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随着信息技术、移动互联技术的迅速发展以及智能终端的日益普及,数字化、网络化、虚拟化、移动化的信息时代正悄然改变着人们的生活和学习方式。在此背景下,构建体验式在线漫游虚拟博物馆对提升博物馆的社会影响力,延伸博物馆社会教育服务功能具有重要的实际意义。文章结合辽宁古生物博物馆采用360全景技术开发在线漫游虚拟博物馆的经验,在总结全景技术、数字博物馆的相关理论基础之上,分析了利用全景技术开发在线漫游虚拟博物馆的意义与价值,阐述了基于全景技术的场景漫游设计思想与制作流程,旨为与其相关的研究提供理论参考。  相似文献   

【目的】文章以国内外著名的虚拟博物馆为案例进行分析,以其自身独特的传播优势作为切入点,探究如何将虚拟博物馆与元宇宙特性相结合以更好地发挥其独特优势的问题,为虚拟博物馆的未来发展提供可参考的传播策略。【方法】采用文献研究法、案例分析法。【结果】通过论述虚拟博物馆的记载性、时空性、便捷性、互动性、主题性等优势,进一步提出从内容、虚拟空间、虚拟身份等多个角度调整虚拟博物馆的传播策略。【结论】明确将元宇宙的特性与虚拟博物馆的传播优势进行融合,可有效提升信息传播效率,优化虚拟博物馆的传播效果。  相似文献   

当代社会迅猛发展的数字技术,给博物馆注入了新的活力。本文在分析数字展示技术在博物馆实体展览和虚拟展览中的应用案例的基础上,将几种常用的展示技术进行对比,讨论了数字展示与传统展示的优劣,进而提出了运用数字展示技术的原则,,  相似文献   

数字虚拟现实技术随着显示技术与互动技术的飞速发展而慢慢融入了我们的日常生活。数字虚拟现实有两大类的发展方向:一类是在真实的基础上对真实世界数字化,如数字城市、数字社区、虚拟图书馆、虚拟博物馆等;另一类则完全是虚构的世界,包括虚拟人物、虚拟场景等。  相似文献   

杜宇静 《今传媒》2022,30(1):97-100
疫情期间众多博物馆通过线上虚拟技术满足了观展的安全需求,多数观众甚至认为线上观展能够观看的更清晰,便捷的操作能够替代线下的观展体验。那么线下博物馆的发展趋势能够被革新的技术所替代吗?线下博物馆展示空间所不可替代的特性又是什么?或许是通过多元感知的共同作用下所产生的真实感体验,是不能够被虚拟技术所替代的人类真实的感官体验。本文以互动体验为切入点探讨在博物馆展示空间中为观众营造具有真实感的空间环境,通过对展示空间中互动装置的探讨以及对真实感中的"五感"的有关互动体验分析,探究博物馆展示空间中互动体验的多元表达。  相似文献   

数字时代的“文艺复兴”——Google Art Project引发的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为一种数字出版形态的虚拟博物馆,GoogleArtProject将全球各地17家博物馆的众多艺术品呈现于网络,并且运用谷歌街景等新技术将虚拟博物馆延伸到了公共艺术教育领域,也引发了关于交互方式、文化传播以及版权保护等话题的争议和思考。  相似文献   

随着互联网技术的发展和普及,以腾讯QQ群为代表的虚拟学习社区已成为博物馆各项业务交流沟通的重要平台。本文首先介绍了虚拟学习社区与腾讯QQ群,接着对国内QQ博物馆群的应用现状进行调查,并以"博物馆传媒交流群"为具体研究案例,通过ROSTCM工具进行内容统计分析,得出该群发言频度、高频词、情感分布、社会网络等数据图表。最后从QQ群功能角度出发,对QQ群在博物馆中的作用、具体应用进行分析,并对当前应用现状进行了一些粗浅的思考。  相似文献   

虚拟博物馆中的情感体验是博物馆研究中长期被忽视的话题。本文从现象学视角入手,考察虚拟博物馆体验与情感可供性之间的关系。基于伦敦科学博物馆“物与故事”系列线上资源的案例研究表明,感官形态的参与和视角转换是两种创造情感可供性的渠道。  相似文献   

网络媒体与艺术博物馆   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄鸣奋 《现代传播》2003,44(6):47-50
网络媒体给艺术博物馆带来了诸多变化。虚拟访问成为艺术参观新形式 ,数码产品成为艺术收藏新品种 ,赛博空间成为艺术展览新基地。建设虚拟艺术博物馆既有助于推动艺术创新 ,又有助于促进民族文化传播  相似文献   

当代博物馆正在从"以藏品为重心"转变为"以人为重心",基于"互联网+"的时代背景以及新媒体技术的广泛应用,当代博物馆在性能、功能、职能、效能等方面都实现了最大的包容性,这意味着一个"泛博物馆"观念的确立。"互联网+"时代,博物馆呈现出数字化、虚拟性、交互式、可移动的新特点和趋势,作为社会公共文化服务的重要阵地,当代博物馆在数位典藏、虚拟体验、智识教育、娱乐休闲及社交、IP开发及衍生服务等方面借势"互联网+"的东风,大大提升了博物馆公共文化服务的质量和能力。  相似文献   

The Museum is a perspicuous site for analysing the complex interplay between social, organisational, cultural and political factors which have relevance to the design and use of virtual technologies. Specifically, the introduction of virtual technologies in museums runs up against the issue of the situated character of information use. Across a number of disciplines (anthropology, sociology, psychology, cognitive science) there is growing recognition of the situatedness of knowledge and its importance for the design and use of technology. This awareness is fostered by the fact that technological developments are often associated with disappointing gains for users. The effective use of technology relies on the degree to which it can be embedded in or congruent with the local practices of museum users. Drawing upon field research in two museums of science and technology, both of which are in the process of introducing virtual technologies and exploring the possibilities of on-line access, findings are presented which suggest that the success of such developments will depend on the extent to which they are informed by detailed understanding of practice-practices that are essentially socially constituted in the activities of museum visitors and the daily work of museum professionals.  相似文献   

Virtual communities like Second Life (SL) represent an economic factor with increasing potential, but may induce behavior that deviates from real-world experience. This article introduces a new experimental design that is based on the trust game (Berg, Dickhaut, & McCabe, 1995 Berg, J., Dickhaut, J. and McCabe, K. A. 1995. Trust, reciprocity, and social history. Games and Economic Behavior, 10: 290307.  [Google Scholar]), but eliminates the problem of multiple virtual identities. One treatment of the experiment in the virtual world SL was conducted and the results compared to the First Life (FL) control treatment, which was conducted on a university campus. In SL, significantly lower investment levels were found, but significantly higher average returns were found than in the FL treatment or in the literature. It is conjectured that the disparity between trusting and trustworthy behavior is a sign that the social structure in SL is still evolving. It seems plausible that the trustors in a young and developing society cautiously test the extent of trustworthiness, whereas the trustees strategically invest in levels of trustworthiness that are higher than in settled societies to build up a trustworthy environment.  相似文献   

Virtual Desk     

This paper will address the issues involved in establishing a statewide system of library support for distance learners and the ongoing challenges to be met. A primary consideration is how to establish continuity of service and provide an integrated experience for the user, despite contingent funding and distributed responsibility. Issues include selection of and access to electronic resources, improvements to Interlibrary Loan services, inter-library cooperative agreements, and providing and promoting reference services for students and faculty of multiple institutions.  相似文献   

试论虚拟图书馆的建设   总被引:24,自引:1,他引:23  
在对虚拟图书馆的概念进行分析的基础上,本文认为虚拟图书馆的出现是解决因特网上数字化信息的急剧增加与用户对信息的个性化需求之间矛盾的迫切需要,是资源共享的现实需求,并分析了虚拟图书馆的原理.  相似文献   


Explores virtual reference as a new career opportunity for librarians. Asks if this is a good, long career path, or if it will careen virtual reference librarians off into the slough of despond. The skills needed for the traditional reference librarian are compared to those needed by the virtual reference librarian; the challenges and advantages of working virtual versus traditional reference are identified; the types of questions and resources used in providing virtual reference service are discussed; and the types of interaction with the patrons are explored. The skills needed to manage and evaluate virtual reference services are also articulated.  相似文献   

虚拟技术综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在绿色环保时代,单位和个人都需要使用虚拟技术进行节能减排。虚拟技术分为硬件虚拟逻辑层技术,操作系统虚拟技术,编程虚拟技术等。虚拟技术可以节省成本,减少停机时间等。构造虚拟云,虚拟技术是必不可少技术之一,图书馆应该使用云计算并且奉献计算资源给虚拟云。  相似文献   

While many libraries have access to an extensive amount of quality virtual reference titles through platforms such as Gale Virtual Reference, individual titles are often invisible to users. At the University of Montevallo, building a Virtual Reference Shelf (VRS) allowed us to make e-reference titles more accessible for patrons. We constructed our VRS using LibGuides and our existing collections of virtual reference books. This article will discuss various aspects of creating and using the VRS, including designing, marketing, information literacy instruction, assessment, and future directions. The information is based on a presentation at the Mississippi State University eResources & Emerging Technologies Summit on August 2, 2013.  相似文献   

郑宏  钟华 《图书情报工作》2002,46(7):44-47,53
对虚拟图书馆术语中的"虚拟"这一概念进行考证和分析,从中认识和发掘虚拟图书馆的若干特征,并有针对性地提出科学建设虚拟图书馆的相关问题.  相似文献   

The merger of libraries, computer technology, and telecommunications is transforming the access and distribution of information. Librarians should be in the process of visualizing their future and planning the evolution of their libraries into virtual libraries. Virtual libraries should retain all the great characteristics of a good library while maximizing the use of the new technology. This article will outline key steps in planning a virtual library.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(79-80):67-99

Libraries have begun to add chat reference as a method to deliver reference service to remote user populations. To deliver quality service in a timely fashion, libraries need to construct a Virtual Ready Reference Collection (VRRC) of elite ready reference Web sites most often used during the chat reference interaction. This article explores the collection development steps needed to create a VRRC that is most beneficial on the local level. The value in creating this collection lies not just in the end product, but also in the process, which serves as a valuable training exercise. Selecting and maintaining the virtual ready reference collection will enhance the chat reference librarians' ability to deliver service in the chat reference environment.  相似文献   

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