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嫉妒是一种潜伏于人的心灵深层的情感因素,文学中嫉妒描写包括嫉妒心理和嫉妒行为两个方面,人物的嫉妒心理和行为,有一个发展演化的过程,即“眼红——嫉恨——嫉怒——嫉毁”四个步骤。  相似文献   

屈原、贾谊因出众的才能遭遇嫉妒,两人的人生轨迹、遭嫉情节及嫉妒者的多重人格及心理感受的三个阶段.即由攀比到失望、由羞愧到屈辱、由不服不满到怨恨憎恨的过程很相似。屈原和贾谊借助文学创作疗伤,只能做暂时的心理宣泄和情感寄托物。对嫉妒者的心态、行为探讨的目的,是为了达到消除嫉妒心理的目的。  相似文献   

嫉妒作为一种变态心理,是同个人的思想品质、修养相关的.一个心胸狭隘、私欲严重的人,很难正确认识自己和别人,于是犯嫉妒病.嫉妒心具有明显的指向性,常指向比自己能干的人.嫉妒包括“嫉德”、“嫉才”、“嫉能”、“嫉名”、“嫉财”等.  相似文献   

少儿的嫉妒心理邱德乐嫉妒是在将自己的目标与他人的目标相比较时,发现别人的目标价值高于自己的目标价值而产生的一种失落感、挫折感和为了达到心理平衡而作出相应反应的心理状态.嫉妒心理在少年儿童身上几乎具有普遍性,一直是困扰教育者的一个问题。那么,少年儿童嫉...  相似文献   

强中自有强中手●zhaoxia0325@sina.com:姐姐,我嫉妒心很强,不能看到别人比自己优秀。我该怎样克服这种缺点呢?○"天外有天,人外有人。"对别人产生了嫉妒并不可怕,关键要看你能不能正视嫉妒。战胜嫉  相似文献   

嫉妒是一种不良的心理状态,是由于个人与他人比较,发现别人在某一方面比自己强而产生的一种羞愧、不满、怨恨、愤怒等组成的复杂情绪。嫉妒心理在小学生中很常见。究其原因,在家庭方面,与家长望子成龙、望女成凤心切而对子女施加的心理压力过大有关;在学校教育方面,与教师的表扬和批评手段使用不当,集体主义教育以及学习目的性教育等不够有关;在孩子自身这方面,则往往是心理尚不成熟不完善所致。嫉  相似文献   

从心理学角度分析,嫉妒是一种病态心理。当看到别人在某些方面高于自己(有时候仅是一种感觉)或顺利时,于是产生一种由羡慕转为恼怒忌恨的情感状态。嫉妒的范围是很广的,包括嫉人、嫉事、嫉物。手段也多种多样,有的挖空心思采用流言蜚语进行恶意中伤,有的付诸于手段卑劣的行动。报纸上曾经刊载过这么一则消息:  相似文献   

余启泉 《教书育人》2002,(22):28-29
一、嫉妒心理的界定大家都夸你品貌端庄,但又说你的眼睛不如邻座的姑娘漂亮,于是你一看到那双眼睛,心里就不是滋味;一个同学本来外语成绩比你差,后来慢慢超过了你,你心里就感到不舒服;在单位文体活动中,领导表扬了别人而没有表扬你,你心里就感到很别扭,甚至隐隐作痛。诸如此类,都是嫉妒心理的表现。在汉语辞典中,“嫉”被解说为憎恨比自己好的人,“妒”被解说为埋没贤良的人。由此,我们可以看出,所谓嫉妒是指抱怨、憎恨某方面超过自己的人,嫉妒心理是一种打击别人,抬高自己的唯我独尊心理,是一种对竞争者发出的仇恨心理。…  相似文献   

我国东汉学者王符最早指出嫉妒具有攻击性。这一结论被冷落了几近19个世纪,直至进入别世纪以来,现代心理学家们才先后认识到嫉妒的攻击性,却又流于进一步阐发。嫉妒攻击是指嫉妒主体有意伤害嫉妒容体的身体与精神的行为。嫉妒主体的挫折心理与补偿心理是攻击的内驱力。嫉妒攻击具有突出的阶段性特征,即炉羡阶段的象征性攻击、妒恨阶段的轻度攻击和妒害阶段的强烈攻击。妒害阶段的攻击具有策略性、残忍性、形态复杂性和某种非理性等四个特点。  相似文献   

人的距离知觉与距离感觉在非语言符号传递过程中,会影响其情绪的变化并由此产生某种行为反应。我们所说的嫉妒的距离性,既有一维时间距离,也有三维空间距离,还有四维心理距离。招致嫉妒情绪的距离,有时是其一,有时是其二,有时则三者兼而有之。心理距离最终是产生嫉妒与否的关键性因素。嫉妒距离性的实质,即嫉妒主体与嫉妒实体之间的关系能否沟通,以及这种沟通受时空、心理距离影响的程度问题。人们在生活或工作中应掌握好嫉妒的距离艺术,这包括两个方面:不嫉妒的距离和避免嫉妒的距离  相似文献   

The intentional evoking of jealousy has received little attention in interpersonal research, yet eliciting jealousy in another may perform critical functions in relationships such as meeting personal needs and relational goals. The purposes of these two studies were to examine how evoking jealousy may be used as a communicative strategy in relationships, and to develop the Evoking Jealousy Scale. Two studies examined evoking jealousy, relationship orientation (exchange versus communal), positive responses to jealousy, and equity in relationships. Results from study one indicated both exchange oriented and communal oriented individuals make attempts to evoke jealousy from their partners. Results from study two indicate the only variable in this study related to the active strategy of evoking jealousy was being exchange oriented. Feelings of equity, being overbenefited, and communal orientation each were related to positive responses to feeling jealous. The Evoking Jealousy Scale was developed and tested in study two and appears to have good face validity, unidimensional factor structure, and internal reliability  相似文献   

嫉妒是一种消极情绪体验和行为表现,既影响个体感受,也涉及社会文化,它的危害是显而易见的,特别是对经济困难大学生的影响,如人际关系等造成极大的障碍,因此,应该积极采取各种有效措施来疏导淡化嫉妒这种消极情绪,以保证大学生特别是经济困难大学生的身心健康。  相似文献   

嫉妒与大学生心理健康   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
嫉妒是影响大学生心理健康的重要因素.嫉妒既具有破坏性又具有动力性.大学教育应引导大学生消除嫉妒消极影响,进而把大学生嫉妒心理升华为促进大学生个体发展的动力.  相似文献   

宋文帝虽为中国古代明君之一,但猜忌心太重,这主要表现在杀戮功臣名将、重用宗室而又猜忌宗室三个方面。宋文帝的猜忌和杀戮,导致宋魏战争刘宋的接连败北、在职官员碌碌无为、有识之士退隐草野和他本人的被杀身亡,刘宋王朝的衰败和灭亡亦与此紧密相关。  相似文献   

莎士比亚的著名的四大悲剧之一的《奥赛罗》曾经引起无数的争议,其中“嫉妒说”长期在《奥赛罗》研究中占据了统治地位,尽管一批著名莎学家、文学家从各种角度对嫉妒一说进行了否定,指出“嫉妒”并不能令人信服地全面解释《奥赛罗》中蕴涵的人文主义思想光辉。从“他者”文化身份认同危机的角度,可以看到不断被强化的文化身份认同危机是造成悲剧的根本原因。中国改编莎剧也注意到《奥赛罗》中文化身份的差异。  相似文献   

Jealousy is a social emotion that has received little attention by developmental researchers. The current study examined sibling jealousy and its relations to child and family characteristics in 60 families with a 16-month-old toddler and an older preschool-age sibling. Sibling jealousy was elicited in social triads consisting of a parent (mother or father) and the two siblings. Positive marital relationship quality (i.e., love and relationship maintenance) was a particularly strong predictor of the older siblings' abilities to regulate jealousy reactions in the mother sessions. Younger siblings' jealous affect with mothers was linked to the child's temperament, whereas older siblings' jealous affect with mothers was related to the child's emotional understanding. Younger siblings displayed more behavioral dysregulation in the mother-sibling triads if there was greater sibling rivalry reported by mothers. Session order (i.e., which sibling was challenged first in the jealousy paradigm) had a strong effect on both the affect and behavioral dysregulation displayed by the older and younger siblings. Results are discussed with respect to the need for future research to consider social relationships as developmental contexts for young children's emotion regulation.  相似文献   

This study extends Baxter and Wilmot's (1984) work on the secret tests couples use to acquire information about the state of their relationships. No gender differences were found in levels of testing or in the use of specific tests in our sample of 226 romantically‐involved individuals, who reported on 1025 instances of testing. The effects of commitment, perceptions of partner's commitment, courtship progress, and jealousy on testing were also examined. Overall amount of testing was inversely correlated with courtship progress, suggesting that such tests characterize the earliest stages of courtship, and positively correlated with jealousy. In addition, females who perceived that their partners were less committed to their relationships were slightly more likely to engage in relational information‐seeking. Reliance upon specific tests was associated with several of the relationship measures. For instance, Endurance tests were best predicted by perceptions of high partner commitment; Separation tests were used when commitment by self and partner was low, when the relationship had not advanced much, and when the information‐seeker was jealous; and use of Triangle tests was associated with jealousy. Several significant contingencies were found among dimensions of the testing situation. The type of test used was associated with what respondents learned about their partners' commitment, with the probability of engaging in state‐of‐the relationship talks, and with the deliberate versus accidental nature of the testing episode. It was also found that deliberate tests were more likely than accidental ones to lead to feelings that the future course of the relationship was predictable and to open communication about the relationship. Finally, tentative support was found for a confirmatory bias in testing in which testers set themselves up to learn that their partners value the relationship.  相似文献   

在唐代笔记和传奇婚恋故事中分别出现了"妒妇"和"贱妇"两类女性形象,她们因其社会地位的迥然之别尤其是有无士族的支持而有着不同的婚恋遭遇,产生了不同的心态与反抗方式。唐笔记中的妒妇与唐传奇中的贱妇在时间上以中唐为承接点,这恰是士族于唐代进一步衰亡的转捩点,文学作品中女性从"妒"到"贱",反映着唐代士族的渐衰。  相似文献   

《金瓶梅》人物妒忌心理描写,揭示了中国古代一夫多妻家庭矛盾的人性心理根源,展现了妒忌心理对人性的扭曲、变态的巨大影响力。与类似的小说相比,《金瓶梅》妒忌心理的描写还展现出了它与一般描写妒妇、悍妇形象小说的不同之处:不仅借妒忌刻画人物性格,而且由此推动了情节的发展,成为小说情节发展的原动力之一。  相似文献   

《聊斋志异》中有关悍妇妒妻的篇章,不仅是蒲松龄封建正统意识、男权思想的流露,也是封建时代普遍存在的社会现象的反映。悍妇妒妻的存在,源于不合理不道德的一夫多妻的婚姻制度,是渴望平等不甘雌伏的有个性的女性不自觉的反抗。理想的婚姻生活呼唤真挚平等自然的两性关系,不以悍势压人,更无需以媚态悦人。  相似文献   

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