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贸易摩擦的最终目的是争夺技术创新的制高点。研究借助SPSS统计软件,以金砖国家2000-2018年在华获授权的3696项专利为依据,对外国在华专利技术的时序变化、专利权人、优势技术领域、优先权和PCT专利、有效专利、专利权利转移和被引用等特征进行了分析。研究得出以下结论:①大型企业专利权人是外国在华实施专利技术创新战略的主导力量,个人专利权人是重要力量。②根据科技发展需求,技术保护是外国在华进行专利技术创新战略的主要目的。③经济发展水平和主导产业优势是外国在华实施专利技术创新战略的推动要素。④应该以“一带一路”战略为契机,加强自主创新和技术创新合作,吸引更多核心创新技术首次在华申请专利和进行技术转移,推动中国国际科技创新中心建设,争取更为有利的国际竞争环境。  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2019,48(9):103834
This study empirically examines the association between the extent of emerging technological ideas in a scientific publication and its future scientific impact measured by number of citations. We analyze metadata of scientific publications in three scientific domains: Nano-Enabled Drug Delivery, Synthetic Biology, and Autonomous Vehicles. By employing a bibliometric indicator for identifying and quantifying emerging technological ideas – as derived terms from the titles and abstracts – we measure the extent to which the publication contains emerging technological ideas in each domain. Then, we statistically estimate the size and statistical significance of the relationship between the publication-level technological emergence score and the normalized number of citations accruing to the publication.Our analysis shows that the degree to which a paper contains technologically emerging ideas is positively and strongly associated with its future citation impact in each of the three domains. An additional analysis demonstrates that this relationship holds for citations from other publications, both in the same field as, and in different fields from, the scientific domain of the focal publication. A series of tests for validation further support our argument that the greater the extent to which scientific knowledge (a paper) contains emerging ideas, the bigger its scientific impact. Implications for academic researchers, research policymakers, and firms are discussed.  相似文献   

摘要 为研究科学与现有技术对中国传统产业技术创新质量的影响,促进传统产业对科学和现有技术的继承。本文以中药上市企业的中药专利数据为样本,使用零膨胀负二项回归和突变级数法,从静态和动态两个维度分析了中药继承对创新质量影响。发现专利引文数量对创新质量有稳健的消极影响,跨技术领域引证2004年后对创新质量有积极影响,科学引文数量对创新质量随时间由消极影响转变为积极影响,技术标准和古代医药典籍在2003-2004年对创新质量有积极影响,现代医药图书在整体上对创新质量有积极影响。  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2022,51(2):104415

本文在理论上分析互联网发展对技术创新的可能影响机制,利用2007—2014年我国230个地级市的面板数据,通过主成分分析法构建了互联网发展指数。并进一步应用工具变量法实证研究了互联网发展对技术创新产生的影响及其内在传导机制。本文采用1984年各城市每百人固定电话数量与电信投资量的交互项作为研究的工具变量。实证表明:(1)无论从专利数据还是城市创新指数来看,互联网发展都显著促进了技术创新;(2)互联网发展加速了专利的折旧速度,有利于提高创新知识的更新速度;(3)互联网发展加快信息的传播,提升了专利的国内外引用,显著增加了创新知识的溢出。本文为我国“互联网+”行动计划、创新型国家建设奠定了理论与事实基础。  相似文献   

As university involvement in technology transfer and entrepreneurship has increased, concerns over the patenting and licensing of scientific discoveries have grown. This paper examines the effect that the licensing of academic patents has on journal citations to academic publications covering the same scientific research. We analyze data on invention disclosures, patents, and licenses from the University of California, a leading U.S. academic patenter and licensor, between 1997 and 2007. We also develop a novel “inventor-based” maximum-likelihood matching technique to automate and generalize Murray's (2002) “patent-paper pairs” methodology. We use this methodology to identify the scientific publications associated with University of California patents and licenses.Based on a “difference-in-differences” analysis, we find that within our sample of patented academic discoveries, citations to licensed patent-linked publications are higher in the three years after the license, although this difference is not statistically significant. We then disaggregate our sample into (a) patented discoveries that are likely to be used as “research tools” by other researchers (based on the presence of material transfer agreements (MTAs) that cover them) and (b) patented discoveries not covered by MTAs. Citations to publications linked to licensed patents in the latter subset (not covered by MTAs) are higher for publications linked to licensed patents, and this difference is statistically significant. In contrast, licensing of patented discoveries that are also research tools is associated with a reduction in citations to papers linked to these research advances, raising the possibility that licensing may restrict the flow of inputs to “follow-on” scientific research.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2023,52(8):104824
This article analyzes the impact of loans secured by patents (LSPs) on the intellectual property and innovation strategy of technological firms that benefit from them. The literature mostly emphasizes that LSPs, by reducing the risk taken by lenders in case of borrowers' default, facilitate the financing of technological firms. However, it remains silent on the impact of LSPs on the behavior and strategy of borrowers. With regard to this second point, our research suggests that LSPs are not neutral. In particular, we provide evidence that LSPs might induce technological firms to deviate from innovative activities toward more short-term strategies based on the monetization and litigation of their patents. We also show that financing groups might attempt to encourage this strategic change. Our research is based, first, on empirical insights provided by a qualitative analysis of publicly known LSPs offered by an international investment group and their consequences for four borrowers. Second, we propose a theoretical model that formally explores how LSPs might impact borrowers' strategies. Even though the welfare implications of these findings are difficult to evaluate, this research has likely important economic and managerial implications with regard to intellectual property management, the financing of innovation and the organization of the innovation process.  相似文献   

This paper explores the complex relationship between scientific novelty and technological impact. We measure novel science as publications which make new combinations of prior knowledge, as reflected in new combinations of journals in their references, and trace links between science and technology by scientific references in patent applications. We draw on all the Web of Science SCIE journal articles published in 2001 and all the patents in PATSTAT (October 2013 edition). We find that the small proportion of scientific publications which score on novelty, particularly the 1% highly novel scientific publications in their field, are significantly and sizably more likely to have direct technological impact than comparable non-novel publications. In addition to this superior likelihood of direct impact, novel science also has a higher probability for indirect technological impact, being more likely to be cited by other scientific publications which have technological impact. Among the set of scientific publications cited at least once by patents, there are no additional significant differences in the speed or the intensity of the technological impact between novel and non-novel scientific prior art, but the technological impact from novel science is significantly broader and reaching new technology fields previously not impacted by its scientific discipline. Novel science is also more likely to lead to patents which are themselves novel.  相似文献   

We propose an empirical strategy to estimate competition in innovation markets. Our method relates firms’ market return on equity to information about patent citation patterns. Two innovations are implemented in the methodology. First is the application of daily abnormal stock returns rather than annual measures of Tobin's q. Second is the creation of citation patterns related to the area of science a firm patents in as represented by the detailed patent classification system. We find that markets positively reward firms when patents are granted. We further find that firm's market value increases when its patent portfolio is cited. We find evidence of competition in innovation markets. The market reacts at the time that the citation occurs and does not anticipate future citations at the time of patenting. Holding this effect constant, we find that citations from patents in the same area of science tend to reduce market value. We interpret these findings as consistent with more citations indicating more valuable intellectual property but citations from competing technologies decreasing it.  相似文献   

This paper analyses whether strategic motives for patenting influence the characteristics of companies’ patent portfolios. We use the number of citations and oppositions to represent these characteristics. The analysis is based on survey data from German companies, which are combined with EPO data covering applications from 1991 to 2000. We find clear evidence that the companies’ patenting strategies are related to the characteristics of their patent portfolios. First, companies using patents in the traditional way to protect their technological knowledge base receive a higher number of forward citations for their patents. Second, the motive of offensive - but not of defensive - blocking is related to a higher incidence of oppositions, whereas companies using patents as bartering chips in collaborations receive fewer citations and fewer oppositions to their patents.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]燃料电池作为新能源产业的核心部件,培育并评价其高价值专利对于我国突破国外“技术锁定”,对实现技术创新驱动新能源产业发展具有重大意义。[方法/过程]基于INNOJOY专利数据库,选取了燃料电池作为研究对象,采用主客观赋权方法与Cox比例风险回归模型等探究了技术锁定视角下的专利价值的影响因素。[结果/结论]结果表明:(1)技术锁定对专利价值的抑制作用显著;(2)引证数、被引证数与同族数均对专利价值的促进作用显著,权利要求数对专利价值的抑制作用显著,而IPC分类数对专利价值不具有显著效应。在丰富了专利价值研究的同时,为我国突破“技术锁定”,进而实现专利强国的目标提供相应建议。  相似文献   

识别具有发展潜力的新兴技术和最具价值的新兴技术主体已成为各利益相关方关注的重点。美国的FUSE项目提出了“技术新兴度”这一指标,实现了对新兴技术(主体)的定量评估。在此基础上,本文以专利为研究对象,引入文献计量学、计量经济学等相关方法,在对专利的技术新兴度进行计算的基础上,从定量角度探究专利的技术新兴度与其技术影响力间的关系,并使用纳米载药领域的专利数据进行实证分析。研究表明,专利的技术影响力与其技术新兴度间存在显著的正相关关系,即技术新兴度越高的专利可能对后续的技术发展产生更大的影响和推动作用,且这种新兴技术思想(新兴术语)对专利技术影响力的提高作用具有一定的持久性(至少3年)。本研究为新兴技术的定量研究、高质量专利的挖掘以及我国政府或企业相关科技策略的制定提供了重要的参考。  相似文献   

A frequently made claim in the innovation literature is that important inventions involve the transfer of new knowledge from one technological domain to another. This study uses U.S. patents granted from 1976 to 2006 to identify the role of knowledge acquired from outside each patent's technological domain. Our results do not seem to support the claim above. Increasing citations to external prior art is a significantly less important predictor of forward citation frequency than citing prior art that is technologically closer. This result is robust across several model specifications and ways of defining whether each flow of knowledge is external. The result is even stronger in the most highly cited technology categories. We discuss possible explanations for this apparently negative impact of external knowledge—including both measurement issues and challenges associated with assimilating disparate knowledge.  相似文献   

Innovative public procurement is increasingly considered as a form of public support for private innovation activities by both innovation scholars and policymakers. Economic historians have suggested an even more fundamental role of public procurement in setting the pace of technological change, reporting how defense-related procurement has had a major impact on the emergence and diffusion of many general purpose technologies developed in the United States in the 20th century. In this paper, I suggest that procurement might represent one of the most important elements in creating the right soil to ‘cultivate’ a technology that may have the potential to reach high levels of pervasiveness. To test this hypothesis, I make use of patent data and patent citations. I design a quasi-experiment to compare the changes in the level of generality level over time, between a group of treated and a group of control patents. A patent is assigned to the treatment group if it receives a citation from a patent related to public procurement. Results suggest a positive and significant impact of innovative public procurement on the generality of a patent.  相似文献   

黄苹  蔡火娣 《科研管理》2020,41(6):80-89
随着“走出去”战略的深入推进,跨国并购是否提升了中国企业技术创新质量?拓展现有计量模型,使用多指标构建创新质量指数,采用倾向性得分匹配和双重差分法,基于中国上市公司数据实证检验,跨国并购对并购企业的创新质量促进效应。研究发现,中国企业跨国并购积极促进了技术创新产出规模提升,但对企业技术创新质量存在显著的抑制效应,即中国上市公司跨国并购存在创新产出的量变,没有发生创新“质变”。并购双方技术互补性,通过丰富并购企业的技术知识多样化和提升技术创新效率,进而提升了并购企业的创新质量,对跨国并购的创新质量效应具有正向调节作用。研究发现为中国企业有效实施跨国并购,匹配合适并购对象,实现增长性协同效应提供启示。  相似文献   

中国国际科技合著论文的学科分布差异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
 本文研究了十年间(1996-2005)SCIE论文中国国际科技合著论文的学科分布差异。通过对论文数量和引文影响的相对水平进行比较,发现在基础研究、工程技术和生物医学三个主要学科大类之间存在明显的差异:基础研究学科论文和引文数量都比较多;工程技术学科论文数多而引文数量相对较少;医学生物学则是论文数量较少而引文数量相对较多。同时,本文还将h指数的概念引入到学科比较中,以学科作为论文产出的主体进行比较分析。同样可以发现三大类学科的差异:基础研究学科h指数普遍较高,工程技术类普遍较低,而医学生物学处于二者之间的地位。  相似文献   

许琦  顾新建 《科研管理》2020,41(12):204-218
提出了一种面向技术进化的专利池必要专利客观评估方法,以克服现有的聘请第三方专家进行主观鉴定和评估的缺陷。效仿孟德尔遗传定律,采用技术遗传分解的方法,追踪技术的起源和演变。提出了技术适应指数的概念,衡量专利在技术进化中的适应能力。结合技术标准,对技术适应指数较高的适应性专利进行严格地甄别和筛选,以确保拟入池专利的必要性,保障专利权人和技术领域的“双赢”发展。以1873年至2002年美国专利商标局授权的燃料电池相关专利及其引证数据为样本,通过实证研究,评估了该领域的适应性专利。研究结果表明,无论从引证关系上看还是从专利内容上看,这些适应性专利都表征了燃料电池领域的技术发展情况,这与必要专利评估的中心思想:面向技术进化,是相符合的;这些适应性专利中某些技术要素是实现燃料电池相关技术标准功能指标或性能要求的重要手段和技术支撑,这些专利应该是“绕不开”的必要专利。  相似文献   

Martin Meyer   《Research Policy》2006,35(10):1646
This paper explores the relationship between scientific publication and patenting activity. More specifically, it examines for the field of nano-science and nano-technology whether researchers who both publish and patent are more productive and more highly cited than their peers who concentrate on scholarly publication in communicating their research results. This study is based on an analysis of the nano-science publications and nano-technology patents of a small set of European countries. While only a very few nano-scientists appear to hold patents in nano-technology, many nano-inventors seem to be actively publishing nano-science research. Overall, the patenting scientists appear to outperform their solely publishing (non-inventing) peers in terms of publication counts and citation frequency. However, a closer examination of the highly active and highly cited nano-authors points to a slightly different situation. While still over-represented among the highly cited authors, inventor-authors appear not to be among the most highly cited authors in that category, with a single notable exception. One policy implication is that, generally speaking, patenting activity does not appear to have an adverse impact on the publication and citation performance of researchers.  相似文献   

Martin Meyer 《Research Policy》2006,35(10):1646-1662
This paper explores the relationship between scientific publication and patenting activity. More specifically, it examines for the field of nano-science and nano-technology whether researchers who both publish and patent are more productive and more highly cited than their peers who concentrate on scholarly publication in communicating their research results. This study is based on an analysis of the nano-science publications and nano-technology patents of a small set of European countries. While only a very few nano-scientists appear to hold patents in nano-technology, many nano-inventors seem to be actively publishing nano-science research. Overall, the patenting scientists appear to outperform their solely publishing (non-inventing) peers in terms of publication counts and citation frequency. However, a closer examination of the highly active and highly cited nano-authors points to a slightly different situation. While still over-represented among the highly cited authors, inventor-authors appear not to be among the most highly cited authors in that category, with a single notable exception. One policy implication is that, generally speaking, patenting activity does not appear to have an adverse impact on the publication and citation performance of researchers.  相似文献   

许琦  顾新建 《科研管理》2021,41(12):204-218
提出了一种面向技术进化的专利池必要专利客观评估方法,以克服现有的聘请第三方专家进行主观鉴定和评估的缺陷。效仿孟德尔遗传定律,采用技术遗传分解的方法,追踪技术的起源和演变。提出了技术适应指数的概念,衡量专利在技术进化中的适应能力。结合技术标准,对技术适应指数较高的适应性专利进行严格地甄别和筛选,以确保拟入池专利的必要性,保障专利权人和技术领域的“双赢”发展。以1873年至2002年美国专利商标局授权的燃料电池相关专利及其引证数据为样本,通过实证研究,评估了该领域的适应性专利。研究结果表明,无论从引证关系上看还是从专利内容上看,这些适应性专利都表征了燃料电池领域的技术发展情况,这与必要专利评估的中心思想:面向技术进化,是相符合的;这些适应性专利中某些技术要素是实现燃料电池相关技术标准功能指标或性能要求的重要手段和技术支撑,这些专利应该是“绕不开”的必要专利。  相似文献   

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