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现行期刊的评价指标以正向评价指标为主。为探究期刊的反向评价指标,研究与高被引论文相对应的零被引论文的占比情况与期刊影响力的关系,基于Web of Knowledge数据库中的经济学学科发文量位居前10位的期刊所发表的论文在2-6年后的零被引率,并通过相关分析探究其与JCR 2012年期刊评价指标的相关关系,包括影响因子、总被引频次、5年影响因子和h指数等指标,并探究其变化趋势与时间窗口间的关系。研究结果表明:期刊零被引率用于期刊反向评价是合理的,对于经济学这种综合实力较强的学科,时间窗口定为2-3年更为合理,随着年限的变长,论文零被引率与期刊的综合实力的关系越来越弱。  相似文献   

选择2011年版《中国期刊引证报告》(扩刊版)中神经病与精神病学36种期刊,运用Spearman相关分析法分析期刊h指数与文献计量学指标的相关性,将h指数作为因变量,可能与h指数相关的指标作为自变量,多元线性回归分析h指数的影响因素,结果显示期刊的h指数与其总被引频次、影响因子、即年指数、来源文献量之间均存在正相关关系,相关程度最高的为总被引频次,其次为即年指数、影响因子和来源文献量。回归分析显示总被引频次是h指数的独立影响因素。  相似文献   

俞立平 《图书情报工作》2016,60(12):109-114
[目的/意义] 在多属性评价视角下,学术期刊影响力指标时间轴并不统一,存在时间异质性,评价对象涉及期刊创刊以来的所有论文被引、过去5年论文被引、过去两年论文被引、评价当年被引等等,迫切需要解决这个问题。[方法/过程] 以CSSCI科技管理类期刊为例,提出了两个新指标:隔年影响因子、隔年h指数,并基于灰色关联分析和期刊被引数据统计,验证了这两个指标的合理性。[结果/结论] 期刊被引指标的设计必须尊重时效性、鲁棒性、年度内评价等原则;多属性评价时,期刊评价被引指标必须尽量保证时间轴一致;来源指标与隔年被引指标数据均来自于期刊载文当年数据,多属性评价时间轴本质上只有一个。  相似文献   

h指数与论文总被引C的幂律关系   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
为更深刻地理解h指数的特性,收集了学者、期刊、研究机构、大学和国家5个层面共8组h指数以及论文被引指标数据,实证研究h指数与论文总被引C之间的关系.结果表明:h指数与论文总被引C之间具有形如h=Cb、幂指数b介于0.360到0.420之间的简单幂律关系,论文总被引C的增量对于h指数的增长具有规模效应递减的规律.  相似文献   

牛晓锋 《出版广角》2018,(12):52-54
文章以2016JCR中SSCI收录信息科学与图书馆学学科期刊为来源数据,采用Spearman分析2年影响因子百分位、5年影响因子百分位和他引影响因子百分位与WoS数据库其他文献计量学指标、与h指数及累积h指数、与Scopus数据指标的相关度的不同.5年影响因子百分位与WoS数据库计量指标总被引频次、5年影响因子、被引半衰期、论文影响分值、引用半衰期、特征因子和标准特征因子的相关度高于2年影响因子百分位和他引影响因子百分位;5年影响因子百分位与相同引证时间窗口h指数、累积h指数全部表现为最强相关性,与Scopus数据库计量指标CiteScore、SNIP和SJR均表现显著相关性.5年影响因子百分位对期刊的评价效力更高,更适用于期刊的学术评价.  相似文献   

为了弥补传统基金论文比指标的不足,本研究在理论分析的基础上,提出一个新的文献计量指标——期刊被引基金质量指数(JCQ),该指数是用期刊截至统计年度前3年被引用论文中的国家基金数量除以同期可被引文献量而得出。同时文章基于中国知网中的环境科学技术期刊,采用因子分析与多元回归分析研究其他文献计量指标与JCQ指数的关系。研究认为,期刊被引基金质量指数拥有较强的理论基础和全面的信息量,因此建议取消基金论文比指标,并加强对论文标注基金的审核。  相似文献   

为了揭示“h指数族”各项指数的相关性特点,对山东省内57所本科高校图书馆科研影响力进行综合实证研究,为图书馆工作者及相关机构进行馆际科研评价、交流和培训等提供决策依据。文章以《中国引文数据库》为数据源,用“h指数族”各项指数对评价机构在1996--201O年的论文数量和总被引频次进行统计分析。结论如下:鲁东大学图书馆h指数族取值特性异常显著;烟台大学图书馆等h指数族排名位次靠前;泰山医学院图书馆具备相当数量的潜在高被引论文,预期其科研影响力将会有显著提升。h指数族与论文数量和被引频次之间呈幂律关系,h指数族两两之间呈线性关系。图书馆h指数族取值随着图书馆论文数量和总被引频次的增长存在“规模效益递减”现象;图书馆应该密切关注能提升其g指数的潜在高被引论文,从而实现提升h指数和s指数、不断提高科研影响力的愿望。  相似文献   

选取中国科技论文与引文数据库中2003—2012年的论文及引文数据,以综合大学学报类和医学综合类期刊的首篇文章为例,从单篇论文评价的角度探讨首篇文章(同行评议质量较高)与同期的总体论文、高h指数论文、高被引论文之间的关系。结果发现:相比同期的其他论文,期刊的首篇文章具有更高的影响力,论文的h指数均值及篇均被引都高于前者;期刊的首篇论文中,38%同时为当期论文中的h指数最高论文,10%为当期论文中的被引频次最高论文,定量评价的高质量论文与同行评议的高品质论文——首篇文章,具有较好的重合度。值得注意的是,这种重合度随着时间的推移在不断增长。  相似文献   

肖宏  伍军红  孙隽 《编辑学报》2017,29(4):340-344
在学术期刊的计量评价指标体系中,影响因子和总被引频次是2项最为重要的指标,占据了较高的权重;但是,期刊办刊历史长短、发表论文多少、出版周期长短、学科人群多少等都会影响总被引频次的大小.尤其是一些发表大量低水平论文的期刊,依靠论文数量众多,依然可以获得较高的总被引频次;但其影响因子却很低,论文质量很差.如何客观甄别这类论文数量巨大而质量效益不高的期刊?本文提出一个全新的衡量期刊量效关系的指标——期刊量效指数(journal mass index,JMI).“量”指期刊的发文量,“效”则引入期刊影响因子.JMI定义为某刊影响因子与该刊影响因子对应的发文量的比值,意义是平均每篇文献对该刊影响因子的贡献值.JMI能客观反映同一个学科中量大质低的期刊的“臃肿程度”.在《中国学术期刊影响因子年报(2016版)》中,JMI被应用于修正期刊影响力指数(CI)排序,使CI排序更准确地反映学术期刊的学科影响力排名.实践证明,JMI是一个对学术期刊量效关系进行客观评判的有用的计量指标.  相似文献   

期刊评价中的关键指标评析及相关性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从期刊被引视角出发,选取影响因子、期刊h指数、特征因子、新期刊扩散因子进行评析。以国内图书情报学部分期刊为实证对象,对比这四种期刊评价指标的数值,并分析指标间的相关性。这四种指标既相关,又相异,可以相互配合弥补现有期刊影响因子评价指标的缺陷与应用偏差,现实中可以组合使用期刊影响因子、期刊h指数、特征因子和新期刊扩散因子,用于期刊评级的尝试。  相似文献   

期刊评价指标SJR、JIF和H指数的关系研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
以SSCI与SCOPUS收录重合的38种国际图书情报期刊为例,通过Spearman相关系数对SJR、JIF和H指数三种学术期刊评价指标之间关系进行研究,并对三者的优缺点进行归纳。结果表明,SJR、JIF和H指数三者呈线性关系,但由于SJR同时兼顾期刊被引数量与质量而更优。最后,对这些评价指标进行探讨与展望。  相似文献   

This article analyzes the bibliometric features (the number of pages, completion years, the fields of subject, the number of citations, and their distribution by types of sources and years) of 100 theses and dissertations completed at the Department of Librarianship of Hacettepe University between 1974 and 2002. Almost a quarter (24%) of all dissertations were on university libraries, followed by public libraries (9%). Doctoral dissertations were, on average, twice as long as master's theses and contained 2.5 times more citations. Monographs received more citations (50%) than journal articles did (42%). Recently completed theses and dissertations contained more citations to electronic publications. Fourteen (or 3.2% of all) journal titles (including Türk Kütüphaneciliği, College & Research Libraries, and Journal of the American Society for Information Science) received almost half (48.9%) of all citations. Eighty percent of journal titles were cited infrequently. No correlation was found between the frequency of citations of the most frequently cited journals and their impact factors. Cited journal titles in master's and doctoral theses and dissertations overlapped significantly. Similarly, journal titles cited in dissertations also overlapped significantly with those that were cited in the journal articles published in the professional literature. The distribution of citations to foreign journal titles fit Bradford's Law of Scattering. The mean half-life of all cited sources was 9 years. Sources cited in master's dissertations were relatively more current. Single authorship was the norm in cited resources. Coupled with in-library use data, findings of the present study can be used to identify the core journal titles in librarianship as well as to evaluate the existing library collections to decide which journal titles to keep, discard, or relegate to off-site storage areas.  相似文献   

Research on publication and citation patterns generally focuses on prolific or highly cited authors or on highly ranked programs. This study investigates the work and influence of a cross-section of library and information science (LIS) researchers at various stages of their academic lives, using a random sample of faculty members at programs accredited by the American Library Association. The analysis shows that the number of publications increases steadily as faculty rank advances. Assistant professors publish more conference papers and fewer journal articles, a pattern that is reversed with associate and full professors. Researchers used Web of Science® and Google™ Scholar to determine the influence of the publications. Web of Science reported no citations for most LIS faculty publications. With its broader scope, Google Scholar located more citations and revealed that the works of professors are cited significantly more frequently than publications by assistant or associate professors. When faculty profiles are compared by type of program, faculty members at schools granting doctoral degrees publish significantly more than their counterparts at schools where there is no doctoral program or where the doctoral degree is offered jointly with other academic units. When the comparison is made across ranks, full professors publish significantly more than faculty members at other ranks. There is no significant difference between assistant and associate professors.  相似文献   


Using a scientometric approach, this study examines scholarly publications by library and information science (LIS) researchers affiliated with Iranian institutions that were published in non-Iranian journals and indexed in the Web of Science (WoS) database, together with publications in Iranian LIS journals from 1980 through 2016. The results show that Iranian authors published 538 LIS documents indexed in WoS and another 7,837 in national journals. The research article was the predominant document type at both the national and international levels. The total number of international publications in LIS by all countries was 313,449; Iran ranked 34th among the countries for publications in LIS.  相似文献   

The preferences of the authors of Chinese library and information science (LIS) journal articles in citing Internet sources were investigated using eight premium Chinese LIS journals from Chinese Social Sciences Citation Index (the observation group) and 10 journals in other disciplines (the control group) from the same database from 1999 to 2008. A total of 252,881 citations were analyzed in terms of count, domain name, and citing purposes. The results show that (a) in comparison to the disciplines in the control group, LIS articles in Chinese journals indicated a strong preference for citing Internet sources, and this preference is increasing; (b) LIS articles did not seem to discriminate against domain names when citing Internet sources; and (c) LIS articles cited more Internet sources as evidence to support research results and conclusions. Excessive dependency on Internet sources may raise concerns over the quality, research ethics, and credibility of research publications. Chinese LIS researchers should place more emphasis on the disadvantages of Internet sources as supporting material. Guidelines and criteria to help researchers, journal editors, students, and librarians assess information on the Web need to be developed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between publication rate, top journal publications and excellence during the first eight years of the career, and how well publication rate, top journal publications and highly cited publications during the first four years of the career can predict whether an author attain excellence in the fifth to the eighth year. The dataset consisted of publication track records of 406 early career mathematicians in the sub-field of number theory collected from the MathSciNet database. Logistic regression and dominance analysis was applied to the data. The major conclusions were (1) publication rate had a positive effect on excellence during the first eighth years of the career. However, those who publish many articles in top journals, which implicitly require a high publication count, had an even higher probability of attaining excellence. These results suggest that publishing in top journals is very important in the process of attaining excellence in the early career in addition to publishing many papers; and (2) a dominance analysis indicated that the number of top journal publications and highly cited publications during the first four years of the career were the most important predictors of who will attain excellence in the later career. The results are discussed in relation to indicator development and science policy.  相似文献   

苏芳荔 《图书情报工作》2011,55(10):144-148
以图情类影响力最大的4种期刊在2000-2009年的载文量与被引频次为样本,采用符号检验与相关分析的方法,从合作模式与合作频率两个方面分析科研合作对期刊论文被引频次的影响。研究发现:①合作发表论文的影响力明显高于独立(无合作)发表的论文;②在获得被引频次方面,国际合作并不优于国内合作,高校并不优于研究所;③研究机构的合作次数与被引频次呈正线性相关关系,但机构的合作频率与篇均被引次数没有显著相关。  相似文献   

The study explores the publication trends of scholarly journal articles in two core Library and Information Science (LIS) journals indexed under ScienceDirect Database during the period for the period 2000–2010, and for the “Top 25 Hottest Papers” for 2006–2010. It examines and presents an analysis of 1000 research papers in the area of LIS published in two journals: The International Information & Library Review (IILR) and Library & Information Science Research (LISR). The study examines the content of the journals, including growth of the literature, authorship patterns, geographical distributions of authors, distribution of papers by journal, citation pattern, ranking pattern, length of articles, and most cited authors. Collaboration was calculated using Subramanyam's formula, and Lotka's law was used to identify authors' productivity. The results indicated that authors' distributions did not follow Lotka's law. The study identified the eight most productive authors with a high of 19 publications in this field. The findings indicate that these publications experienced rapid and exponential growth in literature production. The contributions by scientists from India are examined.  相似文献   

The study explores the publication trends of scholarly journal articles in two core Library and Information Science (LIS) journals indexed under ScienceDirect Database during the period for the period 2000–2010, and for the “Top 25 Hottest Papers” for 2006–2010. It examines and presents an analysis of 1000 research papers in the area of LIS published in two journals: The International Information & Library Review (IILR) and Library & Information Science Research (LISR). The study examines the content of the journals, including growth of the literature, authorship patterns, geographical distributions of authors, distribution of papers by journal, citation pattern, ranking pattern, length of articles, and most cited authors. Collaboration was calculated using Subramanyam's formula, and Lotka's law was used to identify authors' productivity. The results indicated that authors' distributions did not follow Lotka's law. The study identified the eight most productive authors with a high of 19 publications in this field. The findings indicate that these publications experienced rapid and exponential growth in literature production. The contributions by scientists from India are examined.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 为探索图书的老化速度与引文特征,更客观地评价图书的学术价值和利用规律。[方法/过程] 对汤森路透WoS平台中图书引文索引(Book Citation Index)中2012-2014年间的图书情报学学科图书的引文数据进行引用半衰期、被引半衰期的计量,并与WoS中该学科的期刊引文半衰期、被引半衰期做分析比较。[结果/结论] 对比结果显示,该学科图书引用半衰期大于期刊引用半衰期,图书被引半衰期要小于期刊被引半衰期,并从图书的引文和被引规律分析造成这种差异的原因。  相似文献   

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