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基于论文发表的普赖斯定律,以5本高被引核心期刊《科学学研究》《科研管理》《科学学与科学技术管理》《中国科技论坛》《研究与发展管理》刊载的1141篇文献为样本,实证检验论文被引频次的影响因素。结果表明:(1)论文被引频次整体程度不高,论文被引频次对刊载时间有较强依赖性的同时,二者之间也存在非线性关系;(2)作者是否合作、论文是否定量研究、论文下载次数、期刊影响因子与论文被引频次之间显著正相关,而期刊年发文量与论文被引频次之间显著负相关,且第一作者所在机构、性别以及论文受到基金资助的数量、期刊主办方等与论文被引频次之间不存在显著相关性。本研究的主要发现是论文特征决定论文被引频次,并得出相关启示,提出研究不足及未来方向。  相似文献   

高被引论文是科技期刊学术影响力建立的基石,反映了期刊聚焦前沿热点,受读者关注度高,学术影响力大。本研究分析了综合性农业科学类中文核心期刊发表的高被引论文的期刊分布、发表年限和次数分布、作者所属机构和专业学科领域特征,结果表明:2011-2020年,31种综合性农业科学类核心期刊共发表了217篇被引频次超过100次的高被引论文。其中,《中国农业科学》发表的高被引论文数量最多,期刊影响力最大。各大学学报、各省农业科学和农业学报发表的高被引论文作者所属机构多数为期刊主办单位,或与期刊主办单位处于同一行政区域的单位;在综合性农业科学期刊中,农学、园艺和植物保护方向的高被引论文数量较多。基于此,提出综合性农业科学期刊编辑在选题策划和组稿时,可根据以上特征调整工作重心,旨在助力高影响力论文的产出和期刊影响力的提升。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 文章的被引频次一直是量化评价一篇论文学术影响力的重要指标。但在不同学科不同年份发表的论文会因该领域研究论文数、引用滞后等因素呈现较大的差异。因此在对比两篇论文时,难以简单依据被引频次的绝对值来评判论文影响力大小。为此,本文设计了一个新的可计算数学模型,使得每篇论文可以有一个标准化的指标,以便对不同学科不同年份发表的论文的学术影响力进行直接比较。[方法/过程] 通过分析2006、2017两年中国科技类学术期刊各学科论文的被引频次分布规律,采用同学科论文被引频次的分布形态最接近对数正态分布的先设条件,提出一种被引频次标准化指数——Paper Citation Standardized Index (简称PCSI,中文"论文引证标准化指数")。最后以中国科协优秀科技期刊论文评选结果为例,将它们与论文所属学科全部论文进行实证对比研究。[结果/结论] 结果证明,PCSI对不同年份、不同学科论文的被引频次进行了标准化,反映了被引频次的线性差距,是一种较为理想的单篇论文学术影响力比较评价工具。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 文章的被引频次一直是量化评价一篇论文学术影响力的重要指标。但在不同学科不同年份发表的论文会因该领域研究论文数、引用滞后等因素呈现较大的差异。因此在对比两篇论文时,难以简单依据被引频次的绝对值来评判论文影响力大小。为此,本文设计了一个新的可计算数学模型,使得每篇论文可以有一个标准化的指标,以便对不同学科不同年份发表的论文的学术影响力进行直接比较。[方法/过程] 通过分析2006、2017两年中国科技类学术期刊各学科论文的被引频次分布规律,采用同学科论文被引频次的分布形态最接近对数正态分布的先设条件,提出一种被引频次标准化指数——Paper Citation Standardized Index (简称PCSI,中文"论文引证标准化指数")。最后以中国科协优秀科技期刊论文评选结果为例,将它们与论文所属学科全部论文进行实证对比研究。[结果/结论] 结果证明,PCSI对不同年份、不同学科论文的被引频次进行了标准化,反映了被引频次的线性差距,是一种较为理想的单篇论文学术影响力比较评价工具。  相似文献   

中国高等医药院校科技论文产出力及影响力分析研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章根据《中国科学引文数据库》CSCD和美国《科学引文索引》SCI数据库统计的高等医药院校在SCI和CDCS来源期刊上发表科技论文的数量以及国家自然科学基金资助项目发表论文数量、机构间合作发表论文数等项指标进行排队分析,揭示我国医药卫生科技论文产出的核心区域.根据SCI、CSCD统计科技论文论文引文率、专著译著被引频次、以及高等医药院校学报的被引频次等指标,列出高等医药院校在我国科技论文影响力核心区域排位情况,分析评价了高等医药院校在生物医学科学领域中科技论文的影响力.  相似文献   

考虑到科学交流方式和作者学术关系,应从引用和合作两个角度综合反映作者学术影响力。但目前研究有两点不足,一是作者被引次数、h指数未考虑到合著论文的作者数及每位作者的贡献程度;二是中心度指标均将作者合作网络视为无权重网络,而无法反映不同作者之间有不同的合作强度的实际情形。本文将署名次序(反映作者在合著论文中不同的贡献度)、合著频次(表征作者之间的合作强度)两个因素引入作者引用指标和合作指标,提出“调和h指数+调和R指数”、“h度+R度”分别测度更加真实客观的引用影响力和合作影响力。实证研究表明,作者传统引用影响力、调和引用影响力、合作影响力指标之间均呈正相关,但相关程度并不高,合作影响力能够反映出区别于引用影响力的另一种角度的影响力,从而建立二维测度框架,从引用和合作两个角度遴选领域高影响力学者,可为相关机构的人才评价和引进提供支持服务。  相似文献   

内容质量决定论文的被引频次   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
孙书军  朱全娥 《编辑学报》2010,22(2):141-142
通过对2篇发表在国内期刊的高被引论文的分析,认为论文的被引频次决定于其内容质量,即发表在影响因子不高期刊上的论文同样可以获得很高的关注度和被引频次。进而认为争取优秀稿件、扩大显示度并力求尽快发表,是提升刊物影响力和被引频次的重要手段。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]分析和研究环境/生态学科的现状及国际学术合作情况,旨在了解我国在该领域范围内的优势及不足,为我国未来生态环境领域的科研活动以及国家合作方向提供借鉴。[方法/过程]本文以2009—2019年WOS核心数据库中的5640篇环境/生态学科高被引论文为数据源,对时空分布与影响力进行计量分析,同时运用复杂网络分析法,构建国际合作网络结构,探析合作的现状和特点。[结果/结论]结果显示:环境/生态学高被引论文的国际合作研究呈现积极上升态势,各国间知识流动日益频繁,但国家间合作分布异质性明显。中国在该学科高被引论文发表数以绝对优势占居领先地位,但论文国际合作比例偏低,未来需要加强论文的原始创新,提高研究成果的国际影响力。  相似文献   

引用认同是从引文的角度研究引用者,将引用认同方法应用于科研机构分析中,研究某机构所引用的其他机构的集合,并以印第安纳大学图书情报学院为例,从被引机构的国家(地区)分布、被引机构的被引频次分布(包括自引)、被引论文的学科分布三个角度初步研究该学院的引用认同。结果表明引用认同方法可以用来分析某机构的科研引用模式、科研领域布局和研究动向,发现潜在的科研合作对象。  相似文献   

标题是学术论文的画龙点睛之笔,学术界较少关注论文标题长度与被引频次之间的关系,有必要对其进行深入的研究。以《情报杂志》期刊2017年发表的论文为研究对象,综合采用Mann-Whitney U检验、回归分析和分位数回归研究论文标题长度和被引频次的关系。研究结果表明:标题长度与内容相关带来了其与论文被引频次相关;标题长度较短时论文的平均被引频次较高;较长标题论文的平均被引频次较低;论文标题长度与其被引频次无关。  相似文献   

The citation counts are increasingly used to assess the impact on the scientific community of publications produced by a researcher, an institution or a country. There are many institutions that use bibliometric indicators to steer research policy and for hiring or promotion decisions. Given the importance that counting citations has today, the aim of the work presented here is to show how citations are distributed within a scientific area and determine the dependence of the citation count on the article features. All articles referenced in the Web of Science in 2004 for Biology & Biochemistry, Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics were considered.We show that the distribution of citations is well represented by a double exponential-Poisson law. There is a dependence of the mean citation rate on the number of co-authors, the number of addresses and the number of references, although this dependence is a little far from the linear behaviour. For the relation between the mean impact and the number of pages the dependence obtained was very low. For Biology & Biochemistry and Chemistry we found a linear behaviour between the mean citation per article and impact factor and for Mathematics and Physics the results obtained are near to the linear behaviour.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]探索中文学术期刊论文的引文模式及时间窗口的选择对引文模式的影响,建立引文模式的分析框架。[方法/过程]以2006-2008年出版的图书情报领域期刊论文作为研究对象,采用两步聚类法对单篇论文在7年内的绝对被引量与相对被引量进行聚类分析,研究论文主要特征因子与引文模式的相关性。[结果/结论]在绝对被引量视角下,期刊论文均表现为先上升后下降的经典引文模式;在相对下载量视角下,期刊论文共有6种引文模式,其中3种可以归纳为经典引文模式,另外3种分别为"类睡美人型"、正偏型和马拉松型。相对被引量视角下,首年被引量与总被引量呈现了中等甚至较强的相关性,并且平均被引量越高,相关性越强,绝对被引量视角下的结果正好相反。结果表明,期刊论文的初始被引量与总被引量的相关性高低主要取决于引文曲线的峰度而非总被引量的大小。  相似文献   

将引用认同方法应用于农林类高校图书馆研究特点和研究网络分析。结合《中国引文数据库》,计算"211"农林类高校图书馆2009-2011年引用认同指标,构建其互引认同网络;计算其标准化 (h,g,R)指数,并对各引用认同指标与其相关性进行分析。研究表明:引用认同可以反映出这些图书馆研究特点和研究偏好及对国外成果吸收借鉴的情况,国外机构引文/引文比、平均引用半衰期和平均即年引用指数与标准化(h,g,R)指数呈正相关,平均即年引用指数与标准化(h,g,R)指数有较强的相关性。  相似文献   

Citation numbers are extensively used for assessing the quality of scientific research. The use of raw citation counts is generally misleading, especially when applied to cross-disciplinary comparisons, since the average number of citations received is strongly dependent on the scientific discipline of reference of the paper. Measuring and eliminating biases in citation patterns is crucial for a fair use of citation numbers. Several numerical indicators have been introduced with this aim, but so far a specific statistical test for estimating the fairness of these numerical indicators has not been developed. Here we present a statistical method aimed at estimating the effectiveness of numerical indicators in the suppression of citation biases. The method is simple to implement and can be easily generalized to various scenarios. As a practical example we test, in a controlled case, the fairness of fractional citation count, which has been recently proposed as a tool for cross-discipline comparison. We show that this indicator is not able to remove biases in citation patterns and performs much worse than the rescaling of citation counts with average values.  相似文献   

与科研合作相关的研究内容呈现多样性的特征,但针对某一高校内部科研合作规律的分析鲜有问津。本文以华东理工大学机构知识库的数据为数据源,通过SQL编程代码运行以统计分析该高校的合作情况、合作范围、合作规模等内容,分别基于发文量、被引频次、h指数3个评价指标分析高校作者的合作差异情况。研究表明,华东理工大学的作者合作程度较高,其中两人合作最普遍,并且科研人员倾向于小规模的科研合作;合作规模为3人至5人时,论文的质量较高;高水平作者间的科研合作以高h指数作者间合作最为紧密。  相似文献   

Despite citation counts from Google Scholar (GS), Web of Science (WoS), and Scopus being widely consulted by researchers and sometimes used in research evaluations, there is no recent or systematic evidence about the differences between them. In response, this paper investigates 2,448,055 citations to 2299 English-language highly-cited documents from 252 GS subject categories published in 2006, comparing GS, the WoS Core Collection, and Scopus. GS consistently found the largest percentage of citations across all areas (93%–96%), far ahead of Scopus (35%–77%) and WoS (27%–73%). GS found nearly all the WoS (95%) and Scopus (92%) citations. Most citations found only by GS were from non-journal sources (48%–65%), including theses, books, conference papers, and unpublished materials. Many were non-English (19%–38%), and they tended to be much less cited than citing sources that were also in Scopus or WoS. Despite the many unique GS citing sources, Spearman correlations between citation counts in GS and WoS or Scopus are high (0.78-0.99). They are lower in the Humanities, and lower between GS and WoS than between GS and Scopus. The results suggest that in all areas GS citation data is essentially a superset of WoS and Scopus, with substantial extra coverage.  相似文献   

The last few years have seen the emergence of several open access options in scholarly communication which can broadly be grouped into two areas referred to as ‘gold’ and ‘green’ open access (OA). In this article we review the literature examining the relationship between OA status and citation counts of scholarly articles. Early studies showed a correlation between the free online availability or OA status of articles and higher citation counts, and implied causality without due consideration of potential confounding factors. More recent investigations have dissected the nature of the relationship between article OA status and citations. Three non-exclusive postulates have been proposed to account for the observed citation differences between OA and non-OA articles: an open access postulate, a selection bias postulate, and an early view postulate. The most rigorous study to date (in condensed matter physics) showed that, after controlling for the early view postulate, the remaining difference in citation counts between OA and non-OA articles is explained by the selection bias postulate. No evidence was found to support the OA postulate per se; i.e. article OA status alone has little or no effect on citations. Further studies using a similarly rigorous approach are required to determine the generality of this finding.  相似文献   

In an age of intensifying scientific collaboration, the counting of papers by multiple authors has become an important methodological issue in scientometric based research evaluation. Especially, how counting methods influence institutional level research evaluation has not been studied in existing literatures. In this study, we selected the top 300 universities in physics in the 2011 HEEACT Ranking as our study subjects. We compared the university rankings generated from four different counting methods (i.e. whole counting, straight counting using first author, straight counting using corresponding author, and fractional counting) to show how paper counts and citation counts and the subsequent university ranks were affected by counting method selection. The counting was based on the 1988–2008 physics papers records indexed in ISI WoS. We also observed how paper and citation counts were inflated by whole counting. The results show that counting methods affected the universities in the middle range more than those in the upper or lower ranges. Citation counts were also more affected than paper counts. The correlation between the rankings generated from whole counting and those from the other methods were low or negative in the middle ranges. Based on the findings, this study concluded that straight counting and fractional counting were better choices for paper count and citation count in the institutional level research evaluation.  相似文献   

在科研合作日益显著的趋势下,基于作者合作的学术影响力测度研究明显分为两方面:一是用合作这一因素对传统的引用影响力指标进行调整;二是直接测度作者在合作网络中的影响力,并探索与引用影响力指标的相关性。结果表明,作者在合作网络中的中心度指标与其被引次数、h指数、g指数均呈正相关。在科研合作的背景下,要综合评价作者的学术影响力,应将两者结合起来。最后从科学交流模式和作者学术关系的视角,讨论双重测度作者学术影响力的理论依据。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]当前,国内引文数据库建设已经初具规模,但现有的引文知识服务系统不能很好地揭示引文之间的结构或关系,给引文的获取、共享和利用带来一定困难。[方法/过程]以引文数据作为研究对象,对所涉及的各种知识进行获取和整理,探讨引文之间的语义关系,构建科研人员本体和引文知识本体两个本体,设计并初步实现引文知识服务原型系统。[结果/结论]对基于本体的引文知识服务原型系统构建进行验证,实验结果表明,基于本体的引文知识服务原型系统基本实现预定的目标与功能。  相似文献   

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