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承诺有时是如此神秘,有时甚至让人恐慌。我们总是在今天做出承诺,但是它们却都是关于明天的。坦白说,我们对于明天的一切几乎都无法确定,如果说我们能有所确定的话,那就是未来的这种不确定性。  相似文献   

A cup of coffee     

1.Billy is very young.Heloves pictures. 比利还很小。他喜爱画画儿。  相似文献   

Now computer is coming into our daily life. Some people ask question .Is it possible that one day our life and study will be computerized1? Will the computer take the place of 2 teachers in class? Will Robot do every- thing in the house? It is indeed inte…  相似文献   

A Man of Habit     
Mr Smith is a man of habit.He always does the same things day in,day out.His alarm clock rings at 7:15 every morning,and at 7:18sharp he jumps out of bed and takes a shower.He does exactly fiveminutes of exercises every morning while he watches his favorite news broad-cast.Then he puts on a conservative three-piece suit,a striped tie,and dark shoes,and goes down for breakfast.  相似文献   

Once a man had four sons who never stopped quarrelling with oncanother.He was always telling them how much easier life would be if theyworked together but they took absolutely no notice of what he said. One day he called all his sons together and put a tightly tied bundle  相似文献   

一个年轻人有一次去城里为他自己买了一条裤子。当他回家后,上楼到他的房间里试穿了一下。他发现裤子长了两英寸。他下楼来,他妈妈和他的两个姐妹正在厨房洗茶具。他说“:我的新裤子长了,要弄短两英寸。请问,你们中谁能帮我做一下这事?”他的妈妈和姐妹们正忙着,都没有说什么。  相似文献   

A Piece of Cake     
我们许多人都喜欢过生日,生日晚会上,生日蛋糕是必不可少的。人教版初一英语教科书第15课,就用了一幅有一个大大的生日蛋糕的图画来呈现英语单词cake,在图下方是英语acake。同学们一定会对cake留下非常深刻的印象,也知道了cake在此是可数名词。当初一英语书第73课出现了装有四个小蛋糕的一幅图,图下方自然是英语cakes。但在76课的Checkpoint19中却出现了twelvepiecesofcake,而不是twelvecakes。许多学生对此迷惑不解。其实英文中的很多名词都身兼数职,同是一个词在一种情况下是可数名词,而在另一种场合却是不可数名词。cake就是其中之一。…  相似文献   

A Piece of Cake     
I knew little about English when I first came to America.So I went toa language school every day to learn English.One day,during the break Iasked one of my classmates a question that I didn蒺t understand.When Ithanked her for it,she said:“You are welcome.It蒺s a piece of cake.”Ithought to myself:“America is really a society for money in whicheverything is done for pay.”Thus I said to her:“I haven蒺t taken any pieceof cake with me today.How about a piece of biscuit?”Sh…  相似文献   

A Piece of Cake     
中文和英文都喜欢用“吃”来打比方。我们汉语中有个成语是用来形容一件事特别容易的,就是“小菜一碟”。英语中也有一个成语是差不多的意思:a piece of cake。看来饮食真的是人类的根本啊!和a piece of cake意思相近的还有aseasy as pie、a piece of pie。这两个也是挺有趣的短语。据考证,19世纪的时候pie这个词就用来指“非常容易的事情”了。但是它们确切的起源还是无人知晓。我们用三个例子来具体说明一下:John is very good at mathematics,so thetest was a piece of cake for him.约翰的数学很好,所以这次考试对他来说真是小菜一碟…  相似文献   

A Piece of Cake     
国庆假期到了,你计划好怎样度过这七天了吗?郝鹏早在九月刚开学的时候就已经做好他的“国庆长假郊游计划”了:纠集几个“死党”,约上几个“小老外”,一起到效外搞个“中外儿童野炊盛宴”。  相似文献   

A Story of Peter     
这个故事里含有“eye”的句子达十个之多,可是它在各句中的意思又大相径庭,你能写出下面划线部分各自的汉语意思吗? Peter was the apple of his mother’s eye.Hewas fifteen years old,but in her eyes he was onlya baby.  相似文献   

A Story of Peter     

1.When I was in Grade Two at the Salt Lake Girls School,there was a girl who had always been friendly towardme,and had nev-er done anything to cause me to dislike her.我在盐湖女校读二年级时,有一位女同学对我总是非常友好,从未做过一件让我讨厌的事。2.But I disliked her.I do not know why.I was continually saying unpleasant words to her,making fun of her,and snubbing her.但我讨厌她。我不知道为什么。我不断地对她说些刺耳的话,拿她开玩笑,还常常奚落她。  相似文献   

with most exams,there are usually several different ways in which you can answer the questions because as long as you number your answers you can put them in any order the important thing you should always do is to read through the entire paper before you begin.  相似文献   

For us to go to Italy and to penetrate into Italy is like a most fascinating act of self-discovery-back,back down the old ways of time. Strange and wonderful chords awake in us. and vibrate again after many hundreds of years of complete forgetfulness. -D.H. Lawrence (1885-1930), British author  相似文献   

Today I go to the book shop with my classmate. On the way to shop①,beside the street we meet some people.They are selling manned birds.The birds are made by themselves with grass.I can’t help taking one of them.Oh,it's so beautiful and vivid.It have②two wide winas and a long  相似文献   

口曰犷 Come here,my friends.Look,1 haveof our elassroom.The woman ina扮da PhotoCoat 15m叮d.rer几rl)la]O‘OUTEnglish teacher.She isanieeteaeher.in Row 2.The boy inaSWeater 15good friend.HisnameHe 15 Ameriean.teaehers,too. There are many15 Jim,blueHe15 12His motheryearsfather.阅.,flowersThey arelove ouryenow.They are lnVeryelassroom.Do you love your elassroom,utiful.Weelassroom?de狠l(从en LllM a .r.,卜1.,.,.,.,.,刁.,.,根据短文,选择正确的答案:1 .1 have a Photo of_· A .my family B.atea…  相似文献   

秋来 《中学生英语》2002,(20):16-16
~~A Nice Cup of Tea@秋来$湖北省鄂州市一中  相似文献   

Geor巴e Ellot Is a famous English novelist whose talent la aovel writiag w易swidely admired at her time and draws muc止 critical atteation now. Her George Eliot is a famous English novelist whose taleat in novel writing was widely admired at her time and dtaws much critical attention now,Her contemporary writer,Charlse Dickens,once wrote to her as such.  相似文献   

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