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身心对立的哲学思想引发了客观性知识、封闭性学习以及灌输式教育理念,进而衍生出基础教育过重的学业负担。具身认知强调人脑植于身体、身体融入环境,凸现了身心合一、人境相融以及交互主体的理论主旨。基于具身认知理论,基础教育通过转变客观化知识观以彰显教学的身心关怀、打造具身情境以塑造开放式学习、转变灌输式教学以实现对话式教学,从而有效减轻学生过重的学业负担。  相似文献   

具身认知揭示了传统认知的重要缺陷——对个体身体的忽视,突出了认知的涉身性、体验性与环境性特点。根据具身认知生成的路径,可以分为实感具身、实境具身和离线具身。此为教学带来新的启示:从纯粹大脑认知的传统教学转到身心投入的主动体验式学习,师生互动的身心融合为生成式学习达成了路径,情境教学则为加强身心体验的重要教学方式,消除对学生和教师身体束缚的负性具身效应。具身认知观还为教育教学评估提供了体验性、参与性与生成性的评估思路。  相似文献   

董芬 《教育导刊》2013,(12):19-21
教学改革的本质是处理好身体与心智的关系。当前课堂教学依然存在着身与心相分离的状况。作为当代认知新转向和新发展的具身认知,其核心观点是认知基于身体,身体与认知密切相关,它对身心分离的课堂教学具有重要的教学意义。文章从具身认知理论出发,提出具身性教学策略:构建具身认知的动力环境;知识学习的具身认知;情感态度价值观的具身感受与领悟。具身性课堂教学的转变将促进课堂教学改革的深入发展。  相似文献   

具身教学是具身认知思想在教学领域的延展与应用,强调教学过程中的“身心一体”与“主客融合”,关注学生个体的过程性身体体验,旨在以身体体验促进学生学习,是一种“事件性”教学,实现了对“二元论”的悖离。具身教学在于通过“具身交互”培养主体的人,通过“身心融通”培养完整的人,通过“知行合一”培养践行的人;通过“开放生成”培养个性的人。具身教学的生成进路在于认知理论的基础性置换与教师教学信念的培植,并在教育技术发展过程中以“具身”思想为引导合理开发和应用教学媒体技术。  相似文献   

具身认知理论视角下的语言理解方式是深化外语教学理论和实践研究的重要路径。具身认知语言观认为语言理解植根于身体的知觉运动系统,身体以及身体与外部世界的具身经验构成了语言意义的基础。具身认知语言观对外语教学的理论和实践具有重要的启示,外语教学要注重身心合一,强调身体经验和语言经验的作用,积极构建具身化的教学环境。  相似文献   

具身认知理论强调身体、认知与环境的相互作用,与以实践性知识、操作技能为主要学习内容的职业教育教学有着较高的契合性,对其有着重要指导意义。职业教育具身教学提倡“身心一体”感觉统合的深度教学方式,强化教学主体间“身心互动”的“具身交往”过程,突出“真实”环境下实践性知识的具身表征与传递。为提升职业教育教学质量,可采取基于身心感官功能,创设具身学习环境;加深专业实践体验,促进学生具身反思能力提升;围绕学生职业生涯发展,构建职业教育具身教学实践共同体;关注具身实践学习表现,强化过程性体验评价等教学策略。  相似文献   

具身认知理论认为,认知是身体与环境交互作用的结果,强调身体的参与和体验在认知体系构建中的基础地位,为现代教育教学方式转变提供指南。文章分析传统思想政治课教学身心分离的离身认知教学方式缺失;阐述具身认知对思想政治课教学的价值,有利于促进学习者知情意行统一和深度学习的发生;提出具身认知视域下思想政治课教学策略,并在《政治与法治》教学实践中,创设具身情境、唤起身心体验,调动感观参与、促进知识生成,坚持价值引领、实践育人理念,实现身心融入、构建多元评价。  相似文献   

窦平 《江苏教育》2023,(44):48-50+53
具身认知把“身体参与”置于学习活动的核心位置,其理论是在反思与批判身心二元论的传统认知观基础之上发展起来的。小学数学实验体现了具身学习的基本要义,实验的情境性、操作性和探索性让具身学习成为可能。在教学中,教师要注意从具身认知的视角引导学生开展数学实验,让具身实验促进学生的数学思维进阶。  相似文献   

具身认知是第二代认知科学观兴起背景下认知研究中最重要和最具代表性的取向。它主张身体、动作和情境在整个认知过程中的整体性,使得原先单纯作为语言学研究对象而存在的隐喻逐渐显露出其思维认知工具的本质。一旦具身认知凸显隐喻的具身性认知功能,隐喻在认知过程中的动力性本质也就越来越为人们所重视。当前隐喻认知功能的研究主要采取的是与具身认知结合的实验,并集中体现在情绪、感知觉和身体姿势等相关方面。  相似文献   

西方心理学中的具身认知研究思潮   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
具身认知已经从形而上学思辨走向心理学的实验研究。具身认知强调认知过程并非抽象的符号加工,而是与身体的物理属性、感觉运动系统的体验紧密联系在一起。身体与世界的互动决定了认知的性质和种类。认知、知觉和行动是一体化的过程。心理学的具身认知实验集中在身体的物理感受对认知的影响、情绪的具身特征、身体洁净与道德评价、运动系统与认知判断、语言理解的具身特征等领域。具身认知的兴起是对抗身心二元论的结果。在具身认知兴起的过程中,哲学家海德格尔、梅洛.庞蒂,心理学家詹姆斯、杜威、维果茨基、皮亚杰等人都发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   

具身认知理论是建立在反思与批判身心二元论的传统认知观基础之上的一种新型认知观。它在理论上突出强调身体参与认知活动的重要意义和价值。这一理论主张对开展有效教学的意义在于,一方面要倡导体验式学习,让学生在亲身参与中获得成长;另一方面可以创设教学情境,营造和谐宽松的学习氛围。此外,融创客教育理念于课堂教学之中,为有效教学的开展提供保障也是一条重要探索路径。  相似文献   

The relationship among bodily movements, cognitive abilities, and academic achievement in children is receiving considerable attention in the research community. The embodied learning approach is based on the idea of an inseparable link between body and mind in learning, aiming for teaching methods that promote children’s active engagement in the classroom. This study implements embodied learning as a part of the classroom curriculum in a real classroom environment using motion-based games. A total of 52 elementary students engaged in embodied learning in-class activities for four months. The data-set included standardized pre-post testing for children’s cognitive and academic performance, general learning analytics from games’ usage, interviews, and observations from the teachers involved. Findings showed significant effects both on children’s cognitive abilities (i.e., short-memory skills) and academic performance (i.e., expressive vocabulary). This article contributes to the educational technology community by providing an example of implementing embodied learning via use of motion-based technologies in a real classroom environment.  相似文献   

The disembodiment of cognitive science has resulted in curricula with disembodied concepts and practice. The emergence of the embodied cognitive science provoked public reflections on the nature of the curriculum. This has elevated the body from the ‘peripheral’ position to the ‘central’ position, acting as the subject in action and becoming the bridge to experience transformations. Meanwhile, the nurturing role of the environment for the mind is attracting increasingly more attention, and the environment, the body, and the mind jointly constitute a dynamic system that prompts the transformation and restructuring of learners’ experience. The reshaping of the relationship between the body and education and the integration of physical experience and mind-building have led us to examine curriculum from a completely new perspective, and curriculum construction is thus transformed to the dynamic generation of interaction among the body, the mind, and the environment based on group experiences. To be precise, there are three basic dimensions in the construction of an embodied curriculum: (1) returning to the life-world and promoting the integration of the curriculum narrative framework and the student’s learning trajectory; (2) introducing the embodied experience and realizing the continuous interactions among the learner’s body, mind, and environment; and (3) integrating the functions of technologies to provide a powerful mediating tool for the construction of embodied curriculum.  相似文献   

新教师入职培训需要摆脱被动接受知识的窘境,用最短的周期实现从学生到教师、从不熟悉课堂教学到能站稳讲台的两个转变。反思四年来连续四轮的新教师培训实践,具身认知理论为新教师培训突破窘境提供了理论基础。文章以"教学语言技能训练"实践案例为载体,呈现了具身认知理论下的新教师培训实践创新的五个方面:培训模式从接受学习向具身学习的模式创新;参训教师由离身旁观者变为具身建构者的角色转型;课程内容从惰性知识设计到认知、身体与环境系统知识设计的范畴迭代;学习过程从头脑参与到身心参与的全人学习;培训目标从知道知识指向知识理解、应用与创新的认知升级。这种培训实践创新为新教师及各类教师培训提供了一个新的理论指导实践的范式。  相似文献   

长期以来,身体只是作为心灵的物质载体存在于知识教学世界中,处于"被用"而"不知"的状态,最终造成身体的压抑乃至消隐。基于"身体认知"、"身体场"等理论视角,在知识教学中应重建"身体"概念。知识教学的目的,绝非"心灵成长、身体遭罪"。知识教学的身体检视,不仅在于将身体认知作为一个新的问题域,更应从"抽象主体"回归"身体主体",并据此观照当下知识教学中的身体遭遇,给身体一个舒适性存在。  相似文献   

具身德育针对传统的“离身”倾向和现象,明确了身体及其与周围环境的相互作用在德育中的不可替代性,能有效克服德育知行脱节现象.本文从具身道德的概念隐喻、具身道德情绪、具身道德情境三个方面论述具身道德领域的脑科学研究前沿成果,为具身德育新理念提供认知神经科学依据.  相似文献   

智慧教室中的教学互动实践因离身认知观的限制仍停留在传统课堂水平,将具身认知理论引入互动教学模式,实现高水平课堂教学互动。依据智慧教室中教学互动设计贯一性、内容生成性、过程动态性、内容体验性原则,重构互动教学过程,构建基于具身认知的智慧教室课堂互动教学模式。该模式将教学过程分为即时性认知、结构化反思和反思性实践3部分,形成实践中获取认知、认知中进行反思、反思中进行实践的动态循环,智慧教室则提供技术支持以促进学习者的高效互动。该模式有利于引导和帮助学习者开展高效的互动教学,促进学习者实现知识的意义建构和主体性成长。  相似文献   

当下学前教育实习较为关注学生专业知识和技能的养成,传统的教育实习在实习角色、实习内容、实习指导和实习成效等方面均面临一些现实困境。具身认知理论的发展为学前教育实习提供了新的转向思路。构建具身化的实习环境,促进实习角色定位转向;增加情境性实习任务,避免无目的做事;引导共同体学习,显现实习的多元互动性;关注行动性实习活动,以行动促进教育智慧与能力的获得。  相似文献   

The mutual relationship between real objects and mathematical constructions is at the very base of studies concerned with making sense in mathematics. In this wider perspective recent research studies have been concerned with the cognitive roots of mathematical concepts. Human perception and movement and, more generally, interaction with space and time are recognized as being of crucial importance for knowledge construction. A new approach to the cognitive science of mathematics, based on the notion of ‘embodied cognition’ assumes that mathematics cannot be considered as mind free. Accordingly, mathematical concepts derive from the cognitive activities of subjects and are highly influenced by the body structure. This article reports some examples of teaching experiments based on body-related metaphors. Some of them are carried out by means of technological devices. A call for legitimacy in school mathematics is made, both for an embodied cognition perspective and for a related use of technology. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   


Yoga is a unique form of expert movement that promotes an increasingly subtle interpenetration of thought and movement. The mindful nature of its practice, even at expert levels, challenges the idea that thought and mind are inevitably disruptive to absorbed coping. Building on parallel phenomenological and ethnographic studies of skilful performance and embodied apprenticeship, we argue for the importance in yoga of mental access to embodied movement during skill execution by way of a case study of instruction and practice in two related traditions, Iyengar and Anusara. Sharing a pose repertoire, they are based on distinctive philosophical systems with different teaching styles and metaphoric structures. To address relations between pedagogy and practice in embodied expertise, and to investigate the reciprocal influences of embodiment and thought, we explore in detail the linguistically mediated learning context where practitioners work with yoga teachers. Here, the mind/body problem comes to practical life. We demonstrate the effects of words on bodies, as knowledge is literally incorporated. We show why interpersonal influence on our movement capacities is sometimes needed to enhance expertise. We theorize and identify ‘signature patterns of tension’ among practitioners. These patterns have four sources: ghost gestures, innate differences in bodily form, functional fusing, and signature patterns of affective experience, modulation and expression. These patterns of tension produce ‘silent zones’, cognitively impenetrable actions, functional fusing of a skilful, compensatory form, and signature patterns of pain and damage. We show how instruction can disrupt these silent zones, enhancing mental and physical flexibility.  相似文献   

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