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While economies in the industrialised World have become increasingly knowledge driven and service based, much of the work on capturing and measuring business value is still constrained and steeped in the thinking of the manufacturing era. One area that is more susceptible to measurement is the field of technology based or enhanced services. This case analysis seeks to explore how a service operator, such as an international airport, can gauge value from investment into IT. We examine how the airport operator combines a variety of accounting techniques and other tools to capture value from their IT investments. We explore how the operator could improve their measurement of business value derived from their IT investment. One observation of practice is that value capturing tools and techniques are used in parallel rather than ‘in sync’. Drawing on the notion of user innovation, we argue operators should embrace a systemic approach in adapting and modifying measuring regimes to accommodate service based innovation.  相似文献   

移动应用程序APP是移动互联网时代企业创造价值的重要渠道。尽管APP市场具有巨大的商业价值,但也出现了不少绩效较低的现象:互联网创业夭折、成交转化率低下、APP卸载率较高等等。研究APP的绩效问题有助于发现影响APP绩效的关键因素,帮助企业找到提高APP绩效的新方法。本文从服务主导逻辑出发,识别出了影响APP绩效的两大关键策略--用户赋能和服务创新,论述了这两大策略对APP收入绩效的影响机理。本文使用自然观察法跟踪和分析中国(N=200)和美国(N=206)两个样本中的APP个体,发现两个样本产生出来的结果较为一致:APP若选择赋予用户更多的权力,让用户主导平台的价值创造活动,那么它的收入绩效往往比较好;企业如果较为注重服务创新,持续地为APP开发出新特征或新服务,APP的收入绩效一般较好。本研究也可以给APP企业带来实践上的启示:首先,企业应分析APP的定位和作用;其次,企业应重视用户在价值创造中的重要作用,还要意识到用户不仅仅是APP的接受者和使用者,还是生产者和价值创造者;再次,企业应按照APP的定位,再决定是否将价值创造的主导权赋予广大用户;最后,企业应当重视APP的服务创新,持续地推出新功能和新特征,为用户提供更加便捷、易用的服务。  相似文献   

周舟 《大众科技》2013,(8):10-12,15
基于服务使用模式,电信服务提供商将他们的客户分成基本服务、电子服务、附加服务和全方位服务4类,则--l-r:z根据人口统计数据来预测组成员,为电信潜在客户推荐相应的套餐方案。使用多项式logistic回归进行类别的判定训练,通过比对样本中客户类别的实际观察值,统计获得多种协变量下各类客户的判定准确率,记录用于较高判定准确率的字段,用于考察潜在客户所对应的类别。实验结果表明i用户的受教育水平、在职年期、定居年期和家庭成员人数对附加服务类和全方位服务类的判定准确率较高,可作为判定潜在用户类别的有效特征字段。  相似文献   

With the advancement of mobile technologies, numerous web service providers have begun to extend their web services to the mobile context. To understand users’ mobile service adoption behaviour in the context of the web–mobile service transition, this study investigates the role of consistency between web and mobile services by proposing a typology of consistency and examining the extent to which and the boundary conditions under which consistency works. Specifically, consistency is classified into behavioural consistency (e.g., operational consistency) and object-based consistency, which includes consistency in information, system and service in terms of the information systems success model. We also contend the mediating effect of operational consistency and the interaction effect of trust in web services and operational consistency. A field survey with 235 mobile service users confirms our mediating and moderating hypotheses. The implications for theory and practice are also discussed.  相似文献   

张军  姜中霜  谢俊楠 《科研管理》2021,42(11):190-199
    用户参与企业创新是提高新产品开发绩效的重要手段,但在吸纳用户参与自身创新过程时,企业需要在开放式创新的价值共创之利与管理复杂性之弊之间进行权衡。不同类型用户参与对企业NPD效应的差异及影响机理仍未得到充分揭示。基于创新理论与组织理论,采用444份国内企业样本,探索用户作为企业外部能动的创新源参与到企业创新过程中,对企业的组织协调机制及技术创新绩效的影响。发现:企业吸纳用户参与创新将有利于提升NPD绩效,但不同模式的用户参与提升企业NPD绩效的组织过程存在差异;用户以信息提供的方式参与企业创新,对企业NPD提升效应最强;组织跨界协调在用户参与提升企业NPD绩效的过程中起中介作用,特别是,对于用户作为独立创新者的参与方式,企业须经由正式设计的跨职能沟通机制,才能真正利用其有效贡献于企业NPD绩效的提升,否则用户独立创新可能对企业NPD绩效造成损害。文章最后讨论了理论贡献、管理意义与研究局限。  相似文献   

本文从资源能力视角解释用户驱动制造业企业服务创新的过程逻辑,基于动态资源基础观和价值共创理论分析互动导向、战略柔性对服务创新绩效的影响。使用Amos 240对319家样本企业的调查数据进行实证检验。研究发现:(1)战略柔性在互动响应能力、顾客授权、顾客价值管理与服务创新绩效之间起部分中介作用,在顾客理念与服务创新绩效之间的中介作用不显著。(2)售后服务情景下资源柔性对互动导向与服务创新绩效的中介作用高于协调柔性,相反,增值服务情景下协调柔性的中介作用更显著。研究在还原互动导向多维度构念的基础上,发现制造业企业服务创新需打破组织边界引入用户参与价值共创,依据资源柔性与协调柔性的演化水平为用户提供创新性服务。  相似文献   

Individuals are supposed to perform a privacy risk-benefit analysis when deciding to transact with a free data-driven service provider. Building on equity theory, this article suggests that users incorporate the net value for providers in their trade-off. Based on two pre-studies and an experimental survey study among 200 free data-driven service users, we provide evidence that users’ balance their own net value (benefits minus risks) as well as providers’ net value from monetizing users’ data. This leads to distributive equity perceptions which, in turn, affect users’ satisfaction with the service and thus long-term success of the user-provider-relationship. In this vein, a distributive equity scale for the context of data-driven services is developed. Implications for research, providers and users are discussed.  相似文献   

用户参与创新:国外相关理论文献综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以von Hippel为主要代表的国外创新专家通过长期深入细致的调查、观察和研究,在创新源理论和用户创新研究方面取得了丰富的成果,对他们在用户创新、领先用户和用户创新工具箱等方面的研究进行了梳理和评述,指出进一步发展和完善的研究方向。  相似文献   

Data envelopment analysis (DEA) is an ideal tool to assess a bank branch's operating and profit efficiency. This study went a step further to also explore the impact of IT-based retail banking services on branch efficiency, and found that IT-based transactions at the branch level have a significant impact on profit efficiency, and therefore have a significant role to play in profit maximization. Improving bank branch technology to best support service delivery is also a practical way to achieve greater efficiency, which in turn, contributes to a commercial bank's overall profitability.  相似文献   

随着网络用户数量的剧增,互联网成为用户获取信息的主要渠道。如何解决互联网信息服务现有问题,提高信息服务的质量,成为互联网信息服务商日益关注的议题。文章总结了互联网信息服务商开展信息服务中现存的问题,包括"获取信息过程复杂,不易操作"、"信息质量参差不齐,不能很好满足用户需求"、"系统性能不够稳定,服务质量有待提升"、"契合用户需求的个性化信息服务仍不成熟"等。并针对这些问题,结合国内外先进信息服务商开展信息服务的经验,提出了"降低用户获取信息的难度,提高用户的感知易用性"、"重视信息质量,为用户提供较高品质的信息"、"定期检查与更新信息服务系统,提供形式多样、细致周到的服务"、"为用户提供具有针对性的信息及服务,提高用户的感知有用性"等可供互联网信息服务商参考的发展策略。  相似文献   

图书馆从传统的借阅服务到今天为适应社会需求而发生的形态和功能转变,是图书馆承担自己历史使命和现实责任的体现。为从用户的角度调查图书馆服务创新发生的转变,遵循iSquare协议调查了227位图书馆用户,利用认知心理学分析了收集到的画图信息,发现用户认为图书馆当前的服务创新体现在语义互联技术、用户互操作、推荐服务、普适性、网络化、便捷性、虚拟性。同时发现iSquare协议适用性强但有局限性。  相似文献   

The business process outsourcing industry has got disrupted, first by the significant shift in value creation activities from the clients to the service providers, and second by pervasive digital penetration, resulting in the emergence of Digital Transformational Outsourcing (DTO). Service providers now play a more significant role, making their capabilities important. In the new context, service providers require a uniquely different set of dynamic capabilities to handle end-to-end business functions on behalf of their clients while delivering digital value propositions.We study 26 of the largest global business process outsourcing providers to conceptualise and identify six dynamic capabilities of service providers salient in the new context, i.e., consultative, orchestration, insights, network management, knowledge access, and standardisation. Interviews conducted with industry experts provided evidence in support of the identified dynamic capabilities. A novel firm capability dataset was created using secondary data, and using fuzzy-set Qualitative Comparative Analysis (fsQCA), we identify configurations for high and low performance and find them to vary by the firm's broad/narrow scope.  相似文献   

网络环境下图书馆实践“以用户为中心”服务理念的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王艳秀 《现代情报》2010,30(10):95-98
网络环境下,图书馆实践"以用户为中心"的服务理念,必须设身处地为用户着想,创新服务,可以从这几方面去尝试:为用户提供零距离服务,实现"图书馆无处不在";重视用户体验,实现用户有效、高效、满意地使用图书馆;注重个性化服务,实现用户从图书馆各取所需;突出特色服务,实现图书馆与众不同的服务形式、服务内容、服务效果的完美统一。  相似文献   

分析知识构建与知识服务的含义,以中国国家科学图书馆研发的科研知识管理平台-专业领域知识环境(Subject Knowledge Environment,简称SKE)为案例,考察该平台在用户知识获取、知识创新中的保障作用。运用层次分析法构建了SKE用户满意度评估指标并对其进行满意度评估,在此基础上探讨以用户需求为主导、以知识构建为基础的知识服务的改进对策。  相似文献   

随着数字经济的兴起与发展,企业能够通过跨界创新实现与用户的价值共创,然而目前尚未有关于企业跨界创新和用户价值共创关系的研究。本文基于价值共创理论与社会交换理论,引入用户驱动创新作为中介变量,冗余资源作为调节变量,构建了一个有调节的中介模型。基于352份调查数据,运用层级回归、Bootstrap和结构方程模型等方法,本文实证检验了企业跨界创新对价值共创的影响,以及用户驱动创新的中介效应和冗余资源的调节效应。结果表明企业跨界创新能够显著正向影响用户价值共创,用户驱动创新在企业跨界创新和用户价值共创中起部分中介作用,冗余资源正向调节企业跨界创新对用户驱动创新的影响。本研究不仅从理论上证实了企业跨界创新对用户价值共创的作用机制和边界条件,而且对现实中企业管理也具有一定启示。  相似文献   

程慧平  彭琦 《现代情报》2018,38(8):90-94
[目的/意义]个人云存储网站影响力的有效评价对用户选择云存储服务有着重要的参考作用,为个人云存储服务提供商改善网站设计质量提供方向。[方法/过程]通过整合WebQual 4.0模型和中国顾客满意度测评指标体系,并结合个人云存储功能特征,构建了个人云存储网站影响力评价指标体系,运用层次分析法计算各层级指标权重。选取典型个人云存储网站(百度网盘、腾讯微云、天翼网盘、115网盘)进行实证分析。[结果/结论]研究结果显示,对个人云存储网站影响力作用较大的指标主要包括:存储容量、有用性、高效分享、用户规模。百度网盘网站影响力最大,115网盘网站最小。未来个人云存储网站服务提供商应更加关注网站存储容量、有用性、高效分享及用户规模方面的提升。  相似文献   

金华江流域生态服务补偿支付意愿及其影响因素分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
郑海霞  张陆彪  涂勤 《资源科学》2010,32(4):761-767
流域环境服务的提供者和与同一环境服务的使用者或受益者在空间上的分离,以及生态补差机制的缺位使生态系统管理者没有通过经济激励去改善环境管理,从而导致环境服务供给不足,服务质量低下.本文利用条件价值法(Contingent Valuation Method,CVM)评估金华江流域居民环境服务的支付意愿,并利用Ordered Probit模型和Binary Probit模型分别分析了最大支付意愿及其支付方式的影响因素.结果显示:金华江流域的居民中有78.4%的居民家庭具有支付愿意,平均最大支付意愿E(WTP)为24.87元/(户·月),年平均最大支付意愿为298.46元/(户·年).最大支付意愿与受教育程度、收入水平呈显著的正相关关系,环境相对经济的重要性对最大支付意愿没有显著的影响,了解生态保护概念的受访者平均最大支付意愿并不高于那些不了解的人,这反映了人们对环境保护的认识与行为偏差和"搭便车"侥幸心理.受教育程度与环境相对经济的重要性越高,则选择交生态补偿税的概率也越高;性别、年龄、是否经历过污染灾害与最大支付意愿对人们支付意愿补偿方式的选择都没有显著的影响.实施生态补偿政策,必须促进上下游农户和居民、相关企业和地方政府等利益相关者直接参与到流域管理和决策中,实现流域环境共建和利益共享,在此基础上构建流域生态补偿体系.  相似文献   

[研究目的]现有科技服务平台中科技服务资源数量指数级增长、服务质量多样化,以及企业用户需求难以量化。为解决科技服务平台企业用户与服务资源间的精准匹配问题,提出一种基于企业用户需求的科技服务资源综合推荐算法(EURSTS)。[研究方法]综合考虑科技服务特殊属性和企业背景信息,采用模糊模型量化信息和综合相似度求解,对企业用户和科技服务资源进行匹配推荐。[研究结论]通过与CB算法、基于服务QoS算法的对比说明EURSTS算法能显著的改善推荐效果,其准确率平均提升了30.1%~37.1%,召回率平均提升了0.1%~7.9%,验证了该算法的有效性。  相似文献   

This paper examines the extent to which users in developing countries innovate, the factors that enable these innovations and whether they are meaningful on a global stage. To study this issue, we conducted an empirical investigation into the origin and types of innovations in financial services offered via mobile phones, a global, multi-billion-dollar industry in which developing economies play an important role. We used the complete list of mobile financial services, as reported by the GSM Association, and collected detailed histories of the development of the services and their innovation process. Our analysis, the first of its kind, shows that 85% of the innovations in this field originated in developing countries. We also conclude that, at least 50% of all mobile financial services were pioneered by users, approximately 45% by producers, and the remaining were jointly developed by users and producers. The main factors contributing to these innovations to occur in developing countries are the high levels of need, the existence of flexible platforms, in combination with increased access to information and communication technology. Additionally, services developed by users diffused at more than double the rate of producer-innovations. Finally, we observe that three-quarters of the innovations that originated in non-OECD countries have already diffused to OECD countries, and that the (user) innovations are therefore globally meaningful. This study suggests that the traditional North-to-South diffusion framework fails to explain these new sources of innovation and may require re-examination.  相似文献   

Although information systems (IS) success has been given much attention in IS literature, failure has received lesser attention. This study empirically validates a model of digital service failure for consumers by integrating three dimensions from Tan’s failure model and one dimension from DeLone and Mclean’s Information Success model. The factors have been mapped to Expectation Disconfirmation Theory (EDT). Experiential survey approach has been used to collect primary data from information systems users who have experienced digital service failure. Structural equation modeling (SEM) has been used for model testing and validation to measure the impact of information, system, functional and service failure of digital service on end users. The findings suggests that information, functional, system and service failure has an impact on the consumers through the outcome, process, cost and user satisfaction of digital services.  相似文献   

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