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通过文献资料法、现场访问法与问卷调查法,对杭州大、中小学体育场馆的设施和向社区开放的情况进行调查研究,总结行之有效的经验,分析存在问题的症结,探讨拓展学校体育和社区体育良性互动的方式方法和有效途径。  相似文献   

采用文献资料、问卷调查、咨询访谈、数理统计等研究方法,对宁波市学校体育场馆设施资源社会共享现状进行了深入的调查与分析,结果显示:宁波市大部分学校相关负责人对学校体育场馆设施实行社会共享具有基本正确的认识,但受经费、安全、管理等因素的制约,实际操作情况不尽人意.由此提出最大限度地提高学校体育场馆设施资源利用率,服务于社会的相应建议.  相似文献   

运用问卷调查等方法,对长株潭高校体育场馆设施社会共享的现状进行调查,结果表明:70%的高校体育场馆不同程度的对社会开放;对外开放的场馆类型中,有偿开放的多为室内场馆和游泳池(馆),无偿开放的则多为室外场地;在开放时间上,有偿开放的时间段多为下午和晚上,而无偿开放的时间段则多为早上和下午.影响长株潭高校体育场馆设施对社会开放的因素主要有领导和老师的思想意识、学校及设施的安全问题、高校体育场馆设施的条件、高校本身的条件、体育场馆对社会开放的时间等.  相似文献   

学校体育场馆向社会开放的现状及对策研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
学校体育场馆在满足体育教学和学生课余校内体育活动使用之外,能够有组织地向社区居民开放,对缓解广大人民群众日益高涨的体育健身需求与体育场地设施严重不足的矛盾具有重要的现实意义。但是研究发现,现阶段学校体育场馆向社会开放还面临诸多困难,为此,必须坚持因地制宜、灵活开放和优先保证教学的原则,完善成本补偿机制、领导协调机制、安全保障机制、奖励激励机制和建立有效的运行机制等措施。  相似文献   

采用文献资料等研究方法,对四川省学校体育场馆服务于全民健身的现状进行调查研究.主要结论:四川省学校体育场馆总体上向社会开放程度不够;行政性指导与市场化管理相结合将成为学校开放的主要管理模式;体育俱乐部制引用到场馆开放中将成为经营的主要方式.同时提出建议:各级政府应加强对学校体育场馆设施的统筹规划,加大对学校体育场馆的建设和维修管理经费的投入;有效引用保险机制;继续加强各种法规制度的建设;加强管理和宣传力度;改善管理体制和经营方式,有效推进事业型管理模式向经营型管理模式的转变.  相似文献   

成都市学校体育场地设施对外开放现状与策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
汪静 《体育世界》2009,(7):52-53
为更好地促进学校体育与社区体育的协调发展,采用文献资料法、访谈法等研究方法,调查分析了成都市体育场地设施现状、对社会开放的情况以及开放过程中所面临的安全、管理、损耗和经费等问题,并提出了对应、合理的开放策略。  相似文献   

以第6次全国体育场地普查为基础,就晋江各系统、各单位体育场馆运营模式及对外开放情况进行横纵比较.结果表明:晋江各系统、各单位体育场馆主要以自主运营为主,体育场馆总体对外开放率低于泉州市总体水平,体育系统、其他系统体育场馆对外开放比率远远高于教育系统.出台推动体育场馆经营的扶持政策,开展“公建民营”试点工作,制定学校体育场馆设施向社会开放实施方案是提升晋江市体育场馆运营效益及与社会共享的重要途径.  相似文献   

运用文献资料、问卷调查、实地考察等研究方法,对苏州城区部分中学体育场馆对社会开放现状进行调查与分析,得出以下结论:调查学校体育场馆均对社会开放,但开放的程度有待进一步提高;开放的体育场馆主要集中在室外项目场地和室内综合体育馆;体育场馆开放时间主要集中在周一~周五的晚上、节假日、双休日以及寒暑假;体育场馆对社会开放的管理模式主要分为学校自我管理、承包和自我管理相结合以及街道社区管理;影响体育场馆开放的因素主要包括上级领导重视程度与推行力度,安全问题难以解决,学校经费投入增加,学校管理负担与人员投入增加等.  相似文献   

学校体育场馆设施向社会开放现状与管理模式的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过文献资料法、问卷调查法、数理统计法等,在对我国的学校体育场馆设施向社会开放的现状分析基础上,归纳提炼出专业型、混合型和单一型三种管理模式,并分析利弊,提出对策建议,以推动学校体育场地的对外开放,解决体育健身场地设施不足的问题,更好地开展全民健身运动.  相似文献   

本文通过文献资料法、调查研究法等对河南省8所高校体育场馆资源与社会共享状况展开调查,研究认为河南省高校体育场馆资源较为丰富,但是对社会开放程度不高,探析其原因有:校方对资源与社会共享态度不明确,缺乏有效管理等;建议出台学校体育场馆资源与社会共享的相关文件及规范化管理制度,校方积极转变观念并加强场馆资源社会化与产业化,积极探索高校与社区进行资源共享和"优势互补"的新模式等。  相似文献   

观察是认识事物、发现问题、解决问题的重要手段 ,在体操教学中 ,较好地运用观察法 ,可提高教学效果。根据体操教学的实践 ,总结了观察的方法 ,观察效果的依存性 ,以及提高学生观察能力的途径。  相似文献   

In general, women are well represented among sport participants and sport audiences but not in the media. Data show that women's sport is greatly underreported and trivialized in newspapers. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to measure press coverage during the 2000 Summer Olympic Games in the largest circulating Belgian, Danish, French, and Italian daily newspapers by: (a) number of articles, (b) size, (c) page placement, (d) accompanying photographs, and (e) photograph size. For each sport covered, the athletes' nationality and the gender were recorded. Compared to the 1996 Atlanta Games, there was an increase of 326 female athletes (+4%), and women competed in 25 sports and 132 events (44%) of the total 300 events. Although only 29.3% of the articles and 38% of photos were on women's sports, the newspaper coverage was similar to the distribution of participating athletes and events. No significant gender differences were found with respect to article size, page placement, accompanying photographs, or photograph size. The most covered sport was track and field, independent of national achievement. Other sports received different coverage in relation to national expectations, achievement, and participation. In conclusion, there was a trend to overcome gender inequities in media coverage during the Olympic Games, which may be due to the International Olympic Committee's actions to promote increased participation of women in sport activities and to publicize their achievements. Moreover, during the Olympic Games, a nationalistic fervor might affect the equality of gender coverage.  相似文献   


Twelve subjects were used to determine the effect of isotonic and isometric exercises on heart rate using a military press in a sitting position. The isotonic exercise was performed for 45 sec. with one half of maximum resistance, and the isometric exercises were performed for 45 sec, with one half, two thirds, and maximum resistance. The results indicated that isometric exercise performed for 45 sec. with one half of maximum resistance could stimulate heart rate to the same extent that isotonic exercise could, using the same intensity and duration. The results also showed that increasing the load in isometric contraction resulted in a proportional increase in heart rate and that increasing the load to maximum isometric contraction resulted in a near twofold increase in heart rate.  相似文献   

本文的作者在体育运动领域里既是一位科学研究者,又是一位领导。他提出对世界田径运动发展产生巨大影响的12个因素,分别是观众、运动员、教练员、竞赛、场馆设施、电视转播、广告宣传、文化、委员会、人口老龄化、错误观念、兴奋剂。在他的总结中提出,这项运动只有通过职业化的途径,这些问题才能逐步得以解决。同时,他对国际田联主席L·迪亚克的世界田径计划方案表示赞同。  相似文献   

本文运用文献资料法对"阳光体育"在高校的开展情况进行了分析与探讨,从加强"阳光体育"在高校体育和增强我国国民体质的作用入手,对现阶段开展"阳光体育"遇到的阻力和问题进行了研究,旨在探讨"阳光体育"在高校行之有效的实施途径,促进"阳光体育"在高校有实质性的进展。  相似文献   

蓝翔 《收藏》2011,(12):68-69
筷箸是中国人发明的一种独特的用餐工具,有文献记载的用筷历史已有3000多年。上海筷箸文化促进会(筹)发起人蓝翔,借其30余年的淘筷寻宝经历,介绍独有趣味的筷箸文化。向您展开筷箸文化的独特篇章。  相似文献   


The aim of the study was to compare physiological responses between runners adapted and not adapted to deep water running at maximal intensity and the intensity equivalent to the ventilatory threshold. Seventeen runners, either adapted (n = 10) or not adapted (n = 7) to deep water running, participated in the study. Participants in both groups undertook a maximal treadmill running and deep water running graded exercise test in which cardiorespiratory variables were measured. Interactions between adaptation (adapted vs. non-adapted) and condition (treadmill running vs. deep water running) were analysed. The main effects of adaptation and condition were also analysed in isolation. Runners adapted to deep water running experienced less of a reduction in maximum oxygen consumption ([Vdot]O2max) in deep water running compared with treadmill running than runners not adapted to deep water running. Maximal oxygen consumption, maximal heart rate, maximal ventilation, [Vdot]O2 at the ventilatory threshold, heart rate at the ventilatory threshold, and ventilation at the ventilatory threshold were significantly higher during treadmill than deep water running. Therefore, we conclude that adaptation to deep water running reduces the difference in [Vdot]O2max between the two modalities, possibly due to an increase in muscle recruitment. The results of this study support previous findings of a lower maximal and submaximal physiological response on deep water running for most of the measured parameters.  相似文献   

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