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近年来,随着我国综合国力的不断提升和海外利益的不断拓展,国家对海军建设日益重视,各种新型舰船陆续下水,有效增强了海军作战水平和能力。机电部门作为舰艇上最大的作战部门,具有装备数量多、种类多和维修保障复杂以及所属人员数量多等特点,这些都对机电干部个人素质和能力提出了更高要求,为了深入了解和掌握电气工程"双重"专业毕业学员能否胜任舰艇机电干部岗位人才需要,以便进一步优化学员培养水平,必须建立合理的电气工程毕业学员质量评价体系。  相似文献   

随着全球化的发展,远洋船舶数量和吨位不断增加。船舶动力系统大多由机电干部负责管理、使用和维护,这对电气工程专业机电干部的个人素质和能力提出了更高要求。为了深入了解和掌握电气工程专业毕业学员能否胜任船舶机电干部岗位人才需求,文章通过调查问卷方式获取电气工程专业人才培养模式与知识体系的优点和存在的问题,作为后续工程专业人才培养模式教学改革的依据。  相似文献   

近日,海军广州舰艇学院在上级领导机关和舰艇部队的大力支持下克服了重重困难想方设法从舰艇部队远道运来两艘退役军舰,建成一个舰艇长陆上实作训练场.利用这个训练场,可以使学员在实舰实艇上,进行组织训练、战斗部署演练、损管指挥及船艺等技能的训练不仅可使学员对毕业后的岗位增强感性认识,熟悉现有舰艇的结构组成和武器装备,缓解目前学员出海实习难的矛盾,并且可以大大提高实作技能和舰艇组织训练水平.缩短毕业后到部队第一任职的见习期,增强在舰艇基层部队尽快开展工作的胆识和建功立业的信心.  相似文献   

本刊讯 中共上海市科教党校第十六期中青年干部培训班结业典礼在市科教党校举行。在结业典礼上,学员代表对80多天的学习生活进行了总结,全体学员重温了入党誓言,市教卫党委、科技党委的领导向学员们颁发了结业证书,市教卫党委书记李宣海到会并发表讲话,典礼在全体学员合唱《毕业歌》中结束。  相似文献   

为了有效服务产业转型升级.加快企业一线员工学历和技能提升.浙江省从2007年开始.在浙江机电职业技术学院和浙江工业职业技术学院开展“双元制”成人高等职业教育改革试点。3年多来,试点范围从2007年的2所院校、4家企业、200名学员.扩展到2011年的22所高职院校、150余家企业、近万名学员。首届174名学员2011年顺利毕业。  相似文献   

实践性教学的目的,除了让学员加深和巩固课堂所学理论知识外,很重要的一个方面就是要努力使学员所学知识转化为实际工作能力。对于高年级学员的实验实作课尤为如此。因此在组织实践性教学活动时,注重与部队实际结合,使学员所学知识和技能尽快向部队工作能力转化是十分必要的。 本人在海工毕业后在舰艇部队从事机  相似文献   

我们学校是全军唯一的一所为部队培养农牧专业技术干部和管理干部的院校。每年毕业学员大部分被分到边远和艰苦地区的农牧场工作。为使学员在部队能用得上,留得住,我们自1990年以来,在学员中加强敬业观的培育工作,并形成了一套行之有效的做法。教育成果受到了军委领导的赞扬。一、敬业观教育的实践依据(一)开展敬业教育,是学校专业特殊性的要求。我校学员毕业去向是西藏、新疆等边远地区和其它地区部队的农场、牧场,这些地方生活条件差,环境艰苦。很多学员不安心,等待毕业“跳农门”。我们感到,必须对学员进行规范化的敬业教育。…  相似文献   

我院油料专业的学员,按照教育计划的要求,在毕业前夕,要组织180—200小时下部队实习。对学员实施政治思想、道德品质、组织纪律、作风养成、带兵能力和专业技能等综合性的培养和锻炼,以满足毕业后第一任职的需要。多年的实践充分证明,取得了较好的效果。 一、对历届学员下部队实习的评估 学员下部队实习的组织形式和方法,是逐步改革深化的。建院初期,是以参观见学为主,以扩大学员的知识面,提高学员的感性认识为主要目的。组织形式是统一组织参观油库、码头加油设施,舰艇、飞机加油方法等。随着学院教学改革的不断深入,学员的实习改为统一组织定点参观与实习。即统一组织学员住在某一油库,先组织面上参观,后结合油  相似文献   

随着新军事变革的深入推进,部队基层全面建设对毕业学员的能力素质提出了更高的要求。本文在深入部队调研的基础上,提出了部队基层全面建设对毕业学员的能力素质需求,并对学员队干部如何紧贴部队需求,找准岗位角色,抓好学员队的管理教育进行了思考。  相似文献   

中央广播电视大学从一九八四年秋季开办党政管理干部基础专修科(以下简称党政干部专修科)以来,已经有三年时间了。三年中,共招收八四和八五两个年级二年制全脱产和三年制半脱产的四届学员。到目前为止,八四级二年制全脱产学员已经毕业,八五级二年制全脱产班和八四级三年制半脱产班也即将于今年秋季毕业。据不完全统计,已经毕业的学员数量大约有七万人左右;即  相似文献   

金融危机背景下高职院校促进大学生就业的对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全球金融危机的迅速蔓延,使得高职院校毕业生的就业形势日趋严峻.高职院校如何应对这一难题,本文指出决策部门、就业部门、辅导员和毕业生四方面力量应协调一致,共同努力化解就业压力.  相似文献   

面对择业,毕业生表现出不同择业心态,从而对就业指导工作提出更高要求。为此,要从解决毕业生择业心态不平衡入手,引导毕业生树立正确择业观,开展多层次、多渠道、多种形式就业指导活动,强化就业指导各项工作,形成齐抓共管局面。  相似文献   

Using data from the 2018 Labor Force Survey, this paper analyzes wage differentials by field of study among Vietnamese university graduates. In contrast to previous findings, we find that many fields, even more technically and quantitatively oriented disciplines, such as engineering, science/math/computer science and business/finance, afford lower earnings than do the arts/humanities disciplines. The differences are statistically significant and, in many cases, large, even after controlling for other individual and regional characteristics. Also, the differences are greater among female than among male graduates. Our results shed light on the value of various types of human capital represented by the various disciplines. Such findings offer useful policy implications for policymakers and educational managers.  相似文献   

The discipline of sociology generally has not analyzed the differential productivity among graduates of doctoral programs. When such productivity has been assessed, quantity rather than quality of publications has been the basis for comparisons. The present study uses data compiled from the Social Science Citation Index to measure the differential contributions to sociology by the graduates of a number of long established and prestigious doctoral programs in the field. Based on these data, a number of interesting patterns emerge concerning the quality of graduates' productivity, both across departments and within various alumni cohorts of the same department.No special merit should be attached to the order of names. The authors contributed equally to this article.  相似文献   

Graduates in the areas of Science and Technology are believed to have traditionally been employed in a number of specific industries, but the recent restructuring of some industries may have affected this phenomenon. In order to examine the trends concerning employment issues in more detail, a case study was conducted by surveying employment statistics for every five years between 1985 and 2010, of graduates from various departments of Science and Technology at a Japanese National University. In this period, the Japanese economy experienced a variety of changes which resulted in some leading Japanese universities with engineering programmes changing their emphasis from undergraduate studies to postgraduate studies. These influences were observed using employment statistics. According to the statistics representing degree levels and the ratios of job openings to applicants, the percentages of graduates employed by industry were compared using data measured at five year intervals. A shift in the employment of graduates can be observed. Employment of graduates of Master's degree courses increased twofold during the 1990s, and employment of Ph.D. course graduates increased significantly in the near term, while employment of Bachelor's degree holders decreased. The relationship between graduates of 13 departments and 21 types of industry was analysed using multiple correspondence analysis. Common two-dimensional scales such as basic-advanced science and technology, and broad-specific demand science and technology were extracted. Both factors of year and degree levels were also configured using the same figures. These configurations were compared between the years examined, and the changes in the structural relationships between degree levels, departments and industries were analysed. These results suggest that some industrial sectors have recently begun to require Master's or Doctoral level graduates from specific departments, though they had not strongly done so before. This also illustrates the relationship between university departments and industry with regard to human resource supply and demand.  相似文献   

基于工程意识视域下,以高校机电专业为研究对象,以培养学生创新意识、科研品质、实践能力为研究主线.研究表明,当前机电专业教育存在重理论、轻实践、缺乏成长型思维等问题.为加快完善机电专业人才培养路径的实施,高等院校应打造具有工程意识的双师型教师,引进学习模型、设备,完善科研育人体系,实施多维度、多元化评价体系等,从而实现优...  相似文献   

In engineering education, the accreditation and assessment of academic programmes is vital in order to maintain the quality and the status of engineering graduates, and hence the technical workforce. Results of a survey of the relevant literature and observations indicate that various accreditation models have been developed regionally, as well as internationally but most of these models seem to be non-uniform, too complex, non-transparent and, moreover, non-precise. This leads to confusion and growing concerns about the mutual recognition and global mobility of the engineering profession. As a result, there is an urgent need for a systematic global model of engineering accreditation that can be used to assess global professional skills and attributes of engineering graduates. The aim of the current paper is to present a brief review of existing accreditation systems implemented in engineering education worldwide as well as to describe the methodology for developing a global accreditation model in engineering education. Various existing accreditation models in engineering education are briefly discussed in this paper and the strengths and weaknesses of these models are outlined and presented. The need for the global accreditation model has been justified and the methodology for the development of the model is outlined with its advantages listed in the paper.  相似文献   

近年来,我国大学毕业生就业形势一直比较严峻,毕业生就业过程中存在着许多实际问题,对大学生顺利、充分就业影响很大。对此,高校应该从加强就业工作的组织领导和管理,加强对毕业生的就业教育和指导,加强就业工作职能部门和教学单位的分工协作,通过创新工作方法进一步开拓就业渠道和推进就业工作特色化等方面人手,努力增强毕业生就业工作的...  相似文献   

Previous research suggests that it is the department, not the graduate school that bears the greatest responsibility for doctoral students’ progress and success (Ehrenberg et al., Doctoral education and the faculty of the future (pp. 15–34). Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2009) dictating the need to examine and understand how doctoral students experience their education at the department level. In the present study, we analyzed the NAGPS’ 2000 National Doctoral Program Survey (NDPS) data in an effort to understand the differences in the satisfaction levels of doctoral students (current, recent graduates, and former) across various academic disciplines (e.g. social sciences, humanities, engineering) and different institutional types (e.g. research extensive and research intensive). Employing both traditional (ANOVA) and item-level (Rasch Rating Scale Model) analyses we found that although overall satisfaction with doctoral experiences appears to be equivalent/similar across multiple disciplines, student satisfaction within disciplines varied significantly and consistently with respect to specific academic experiences.  相似文献   

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