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地方高师院校音乐教师职业倦怠探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
职业倦怠是影响地方高师音乐教师职业素质、心理健康的不利因素,其身体的衰竭、认知的扭曲和行为的异常,影响着地方高师院校音乐教师素质的全面发挥。文章主要从社会因素、学校因素、工作因素以及个人因素四个角度具体分析地方高师院校音乐教师产生职业倦怠的原因,并寻求解决策略。  相似文献   

英汉翻译最终是要追求两种语言对同一认识内容在内在本质上相通、相合的表达,这固然需要语言外在形式上的契合,然而由于两种语言自然构成和文化系统上的差别,达到其内在本质上相符的"神合"境界,必须以一定程度上语言外在形式的背离为条件.以"貌离"的方式达到"神合",是英汉翻译中不可避免的现象.  相似文献   

OTO作为一种新的电商模式在各大城市出现,对零售业产生了很大影响。文章对国内外OTO研究进行了梳理:国外对电商的研究比较深入、系统,也较为广泛,在技术应用方面也更加成熟和市场化;国内关于电商的研究更多的是产业模式的创新、实践创新或产业纵深拓展等应用型研究,但对数据挖掘和技术创新的研究落后于实际技术的应用。零售业走电子商务的道路是必然选择,但网络技术与理念落后、市场供需分散、专业人才匮乏等问题的存在表明对中小城市发展OTO模式还是一个挑战。  相似文献   

俄语新课程标准倡导任务型教学模式,教师改变了教学理念,学生学习方式发生了变化。强调实践参与合作交流的学习方式。培养学生的综合语言运用能力。  相似文献   

20世纪中国社会的转型过程颇为艰难曲折。制约中国社会转型的外部因素主要是20世纪前半期资本主义的殖民侵略友苏俄和共产国际的参与;内部因素是由于封建专制主义传统的根深蒂固和中国人在盲目自大的同时所具有的消极防卫性化心理。另外,在若干重‘大而敏感的问题上存在认识迷误,则是制约中国社会转型的理论因素。这些因素决定中国社会转型不是一次性的。而是一个多次转型、波浪式逐渐递进的过程。  相似文献   

考试公平与区域公平:高考录取中的两难选择   总被引:38,自引:0,他引:38  
考试公平与区域公平 ,是高考录取中的两难选择。高考录取分数线的调整由于受到政治、经济、文化、教育、人口、就业等多种因素的制约 ,具有很大的难度和重大的影响。高考录取分数线的调整既不能只追求“考试公平”,也不能完全倒向“区域公平”,只能在兼顾二者的同时 ,求取相对公平的最大值。  相似文献   

School improvement is a complex undertaking for any school but for schools in challenging or difficult circumstances it presents extra problems. Not only do schools in challenging circumstances often face acute levels of socio-economic deprivation, but also, improvement or change efforts can be extremely fragile in these volatile school contexts. This article focuses upon the process of leading change in a group of schools in challenging circumstances in England. It draws upon empirical data and focuses particularly on the process of leading change in schools in difficulty by exploring three leadership themes. The article concludes by arguing that while the quality of leadership is undoubtedly important in these school contexts it is simply not sufficient to combat the stubborn relationship between social disadvantage and underachievement. This relationship is more likely to be broken through structural change and localised and community-based action rather than through the forces of standardization or accountability.  相似文献   

Reform in higher education is a topic of great interest world-wide because of the financial pressures facing institutions and the increasing demand for access. Also there is a perceived reluctance to respond to the political will of governments and the forces of the marketplace. Universities and colleges are accused of being complacent, unresponsive, and more concerned about maintaining their autonomy and self-interests than in providing service to the public.
Canadian higher education is not immune from such criticism, but the extent to which it is justified is by no means clear. In order to explore the responsiveness of Canadian universities and colleges to the forces of change, two surveys were recently conducted to obtain an institutional perspective. The findings reveal that higher institutions in Canada are in a ferment of change, but the changes described are more in the nature of responses to forces in the social, financial, and political environment than policy-driven, sustainable, long-range, system-wide reforms.
The surveys confirm patterns of change found in other federal nations and reflect a government strategy of self-regulation blended with fiscal controls. Provincial governments have shown a reluctance to bring about change by legislation, but the threat of legislation is a powerful incentive for reform, without compromising the essentially autonomous nature of the institutions.  相似文献   

Finland is a good choice for a foreign student willing to study engineering studies in English. There is a wide range of programmes and even more single courses taught in English. The number of courses and programmes in English is increasing rapidly annually. For foreigners, it is very easy to adapt to the atmosphere of Finnish universities of technology, while the students have a command of around three to four foreign languages on average (all of them speak English). The student unions and clubs in universities of technology also provide lots of leisure activities for foreign students. Economically it is easy to adapt to studies in Finland. For most of the programmes, one does not have to pay anything or the price is very reasonable. This article describes the current situation. New programmes are being developed all the time.  相似文献   

This paper aims at explaining the patterns of public investment in education and its intrasectoral distribution by its levels in the South Asian countries. First an index of human capital development is constructed which highlights the wide inequalities in educational development between the countries of the region. Public investment in education, which is used as the weight in constructing the index, has been the focus of attention in the remainder of the paper. It has been found that inadequate investment in education is one of the important reasons for failures in realising educational objectives like universalisation of elementary education and eradication of illiteracy. It is also found that it is wrong to say that less investment is made in education by some countries because they are economically poor or less developed. As is shown here, investment in education is not determined by the level of economic development, nor is it determined by the achievements (and correspondingly the tasks ahead) of the educational sector, as reflected by the enrolment ratios and the literacy rates. Further, public investment in any given level of education is also not determined by enrolment ratios in the corresponding levels. It is also shown here that there is a severe misallocation of resources between the different levels of education and an attempt is made to explain the underinvestment and the misallocation of resources in education in the region.  相似文献   

This contribution is focusing on the question: ‘In what way is the issue of religious education in general and Islamic religious education in particular articulated in Europe and in Turkey, and what can be learned from the respective articulations for the interreligious dialogue?’ In the first section, the historical context is presented that makes up the diversity and situatedness of models of religious education (RE) in Europe, and its relation to citizenship education. Then the role of Islam in RE in Europe is addressed. In particular, Islam and RE/Islamic RE in the Dutch context is highlighted. In the second section, the Turkish educational system is described from the Ottoman Empire to the Republican Era, including the position of Islam. Turkey’s present day secularised educational system is presented and the changed position of Islam in education. In the third section, the authors introduce the concept of ‘conversational analysis’ by using ‘European tinted lenses’ to further explore the Turkish articulation of Islam in education, and ‘Turkish tinted lenses’ to explore the European articulation with regard to Islam in RE. Concluding, some interesting aspects are emphasised where European and Turkish educators can learn from and with each other, and some recommendations for further research are given.  相似文献   

This paper examines corruption in college admissions examinations in China. A survey was administered among college students of arts and related majors across China. Based on the data, the magnitude of corruption in the admissions examinations is measured and the causes and consequences thereof are investigated. It is found that the objective level of corruption is 15.8 percent while the subjective level is 47.3 percent. Lack of transparency, poor design of the examinations, the subjects’ tolerance of corruption, high levels of corruption propensity, and high income expectations in future careers are identified as the main causes of corruption. Corruption in the examinations lowers student trust in the accountability of faculty and staff in higher educational institutions and this degrading trust in turn exacerbates bribery among new generations of examinees, which results in a vicious cycle of corruption.  相似文献   

内在于文本的叙述者通过其叙述行为创造出一个虚构世界,故事的虎构世界的四维时空内演进。叙述者既不在他自己所虎构出来的时空之中,也不在文本外的现实时空之中,是无时间性主体存在。这样叙述与故事之间的关系就不是时间性的了。经验性阅读和批评混淆了不同的故事,进而造成了分析的失误。  相似文献   

城乡结合部具有城市与乡村的特点,是社会发展中城市与乡村间的桥梁,随着教育改革的不断深入,初中教育模式改革势在必行,而城乡结合部的乡镇中学与城区和广大山区中学有很多相似特点,研究城乡结合部初中教育模式改革中存在的问题,找到解决的策略,对广大山区中学乃至初中教育整体改革有重大而现实的意义。  相似文献   

汉语课堂教学中的提问策略初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
课堂提问是课堂上教师与学生进行语言交流的活动,是课堂教学的重要组成部分,被视为“有效教学的核心”。本文结合目前课堂提问中存在的问题,着重论述如何在汉语课堂教学中有效地运用提问策略,顺利实现教学目的。  相似文献   

北京市部分跆拳道俱乐部教学现状分析及发展对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着全民健身运动的不断深入以及社会经济水平的不断提高,人们对大众体育健身的市场需求在不断扩大。跆拳道正在以俱乐部和道馆的形式在我国的大、中、小城市蓬勃的开展着,跆拳道市场的经营单位也在不断增加。在跆拳道俱乐部教学收到显著效果的同时,本文透过实地访察北京市部分跆拳道俱乐部后,发现俱乐部教学存在问题,并根据作者多年的教学经验,提出几点对策,建立技术与道德相结合的教学观念。  相似文献   

近几年,南疆三地州农村文化建设取得了一定的成绩,但依然存在诸多问题。如若这些问题不能得到及时解决,将会阻碍南疆三地州新农村建设及新型农民的培养。提出了从政府、组织、农民三个角度切入分析存在诸多问题的主要原因,希望通过此分析为进一步加强南疆三地州农村文化建设提出新思路和新对策奠定基础。  相似文献   


There is a developing interest in the role of the schoolteacher as mentor to teachers in training in Romanian secondary schools. Despite the fact that mentors are both overworked and under-rewarded in Romania, when their unique contribution to the teacher training process is diminished, the efficacy of the training process is shown to be adversely affected. This is the perception of both the mentors themselves, and of some 700 children exposed to the trainees. This paper attempts to demonstrate that the mentoring process is a viable way of supporting trainee teachers even in a context which would be seen by most European countries as extremely difficult. Governmental financial strictures are threatening this emerging methodology, and in the light of this the author proposes a number of ways in which the mentoring programme in Romanian schools might be encouraged and spread to other universities who are engaged in the teacher training process.  相似文献   

刑法上的原因自由行为,在大陆法系国家刑法学界,历来有众多学说对立。为维护“实行行为与责任同在”之原则,通常要将实行行为的范围扩大到原因行为阶段或者类比于间接正犯,但也由此产生众多问题。根据我国犯罪构成理论,原因自由行为性质上当属修正的构成要件行为。遵循“行为与责任同在”原则,原因行为必须在故意或过失的支配下,结合基本的构成要件行为,方具有可罚性。在我国的立法上,对原因自由行为的规定过于单一,应当借鉴其他国家或地区的立法例加以完善。  相似文献   

School education in Australia is a complex interplay between federal and state governments, and between government and non-government schools. This article explores the supervision of schools in Australia through school accountability systems. Utilising publicly available documents a systematic analysis of the state and territory systems for government schools is provided. It is a paper that attempts to document rather than critique school accountability, although a conceptual framework utilising contractual, moral and professional accountability is used to analyse the different accountability processes reported upon. Contractual and moral accountability is supported by most systems, whilst there is potential to foster professional accountability in only two systems. Fostering professional accountability is important because this is where the internal motivation of teachers helps to drive school improvement. When compared to leading-edge systems, Australian accountability systems are lacking in judgements on teaching practice in individual classrooms, and the use of sophisticated measures of learning and value-added analysis.  相似文献   

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