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Both in the international context and in Flanders (the Dutch-speaking part of Belgium), research shows that many young people experience social exclusion in relation to education. However, research evidence concerning structural social inequality in education is predominantly underpinned by an outcome-based approach, since educational policies and practices are largely informed by a human capital model. Inspired by the theoretical insights of the Capability Approach, we aim to contribute to process-oriented knowledge about the ways in which educational and social welfare actors can support socially vulnerable young people in realising their capability for education rather than focusing on human capital. We draw upon a rich empirical basis of participatory biographical research with young people in the system of part-time vocational education and workplace learning, perceived as the residue of the educational cascade mechanism in Flanders and pertinently revealing problems of social exclusion and exit of young people.  相似文献   

Systematic research into the school-to-work (STW) transition of young people with mild disabilities, a relatively new emphasis in education, has produced a wealth of information about factors associated with adult employment. Further, legislative mandates and recent educational reforms related to transition and access to the general curriculum have generated useful policy discussions about how schools can best support young people with disabilities to overcome documented barriers to work. However, theoretical perspectives embedded in and generated from research, policy, and practice on STW transitions of young people with disabilities are rarely discussed. The intent of this article is fourfold: (a) to summarize current research and models of practice on STW transition within the field of special education, (b) to identify implicit yet infrequently named theories in our research and practice, (c) to make connections to STW theories outside special education, and (d) to suggest how emerging perspectives can shape future research.  相似文献   

教育地理学自20世纪30—40年代产生以来,只有少数人对它进行过断断续续的研究,我国从20世纪90年代开始,有少数人对其学科性质、研究对象、学科体系、研究任务与内容、方法与意义等进行了探讨。而对于实践方面,教育规划、学校布局、区域教育发展、地区教育比较等方面的研究则很多。可见教育地理学的研究没有引起人们足够的重视,研究者数量极少,兼具地理学与教育学专业背景的人微乎其微,理论研究有待深入。论文对教育地理学的现状进行了研究,提出应当把教育地理学的研究明确划分为研究"是什么"认识问题的教育地理学和"怎么做"操作、实践问题的教育布局学两方面,并对教育地理学的出路进行探索。  相似文献   

维柯的思想传入我国已有时日,影响到包括教育学在内的诸多学科领域.维柯从“认识你自己”这一前提出发,肯定人文教育的整体性关照,高扬精神在人文教育中的神圣力量.维柯集前人思想之大成,以智慧、雄辩、审慎为其人文教育的理念,认为教育目实现的过程是人性不断完善的过程.维柯提出人文教育的次序应遵循人的能力自然发生的序列.维柯重视人文教育的社会本性,重视人对幸福生活的追求,但是却不能把人过度“世俗化”.知识教育固然重要,但维柯认为还应有进一步的超越.他的人文教育旨在使人去愚增慧,通过德性教育和智慧教育去塑造人,是对知识教育的一种超越.现代社会新巧技术盲目堆积状态下人之理性过度膨胀所导致的教育与培养全面发展的人的旨归相背离,维柯人文教育思想对此无疑是一剂清醒剂.  相似文献   

潜在课程的研究受到越来越多的人的关注。作者从法学教育的主要内容和特征入手,结合当前实际,努力分析和讨论法学教育中潜在课程的育人功能及其开发利用。  相似文献   

What do young people believe sexuality education ought to be about? It is within the absence of a sustained and critical consideration of the possibilities and politics of engaging in research with rather than for young people in the reimagining of sexuality education that this paper is positioned. Data were generated as part of an 18-month Youth Participatory Action Research study in one co-educational secondary school with 43 student co-researchers (15–17 years). The findings presented are not intended to provide conclusive statements about future directions for sexuality education, but rather provide a platform on which to discuss how young people’s ideas align with or diverge from current practice and debates surrounding what sexuality education should, could or ought to be about.  相似文献   

Issues concerning children and young people are of interest for the educational field as question about fostering, up-bringing, learning and socialisation are core topics for academic researchers in education. Today many young people in Sweden and around the world spend an increasing amount of their time in online communities or social networking sites. This article aims to investigate whether it also is highlighted by the education researchers. Is it an area to which educational researchers currently contribute? The goal for this article is to present research that is done regarding these issues. My findings show that few academic studies deal with youth and their online environments. Foremost is the research about Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in formal learning situations: in higher education, in schools and classrooms, among professional groups such as teachers and about more general computer use rather than on questions about the fostering or up-bringing of children online. This study implies that online activities for children and young people is a topic currently lying outside the educational research field, resulting in a discussion on why that can be. My work consisted of three parts: a manual search in Swedish research journals at a university library and by searching one Swedish (Libris) and one international (ISI Web of Science) online database. This activity took place in 2009 and covered research conducted between 2003 and 2008. I conclude that this area is one where educational expertise is lacking; hence further research is strongly required.  相似文献   

本文在调查研究的基础上,介绍了云南省德宏州傣族佛寺教育的主要特点,简要地分析了佛寺教育和普通教育的关系,探讨了它对傣族社会的意义及其局限性,并在此基础上提出傣族地区发展佛寺教育的看法。  相似文献   

“全语言”是当代风靡多个英语国家的一种语言教育的哲学。它不是一种指导狭隘实践的教条,而是语言观、学习观、人类观的融合体。从学习者、学习内容与学习环境三个方面来看,全语言是“作为全人的学习者在整体情境中对整体语言的学习”。全语言研究有助于深入了解语言与语言学习的本质,反思和剖析母语教育的基本理念,重新思考母语教育的意义,树立母语教育的整体观。  相似文献   

中华传统文化是中华民族的精神支撑。如何弘扬好中华文化,建设好中华民族共有的这一精神家园,是当今教育改革面临的一个重大课题。加强传统文化教育,有利于中国社会的和谐和社会经济的长远发展,对维护祖国统一和民族团结具有重要作用。传统文化的传承不是简单地复古,要与现代文明协调对接,既要保持民族性,又要体现时代性。只有在教育改革工作中坚持不懈地实施传统文化教育,才能实现"建设中华民族共同精神家园"的伟大目标。  相似文献   

In Australia, anti-discrimination legislation and government policies have been introduced which aim to facilitate the inclusion of people with disabilities in employment and education. However in the area of nursing, attitudinal barriers persist that effectively hinder the full participation of people with disabilities in nurse education programs. These attitudinal barriers prevail despite such legislative and policy changes, and run counter to changing community views about disability. Normative assumptions about the ideal attributes of nurses appear to influence these attitudes, especially in the area of admission of students with disabilities to nurse education programs per se, and to their participation in the practicum component of nurse education programs. This paper reports on research conducted in Victoria, Australia, by nurse academics and equity practitioners at three Victorian universities, into the barriers facing such students. The research examined the views of undergraduate student nurses, their lecturers and their clinical educators, nurse clinicians, and university disability practitioners about the participation of people with disabilities in nurse education programs. The research also sought to document their responses to a framework, developed through the research that aims to facilitate the inclusion of students with disabilities in undergraduate nursing programs. It did this against a pluralistic and technological milieu that in the researchers' view requires a more diverse mix within the nursing profession.  相似文献   

本文在调查研究的基础上,介绍了云南省德宏州傣族佛寺教育的主要特点,简要地分析了佛寺教育和普通教育的关系,探讨了它对傣族社会的意义及其局限性,并在此基础上提出傣族地区发展佛寺教育的看法。  相似文献   


This article is a set of reflections based on research into the secondary school/further education college interface over the past five years. The research highlighted a number of issues relating to values and management in post-compulsory education. These issues will be explored in the article. The setting up of the quasi-market in post-compulsory education has led to a tension between liberal democratic and economic instrumentalist values. For example, the officially stated policies may emphasise collaboration between school and colleges yet at the operational level school leaders accuse colleges of 'poaching' pupils and college leaders accuse schools of 'hanging on' to pupils. There exists a discrepancy between the market-led managerialism which leads to young people being treated as commodities and the alternative market view of young people as potential or actual clients with educational or training needs to be met. There also exist alternative discourses on the nature of young people themselves which reflect value positions. The same young people perceived themselves as adults making rational decisions about their own futures. It is important that leaders and managers in post-compulsory education consider these differing value positions.  相似文献   

毕业研究生所受研究生教育与个人职业发展的关系是研究生教育实践与理论的重要内容,也是最近几年学术界和政府日益关注的热点问题之一。本文通过对一所研究型综合大学的毕业研究生进行调查,了解他们当前的职业发展和读研期间所受研究生教育情况,并分析后者对前者的影响。最后,依据分析结果对研究生教育提出了相关改进意见与建议。  相似文献   

《Support for Learning》2004,19(4):162-168
Increased participation and success in education for disabled people will improve their social inclusion and benefit society in general. In this article Louca‐Mai Wilson discusses Disability Rights Commission research on education and its implications for policy and practice. Research findings are considered in relation to the need for the voices of young disabled people to be heard in research, policy and planning. A key finding was that young disabled people want to be regarded and treated as equal to their peers, with the same rights of access and educational opportunity. But schools and educational establishments vary in their willingness and capacity to address and remove existing access barriers. Inclusion is a key issue for many young disabled people; many feel isolated at school and college and often have lower expectations about their future than their non‐disabled peers. Inclusive practice and participation are key to ensuring that disability equality in education is achieved.  相似文献   

Previous research studies suggest that environmental education for social change has to be considered as critical education rather than as nature study. In a participatory research approach, classroom projects with teacher teams in five senior high schools were initiated and in‐service seminars were offered. A theorising debate about environmental education resulted in a critical environmental education concept based on human action in local social systems and the questioning of the norms and value judgements of the people concerned. Classroom projects were analysed with respect to locally constructed critical knowledge and in view of the teaching/learning culture. This study shows that teachers are most concerned about ways of handling a complex and value‐laden process. It is concluded that reflection on processes and methods is essential if teachers are to understand their students’ critical exploration of social issues.  相似文献   

During the high school years, most young people in the United States receive school-based sexuality education, but there is little research on what they want to know about sex and sexuality but may be afraid to ask. This study is a content analysis of anonymous questions about sex (N = 645) asked by ninth-grade students from the greater Los Angeles area. A sample of predominantly lower-income and Latino/a students submitted anonymous questions before participating in sexuality education. Results show that young people are eager to understand how to use birth control and prevent pregnancy, have misinformation about sex and sexuality, and are misinformed on many topics. Results are discussed in light of what educators and others can do to help young people develop a safe, healthy sex life.  相似文献   

Derrick Armstrong, a post-doctoral research associate in the Division of Education at the University in Sheffield, and Paul Davies, a researcher working in the Centre for the Study of Education and Training at Lancaster University, report on the experiences of 29 young people about to leave special education. They consider the support offered by schools and specialist careers advisors, and the opportunities and barriers experienced during transition. It is suggested that, although the quality of advice and support offered to young people at a school is good, there appears to be a subsequent lack of coherence which can make these leavers highly vulnerable when they move to employment, training or further education.  相似文献   

近百年来,创新教育的逐步兴起,使人们开始对创新及其创新教育的一些基本问题进行反思。随着创新及其创新教育研究的深化。关于创新障碍及其影响因素便成为了关键性的问题之一。笔者从创新障碍的涵义谈起,重点论述了创新障碍的影响因素。  相似文献   

There is a general acceptance that inclusion is morally and ethically the most appropriate form of education. However, more research needs to focus on how best to accommodate and support the educational needs of all students, including those with physical disabilities. Listening to young people with physical disabilities talk about their educational experiences is one way to do this. The aim of this research was to investigate the life stories of a small number of young people with physical disabilities, in particular focusing on their educational experiences. Nine young people, between the ages of 10 and 13 years, who used a manual or powered wheelchair and had the cognitive ability to participate in a series of biographical interviews, were recruited. They collaborated in the writing of their life stories. One theme identified in the analysis of these life stories was their educational experiences. The results highlight that the participants held mixed views about their education. The four who attended a segregated special school were generally positive about their experiences. Participants who had attended a mainstream school talked about positive and negative experiences. Individual and differing perspectives on friendships and the ethos of their school were noted. It is suggested that young people with physical disabilities need to be considered as individuals and that if schools are to achieve the goal of inclusion they need to develop ways to accommodate each individual's needs.  相似文献   

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