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国际劳动妇女节全称"联合国妇女权益和国际和平日"或"联合国女权和国际和平日",在中国又称"国际妇女节"、"三八节"和"三八妇女节",是在每年的3月8日为庆祝妇女在经济、政治和社会等领域做出的重要贡献和取得的巨大成就而设立的节日。在女性权利日益被关注的今天,女性工作者在越来越多的领域展露才能,以毫不逊色于男性的卓越成就推动着社会的发展。一直以来,科学研究是一个公认的男性占据主导地位的领域。然而,这并不能阻挡女性科学家在该领域占得一席之地。特别是,随着中国科研环境不断改善和提高,从事科学研究的女性越发活跃。尽管女性相对男性来说容易精力分散,但关注细节也是女性科研人员的一大优势。联合国教科文组织总干事阿祖莱就曾表示:"我们正生活在不断创新的科技时代,解决面临的问题要依靠人类共同的智慧,需要女性科学家的才能和创造力。"她同时强调,目前科研领域的女性比例仍然较低,性别平等不仅需要集体意识和建立规章制度,更需要每个人都行动起来。显然,在中国乃至世界范围内,科学领域的性别比例失衡是长期存在的。"在我国科技创新的伟大征程中,3600多万女科技工作者在科学技术重大、前沿领域发挥着越来越重要的作用,成为建设创新型国家和世界科技强国的重要力量和宝贵财富。同时,当前我国女性科技工作者还存在‘高位缺席’现象,在高层次科学家、科技领军人才队伍中,越往象牙塔的顶端,女性越少。数据显示,中国科学院800名院士中女性仅占6%,中国工程院877名院士中女性仅占5.1%,这表明我国女性科技工作者蕴藏着巨大的科研潜力。"中国科学院院士怀进鹏表示。同样最新的国际调查报告指出,尽管多个国家的女性大学生和研究生数量皆高于男性,但女性教授却相对较少,且雇佣、薪资、资助、满意度和专利等方面都存在着性别不平等。对于此,美国印第安纳大学布卢明顿分校信息与计算学院的助理教授CassidyR.Sugimoto和同事开展了一项全球化且跨学科的文献计量分析,其内容包括:性别与研究产出之间的关系、合作程度,以及从2008年到2012年期间发表且可以在汤森路透科学数据库网站索引到的所有文章的科学影响。分析发现,在研究产出最多的国家,所有主要作者为女性的文章被引用的次数要低于男性为主要作者的文章,而且与男性相比,女性作者的文章更多发表在国内,从而由国际合作所产生的额外引用量更少。数据还表明,由于合作是科研产出和科学影响的主要动力之一,推进女性研究人员参与国际合作的项目某种程度上可以促使科学界的性别比例更加公平。女性的权益不容被剥夺,女性的智慧也不容被忽视。多年来,女性科学家不再是凤毛麟角的存在,她们凭借自身的卓越才能和努力,在各科学领域成为佼佼者,绽放出独一无二的光芒。在中国近现代史上,有哪些投身科学的女性,以非凡的毅力、创造力和智慧撑起了科技发展的一片天?  相似文献   

性别偏好是科学社会学和科学计量学中重要的研究话题,已有的研究多数针对科学论文合著中的性别偏好问题进行研究。作为科学-技术镜像关系的自然延伸,对专利发明人合作中的性别偏好问题进行分析,有助于更好地理解科学和技术的区别与联系,也有助于更好地推动技术研发团队的合理构建。基于美国专利数据库,融合多种方法构建了发明人的性别数据集。同时,选取发明主导人(第一发明人)和参与人作为研究对象,并运用Kruskal-Wallis方法分析并检验了发明人合作中的性别偏好。研究表明,发明人团队中广泛存在"同质性"合作偏好的现象,即男性更愿意与男性合作,而女性则被动地只能更多地与女性合作。纾解"同质性"合作偏好,打破两性发明人之间存在着的刻板合作偏好模式,改善女性在发明人中代表不足的状况,对构建良好的合作创新环境有着重要的推动作用。  相似文献   

电子光学是研究电子在电磁场中运动和电子束在电磁场中聚焦、成像、偏转等规律的学科。已渗入到无线电电子学、电子显微学、质谱学、电子能谱学、表面物理、材料科学、高能物理以及光电子成像等领域中.凡是涉及到产生、控制和利用带电粒子束的问题,都需要运用电子光学的成果。宽束电子光学是研究大物面宽电子束成像与聚焦以及设计变像管和像增强器的科学.是电子光学的一门分支学科。  相似文献   

近年来随着女性科学家关注度的提高,学术界的性别议题研究也在持续升温。本文聚焦科研人员科研产出及影响力的性别分层问题,系统梳理了国内外学者的相关研究,从性别分层的表现及其原因两个方面呈现相关研究的进展,进而总结现有研究的局限并对未来研究进行展望。研究发现,科研论文产出的性别分层现象较为显著,且专利产出中的性别分层更甚于科研论文;而影响力的性别分层研究结果仍存在较大争议。性别分层的影响因素主要涉及智力因素、个人选择和社会选择3个方面。通过上述讨论,研究提出了以下建议:进一步扩展基础数据和测度指标;深入探索影响因素间的关系;加强中国性别议题的理论研究与实证研究;丰富研究成果的落地性研究。  相似文献   

正彭练矛,男,1962年9月生,湖南平江人,1982年毕业于北京大学无线电电子学系,1988年在美国获物理学博士学位。北京大学信息科学技术学院教授,博士生导师。2019年11月,当选为中国科学院院士。彭练矛的主要研究领域为电子显微学和碳基电子学。在电子显微学领域,发展了可以精确处理一般材料体系反射和透射电子衍射、弹性和非弹性电子散射的理论框架;建立了  相似文献   

王琳 《今日科苑》2023,(6):4-11
“女性在科学中的缺席”现象在世界范围普遍存在。欧盟非常重视女性在科技领域的发展,致力于指导和促进其成员国共同面对和消除女性在科研领域发展中所遇到的阻碍,引导和鼓励女性进入科技研究领域,在科技事业中体现女性科技人才的价值。本文介绍了欧盟为促进女性参与科技创新,改善女性科技人才发展环境所制定和实施的政策与措施。通过分析总结欧盟经验,并结合我国女性科技人才现状及问题成因,从转变传统观念、提供政策支持和设立专业机构三个方面对促进我国女性科技人才发展提出建议。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]旨在从地域、性别、知识隐藏角度揭示学龄前儿童阅读领域的合著特点.[方法/过程]检索知网中"学龄前儿童阅读"为主题的文献,使用Ucinet软件构建合著网络并对路径进行详细说明,进行作者合著的整体网络分析和网络节点个体属性分析.[结果/结论]研究发现女性在合著网络中起到了桥梁作用、知识隐藏行为在合著中频繁发生...  相似文献   

女性创业力量崛起成为浪潮,但相较男性创业企业,女性创业企业仍面临巨大筹资挑战,因此探寻融资中存在性别差距的根本原因成为当前研究热点。然而,性别视角下的融资绩效研究显露出了领域分散、视角单一、结论和作用机制存在分歧以及理论局限等问题。本文运用CiteSpace对相关研究进行科学计量分析,提炼出研究标签和研究主题,并对文献中常涉及的女性主义理论和社会性别理论进行回顾,总结已有研究框架和研究结论,沿着创业者驱动、投资人驱动以及二者共同驱动视角进行梳理;最后,探索了未来研究发展方向。研究结论对加深女性创业内涵的理解、重塑创业精神的认知、推动一般创业问题的解决以及为创业时代注入新活力都具有积极作用。  相似文献   

王娟 《科技广场》2010,(4):27-29
传播学的受众分类为女性博客提供了一个存在的界定,然而,这一明显为女性定制的公共领域空间中,女性的自主性别形象塑造是否具有网络的充分自主与自由?是对传统媒体女性刻板印象的再塑,还是对其的重复与巩固?笔者拟就此进行调研基础上的分析.  相似文献   

随着科技与经济结合日益紧密,大学和科研机构越来越重视学术成果的商业化,学术成果商业化过程中出现的性别分层现象也引起了相关学者的高度关注。本文系统梳理了国内外学者关于学术成果商业化过程中的性别分层现象描述及对其所做出的理论解释和实证研究。进而尝试对现有学术成果商业化性别分层现象的理论解释框架进行扩展,从个体因素、社会结构性影响、组织机构因素和其他因素四个方面梳理性别分层的解释因素。最后,总结了现有研究中存在的局限性并对未来的研究重点与趋势进行展望。  相似文献   

Science is stratified, with an unequal distribution of research facilities and rewards among scientists. Awards and prizes, which are critical for shaping scientific career trajectories, play a role in this stratification when they differentially enhance the status of scientists who already have large reputations: the 'Matthew Effect'. Contrary to the Mertonian norm of universalism--the expectation that the personal attributes of scientists do not affect evaluations of their scientific claims and contributions--in practice, a great deal of evidence suggests that the scientific efforts and achievements of women do not receive the same recognition as do those of men: the 'Matilda Effect'. Awards in science, technology, engineering and medical (STEM) fields are not immune to these biases. We outline the research on gender bias in evaluations of research and analyze data from 13 STEM disciplinary societies. While women's receipt of professional awards and prizes has increased in the past two decades, men continue to win a higher proportion of awards for scholarly research than expected based on their representation in the nomination pool. The results support the powerful twin influences of implicit bias and committee chairs as contributing factors. The analysis sheds light on the relationship of external social factors to women's science careers and helps to explain why women are severely underrepresented as winners of science awards. The ghettoization of women's accomplishments into a category of 'women-only' awards also is discussed.  相似文献   

随着我国科学职业化进程的深入,科学家形象的公众认知也日益复杂,中学生对科学家形象的认知具有很好的代表性。因而,基于DAST量表和编码方法,对安徽、浙江两省3所中学的448名中学生就科学家形象进行绘画调查。结果显示,发达地区学生更易获得较高量表得分,对科学家职业认知更加积极,但批判反思不足,欠发达地区学生则对科学负面效应关注略多;科学家画像的性别分布情况则表明,女性参与科学仍遭受性别歧视。因此,科技政策制定、科学家形象传播策略变化或需有针对性地调整完善。  相似文献   

This article addresses work-family conflict as reported among women and men academic scientists in data systematically collected across fields of study in nine US research universities. Arguing that academic science is a particularly revealing case for studying work-family conflict, the article addresses: (1) the bi-directional conflict of work with family, and family with work, reported among the scientists; (2) the ways that higher, compared with lower, conflict, is predicted by key features of family, academic rank, and departments/institutions; and (3) patterns and predictors of work-family conflict that vary, as well as converge, by gender. Results point to notable differences, and commonalties, by gender, in factors affecting interference in both directions of work-family conflict reported by scientists. These findings have implications for understandings of how marriage and children, senior compared with junior academic rank, and departmental climates shape work-family conflict among women and men in US academic science.  相似文献   

Collaborative relationships are an important anchor of innovative activity, and rates of collaboration in science are on the rise. This research addresses differences in men’s and women’s collaborative positioning and collaborator characteristics in science, and whether network influences on scientists’ future productivity may be contingent on gender. Utilizing co-inventor network relations that span thirty years of global life science patenting across sectors, geographic locations, and technological background, I present trends of men’s and women’s involvement in patenting and their collaborative characteristics across time. Amidst some network similarities, women are less likely to connect otherwise unconnected inventors (brokerage) and have greater status-asymmetries between themselves and their co-inventors. In multivariate models that include past and future activity, I find that some network benefits are contingent on gender. Men receive greater returns from network positioning for brokerage ties, and when collaborating with men. Women benefit from collaborating with women, and are more likely to collaborate with women, but both men and women collaborate with mostly men. I discuss the implications of these results for innovative growth, as well as for policies that support men’s and women’s career development.  相似文献   

女性主观偏好对我国科技界性别分层的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
赵兰香  李乐旋 《科学学研究》2008,26(6):1157-1163
 在科技界,男女科学家在产出和地位方面的差异是显著存在的,而且随着年龄的增长,男女科学家发表成果的差别越来越大。对造成男女科学家地位和成就分化原因的研究一直成为研究的焦点。本文在2006-2007年的问卷调查基础上,从科技女性主观价值偏好的视角,对此问题进行了解读。研究发现:主观偏好具有重要的影响;同时,在职业发展的不同阶段,科技女性主观价值取向与男性相比呈现不同的变化趋势。该结果从一个新的角度对我国科技界性别分层现象进行了解释。  相似文献   

科学中的性别差异   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
科学和技术是社会发展的重要组成部分,同时也是社会公共活动中性别差异最明显的领域之一。女性不能更多地进入科技领域并取得发展,不仅是女性本身的损失,对科学技术的发展、社会和人类的进步都会产生消极的影响。在对科技领域的性别差异问题进行理论分析的基础上,提出缩小和消除科技领域性别差异的对策建议。  相似文献   

This paper explicates a central conflict that can affect science research organizations, the conflict between the anti-bureaucratic stance believed to advance science and concerns for gender equity rooted in the universalist ethos of science. We present a case study of a science research organization, using employment and publication records, a survey of 308 employees, and qualitative interviews with 60 employees. We show how anti-bureaucratic organizational structures perpetuate gender inequities for both female scientists and non-scientists.  相似文献   

University research centers have been institutionalized as a part of the science policy repertoire committed to strategic use of science and technology. Based on a representative sample of academic scientists and engineers in American research universities, this study investigates the selection dynamics, attempting to unfold the determinants of department-affiliated faculty members to be center affiliates. The findings suggest that university research centers select their affiliates on the basis of individual scientific and technical human capital. Scientists from prestigious departments are more likely to be center affiliates, so are prolific scientists, former postdoctoral scholars and the elder cohorts. In the meantime, university research centers are able to overcome the incentive incongruity with academic departments, as is evidenced by a higher likelihood among junior scientists to secure center connections. Dedicated to diversity and equity, university research centers provide a level playing field for women, minority and foreign-born scientists. The study concludes with a discussion of the scientific and technical human capital theory and policy implications in the science enterprise.  相似文献   

This paper examines the gendered representations of scientists in the UK media. Our analysis reveals the asymmetrical ways in which men and women working in science, engineering and technology are portrayed, in particular through the emphasis on women's appearance and a focus on their exceptional status. It also highlights the way female scientists may be used to "sex up" the discipline in the context of increasing concern about the (un)popularity of science. This media analysis is contextualized by drawing on data from 86 scientists examining how women themselves experience press and television coverage and address the cultural contradictions surrounding their role. The research highlights the challenges facing women working in these fields and the dilemmas for those seeking to develop a "human" face for science and promote a positive image for women.  相似文献   

Yamini Jha 《Research Policy》2010,39(9):1174-1184
Norms of academic science and engineering are moving in the direction of broader applicability and transferability of knowledge beyond the borders of the university. In response, scientists are expected to engage in collaboration that includes both basic and applied collaborative activities. More specifically, the norms of science are beginning to change to allow for novel forms of collaboration that involve sharing of research ideas on multiple facets of collaborative work. This paper examines the extent to which multifaceted collaboration is attributable to relational aspects of individuals’ networks. Specifically, we ask the question: what relational aspects of social capital determine multifaceted collaboration among scientists in six fields of science and engineering? Borrowing literature from social capital and science and technology (S&T) human capital, this paper develops a multi-level model of multifaceted collaboration and presents a set of testable hypotheses. Then using data from a national survey of men and women faculty in six fields, we analyze the multi-level data: relationship or dyad level (level 1) and ego level (level 2) with hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) to predict multifaceted collaboration of academic scientists. Findings show that some relational characteristics explain multifaceted collaborative behavior as predicted, while others behave in unexpected ways. Conclusions place the findings in context for theory and policy.  相似文献   

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