning processes during initial teacher training.  相似文献   

作为一种开放、智能、灵活的数字化学习工具,开源硬件是培养中小学生设计思维能力的重要载体。为了探索设计思维培养与开源硬件教学实践双向耦合的新路径,文章首先解析了设计思维概念内涵,对典型设计思维培养模型及特征进行分析,并将其解构为更具显性化操作意义的五大核心能力:换位思考、抽象定义、创意构想、原型迭代和迁移应用;其次,汲取设计型学习理论核心要义,借鉴“基于设计的双循环探究模型”,构建了设计思维导向的开源硬件教学模式,从“调查/探究”“设计/再设计”“反思”三个循环过程对其具体应用进行阐释;最后,以“智慧校园生活”为项目主题开展开源硬件教学实践,为新版高中信息技术课程标准中“开源硬件项目设计”模块的教学实施提供范例。  相似文献   

比较教学法在现代设计方法课程教学中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
肖敏 《高教论坛》2006,(6):120-121
比较教学法是教师在教学实践中,着重体现确定教学内容间异同关系的思维过程和方法。把它运用到现代设计方法课程教学中,取得了良好的效果。  相似文献   

李娜 《教育教学论坛》2020,(19):115-116
理性思维和科学探究是生物核心素养的两个重要方面,培养核心素养是新一轮课程改革的新指向。教学过程中引导学生设计相关课题,重点关注他们的实验分组,可以让学生深刻理解对照实验和对比实验的差异,锻炼科学理性思维,培养科学探究能力。  相似文献   

探究式教学是指为培养学生的探究意识及实践创新能力,教师创建条件引导学生主动探究问题、自主建构其知识体系的一种教学方式。在实践中发现,物理探究式教学有形式化与泛化现象,学生可能出现思维障碍,教师需要重建角色、更新知识结构、创新教学过程。作为应对策略,要注意营造民主、宽松、和睦的教学氛围,探究活动的设计要符合学生和教学的客观实际,要注重对学生探究能力的培养和强调合作学习。  相似文献   

教学策略行动研究是一种通过教学科研来实现教师自身教学实践活动升华的形式,它促进教师加强对自己的教学目标、教学过程和教学效果的关注和重视,对自己的教学实践不断提出质疑、将反思的意识和探究活动纳入教学活动过程,并创造性地解决教学活动中存在的问题,追求教学不断完善的实践过程。文章遵循建构主义倡导的"以学生为中心,教师为指导"的教学理念,以项目为依托根据不同的教学内容和学生的英语水平的差异采取相应的教学模式,并在教学中不断研究、反思,以行动导向探究学生英语应用能力(听、说、读、写和译)中所存在的问题,并制定出相应的教学设计策略以达到提高学生英语应用能力的教学目标。  相似文献   

针对探究性教学中"基于剧本的探究"的局限性,设计型学习提出以项目设计为中介,强调学生参与到具有挑战性的真实的设计项目中有意义地学习科学知识和设计技能。相对传统探究性学习,设计型学习在体验设计感、投入有意义学习、学习成果制品化、学习过程迭代化、教学设计逆向性等方面凸显其教学革新价值,逆向思维学习过程模型为设计型学习的实施提供了一个可操作框架。  相似文献   

以"细胞的衰老与凋亡"为例,通过创设问题情境、设置认知矛盾、小组讨论、社会话题探讨、迁移应用等活动,以知识为载体,传递正确的生命观念、严密的逻辑思维、严谨的科学探究精神、良好的社会责任感,培养学生的核心素养。  相似文献   

This article introduces playful learning as part of the decolonising project at institutes of higher learning in South Africa with specific reference to the discipline of communication design. Not only does the article interrogate the content of design education, specifically design for development, but more specifically the way that design for social innovation is taught. The article begins with a contextualisation of the decolonisation debate both locally and internationally, which is followed by a brief historical overview of formal design education. Design education’s trajectory informs the contemporary conception of design as a form of rhetoric. Design and play are then interfaced theoretically, and pragmatically through a case study to explore how deeper learning was made possible by play in a curriculum‐based project. Ultimately, the article aims to highlight the value of playful learning in design higher education to nurture alternate modes of design thinking that favour localised practice, intersubjective relationships between designers and their stakeholders and the enabling of students’ self‐realisation through real world experience.  相似文献   

This article investigates three teachers' conceptions and use of inquiry‐based instructional strategies throughout a professional development program. The professional development program consisted of a 2‐week summer inquiry institute and research experience in university scientists' laboratories, as well as three academic year workshops. Insights gained from an in‐depth study of these three secondary teachers resulted in a model of teacher conceptions that can be used to direct future inquiry professional development. Teachers' conceptions of inquiry teaching were established through intensive case–study research that incorporated extensive classroom observations and interviews. Through their participation in the professional development experience, the teachers gained a deeper understanding of how to implement inquiry practices in their classrooms. The teachers gained confidence and practice with inquiry methods through developing and presenting their institute‐developed inquiry lessons, through observing other teachers' lessons, and participating as students in the workshop inquiry activities. Data analysis revealed that a set of four core conceptions guided the teachers' use of inquiry‐based practices in their classrooms. The teachers' conceptions of science, their students, effective teaching practices, and the purpose of education influenced the type and amount of inquiry instruction performed in the high school classrooms. The research findings suggest that to be successful inquiry professional development must not only teach inquiry knowledge, but it must also assess and address teachers' core teaching conceptions. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 44: 1318–1347, 2007  相似文献   

许多教师认同探究教学观念,但缺少相应的探究教学行为。通过大样本调查发现,教师持有的探究教学观念分为陈述性观念、条件和程序性观念、探究教学经验图式三种形式。其中当探究教学观念仅为陈述性观念时,很难转变为教学行为,当教师持有的探究教学观念达到经验图式时,最容易产生相应的教学行为。另外,探究教学能力强的教师除经验图式丰富外,其陈述性观念、条件和程序性观念也更倾向于将探究价值定位于促进学生学科方法能力的发展和促进科学素养发展,倾向于关注探究教学的思维性特征和论证性特征,以及以思维活动作为开放性教学环节的活动内容。  相似文献   

应用型本科市场营销专业需要培育德、知、行、思全面发展的高级营销人才,而传统课程教授过程中存在知识传授、价值塑造和能力培养各环节之间不同程度的脱节问题,针对这一痛点,以"广告策划与管理"课程为例,基于OBE教育理念提出了课堂教学与学科竞赛和校企合作双维度融合的OCIA教学路径设计.该教学路径设计包括四维度教学目标的设定,...  相似文献   

Learning to be an artist or designer is a complex process of becoming. Much of the early phase of ‘learning to be’ occurs during the time emerging artists and designers are students in university art/design programmes, both undergraduate and postgraduate. Recent research reveals that a critical role in assisting students in their maturing identities as artists and designers is played by artist/designer‐academics teaching in university art and design programmes. By maintaining active art/design practices and drawing from these in their teaching, artist/designer‐academics model professional practice to students. Witnessing and interacting with such modelling is part of the process of students learning the shared discourses, views and practices of the art or design worlds to which they aspire to belong. The modelling of professional practice is critical to an artist or designer's ‘learning to be’ experience because it enables students to access the tacit and nuanced behaviours, languages and cultures that constitute contemporary art or design practice. This article outlines findings from a recent Australian study revealing the role of professional practice modelling in university art/design teaching. It highlights the centrality of professional practice modelling to artist/designer‐academics in their beliefs and approaches to teaching their academic disciplines. In critically exploring the research data and findings this article describes the role that modelling of practice plays and how it comprises a core part of the value that artist/designer‐academic participants contribute to the teaching of art/design education.  相似文献   

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