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本研究采用心理测验法和问卷法相结合的综合研究方法,以216名中小学生为被试,考察了中小学生的智力、学习态度与其数学学业成就的关系。结果发现:(1)小学生的数学学业成就,不仅受其智力发展水平的显影响,而且受到数学兴趣发展水平的显影响;(2)小学生学习兴趣结构中的个人兴趣、情境兴趣、意义性、投入性,对其数学学业成就也有着显的积极促进作用;(3)对于小学生的数学学业成就来说,智力因素的影响作用显地大于学习兴趣因素的影响;(4)中学生的数学学业成就,基本不受智力发展水平的显影响,但受到数学学习态度发展水平以及数学学习态度结构中的数学乐趣、数学学习动机和对数学的恐惧等因素的显影响。  相似文献   

运用路径分析方法探析高中学生数学建模学业成就的影响因素,得到:(1)数学建模自我监控水平、创造力水平、数理认知结构、数学建模情感、创造性倾向、认知方式及数学建模信念均与数学建模学业成就存在显著相关;(2)数学建模自我监控水平、创造力水平、数理认知结构及数学建模情感对数学建模学业成就有较好的预测性,4因素可以解释数学建模学业成就77.9%的变异;(3)创造性倾向、认知方式及数学建模信念对数学建模自我监控水平有较好的预测性,3因素可以解释数学建模自我监控水平55.1%的变异;(4)创造性倾向和认知方式对创造力水平有较好的预测性,两因素可以解释创造力水平46.0%的变异;(5)认知方式和创造性倾向对数理认知结构有较好的预测性.两因素可以解释数理认知结构38.4%的变异;(6)数学建模信念和认知方式对数学建模情感有较好的预测性,两因素可以解释数学建模情感42.5%的变异.  相似文献   

对全国不同地区193所学校的校长及7~9年级学生进行学校教育环境与资源对学生学业成就(语文和数学)影响的多层线性回归分析发现:学校教育在青少年学业成就发展中发挥重要作用;影响青少年学业成就发展的重要学校教育资源因素是图书资源、现代化电教辅助设备以及师资力量;学校环境与资源对青少年学业成就的影响具有显著的学科差异。应加强对学校教育的物质投入与管理支持,重视学校师资水平提高。  相似文献   

依据高中课程标准修订组专家提出的6个数学核心素养,建立三级指标体系对其划分水平,以江苏省2016年中小学生学业质量监测的测试题目为工具,对全省82 319名初中二年级学生作了测试,将其中涉及数学核心素养的分数作统计.大数据分析表明:(1)江苏省初中二年级学生的6个数学核心素养在总体上达到较高水平;(2)初中学生数学核心素养的发展水平不平衡,在一些核心素养方面两极分化现象比较突出;(3)城乡、不同区域、不同类型学校学生的核心素养水平发展不平衡;(4)数学核心素养水平不存在性别差异.  相似文献   

学生的数学学业成就水平反映了学生的数学学习质量,分析优秀水平学生的学业成就特点有利于学生的数学学习进步,学生数学能力的高低通过其在各项数学内容上的学业表现来体现。主要分析数学学业成就水平为优秀的学生针对不同数学内容的学业表现,以及某项数学内容优秀的学生针对各项数学内容的学业表现。着重探析了优秀水平学生的学业表现受哪些因素影响,为学生的数学能力提升提供参考。  相似文献   

考察初中生情绪智力的特点,并探讨情绪智力对初中生学业成就的作用机制.采用情绪智力问卷、师生关系问卷等对深圳400名初中生进行集体测试,结果发现:(1)情绪智力的不同维度表现出不同的发展特点;(2)学业成就水平不同的学生情绪智力与师生关系各维度差异显著;(3)情绪感知、运用、理解三个维度与师生关系的四个维度呈显著相关与学业成就呈显著相关,师生关系各维度与学业成就呈显著相关;(4)师生关系在情绪智力与学业成就间起部分中介作用.  相似文献   

学生学业成就的城乡差距是当前我国推进城乡教育一体化所面临的重大难题.基于我国四省市PISA 2015的数据,运用Oaxaca-Blinder分解法,呈现了学生学业成就的城乡差距,并对影响学生学业成就城乡差距的深层原因进行探讨.结果表明,学生及学校的数学、阅读和科学素养成就存在着显著的城乡差异;城市学校的师资短缺程度、学校治理水平、教师专业发展活动类型及数量均显著优于农村学校.教育投入-过程-结果的分析表明,家庭教育投入和学校教育过程的差异解释了三分之一的学生学业成就的城乡差距,解释了80%校间学业成就的城乡差距.城乡学生家庭社会经济文化地位差异和城乡学校治理水平差异是影响学生学业成就城乡差距的重要因素.为缩小当下学生学业成就的城乡差距,建议教育政策制定者由关注农村教育硬件资源投入转为关注农村学校教育过程改进;农村学校在管理过程中为教师实质性参与提供多元渠道;农村学校与社区应为家长参与其子女学习提供指导和建议.  相似文献   

运用问卷调查法考察初中生数学焦虑,发现:(1)初中生数学焦虑整体上处于中等水平.(2)初中生数学焦虑没有显著的性别差异.但是从得分趋势来看,女生数学焦虑略高于男生.(3)不同数学学业成就的初中生数学焦虑存在显著的差异,高数学学业成就初中生的数学焦虑显著低于中、低等数学学业成就的初中生,中等数学学业成就的初中生显著低于低数学学业成就的初中生.  相似文献   

本研究采用测验法,考察集中连片特困地区的34个贫困县的四、八年级学生数学与科学学业表现状况,并与所在省的43个非贫困县学生进行了比较。全部被试为1 469所中小学的56 454名学生。描述统计和差异分析结果表明:(1)贫困县学生的数学与科学学业状况普遍较差,显著低于非贫困县学生,四年级数学的落差最大;(2)贫困县有三成学生数学与科学学业未达到课程标准要求,这一比例显著高于非贫困县;(3)贫困县在数学与科学学业上达到高水平的学生比例显著低于非贫困县;(4)贫困县女生的数学与科学学业表现显著差于男生,且贫困县的男女生差异大于非贫困县;(5)贫困县乡镇和农村学校学生的数学与科学学业状况显著差于县镇学校,乡镇和农村学校无显著差异;(6)34个贫困县之间学生的数学与科学学业状况存在显著差异。  相似文献   

采用自编调查问卷对200名学生进行调查,探讨了大学生自我意识与学业成就二者之问的关系,研究发现:(1)大学生自我意识水平存在性别方面的差异,女生在自我评价方面高于男生,在自我控制方面低于男生;(2)学业成就不同的学生的自我意识水平存在显著差异;(3)大学生自我意识与学业成就成正相关.  相似文献   

Vygotsky speculated that parents play an important role in the intellectual development of their children, and that this role includes the transfer of expectations related to their children's academic achievement. Consequently, different parents can produce different contexts of academic achievement for their children. The participants were 215 Primary 5 and 6 students from four primary schools in Hong Kong, and their parents. Students were administered a test of working memory and their academic achievement was indicated by their school‐assessed mathematics and language achievement scores. Parents reported their expectations of their children's academic achievement, the extent of their home and school involvement, and their educational and income levels. Correlational and sequential regression analyses showed that different schools yielded different contexts of academic achievement. The results support the hypothesis that parents, and especially parental expectations, play an important role in children's academic achievement, and that within Hong Kong different schools can be characterised by different contexts of achievement.  相似文献   

This study uses the Peruvian Young Lives International Study of Childhood Poverty's School Level data to investigate the effect of Quechua-medium instruction on academic achievement. We find that Indigenous children who attend Quechua-medium schools achieve 0.429 standard deviations higher scores in mathematics compared to Indigenous children who attend Spanish-medium schools. There is no evidence that these effects are caused by quantitative or language achievement acquired prior to entering school. Our findings suggest that Quechua-medium education for children of Quechua speaking parents may play a role in ameliorating the Indigenous test score gap.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to test the hypotheses that parents’ academic expectations, their perception of children’s cognitive ability, and their degree of involvement at home and school would predict children’s academic achievement, and that there would be important differences in this achievement as a consequence of differences in culture. A sample of 158 parents of students from three primary schools (two Chinese and one of Anglo‐Celtic origin) in Hong Kong participated in this study. The three groups of parents differed in terms of both culture and socio‐economic status. Parents completed a questionnaire about their perceptions of their children’s memory ability, their involvement in their children’s activities, and expected and satisfactory scores for their children’s achievement in mathematics and language. Unstandardised achievement scores in mathematics and language were obtained from school records. Parents’ expected scores in these two subjects were found to be the consistent predictors of achievement for all children. Parental belief in children’s episodic memory and involvement at school were predictors of language achievement in one school.  相似文献   

The authors examined the effects of six types of teacher professional learning activities on student achievement growth over 4 years using statewide longitudinal survey data collected from 467 middle school mathematics teachers in 91 schools merged with 11,192 middle school students' mathematics scores in a standardized assessment in Missouri. The data showed that teacher-centered collaborative activities to learn about mathematics teaching and learning (teacher collaboration and informal communication) seem to be more effective in improving student mathematics achievement than learning activities that do not necessarily involve such teacher-centered collaborative opportunities (professional development programs, university courses, individual learning activities). Teacher-driven research activities through professional conference presentation and participation were also found to be associated with student achievement growth in mathematics. The districts and schools may benefit from investing their professional development funds and resources in facilitating teacher-centered collaborative and research-based learning activities in order to improve student learning.  相似文献   

The development of students’ learning and test-taking behavior may derive from the social context and the group of peers they associate with daily for years. Consequently, it is assumed that students’ academic achievements are to some degree affected by their classmates and the composition of the classroom. The present study provides evidence on how Finnish students (N = 5071) from different classrooms (N = 435) develop distinct patterns regarding their mathematics and literacy achievement during lower secondary school. We analysed longitudinal large-scale educational assessment data using a multilevel latent profile analysis (MLPA) to investigate the impact of classroom effect on students’ achievement patterns, that is, on the development of students’ low-stakes mathematics and literacy test scores from 7th to 9th grade. The results demonstrated the added value of modelling the multilevel structure inherent in educational assessment data: we identified four student achievement patterns that displayed different distributions across the school classes. More precisely, besides individual characteristics, the development of students’ low-stakes mathematics and literacy test scores was associated with class-level factors and some of the classrooms seemed to have a stronger effect on students’ test scores. These results suggest that classroom context is associated with students’ achievement patterns, especially regarding the worst achieving students. The findings may reflect a combination of class placement practices as well as classroom and peer effect. Although the differences between Finnish schools have been one of the lowest in the OECD countries, the findings of the present study suggest that the classroom membership may create class level quality differences in both the preconditions and the development of learning.  相似文献   

We examined whether strategies of memorization, transfer through elaboration, and metacognition accounted for reading, science, and mathematics achievement across 34 countries. 158,848 fifteen-year-olds completed a reading literacy test and a questionnaire. Of these students, 88,401 completed a science test, and 88,590 completed a mathematics test. We analyzed the data using multi-level regressions of Rasch-estimated test scores and modeled differences across countries and across schools. Students who reported using memorization strategies often scored lower in all subjects. Transfer through elaboration was not significantly linked to any achievement scores. Lastly, students reporting greater use of metacognitive strategies often scored higher. Compared to students in individualistic societies, to achievement scores of students in collective cultures were linked more strongly to schoolmates' use of metacognitive strategies and less strongly to their own use of metacognitive strategies. These results highlight how cultural contexts can moderate the links between adolescents' learning strategies and their academic achievement.  相似文献   

ObjectiveThe aim of this study was to examine the relationship between children's experiences of three different types of violence and academic achievement among primary school children in Kingston, Jamaica.MethodsA cross-sectional study of 1300 children in grade 5 [mean (S.D.) age: 11 (0.5) years] from 29 government primary schools in urban areas of Kingston and St. Andrew, Jamaica, was conducted. Academic achievement (mathematics, reading, and spelling) was assessed using the Wide Range Achievement Test. Children's experiences of three types of violence – exposure to aggression among peers at school, physical punishment at school, and exposure to community violence – were assessed by self-report using an interviewer administered questionnaire.ResultsFifty-eight percent of the children experienced moderate or high levels of all three types of violence. Boys had poorer academic achievement and experienced higher levels of aggression among peers and physical punishment at school than girls. Children's experiences of the three types of violence were independently associated with all three indices of academic achievement. There was a dose–response relationship between children's experiences of violence and academic achievement with children experiencing higher levels of violence having the poorest academic achievement and children experiencing moderate levels having poorer achievement than those experiencing little or none.ConclusionsExposure to three different types of violence was independently associated with poor school achievement among children attending government, urban schools in Jamaica. Programs are needed in schools to reduce the levels of aggression among students and the use of physical punishment by teachers and to provide support for children exposed to community violence.Practice implicationsChildren in Jamaica and the wider Caribbean experience significant amounts of violence in their homes, communities, and schools. In this study, we demonstrate a dose–response relationship between primary school children's experiences of three different types of violence and their academic achievement. The study points to the need for validated violence prevention programs to be introduced in Jamaican primary schools. Such programs need to train teachers in appropriate classroom management and discipline strategies and to promote children's social and emotional competence and prevent aggression.  相似文献   

This paper estimates the impact of private education on the academic achievement of low-income students in Chile. To deal with selection bias, we use propensity score matching to compare the test scores of reduced-fee paying, low-income students in fee-charging private voucher schools to those of similar students in public schools and free private voucher schools. Our results reveal that students in fee-charging private voucher schools score slightly higher than students in public schools. The difference in standardized test scores is approximately 10 points, a test score gain of 0.2 standard deviations. We find no difference in the academic achievement of students in the fee-charging private voucher treatment group relative to their counterparts in free private voucher schools.  相似文献   

Scott Lee  Ron Watt  Jack Frawley 《Compare》2015,45(4):526-544
There is little research in the developing countries of South East Asia on the effectiveness of bilingual education programmes that use first language instruction for ethnic minority children. This study investigated the effectiveness of a bilingual education programme involving ethnic minority children in Cambodia by comparing their performance in mathematics, Khmer literacy and oral Khmer to their ethnic minority peers whose education is in the national language only. The findings show that students in the bilingual schools performed better in mathematics than their peers in the monolingual schools, but the differences in Khmer literacy and oral Khmer test scores were statistically insignificant. The study suggests that bilingual education using first language instruction could benefit academic development among ethnic minority students in Cambodia, at least in terms of mathematics achievement.  相似文献   

Children attending rural schools start kindergarten with lower mathematics achievement than their peers in urban schools and the gap increases during the later academic years. A valid theory and research-based measure is needed to identify the weakness of kindergarteners attending rural schools, so early interventions in mathematics can be designed. The purposes of this study are to: (1) validate a Research-Based Early Math Assessment (REMA) among 249 first-time kindergarteners attending rural schools using the Rasch model (Rasch, 1980); and (2) use the Rasch estimated ability scores to investigate differences in rural kindergarteners’ performance on the REMA across several subgroups (gender, ethnicity, poverty, guardian’s education, preschool attendance, and age). Findings showed that the REMA items fit within the mathematics competence of kindergarteners attending rural schools. Further, findings indicated that ethnicity, poverty, guardian’s education, preschool attendance, and age are factors affecting rural kindergarteners’ ability to perform on the REMA.  相似文献   

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