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拒绝是幼儿在同伴交往中经常出现的一种行为,分析幼儿同伴交往中拒绝行为的特征及产生原因等可以帮助我们了解幼儿社会生活的事实.研究者以幼儿园实地观察记录的案例为第一手资料,分析幼儿同伴交往中拒绝行为的发生、发展,探讨教师的教育契机和干预策略,为教师提供一些有启发性的教育思路,以促进幼儿社会性的良好发展.  相似文献   

本研究对一名被拒绝幼儿进行观察后发现,被拒绝幼儿在同伴交往中存在以下问题:交往时间短,失败率高;交往时缺少眼神交流;经常中断他人的游戏;交流话题自我中心色彩明显;喜欢独自游戏.进一步的访谈表明,社会交往经验匮乏、同伴偏见、电视媒体的负面影响等是被拒绝幼儿社交地位形成的主要原因.基于此,笔者从社交技能、同伴接纳、家庭教育三个方面对其实施了干预,取得了一定的效果.  相似文献   

本研究以109名3~6岁幼儿为被试,用自然观察法采集幼儿同伴交往事件,提炼幼儿同伴交往策略,建立游戏情境中幼儿同伴交往策略系统。结果表明,游戏情境中幼儿同伴交往策略系统共包含26种策略,根据交往目标可归纳为主动邀请、合作、联合、攻击、应对攻击、助人、物质交换、言语协商、提供物质、拒绝等十大类。该策略系统能够有效地反映幼儿同伴交往策略的发展状况。  相似文献   

研究对沈阳市五所普通幼儿园344名小班幼儿问题行为与其同伴交往能力发展的关系进行了探究。采用张元修订的《幼儿同伴交往能力量表》和Conners儿童行为教师评定量表,研究结果表明:(1)小班幼儿问题行为中多动因子和多动指数因子上存在显著的性别差异,且都是男孩得分高于女孩;独生女与非独生子女的幼儿问题行为无显著差异;(2)幼儿同伴交往能力中语言和非语言交往能力存在着显著的性别差异,即女孩得分显著高于男孩,而独生子女和非独生子女的同伴交往能力发展差异不显著;(3)幼儿问题行为中的四个因子均与其同伴交往能力中的语言和非语言交往能力、社交障碍及总分呈显著性负相关,其中注意力不集中—被动对幼儿同伴交往能力有极其显著的负向预测作用。  相似文献   

<正>小班幼儿同伴交往的个案,实践中经常碰到以下几种类型:一是受欢迎型个案,其行为特征:性格外向,活泼开朗,在班里表现最积极,能力强,消极行为极少,友好,喜欢交往,并在交往中积极主动性强,对没有同伴一起玩感到难过。二是被忽视型个案,其行为特征:不太活泼,在交往中缺乏积极主动性,积极行为与消极行为均较少,有较重的孤独感,对没有同伴玩感到比较难过与不安。三是被拒绝型个案,其行为特征:性格外向,聪明,过  相似文献   

本研究选取大连市2所幼儿园共240名3~5岁幼儿作为被试,采用幼儿社会行为评定问卷、家庭环境量表、同伴提名法进行测试,考察家庭环境和同伴关系对幼儿亲社会行为的影响.研究表明:(1)4~5岁是幼儿亲社会行为发展的关键期,女孩的亲社会行为水平显著高于同龄男孩.(2)家庭亲密度和家庭矛盾性可以有效预测幼儿的亲社会行为水平.(3)不同同伴地位的幼儿亲社会行为水平有显著差异,其中,被拒绝组幼儿的亲社会行为水平显著低于受欢迎组、被忽略组和普通组幼儿.(4)家庭亲密度与同伴关系交互影响幼儿的亲社会行为水平.随着幼儿同伴地位的不同,家庭亲密度对其亲社会行为水平的影响强度也不同,其中,对有争议组幼儿和被拒绝组幼儿的影响尤为显著.  相似文献   

心理理论对幼儿同伴交往的作用有:幼儿对同伴交往情境的正确分析,促进其社交安全感的获得;幼儿对同伴交往策略的合理选择,促进其良好同伴关系的形成;幼儿对同伴交往行为的深刻反思,促进其心理移情能力的提升。教师可以运用心理理论对幼儿同伴交往策略进行以下指导:引导幼儿使用正向策略,建立合理的交往观念;重视幼儿体验,引导儿童正确分析他人的心理状态;创设同伴交往情境,丰富幼儿的交往经验;引导幼儿自我反思,交流共享内心的体验。  相似文献   

三岁以下幼儿与同伴交往的意义三岁前,幼儿与同伴的交往行为,对其日后多方面能力的发展具有重要意义。研究发现,即便是三岁以下的幼儿,当他们在交往中与同伴发生冲突时(特别是与那些他们熟悉的同伴产生  相似文献   

幼儿期是获得有效交往技巧的关键期,良好的同伴交往有利于促进幼儿社会性交往的发展。大班幼儿在区域游戏同伴交往中能够协商解决问题,表现出谦让行为。对幼儿谦让行为的影响进行分析和对幼儿谦让行为的培养进行思考,能够进一步促进幼儿教育的发展。  相似文献   

角色游戏是幼儿的主要游戏方式,角色游戏中的同伴互动行为质量会影响影响幼儿社会性的发展。本研究对大班幼儿角色游戏中的同伴互动行为进行观察,分析其特点,并提出提升幼儿在角色游戏中进行同伴互动的技巧,以期提高幼儿同伴交往水平。  相似文献   


Many behavioural and emotional characteristics are associated with children’s peer relationships. The purpose of this study is to examine behavioural and emotional strengths of sociometrically popular, rejected, controversial, neglected, and average children. 773 third-grade children (51% girls) are assessed with a sociometric questionnaire and self-evaluations of their behavioural and emotional strengths and difficulties. Teacher evaluations are also used to assess the children’s academic competencies and behaviour. Univariate analysis of variance (ANOVA) is used to analyse the data. Results indicate that children in the popular status group assess their behavioural and emotional strengths as being better than children in the rejected status group. The behavioural profile of the controversial status group is similar to that of the rejected status group. Children in the neglected status group differ from other sociometric status groups in some behavioural and emotional strengths. Issues pertaining to gender differences are also discussed.  相似文献   

为了探讨农村留守儿童的心理一致感、同伴依恋和心理健康之间的关系,对327名西南地区留守儿童施测心理一致感量表简版(SOC-13)、父母同伴依恋问卷(IPPA)中的同伴依恋分问卷和中国中学生心理健康量表(MSSMHS)。结果发现:(1)留守儿童的心理一致感、同伴依恋性别差异显著,女生的同伴依恋、心理一致感均显著高于男生;(2)留守儿童的心理一致感、同伴信任、同伴沟通、同伴依恋与心理健康水平呈显著正相关,同伴信任、心理一致感显著正向预测留守儿童的心理健康水平;同伴疏远与心理健康水平呈显著负相关,前者显著负向预测后者;(3)心理一致感在同伴依恋和心理健康之间存在部分中介效应,中介效应占总效应的4.9%。因此,可通过调节留守儿童的心理一致感和同伴依恋水平对其心理健康进行干预。  相似文献   

矛盾分析法是认识事物的根本方法,它能指导教师更加客观地介入到幼儿同伴冲突之中。矛盾分析法对教师介入幼儿同伴冲突的理性价值有:一分为二地看问题,有助于教师树立正确的同伴冲突观念;具体问题具体分析,善于把握介入幼儿冲突的时机;"两点论"与"重点论"的统一,有利于明确介入同伴冲突的目的。教师合理利用矛盾分析法,指导幼儿处理同伴冲突:相信同伴冲突中包含同一性,提供幼儿自主解决冲突的机会;了解幼儿冲突的特殊性,当幼儿遇到困难时提供及时的帮助;帮助幼儿提升社会交往技能是重点,其语言表达能力的培养是关键。  相似文献   

This study examines factors associated with the relative stability of peer rejection among elementary school-aged children. Forty-four initially rejected children (some of whom improved their social status while others remained rejected over a 2-year period) were recruited from a larger sociometric sample. Prospective analyses were conducted to determine whether peer nominated aggression and children's perceptions of their own status in fourth grade were predictive of status improvement by the end of fifth grade. In addition to prospective analyses, initially rejected children and their mothers were invited to participate in a retrospective interview about their social experiences over the past 2 school years. Results of prospective and retrospective analyses suggested that perceived social status, participation in extracurricular activities, locus of control, and parental monitoring were all positively related to status improvement among initially rejected children. Surprisingly, aggressive behavior also was positively related to status improvement among initially rejected boys.  相似文献   

Research on the relation between social behavior and peer acceptance in preschool children and the long-term consequences of peer acceptance or rejection is reviewed. Preschool children who exhibit aggressive behavior tend to be rejected by peers at an early age and these first impressions have a lasting effect on peer acceptance, in spite of subsequent changes in the child's behavior. Social behaviors that are related to peer popularity vary by age and sex. Children who experience high levels of peer acceptance in preschool and who have friends entering kindergarten with them make a better adjustment to school. Recommendations for fostering social development in preschoolers are discussed.  相似文献   

同伴交往是幼儿社会学习的重要内容。混龄走班游戏有助于创设一种无结构小组活动形式,有利于促进不同年龄幼儿在游戏过程中的自由结伴、协同合作与交往沟通。为探究此种无结构小组对幼儿同伴交往行为的具体影响,本研究采取观察法与访谈法,对实施混龄走班游戏的H市B园进行研究,结果发现,在B园实施混龄走班游戏之后,由于幼儿在这一游戏模式下能够组成无结构小组,所以他们更偏向于选择积极的同伴交往策略,在交往方式的选择上也呈现出多样化的特点,幼儿的游戏体验以正面和积极的体验为主,不同年龄、不同性别幼儿之间能够形成交往默契与协同合作意识,促使交往多朝着成功的方向发展。社会网络分析结果进一步表明班级幼儿没有形成以某些幼儿为中心的社交活动模式,相反,每个幼儿都能在同伴交往中找准自己的位置,积极参与到各种活动中,形成了多个相对独立的团聚子群,同时又通过群体共享成员紧密联系在一起。幼儿园应创设具有无结构小组特征的游戏环境,激发幼儿的交往热情,正确发挥教师的引导作用,提升幼儿的交往水平。  相似文献   

Black, Betty, and Logan, Arliss. Links between Communication Patterns in Mother-Child, Father-Child, and Child-Peer Interactions and Children's Social Status . Child Development, 1995, 66 , 255–271. In this study, we examined communication in the family and peer systems in relation to children's sociometric status. Codes measured turn-taking skills and utterance types for 43 children (ages 24–60 months) with mothers, fathers, and peers. Communication differences in the family and peer systems were strongest for popular versus rejected status children and their parents, but differences were also found for controversial and neglected status children and their parents. Rejected status children demonstrated turn-taking styles that included irrelevant turns, interruptions, simultaneous talking, and noncontingent responding. Parents of rejected children used higher proportions of requests than parents of popular children but failed to allow their children time to respond to the requests. Popular status children were more likely to alternate turns, provide explanations to peers, and participate in episodes of cohesive discourse. Interaction patterns were examined for potential mechanisms of transfer between family and peer systems.  相似文献   


Even very young children think about their own and others’ behavior, including emotions. Such cognitions and emotions about the self and others convey information that is crucial to social interactions and relationships. The current study based on an integrated model of emotion processes and cognition in social information processing (SIP) aimed to explore students’ emotional and behavioral responses in SIP choices, and their association with teacher-reported early school adjustment. Two-hundred and thirty pre-school and first-grade primary school students were interviewed using the Challenging Situations Task (CST). CST assessed students’ emotional and behavioral responses to 12 unambiguous hypothetical peer provocation situations. Children’s preschool and first-grade primary teachers rated children’s early school adjustment with the Social Competence and Behavior Evaluation (SCBE-30) measure. The results revealed that children chose mainly sad and angry emotions and socially competent and passive behaviors. We found a relationship both between sad emotions and socially competent behavior choices, and between angry emotion and aggressive behavior choices. Sad emotions and aggressive behavior choices were the main predictors of school adjustment. Children’s responses to peer provocation situations varied depending on how the children interpreted the situations. The results address the importance of children’s SIP and school adjustment.  相似文献   

为了考察小学生社会性适应的性别差异,研究选取小学二至六年级的儿童作为被试。采用修订的班级戏剧问卷和同伴提名法对儿童的积极社会行为、攻击冒犯行为、敏感退缩行为、师生关系和同伴接纳程度进行评定。结果发现:在社会行为上,女生表现出更多的积极社会行为和敏感退缩行为,男生则表现出较多的攻击冒犯行为。在师生关系上,女生更容易与教师建立亲密的关系,男生更易与教师建立冲突和依赖的关系。在同伴接纳上,女生受欢迎程度更高、男生受拒绝程度更高。  相似文献   

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