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为了解城乡小学生在网络使用方面的差异,我们对来自城市和农村的240名4~6年级小学生进行问卷调查。结果表明:城乡小学生在使用网络的人数上差异显著;小学生上网的地点、时间的城乡差异显著;小学生上网的目的、家长或教师对小学生上网指导的城乡差异不显著。造成这种结果的原因,最主要的是城乡经济发展的不平衡。家长和教师应当树立正确的观念,加强对小学生上网行为的指导和监管。  相似文献   

互联网已经走进了小学生的日常生活,必须开发利用互联网带给他们的有益作用,改善或矫正负面影响.本研究针对北京城区高年级小学生互联网使用行为的特点以及"病理性互联网使用(Pathological Internet Use,简称PIU)"状况进行了抽样调查和分析.调查结果显示:北京城区小学生普遍都有上网行为,使用者向低龄化发展趋势明显,每周上网时间较长、极少数有网吧上网经历、上网目的主要是娱乐.其中PIU学生的检出率为1.25%.小学生安全健康上网,还需要家长、学校、社会等多方积极引导.  相似文献   

本文通过对中山市火炬开发区第一小学学生进行关于“小学生电脑网络使用情况”的调查,得出大部分小学生能够健康上网、同时发现少部分小学生对网络认识不清、没有养成良好上网习惯的结论,并提出了对小学生电脑网络使用的策略和建议。  相似文献   

徐运 《上海教育》2002,(5):54-55
关于小学生上网之事,有关专家、教师、家长和学生对此褒贬不一。有的认为上网能增加信息量、丰富知识、开阔眼界,有的则认为小学生还缺乏识别能力,网上的不健康信息会误导孩子的成长。那么,现在的小学生上网的情况究竟如何呢?我们以长宁区愚园路第一小学四五年级的学生为对象,开展了小学生上网情况的调查与研究。此次调查,共发问卷478份,回收有效问卷472份。虽然调查对象范围有限,但多少能给大家带来一些启示。  相似文献   

近段时间,有不少小读者来信询问“小学生上网好不好”“小学生用QQ聊天好不好”等问题,有些小读者还向我们诉说爸爸妈妈禁止上网的苦恼。随着科学技术的进步,越来越多的小学生已经开始接触并不熟悉的网络,对此有的人说,小学生上网益处多;也有人说,小学生上网无益处……到底小学生上网好不好,我们该怎么做才能利用好网络,从中受益呢?  相似文献   

小学生上网好吗?有人说:"上网好,可以不出门便知天下事。"有人说:"上网不好,它会使人沉迷于其中,无法自拔。"针对这一话题,我更倾向于"上网对小学生有害"这一观点。网络,一个最时尚的词语,一个最富有吸引力的词语。成年人上网看新闻、购物;小孩上网玩游戏、查资料。上网有利有弊,但我觉得弊大于利。为什么这么说呢?  相似文献   

采用自编问卷对甘肃张掖市5所小学生网络心理问卷调查,同时对部分家长、政府部门政务公务管理人员采用谈话调查,发现以下事实:所有被调查学校里都已经开设微机课;88%的学生的父母不鼓励小学生上网;81%的学生认为上网会影响正常生活与学习;91%同学回答自己周围的同学有向家长骗钱上网的行为;只有19%的同学回答自己进入网吧时工作人员阻止进入网吧,其他同学没有受到过阻止;小学生上网的资费60%以上来自父母给的零花钱;75%会在网上玩网络游戏;上网时碰到不良网站,23%的同学会很好奇地进入;近八成同学对网络存在依恋,每周上网时间超过12小时。大多数学生没有利用网络学习文化知识。分析这些事实,可以认为:小学生上网弊大于利。必须整顿网吧市场,严禁小学生进入网吧。小学生学习网络知识应当在学校或家庭中有成人指导进行。  相似文献   

电脑和网络现在已经和人们的生活分不开了,很多同学都很喜欢上网,但也有很多老师和家长反对小学生上网,现在我们就对这个问题进行一番讨论吧!如果你认为小学生上网利大于弊,你就是正方。请将你认为的上网的好处陈述出来,比如互联网能让我们获取大量的信息,方便我们查找资料等。  相似文献   

随着现代科学技术的快速发展和国民生活水平的普遍提高,电脑早已进入寻常百姓家,于是“上网”也就成了小学生课余生活中的一项重要内容。对小学生上网一事,有关专家、教师、家长及其学生见智见仁,褒贬不一。有的认为上网能增加信息量,丰富知识,开阔眼界;有的则认为小学生还缺乏识别能力和自我控制能力,在光怪陆离、鱼龙混杂的网络世界里很难驾驭自己,容易被不健康的信息所误导。  相似文献   

本文利用问卷调查法、访谈法调查了网络对某校小学生身心健康的影响,调查内容主要包括三方面:网络依赖性、上网目的性以及人际关系和学习成绩与上网的相关性,然后从小学生心理特征的角度对调查结果进行分析,最后在此基础上从家庭、学校和社会层面提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect direct and unrestricted access to the Internet had on a group of high school teachers. Based on the naturalistic inquiry paradigm, this study explored the barriers these teachers encountered when using the Internet, how and when they elected to use the Internet, the factors that influenced their continued use of the Internet, and the transitions they experienced from using the Internet. Data collection was based on Patton's (1990) three approaches to interviewing; data analysis was based in part on Miles and Huberman's (1984) model of data reduction and display and on Spradley's (1979) task of domain analysis. Findings suggested: that teachers require ongoing Internet training, technical support, home Internet access, and time in which to learn and incorporate the Internet into their classes; that Internet use can increase teachers' self-esteem and improve their attitudes toward computers and education; and that use of the Internet by teachers encourages them to restructure their classes and schedules to accommodate Internet resources within their classrooms.  相似文献   

无线接入点是无线接入网络的关键设备,负责对移动主机进行管理以及协调无线网络与有线网络之间的通信。本文通过分析IEEE 802.11.IEEE 802.3等协议和Internet工程部的有关建议,从硬件和软件结构两方面设计并实现了无线接入点系统。同时为了使移动节点在无线局域网中进行快速有效的切换,提出了快速移动切换方案,减少了移动节点内的切换过程的注册时延和数据包的丢失。  相似文献   

There is a need to understand antecedents to US teens’ use of information and communication technology (ICT). Research on the “digital divide” for access to ICT reports conflicting findings based on gender and demographic factors of parent income and education. This study expanded the “tool-will-skill” framework to examine how demographic factors, access to ICT tools, teen will factors and social networking skill explain variation in Internet use among US teens. The study analyzed national data from Pew Research Center’s survey of 1,060 US teens. Principal component analysis (PCA) identified six latent variables for teen will. A pre-diagram depicts a conceptual framework and causal assumption of relationships between demographic factors, tool factors (ie, Internet access, smartphone access and tablet access), will factors (from PCA) and skill factors (Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and Twitter). Multiple linear path analysis was conducted, and results reported. Recommendations are suggested for instructional practice, educational policy and future research.  相似文献   

Distance education programs that have been around for a long time risk being caught up in a groundswell of change brought by new interest in distance education fueled by the explosive growth of the Internet. These mature programs need to understand the factors that led to their success, the issues likely to affect them over the coming years, and chart a course that brings the two together. This article looks at how factors such as eliminating service area boundaries, support from the top, focusing on large enrollment courses, moving to faculty-led course development, emphasis on instruction and not materials, and development of complete degree programs led to program success at one large American community college. It also looks at how issues such as changes in distance education faculty and students, lack of uniform access to the Internet, the increase in distance education providers, and the need for student support services will play a role in future distance education program success. Finally, it looks at several trends that are likely to emerge from the current environment including the growth of state and regional virtual campuses, increased interest in partnerships, and the role of textbook publisher developed Web sites.  相似文献   

按开放式系统互连参考模型层次的顺序,从下至上地介绍了各层对移动性支持的研究进展,总结其优势和不足,指出切换设计和服务质量保证决定移动互联网的成败,而重叠覆盖网络优化、基于效用模型的服务质量保证技术对移动互联网接入质量至关重要。最终说明容断网络、云平台和数据融合技术的结合可实现以较小代价获得较好的移动互联网质量。  相似文献   

知识产权诉讼中电子证据若干问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过实证分析的方法对网络电子证据证明资格和证明力进行了研究,在证据资格上,真实性是重点考量的因素,而举证责任分配、借助专家辅助人、日常经验逻辑是认定真实性的关键因素。在证明效力方面,公证程序合法、规范,证据形成的过程、结果完整是影响网络电子证据证明效力的重要因素。  相似文献   

The current study examined factors related to older adults’ perceptions of Internet use. Three hundred ninety five older adults participated in the study. The factor analysis revealed four factors perceived by older adults as critical to their Internet use: social connection, self-efficacy, the need to seek financial information, and the need to seek health information. Key differences were found between previous research and the factors extracted in this study. The regression analysis demonstrated that variables like health condition, financial status, computer experience, and life satisfaction significantly predict, at various levels, factors perceived by the older adults to affect Internet use. The significance of the study as well as its implications for research and practice are discussed. Suggestions are made for future research and practice.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the effects of social–structural factors (age, ethnicity and gender) on university students’ use of web‐based instruction. The study uses data from registration questionnaires of students at the Open University of Israel. During the period between 1995 and 2002 there has been a continuous increase in the proportion of students who use the Internet and email for study purposes. However, a significant minority (one‐third of the students) are still not Internet users. Previous studies have referred to the digital divide in terms of differences in access to the relevant hardware and explained it mainly by social and structural factors. Current research tends to focus on the digital divide in terms of use rather than access, and explains it mainly by micro, individual and situational characteristics. The present study shows that structural factors such as age, gender and ethnicity also play a significant role in the continuous existence of the usage gap. The social and educational implications of this gap are discussed.  相似文献   

Internet这一新兴技术给相对稳定的传统法律制度提出了极大的挑战。中国已加入WTO,Internet的迅猛发展影响着驰名商标在Internet上的地位及其保护;我国驰名商标在Internet上与网络域名发生冲突时驰名商标胜诉一案对我们启示颇多;我国的现状及国际趋势都要求对Internet上驰名商标进行特殊保护。  相似文献   

汉英在网络上的变异及其原因   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
21世纪是网络时代 ,网络已深入并影响到人们生活的方方面面。拿语言来说 ,网络语言与现实世界里人们使用的语言有着很大的差异。本文先提出并回答网络语言是语言的变化还是变异 ,然后对网络上的词汇变体进行归类并分析其形成的原因  相似文献   

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