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高职通识教育课程设置原则研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在倡导终身学习的社会,对高等职业教育而言,“职业”是手段,“教育”才是目的。为了实现教育之所以为教育的目的,高等职业教育必须加强通识教育。在设置高职通识教育课程时。“适切性”、“历史性”、“民族性”与“国际性”等是要注意的原则。  相似文献   

“民主”的对立面是“专制”,“民主教育”的对立面是“专制教育”。当今,虽然中国教育事业蓬勃发展、蒸蒸日上,但“专制教育”现象还依然存在,我们广大教育工作者必须提高警惕,保持头脑清醒,坚决对各种“专制教育”现象说“不”。  相似文献   

长期以来.整个社会舆论对教育的评价都是正面为主。认为教育神圣、教育伟大、教师辛苦、教师清贫……作为教育工作者,我们为之欣慰,我们因此自豪。大约四五年前,风向渐变,人们对教育慢慢地不予“同情”了;而这两年则更进一步,岂止是不同情,几乎就是“一片喊打”!指责“教育腐败”、“教育是十大暴利行业”、“学校乱收费”、“有偿家教”、教育是学生家庭“因教致贫”的罪因等等,不一而足。教育正在可怕地、迅速地被“妖魔化”了。  相似文献   

这是一份为“派往明天的教师”精心配制的“营养丰富”“五味俱全”的精神食粮。“五味子”是该书的灵魂。一是“教育哲学”味,力求体现教育哲学的“高屋建瓴、微言大义”之味;二是“教育文化”味,力求体现教育文化的“深深厚重、反思批判”之味:三是“教育散文”味,力求体现教育散文的“文辞隽永、情真意切”之味;四是“教育故事”味.[第一段]  相似文献   

“使生活舒适”是伦理学自当有的价值祈向,对教育而言,“使生活舒适”的伦理学祈向至少表达了两种诉求,即“教育如何使生活舒适”和“如何使教育舒适”。“教育使生活舒适”的要务是引领人回归生活世界,寻找失落的主体性;“使教育舒适”即要克服教育中的“人”的空场,“缘人情”建构新教育,这种教育应是历险的、创造的、闲适的、自然的。  相似文献   

教育活动存在着规律吗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育规律称之为“规律”必须具有一般规律的特质:可重复性、客观性、可预测性;但教育活动是一种对象性、目的性、创造性的活动,“决定论”的教育规律的存在是可疑的。“教育规律”的言说,一方面是教育学本身的“科学化”使然。另一方面就是教育规律是“可能”的。认识了“教育规律”的性质,才能深入探讨真正的、具体的教育规律,实现教育活动的目的。  相似文献   

教育是一种关乎人的活动,是一种“人为”和“为人”的社会性活动。但是,自从教育制度化以后,教育的“人为性”和“为人性”之间存在着越来越大的张力,使得“人为”与“为人”在教育实践中分裂,教育无论从时空、形式、和内容都越来越远离生活世界。因此,教育回归生活世界是制度化教育面临的重要课题。教育只有回归到生活世界中,教育才能成为人的教育。  相似文献   

三论创新之根在实践   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:22  
本文首先分析了“在做中学”与“在学中做”的提法,指出“做”是“实践”,“学”是认识;“做”既包括动“手”,也包括动脑,“学”不能离开“做”。其次,分析了科学文化、科学教育与人文文化、人文教育各自均为一个整体,两者一起也是一个整体,并且同来源于实践,同植根于大脑,同升华为境界,相交融而培养创新人才,科学教育与人文教育交融是教育现代化的必然趋势。最后,着重提出了为推进素质教育、实现科学教育与人文教育交融的4点建议。  相似文献   

提升理念 炼达校训   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
校训是依据教育宗旨,体现教育理念,寄托教育理想,体现办学特色,彰显学校文化,具有教育、管理、经营、发展功能的教育文化经典,是一所学校个性化的“教育方针”和“行动纲领”。从传播角度看,它是学校的一张“文化名片”,有宣传功能;从管理角度看,它是师生共同的“座右铭”,有软约束力;从教育的角度看,它是学校的“隐性课程”,有潜移默化的教育作用;从学校发展角度看,它是学校的“灵魂”,指导教育行为并彰显办校特色。然而,如此重要的教育行为,闻见之中却是“问题多多”。  相似文献   

生活教育是陶行知最根本的教育思想,包括“生活即教育”,“社会即学校”,“教学做合一”三部分。生活即教育。陶行知说:生活教育是给生活以教育,用生活来教育,为生活向前、向上的需要而教育。并且说“生活决定教育,教育要通过生活才能发出力量而成为真正的教育”。生活教育的第一特点是,“生活教育是大众的教育,大众自己办的教育,大众为生活解放而办的教育”。陶行知先生认为农民是大众的最多数,教育首先要为农民服务。他指的大众也包括工人和其他劳动群众,他是为工农教育奋斗终生的。陶行知的“生活即教育”以“工农劳动阶层”…  相似文献   

在钱钟书看来,文学是一个心理事实,也是一个审美存在,是心理性与审美性的合一,这是其关于文学本质的最核心观点。这一理念与马克思主义文学审美意识形态论既可以沟通,也存在差别。某种程度上,它是对20世纪以实证主义为代表的社会学文艺思想的"负"模仿,与韦勒克所言西方现当代以来反实证主义的文艺潮流与趋向高度合拍,体现出世界文化意义。  相似文献   

跨文化非语言交际教学是外语教学中的一项重要内容,也是提高学习者交际能力的必经之路。文化差异的对比分析是跨文化非语言交际研究和教学的重点。跨文化非语言交际能力的培养可分为2个教学途径:显性学习和隐性学习。  相似文献   

The paper makes use of Michael Faraday's ideas about learning, in particular his thoughts about attitudes to the unknowns of science and the development of an attitude which improves scientific decision-making. An invented scenario involving nursery school children demonstrates some attitudes displayed there. Discussion of the scenario and variation in possible outcomes suggests that Faraday's views are relevant to scientific learning in general. The main thesis of the paper is that it is central to learning in science to acknowledge that there is an inner struggle involved in facing unknowns, and that empathy with the fears and expectations of learners is an essential quality if genuinely scientific thought is to develop. It is suggested, following Faraday, that understanding our own feelings while we teach is a pre-requisite to enabling such empathy and that only then will we be in a position to evaluate accurately whether or not our pupils are thinking scientifically.  相似文献   

企业群内企业规模普遍比较小,且难以扩张,造成这种现象的原因主要有:一是群内企业间存在交易成本节约机制;二是随着企业规模扩张,群内企业尤其是规模相对较大的企业组织成本呈现边际加速增长趋势。群内企业要实现规模有效扩张,前提就在于节约组织成本。  相似文献   

This paper assesses whether cost engineering is an academic discipline or not. Cost engineering is an interdisciplinary field that focuses on the scientific approach towards management issues in engineering. It is still in a dynamic stage in that its domain is revised periodically. Despite the rapid expansion of its role in practice, it is found that cost engineering is not an academic discipline. In particular, it possesses most of the key attributes that an academic discipline should uphold, but it lacks attributes that are vital for an academic discipline: the expression of human imagination, and a generalized syntactical and conceptual structure. More work is therefore needed to establish cost engineering as an academic discipline. Apart from cultivating the vital attributes, partnerships between the cost engineering industry and academia can also be introduced.  相似文献   

Place and Being     
Do places matter educationally? When Edward Casey remarks: ‘The world is, minimally and forever, a place‐world’, we might take this statement as presupposing without argument that places exist as a given, that we know what a place is, a point that Aristotle would have never taken for granted and in fact neither does Casey. I find Casey's remark that we live in ‘a place‐world’ an immensely rich turn of phrase, forever packed with an infinite and diverse range of landscapes reflecting our being in the world, a maze of wonders, an orchestra of different subtle sounds where places are witnessed, mimicked and created. We submerge ourselves in the gamesome labour of place and learn to perceive and quiver in its light. I will discuss through a phenomenological perspective the self‐givenness of place experience, the unfolding of a life that is an aspect of one's own space and horizon. The relationship between place and being and the aesthetic way that I discuss this is central to this paper's analysis, a position that is at odds with those who favour a more macro theoretical perspective that eclipses place. My analysis focuses on a philosophical exploration of being‐in‐place, where place becomes being. Much is made of the thought that place is primarily an aesthetically lived experience where we create ourselves. An attempt is made to show how an embodied sense of being in place transforms places of learning. The paper attempts to acknowledge the kind of governing power of being that place interconnections can enclose, personalize and create.  相似文献   

This article analyses the nature of an educational experience by taking as its starting point Dewey's Art as Experience in order to identify what it is that counts as a significant or worthwhile experience. Dewey suggests that an experience needs to have an integral character in which the different phases of the experience are related and which tends towards a conclusion. Furthermore, an experience also needs to have the character of what Dewey calls an ‘undergoing’, an engagement with content which may be difficult or painful. It is suggested that this kind of experience may be seen in terms of a ‘light’ pedagogy in which content is allowed to unfold. This is contrasted with educational experiences that are ‘teacher‐driven’ or ‘learner‐driven’.  相似文献   

在C语言中,排序是数据处理中经常要遇到的一种重要运算,其功能是按某种指定顺序将一个数据元数的无序序列调整为一个有序序列.分析、讨论和比较了排序的三种通用算法,即交换排序法、选择排序法和插入排序法,同时也提供了一种改进的排序算法———快速排序法.  相似文献   

This article is part of a project that seeks in part to explore how students understand and use the concept of intelligence. It is based on an ethnographically contextualized study of linguistic events and was conducted in an inner-city upper secondary school in Sweden. The article shows that the concept of intelligence is not spontaneously used by students but is given meaning by them when they are asked, and that this meaning is given in relation to future expectations, hopes, ambitions and the grades and performances in school that are seen as a means to attain them. When doing this the students also appear to describe their education, the demands it places on them and their performances with a sense of irony. Indeed, on closer analysis, irony seems to be an important communicative strategy for these students more generally.  相似文献   

本文着重阐述了一个优秀的企业家应该具备的几种精神,旨在说明企业精神是企业发展的支柱,而企业家是企业的核心人物。企业家精神决定着企业精神。关系到企业的生存与发展。  相似文献   

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