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新闻创新思维,可分为新闻内容的创新思维和表现形式的创新思维. 新闻内容的创新思维 新闻内容的创新思维可从以下几个方面来理解: 在报道时效上求新.目前各种媒体都在努力发挥自身优势,在追求时效上各显神通.广播、电视通过现场直播刚刚收到的新闻,来缩短新闻事实发生与报道之间的时间,报纸则通过推迟截稿时间、出号外等来进一步提高时效性,而网络媒体更是通过"即时新闻"等手段先声夺人.  相似文献   

面临竞争日益激烈的媒体市场,原本拥有时效等优势的广播新闻也遭遇新的挑战。广播新闻需要扬长避短,整合资源,用具有声音特色的独家新闻和深度报道,牢牢抓住听众的耳朵,并在新一轮的媒体竞争中占有一席之地。  相似文献   

从上个世纪90年代开始,广播受到电视巨大冲击,影响力渐弱。调查显示,80年代受众最先获得新闻的顺序是:广播、报纸、电视。90年代是电视、报纸、广播。进入21世纪,互联网又异军突起,成为时代的宠儿,受众的蛋糕进一步被瓜分。有人说广播已经边缘化,沦为辅助媒体。在媒体竞争日前激烈的今天,广播认清自身优势十分必要。(一)充分认识自身优势,努力把握广播发展的未来。1.迅速及时,时效是新闻的基本特征,广播的播报与受众地收听几乎是同步的,广播设备简易方便,可变性比较强,可以随时插入最新的现场报道。  相似文献   

新闻是新近发生的事实的报道,今天的新闻就是明日黄花,时效性或者说及时性是决定新闻的一个基本因素。失去时效,新闻就变成了旧闻。美国《纽约时报》前副总编罗伯特·赖斯特说,最没有生命力的东西莫过于几小时以前发生的新闻。这句话虽然过于绝对,但却充分说明了时效对于新闻的重要意义,在媒体竞争日益激烈的今天,谁争取到新闻时效,谁抢到了最新的新闻、就会在竞争中掌握至高无上的主动权,所以突发事件的报道也就成了各媒体新闻报道的重头戏,而电视新闻具有传播速度快,声画合一的特点,在突发事件的报道方面也就拥有报纸和广播无法比拟的优势。  相似文献   

近年来,随着现代通讯技术的迅猛发展,尤其是手机的广泛普及,连线报道已成为广播媒体倡导推崇传播新闻的重要方式。连线报道将广播新闻的时效性推向了极致,成为版面媒体无法相比的独特优势。1.连线报道充分发挥广播的快捷优势"新、快、活"是各新闻媒体倡导和追求的目标。广播记者更将其作为彰显自己媒体优势之所在。因而,广播记者们无论身在何处,都会以最快的速度、最短的时间  相似文献   

突发事件是指突然发生,造成或者可能造成严重社会危害,需要采取应急措施予以应对的自然灾害、事故灾难、公共卫生事件和社会安全事件.突发事件虽然常常让媒体猝不及防,但是新闻界有句老话:新闻是易碎品,意思就是,新闻是最新事实的报道,时间稍微滞后即成为明日黄花,因此,媒体面对突发事件重视报道的时效性十分重要. 广播所特有的“短、平、快”功能是众所周知的.同时,广播媒体可以不受时空的限制进行异地连线播报,与报纸和电视等其他媒体相比,其优势不言而喻.面对突发事件,广播记者应充分发挥广播的这些优势,及时抢占新闻的“制高点”.  相似文献   

张艳楠 《记者摇篮》2012,(10):24-25
近年来,随着媒体间竞争的激烈,广播媒体发挥自身灵活、快捷的优势,积极采用新闻现场连线报道这一形式,为广播新闻注入了新的活力。所谓广播连线报道,是指在广播新闻直播节目中,记者在新闻事件的现场,通过手机等通信工具,与直播间里的主持人进行交流,报道新闻事实、描述新闻现场或对新闻事件进行即兴评述的一种报道形式。在媒体多元化的今天,广播新闻连线报道发挥了独特的优势。一、广播新闻连线凸显新闻的时效性,从真正意义上实现了新闻的第一时间、第一现场、第一声音新闻的最大魅力就在于它的"新"。在如今这个信息化时代,传统的广播媒体受到了强烈冲击。  相似文献   

在刚刚结束的中共十八大报道中,北京电台新闻广播充分发挥广播特色,进行了多项创新尝试,使时政报道呈现出新的面貌.这些创新尝试概括起来,就是"四动":滚动、生动、互动、联动. 一、滚动关注,大会新闻贯穿全天 从广播传播特性角度说,声音传播的机动性、快捷性,使广播可以迅速发回第一现场的新闻报道.广播制作灵活、相对成本较低,可以随时改变节目播出计划.因此,对于广播媒体,最有效提高时效性的手段是实时的新闻播报.广播的优势在于,广播节目的采制播出不需要像报纸、电视那样经过多重工序才能实现,在新闻现场,只需要一部手机便可以向台里发出最新的报道.因此,广播媒体有提高时效性的最大可能性和可操作性,关键问题是能否打破常规的思维,及时插播最新消息.  相似文献   

第25届奥运会的报道,是一次空前规模的新闻大战,各种新闻媒体充分运用和发挥自己的特长和优势,不仅向世人全面报道了奥运盛况,同时也向世人展现了各自的新闻风采。在这场新闻角逐中,广播以其毫不逊色于报刊、电视、通讯社的表演,再一次证明了它具有其它新闻媒体不可替代的作用和优势,拥有广泛而众多的受众。首先让我们看看广播的时效优势。新闻最讲时效,而广播传播速度快的优势是十分明显的,只要有技术保障,广播报道与新闻事物可以同时同步。报纸再快,也要有排版印刷的周期,与广播不可相提并论。不过,如果与电视来比,广播时效快的优势就没有那么突出了。从传播方式看,电视与广播的速度是一样的,从巴塞罗那赛场传回的广播或电视现场报道,没有快慢之分,如现场直播跳水比赛,乒乓球比赛等。在这种情况下,广播对电视来说时效优势并不存在。当然,目前电视的摄录制作较之广播要复杂得多,技术要  相似文献   

当前,处于信息时代的党报,与广播、电视、网络媒体相比,在拼抢新闻时效上往往处于劣势。而与都市报、晚报等同城媒体相比,党报很多时候也没有多少时效优势可言,沾不了多少“先”光。  相似文献   

媒介变迁促动下的新闻语言变化分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
事物的不同发展阶段总伴随有不同的特征,从总体发展态势而言,变化可称为事物发展的最根本特征,新闻语言的发展亦是如此。新闻语言从语言中衍生出来之时就已具备很强的独特性,在经历了报纸、广播、电视、网络、手机等不同媒体阶段之后,不同表现形态的新闻语言之间各司其职、并行不悖,虽偶有竞争却也无伤大雅。随着新媒介环境的到来,新闻语言正经历着新一轮的变化,然而作为新闻语言发展的根本特征,变化的出现也是具备一定原因的,如不同的社会经济文化环境及新的语言发展态势等。  相似文献   

This study used a statewide sample of 400 Alabama residents to analyze the relative credibility of local radio news, as compared to local television and local radio. The results indicated that local radio news has a level of credibility that is lower than that of local television, but is comparable to that of local newspapers. This finding confirms previous studies that have noted that media consumers tend to have a higher regard for television than any other news medium, but this difference was not as dramatic as those reported by studies that have used forced-choice questions. Local television is indeed more credible than local radio news, but not dramatically so.  相似文献   

为了进一步提高信息的质量和时效,更好地为档案行业传媒服务,本文提出了建设现代化的档案期刊编辑计算机管理系统(简称期刊编辑系统)的目标和任务,期刊编辑系统就是利用计算机、网络、数据库和现代通信等技术,实现档案期刊作业流程的网络化管理.  相似文献   

Although much of the world basks in the glory of the Internet and availability of competitive media outlets, Africa's media landscape remains bleak. Radio, newspapers, and television continue to be government controlled: Radio's power to reach the masses suggests that many governments may never fully privatize the electronic media. Zambia has experienced growth of private media. Private radio stations in Lusaka have attracted nearly half of the listening audience away from government radio. Listeners rate radio as their most important source for news and the medium is highly regarded for accuracy and fairness. Yet these few private stations lack national coverage and political and economic clout to challenge government broadcasting.  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(2):178-195
One of the characteristics of convergence journalism is the prominence of repurposing of content. This article analyses news production processes at the Norwegian public service broadcaster, NRK, through the concepts of genre and adaptation. Convergent, or cross-media, news journalism involves media content travelling across media boundaries. As different media platforms use different sets of sign systems (audio, video, writing, images and graphics), this requires some form of translation or adaptation. This article analyses some examples of audiovisual content that travels across media platforms; mainly from television and radio to the Web, but also between radio and television. News content made for a specific programme on a specific platform, with a characteristic rhetoric, is adapted in part or as a whole to be republished on a different platform with a different rhetoric. In conclusion, the article outlines a typology of different forms of repurposing in cross-media news journalism, expanding on those found in Dailey et al.'s (2003) “convergence continuum”.  相似文献   

Considering radio as a social system for the production of culture and communication, and based on an overview of the Greek case, this article suggests a model for studying the potential of the Web casting radio compared with the traditional radio in various media environments. The model suggested includes eight dimensions: institutional framework, market structures and business models, content diversity, audience profile, interactivity, sociability, relations with the recording industry, and relations with major news media and organizations. The analysis shows that a complex approach is needed to explore the chances for the potential of the Web casting radio to be realized.  相似文献   

This article investigates the online comments of news items posted on the Facebook pages of two popular Arabic-language radio channels: Radio Monte Carlo—France24 and Radio Netherlands Worldwide (RNW). This study examines over 184,000 comments with a special focus on the most liked posts in order to understand how audiences of regular radio interact on social media. The results indicate that audiences seem to be more engaged with posts that encourage participating in broad issues, interacting with clever quotes, and entering contests and less so with reading breaking news. With regards to news events and serious issues, this study also examined how social media users of these two Facebook “radio” sites responded to postings that differed from their own opinions, and seemingly actively engaged with contrasting or oppositional views or sentiments.  相似文献   

Nontraditional sources of news, such as talk radio and the Internet, complement and sometimes replace traditional mainstream news sources. Using discriminant function analysis, this study reveals the role of values in predicting listening to political talk and religious radio programs. A model using the construct of “value equivalence” explains value differences between user and media that may affect whether or not news from nontraditional sources will be sought and used. Research questions are answered using data from the 2004 Pew Research Center Biennial Consumption Survey. Using selected independent variables (including value-based variables) to predict listening to the Rush Limbaugh program, 59% of all cases in this study were correctly classified. Using the same set of value-based variables to predict listening to religious radio shows yielded nearly 74% correctly classified cases.  相似文献   

The phenomenon of outsourcing is prevalent in many industries, including the media. In radio, voice-tracking of programs from other locations is a prominent example. How the practice of outsourcing affects the content of local news is the focus of this study. Comparing data on outsourced and locally-produced news in a small radio market, the study produced statistically significant results that raise questions about how communities are served when their local news decisions are made elsewhere. The study focuses on a market where local news, once outsourced, has been reconverted into an exclusively local enterprise.  相似文献   

基于用户生成内容的压力型新闻报道是对客观性的新冲击。在互联网技术的推动下,受眼球经济的刺激,由于对自身相对优势的认识不足,传统媒体与用户自由生成内容的关系越来越紧密。网络媒体的传播逻辑不断挟持、绑架着传统媒体的传播逻辑,损害了新闻客观性原则,最终影响到受众发现真相的行为。本文认为,基于用户生成内容压力下形成的新闻报道之所以偏离了客观性,并非网络技术的问题,而在于传统媒体在新闻采写过程中的执行力问题,因此,加强高质量的新闻采编队伍、增加基于自身媒介可能性前提下的‘新尺度’是重塑客观性的核心。  相似文献   

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