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Interactions between public research organizations and industry can be conceptualized as having three main stages: drivers of interaction, channels of interaction, and the perceived benefits from collaboration. Both of the agents differ in terms of the incentives they have to collaborate and the behaviors they adopt during the collaboration process. Following a three-stage model based on Crépon et al. (1998), this paper discusses the impact of drivers of collaboration on channels of interaction, and the impact of these channels on the perceived benefits by researchers and firms. The methodology also allows firm-level benefits from interaction to be connected with researchers’ characteristics via the analysis of four common channels of interaction for firms and researchers. The study is based on original data collected through two surveys, carried out in Mexico during 2008, of R&D and product-development managers of firms and of academic researchers. Our results show that all channels of interaction play an important role in determining benefits; however, they differ in terms of their impact on short- or long-term benefits for firms. The channels related to joint and contract R&D, property rights, and human resources are the best, as they have a higher impact on long-term benefits for firms. Policy implications derived from this study focus on specific actions that enhance those researchers’ characteristics related to the best channels for fostering long-term benefits for firms.  相似文献   

以广东省省部产学研合作研发项目为例,实证检验了地理距离对跨区域产学研合作创新绩效的影响。结果显示:地理距离对专利产出有显著的正向影响,地理距离对新产品产出有显著的负向影响。产学研合作促进政策应根据不同创新目标而有所差别。  相似文献   

We test the hypothesis that scientific collaboration is associated with increased publication productivity. We differentiate our approach from other studies by (a) incorporating professional networks in the productivity model, (b) casting productivity and collaboration as distinct phenomena, and (c) examining these phenomena in the context of resource-constrained research institutions in a developing country. We use survey data and employ negative binomial regression models. Results indicate that publication productivity is significantly linked to professional network factors, but there is no evidence of any association with scientific collaboration. We observe that most scientists collaborate in research projects despite coordination difficulties, and without any measurable impact on their productivity. Our interviews reveal that a possible answer to this puzzle appears to be rooted in a practice that views collaborative research projects not mainly as a means to producing knowledge and gaining recognition, but for acquiring professional opportunities and extrinsic rewards. Our findings suggest a new way of modeling publication productivity, with implications for science and innovation policy in both the developed and the developing world.  相似文献   

In this paper we examine how incentives for collaboration shape collaborative behavior and researcher productivity in the context of EU-funded research networks. EU-funded research networks require researchers to collaborate as a condition for securing research funding. The presence of research funding, therefore, may influence collaborative behavior. Our approach involves isolating the effects of funding, collaboration and previous collaborations (prior to funding) on research output, and examining how the pattern of collaboration affects research productivity over time. Employing a panel of 294 researchers in 39 EU research networks over a 15-year period we find that while the impact of funding on productivity is generally positive the overall impact of collaboration within the funded networks is weak. When we delineate between pre-, during- and post-funding periods, however, we find some important differences. During the period of funding, collaboration did not lead to an increase in research production. In the post-funding period we find that although the number of collaborations decreases within the network, the impact of collaboration on productivity is positive and significant. Our findings suggest that collaborations formed to capitalize on funding opportunities, while not effective in enhancing researcher productivity in the short run, may be an important promoter of effective collaborations in the longer run.  相似文献   

国际科研合作是科学复杂化、科研人员专业化的产物,也是提升科学进步与发展的重要选择。分析我国政府支持的国际合作研究项目的资助特征及项目层面我国国际科研合作情况对科技政策制定者、科研管理人员制定与优化国际科研合作政策、管理规章制定等具有重要意义。本研究以国家自然科学基金委2001-2018年资助的1053项“重大国际(地区)合作研究项目”为对象,通过数理统计、地理空间分析、社会网络分析的方法,从项目资助和合作网络两个层面分析“重大国际(地区)合作研究项目”的资助时间、地区、学科分布特征以及国家、机构合作网络特征。分析发现:?2001-2018年“重大国际(地区)合作研究项目”资助规模整体呈先快速上升后平稳发展的趋势。?从资助地区来看,2001-2018年我国共28个地区受到资助,东部地区是资助重点,北京、上海、江苏是资助的主要区域,且资助重心呈由东向西、由北向南的转移趋势,但总体转移幅度不大,我国西部和东北地区依然是资助的薄弱区域。?从资助学科领域来看,不同学科领域资助起始年存在差异,2007年之后资助的学科领域分布开始逐步稳定,其中,医学科学是受资助的重点学科领域,受资助数量呈上升趋势且明显高于其他学科领域;此外,2011年之后除医学科学领域之外各学科领域的资助比例趋于稳定。?从项目合作国家来看,我国共与38个国家(地区)开展过项目合作,但合作国家(地区)总体集中度较高,美、英、德三个国家为重点合作国家,美国与我国的合作最为突出;2001-2018年项目合作国家(地区)不断增加,中美合作强度最为突出,但总体集中于欧洲地区;?从项目合作机构来看,机构资助面越来越广,与国外合作越来越密切;合作网络的连通性不断提升,机构间信息交流越来越通畅;国内清华大学、北京大学、上海交通大学、浙江大学、复旦大学和国外加州大学、德克萨斯大学是国内外合作开展项目较为频繁的机构。建议我国在国际合作研究项目层面进一步优化国际合作研究项目资助重心、调整国际合作研究项目资助领域比例、提高国际科研合作广度与深度。  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2021,50(10):104356
Despite the common belief that orientation asymmetry—fundamental differences in the goals and expectations between partnersconstitutes a major barrier to successful collaboration, empirical evidence on how orientation asymmetry impacts university-industry collaboration is rare. We seek to understand the nature and impact of orientation asymmetry by conducting a mixed-method study of the research collaborations between a Big Pharma and its academic partners. Our interviews reveal critical asymmetries between partners, concerning not only different orientations, but also different perceptions of conflict. Building on these qualitative findings, we conduct a multi-wave, multi-source survey study to unpack the relationships between orientation asymmetry, conflict within collaboration teams, conflict perception asymmetry, and different types of collaboration success. We contribute to the literature on university-industry collaborations by providing a much-needed comparison of the perspectives from both sides of the collaboration and developing a nuanced understanding of the dynamics within collaboration project teams. We discuss the implications of our findings for researchers, managers, and policymakers.  相似文献   

A case study for impelling university research productivity and impact through collaboration is presented. Scientometric results support the hypothesis that a knowledge management model increased research collaboration and thereby boosted a university’s number of publications and citations. Results come from fifteen years of data at a Mexican university with 2400 researchers who produced 24,000 works in fifteen research disciplines. These data are treated with social network visualizations and algorithms to identify patterns of collaboration and clustering, as well as with normalizations to make disciplines comparable and to verify increasing citation impact. The knowledge management model implemented in the study may be a cost-effective way for universities to intensify collaboration and improve research performance.  相似文献   

Over the past three decades, U.S. science and technology funding agencies have increasingly supported large-scale, centralized, block grant-based research projects that often span multiple disciplines and institutions. This trend has developed at such a rate that research focused on understanding the management of these new collaborative models has largely not kept pace. We use two case studies of large-scale, multi-disciplinary collaborations to develop an institutional framework that illuminates the relationships among (a) the epistemic norms of the disciplines represented in the collaboration, (b) the organizational structure of these collaborations, and (c) the inter-institutional collaboration success.The results of our case study analysis demonstrate that large-scale, multi-discipline, inter-institutional collaborations need a relatively high level of development in either (1) the epistemic development of the disciplines involved in the collaboration or (2) the organizational structure of the collaboration. We argue that the domain (i.e. epistemic or organizational) that provides the highest level of institutionalization is the one that organizes the “rules” of the collaboration.  相似文献   

段培新  王凯凯  孟溦  郑毅 《科研管理》2022,43(5):94-103
科学研究离不开稳定持续的经费投入,科学合理的科研经费配置对提高科学基金资助成效尤为重要。采用双重差分(DID)方法,对NSFC面上项目2011年资助政策变化进行分析,检验了剔除项目不相关产出后经费增加对科研产出的影响,从而验证经费变化的政策“净效应”。研究发现:科学基金经费增加显著提升了科研产出数量和质量。而剔除不相关产出考虑政策“净效应”后,经费增加对项目产出质量提升更显著。通过异质性分析发现:经费规模增加对科研产出影响的政策“净效应”存在着“强者恒强”的作用,且中等规模团队在经费增加政策中受益更多。为进一步提高科研经费配置成效,可适当增加经费规模,引导科研人员“重质而非冲量”学术发表行为;科学基金针对不同人群实行精细化、差异化资助,提高资助政策精准化程度;进一步完善科学基金成果管理,应更加关注项目的实际产出。  相似文献   

秦佩恒  洪志生  赵兰香 《科研管理》2020,41(10):258-267
本文以中科院所属研究院所科研人员为主要调查对象,从跨界合作网络的视角出发,分析专利产出性别差异的社会网络机制。研究主要有3个发现:1.女性科研人员跨界合作网络规模和网络关系强度上均存在明显的欠缺;2.与企业界、其他学科领域合作网络规模和网络关系强度上的欠缺是影响专利产出性别差异的重要因素,而且网络关系强度的影响作用要大于网络规模的影响;3.性别对于跨界合作网络与专利产出关系的调节作用并不显著,即在拥有相同网络规模和网络关系强度的情况下,女性从与各类合作网络关系中获得专利产出回报的可能性与男性并无显著区别。与男性同事相比,女性的专利产出会更多地受到其他因素的影响,如职业早期的企业工作经历、单位组织的知识产权培训等。最后,在结果讨论的基础上提出在学术成果商业化新趋势下减少科技领域性别差异的政策建议。  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2022,51(7):104553
Researchers often receive contrasting incentives when conducting their work. On the one hand, an interdisciplinary approach is required to produce scientific advances and access to funding. On the other, academic scholarships and evaluation mechanisms are still organized following the criteria of traditional disciplinary fields. If pursuing interdisciplinary research results in contrasting outcomes, science may face an interdisciplinarity dilemma: should researchers pursue their own private interest to build a reputation? Or should they endeavor towards public interest? How costly in terms of reputation is to choose interdisciplinarity research (IDR) over (more) specialized research? We answer these questions by exploiting data on 23,926 articles published by 6,105 researchers affiliated with the University of Florida in the period 2008–2013. Through individual fixed-effect, we compare articles of the same scholar to roll out the influence of individual characteristics on the scientific impact of their research. We find that the diverse dimensions of IDR (Variety, Balance, and Disparity) have a different effect on the reputation of a scholar and on her contribution to societal research. We confirm the existence of trade-off between private and public interest. We also point out that the increase of IDR aiming at connecting distant disciplines reduces the usefulness of the resulting knowledge. Results are robust to various specifications and apply to all scholars, regardless of their gender, collaboration behavior, discipline, and performance. These findings pose challenging questions to policymakers.  相似文献   

Highly skilled return migrants contribute to the establishment of ties between the home and host systems. This paper studies how the professional ties, which Argentinean researchers built up during the time spent in foreign research systems, influence their collaboration patterns and their research outputs upon return. It confirms the expectation that having foreign work experience helps to explain the propensity to co-publish internationally and it also shows that researchers collaborate to a higher degree with their former host system. Another central finding is that foreign work experience has a positive effect on the propensity to publish in journals with a high impact factor. Additionally, a large share of this type of research is published without international co-authorship. We therefore do no not find evidence of a lack of publication autonomy in the case of Argentinean returnees.  相似文献   

分学科探讨中国科研机构之国际表现——科学计量学视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钟永沣  周萍 《情报杂志》2012,31(4):70-75
随着科研事业的发展,如何对研究机构及其科研产出进行有效的评价,是决策者面临的重要挑战.以西班牙SCImago机构排名世界报告为数据源,探讨中国机构在健康科学领域、生命科学领域、物理科学领域、人文社会科学领域的论文产出、国际合作、高质量论文、归一化引用影响在国际上的地位,并用Pearson相关分析研究各个指标之间的关系.我国论文产量增长快,但是仍比不上发文排名前100名的机构中,所占机构数量绝对领先的美国;在国际合作方面,我国表现突出的机构不多,与国际合作非常活跃的欧洲国家相差甚远;我国机构的高质量论文比和论文的引用影响与世界先进水平也有很大的差距.因此,我国机构在追求论文数量的同时,还应在各个领域加强国际合作,同时鼓励研究人员在高质量期刊上投稿,加强与高水平作者群的交流,从而提高论文的质量.  相似文献   

选取技术交易中的技术开发和技术许可两个维度,分析高校技术交易管理制度对科研人员研发行为的影响。研究发现高校技术交易管理制度会影响高校科研人员的技术交易选择,短期来看,科研人员倾向于选择技术开发研发项目,而较少选择技术许可项目;长期来看,会激励科研人员"单兵作战"的技术开发研发行为的增多,降低高校进行"团体作战"的技术转让的数量,不利于高校开展技术许可活动。  相似文献   

This paper presents an empirical analysis of the determinants of research cooperation between firms and Public research organisations (PROs) for a sample of innovating small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The econometric analysis is based on the results of the KNOW survey carried out in seven EU countries during 2000. In contrast to earlier works that provide information about the importance of PROs’ research, we know the number of firm/PRO collaborative research and development (R&D) projects. This allows us to study the determinants of firm collaboration with PROs in terms of both the propensity of a firm to undertake R&D projects with a university (do they cooperate or not) and the extent of this collaboration (number of R&D projects). Two questions are addressed. Which firms cooperated with PROs? And what are the firm characteristics that might explain the number of R&D projects with PROs? The results of our analysis point to two major phenomena. First, the propensity to forge an agreement with an academic partner depends on the ‘absolute size’ of the industrial partner. Second the openness of firms to the external environment, as measured by their willingness to search, screen and signal, significantly affects the development of R&D projects with PROs. Our findings suggest that acquiring knowledge through the screening of publications and involvement in public policies positively affects the probability of signing an agreement with a PRO, but not the number of R&D projects developed. In fact, firms that outsource research and development, and patent to protect innovation and to signal competencies show higher levels of collaboration.  相似文献   

本文主要针对科研人员之间的项目合作关系,研究科研项目合作网络的人员组成特点、学科特点,并挖掘隐藏在网络中的科研团队。首先,基于科研项目数据集,通过计算人员项目之间的余弦相似性构建科研项目合作网络。其次,采用社会网络分析指标对科研项目合作网络进行分析。最后,将合并策略加入到凝聚子群分析算法中,提出了一种基于合并的凝聚子群分析算法(Merge Cohesive Subgroups Algorithm,MCSA),用于挖掘隐藏在科研项目合作网络中的科研团队。实验分析了某市自然科学基金项目合作网络中人员合作的紧密程度与合作模式,核心科研人员的年龄构成,以及各个学科的发展趋势等情况,与典型的社群挖掘算法FN算法和LPA算法进行对比,结果表明本文提出的基于合并的凝聚子群分析算法挖掘到的科研团队更有效。  相似文献   

This study investigates the effect of project-level collaboration breadth (i.e., the number of collaboration partner types) and collaboration depth (i.e., the intensity of the interactions with these partners) on the incremental and radical innovation performance of innovation projects. The econometric analyses, based on a Community Innovation Study sample of 218 innovation projects conducted in German manufacturing companies, reveal inverted U-shaped relationships between collaboration breadth and radical innovation performance and between collaboration depth and incremental innovation performance. These curvilinear effects speak to the high sensitivity of innovation projects to the extent of collaborative activity, which implies that practitioners should exert caution in managing collaborative innovation projects. This study contributes to the understanding of project-level open innovation and to the overall understanding of the performance effects of innovation collaboration, which, following recent assertions in the literature, could be flawed by analyses conducted at the organizational level.  相似文献   

Collaborations in funded teams are essential for understanding funded research and funding policies, although of high interest, are still not fully understood. This study aims to investigate directed collaboration patterns from the perspective of the knowledge flow, which is measured based on the academic age. To this end, we proposed a project-based team identification approach, which gives particular attention to funded teams. The method is applicable to other funding systems. Based on identified scientific teams, we detected recurring and significant subgraph patterns, known as network motifs, and under-represented patterns, known as anti-motifs. We found commonly occurred motifs and anti-motifs are remarkably characterized by different structures matching certain functions in knowledge exchanges. Collaboration patterns represented by motifs favor hierarchical structures, supporting intensive interactions across academic generations. Anti-motifs are more likely to show chain-like structures, hindering potentially various knowledge activities, and are thus seldom found in real collaboration networks. These findings provide new insights into the understanding of funded collaborations and also the funding system. Meanwhile, our findings are helpful for researchers, the public and policymakers to gain knowledge on research(ers) evolution, particularly in terms of primordial collaboration patterns.  相似文献   

In this study, we propose and validate social networks based theoretical model for exploring scholars’ collaboration (co-authorship) network properties associated with their citation-based research performance (i.e., g-index). Using structural holes theory, we focus on how a scholar’s egocentric network properties of density, efficiency and constraint within the network associate with their scholarly performance. For our analysis, we use publication data of high impact factor journals in the field of “Information Science & Library Science” between 2000 and 2009, extracted from Scopus. The resulting database contained 4837 publications reflecting the contributions of 8069 authors. Results from our data analysis suggest that research performance of scholars’ is significantly correlated with scholars’ ego-network measures. In particular, scholars with more co-authors and those who exhibit higher levels of betweenness centrality (i.e., the extent to which a co-author is between another pair of co-authors) perform better in terms of research (i.e., higher g-index). Furthermore, scholars with efficient collaboration networks who maintain a strong co-authorship relationship with one primary co-author within a group of linked co-authors (i.e., co-authors that have joint publications) perform better than those researchers with many relationships to the same group of linked co-authors.  相似文献   

在公众科学项目展示中,研究者需要对项目预算进行详细说明,包括总体融资金额、预算条目、预算描述等。为了深入分析预算对公众科学参与意愿的影响,采用来自知名公众科学平台Experiment上的850个公众科学项目及其3,356条预算数据,本文进行了三项研究:(1)预算金额设置;(2)预算条目设置;(3)预算的文本描述。使用数据挖掘、文本挖掘和计量方法,对公众科学项目的预算及对公众参与意愿的影响进行分析。实证研究表明,预算金额对公众参与意愿具有正面影响;预算条目越丰富,越能吸引更多公众参与项目。详细的预算文本描述扩大了公众科学参与者规模以及融得的资金量,但是这种效用呈现倒U型影响。而预算文本的易读性显著提升了公众参与公众科学项目的意愿。主观性描述(相对客观性描述)降低了项目的吸引力,并具有倒U型影响。相对预测性描述,在预算中采用事实性描述能够显著提升项目的吸引力。本文展示了公众科学项目预算的影响,为公众科学项目的研究者设置和撰写有吸引力的项目预算提供了理论依据和实践参考。  相似文献   

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