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[目的/意义]为了解传统媒体微博与新媒体微博信息传播规律与特征的差异,识别各类型媒体微博中具有高度影响力的媒体微博节点,以促进媒体微博的全面发展。[方法/过程]研究基于社会网络理论,选取新浪微博中的传统媒体微博及新媒体微博各50个作为研究样本,测度其社会网络结构特征,比较分析两者的信息传播规律。[结果/结论]研究发现,传统媒体微博和新媒体微博网络整体均较为紧密,且传统媒体微博高于新媒体微博;信息在传统媒体微博网络中的传播较新媒体微博更为便利,信息转移效率更高,网络节点之间的整体凝聚性更强;传统媒体微博中纸质媒体微博在地位上占据绝对优势,而新媒体微博中各类型媒体微博则相对发展均衡;新媒体微博权利更为集中,呈现两极分化状态,而传统媒体微博则更为均衡。  相似文献   

微博在当今自媒体时代早已成为个人话语表达的重要平台,很多在传统媒体工作的记者都创建了自己的微博,此时他们身上具有两重身份:既是媒体机构的记者,需要在传统媒体上记录事实和发表见解,从事新闻生产;同时作为社会人,在微博上能起到一定的舆论导向作用,而他们在这两种身份下表现出的话语表达的内容和权限是不尽相同的。厘清职业身份与社会身份,在话语表达中保持媒体的公信力成为传统媒体记者的职责。  相似文献   

黄鸿业 《传媒观察》2012,(10):22-24
微博在当今自媒体时代早已成为个人话语表达的重要平台,很多在传统媒体工作的记者都创建了自己的微博,此时他们身上具有两重身份:既是媒体机构的记者,需要在传统媒体上记录事实和发表见解,从事新闻生产;同时作为社会人,在微博上能起到一定的舆论导向作用,而他们在这两种身份下表现出的话语表达的内容和权限是不尽相同的。厘清职业身份与社会身份,在话语表达中保持媒体的公信力成为传统媒体记者的职责。  相似文献   

微媒体平台的交互性传播模式,加快了新冠肺炎疫情信息传播的速度、广度和深度,体现出全天候、全介质、全覆盖的传播能力。随着微博、微信、移动客户端(APP)等新兴媒体的发展,以“微”“小”为特征的“微时代”(Micro Era)到来,基于微信、微博等微媒体平台的微内容(microcontent)成为受众在碎片化时间接收信息的主体。微媒体平台的交互性传播模式,加快了新冠肺炎疫情信息传播的速度、广度和深度,尤其是微信、微博和抖音平台的疫情信息传播体现出了更明显、更灵活的时效,性,体现出全天候、全介质、全覆盖的传播能力。  相似文献   

姚乐野  吴茜  李明 《图书情报工作》2020,64(15):123-130
[目的/意义] 新冠肺炎疫情是新中国成立至今传播速度最快、传染范围最广、防控难度最大的一次重大突发公共卫生事件,微博是新冠肺炎疫情舆情传播的重要场域,加强突发公共卫生事件微博舆情的针对性研究,利于有效应对突发公共卫生事件舆情。[方法/过程] 基于社会网络分析法,探索新冠肺炎疫情舆情传播的网络结构特征、各传播主体的位置与角色。[结果/结论] 新冠肺炎疫情微博舆情体现出总量巨大、节点林立、关系复杂的网络特征;不同类型的微博用户在网络中的传播作用各不相同,官方媒体微博、商业媒体微博、自媒体微博在突发事件舆情网络中占据不同的传播位置、具有不同等级的传播能力;在突发公共事件舆情应对和引导过程中,应当推动各类媒体的广泛合作。  相似文献   

姜嵘 《中国传媒科技》2012,(22):132-133
微博作为一种新的传播媒介,在不断改变着人们的生活方式和信息的传播方式.传统媒体也意识到微博对传播方式和话语空间的重要影响,纷纷利用起微博这一平台.微博虽然给传统媒体带来了一定冲击,但传统媒体更多的是受益.传统媒体不但可以扩展新闻线索的来源,也可以发布信息,跟踪事件并且与受众互动.本文首先对微博的媒体特征进行了阐述;其次分析传统媒体如何借力微博平台;最后以电影《搜索》为例,探讨传统媒体与微博之间的互动.  相似文献   

2020年暴发的新冠肺炎疫情席卷全球,必将成为改写人类历史进程的重大事件。这场疫情给新闻传媒业带来的影响无疑是巨大的,本文梳理和分析新冠肺炎疫情给全球新闻传媒业带来的大变局下的小变数,从疫情影响的认知模式、传统媒体与新媒体的关系变化、数字化变革中的矛盾与转机和地方新闻媒体的角色转换等五个方面深入透析媒体与社会关系的变化趋势。  相似文献   

李琳 《出版参考》2021,(1):58-61
本文通过探究新冠肺炎疫情的发生给主题出版物阅读群体、融媒体发展等方面带来的新情况新变化,以此为线索判断出后疫情时代人民群众对主题出版物在选题内容、表现形式、数字化发展方面的新需求,并从这三个方面提出后疫情时代主题出版编辑力的新要素.  相似文献   

从Twitter到新浪微博,一场“微博力”正以不可思议的速度大范围蔓延,“碎碎念”式的“语录体”开始浸入人们生活的方方面面。微博在变革信息传播方式的同时,也为传统媒体与互联网之间的媒介融合提供了新的契机。本文主要从微博的定义、特点及传播模式入手,分析了微博对传统媒体传播理念和互动方式带来的影响,对传统媒体与微博融合的当前现状和未来的思路创新进行了有益的探讨。作为媒介融合趋势下的新载体,微博的影响力不容小觑,传统媒体如何理解微博、利用微博,不仅关系到媒体自身的发展,也将对今后媒体间的竞争格局产生深远影响。  相似文献   

非典记忆在我国新冠肺炎报道中作为一种叙事资源而存在,相关内容多集中于社会史层面,与报道主题呈现出传承延续、经验借鉴、对比衬托三种关系类型的勾连;记忆的内容类型与勾连类型相组合完成了叙事框架的建构;不同媒体对非典记忆的使用存在差异,中央党媒、地方媒体多与主流价值观相符,市场化媒体则表现出对主导意识形态的游离;不同类型的媒...  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(6):688-703
Social media allow everyone to show off their personalities and to publicly express opinions and engage in discussions on politicised matters, and as political news journalists engage in social media practices, one might ask if all political news journalists will finally end up as self-promoting political pundits. This study examines the way political news journalists use social media and how these practices might challenge journalistic norms related to professional distance and neutrality. The study uses cluster analysis and detects five user types among political news journalists: the sceptics, the networkers, the two-faced, the opiners, and the sparks. The study finds, among other things, a sharp divide between the way political reporters and political commentators use social media. Very few reporters are comfortable sharing political opinions or blurring the boundaries between the personal and the professional, indicating that traditional journalistic norms still stand in political news journalism.  相似文献   

This is a multiple methods study that highlights the tension between awareness- and behavioral-based campaign successes, particularly when communicating using social media and pop-culture-referencing humor. To illustrate, it examines the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) “zombie apocalypse” all-disaster-preparedness campaign. An interview with a CDC campaign manager, campaign document analysis, and a 2 (information form: social vs. traditional media) × 2 (message strategy: humorous vs. non-humorous) experiment uncovers benefits and pitfalls of using social media and humorous messaging for risk communication. Findings show social media can quickly spread information to new publics for minimal costs; however, experiment participants who received the humorous (i.e., zombie) risk message reported significantly weaker intentions to take protective actions in comparison to those who received the traditional, non-humorous risk message.  相似文献   

This study explores how audiences seek information from social and traditional media, and what factors affect media use during crises. Using the social-mediated crisis communication (SMCC) model, an examination of crisis information and sources reveals that audiences use social media during crises for insider information and checking in with family/friends and use traditional media for educational purposes. Convenience, involvement, and personal recommendations encourage social and traditional media use; information overload discourages use of both. Humor and attitudes about the purpose of social media discourage use of social media, while credibility encourages traditional media use. Practically, findings stressed the importance of third-party influence in crisis communication and the need for using both traditional and social media in crisis response.  相似文献   

The effects of new communication technologies on election campaigns, and the effectiveness of media-centered campaign strategies more broadly, remain ongoing subjects for debate in political science. This study provides some of the first empirical evidence about the potential impact of social media on the 2012 U.S. presidential elections, by testing the association between “candidate salience” and the candidates' level of engagement in online social media sphere. We define “candidate salience” as the extent to which candidates are discussed online by the public in an election campaign, and have selected the number of mentions presidential candidates receive on the social media site, Twitter, as means of quantifying their salience. This strategy allows us to examine whether social media, which is widely recognized as disruptive in the broader economic and social domains, has the potential to change the traditional dynamics of U.S. election campaigns. We find that while social media does substantially expand the possible modes and methods of election campaigning, high levels of social media activity on the part of presidential candidates have, as of yet, resulted in minimal effects on the amount of public attention they receive online.  相似文献   

For sports actors, social media provide the opportunity to bypass sports journalism's gatekeeping function and to disseminate sports-related information to target groups directly. Thus, social media have been conceptualized as a competitor to journalism. We argue that the relation is much more diverse. We differentiate between competitive, integrative, and complementary facets of the relationship between sports journalism and social media. Our study focuses on complementarity and analyzes how far social and mainstream media serve as sources for each other. Therefore, we combine an online survey among 122 German sports journalists, an analysis of the Twitter networks of German sports journalists during the Winter Olympics 2014, and a content analysis of the most popular news items in social media. Results suggest that sports journalists perceive social media accounts of athletes as beneficial news sources, especially to gather inside information. Huge sports events influence the social media activities of sports journalists as they tend to have stronger connections to athletes at these times. Whereas social media appear to be significant sources for sports journalism, sports media content receives little attention in social media. However, our results indicate that sports journalism and social media indeed maintain a complementary relation.  相似文献   

Intermedia agenda setting predicts a high degree of convergence between news media agendas. However, the rise of social media forces a re-examination of this expectation. Using the 8.8-earthquake of February 27, 2010 in Chile as a case study, this article compares which topics were covered by professional journalists on broadcast news and Twitter, analyzing both cross-sectional and longitudinal trends. A positive, reinforcing influence was found among the journalistic agendas of TV and Twitter. However, counter to the idea that social media are echo chambers of traditional media, it was found that Twitter influences TV news more so than the other way around. Thus, the study provides an early lens into the agenda setting function of social media among television news professionals, and its findings are consistent with Twitter succeeding among journalists due to its provision of valuable information.  相似文献   

Journalists with social media accounts can face conflict between the personal nature of their posts while operating as representatives of their news organisations. The addition of another publishing platform has also continued to change the role of the journalist as gatekeeper, with more decisions to be made over dissemination choices in traditional, online and social media. This comparative study of sports journalists in India and Australia examines gatekeeping influences at individual and organisational levels. It combines in-depth interviews with 22 sports journalists with a content analysis of 2085 Twitter posts from sports journalists covering the Australia–India Test cricket series of 2014–2015. The results highlight how multi-media gatekeeping has become a factor for contemporary sports journalists in both nations.  相似文献   

This article presents results of a study of library-related posts on Yik Yak, a former social media app, and questions received via more traditional library-maintained virtual reference service platforms—namely, chat/instant messaging, SMS/text messaging, email, and LibAnswers' Query Spy—at College of Charleston's Addlestone Library. Based on an analysis of the results, suggestions are made for using social media tools similar to Yik Yak as a tool for interacting with patrons in academic library settings, specifically as a means to gather feedback about the library and to provide basic reference services.  相似文献   


This study investigates the site of intersection between legacy and social media, whereby it asks how local legacy media (St Louis Post-Dispatch and Richmond Times-Dispatch) invoked social media (Facebook and Twitter) discourse within their coverage of the Ferguson (2014) and Charlottesville (2017) events. It thus explores how gatekeeping is manifested and, consequently, how the protest paradigm emerged in a news landscape of proliferating social media. Thematic textual analysis indicates that coverage of Charlottesville and Ferguson clearly relied on indulging the social media sphere in important ways. Common themes of social media as multipurpose platforms, as interfacing with law and order, and as reconciling material and digital modes culminating in social activism were revealed. The study shows that the protest paradigm that has long characterized legacy media’s coverage of social protest is not as “pure” as it may once have been, since a social media component is helping define the contours and content of legacy media’s landscape.  相似文献   

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