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The role and influence of department heads on women in academia is understudied and weakly conceptualized. This article expounds on prior work, which identified limitations of department head literature, to put forth three problematic discourses that run through much of the department head research: the discourse of fairness, the discourse of collective good, and the training imperative. The discourse of fairness encourages an unproblematized adoption of fairness as a core criterion, ignoring the ways fairness may be conceptualized to benefit some groups over others. The discourse of collective good encourages department heads to seek out resolutions that maximize the ‘good’ for the department and its constituents but may perpetuate gender biases. The training imperative discourse places a heavy emphasis on training, regardless of whether training is or is not an effective means to address gender inequalities. Implications and directions for future work and practices are discussed in closing.  相似文献   

元价值与规范价值:话语基础之分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"元价值"与"规范价值"是两个话语层次的哲学范畴。"元价值"是指哲学本体论意义上的价值,而规范价值及其话语系统的提出,则是就人的活动域而言的。马克思主义哲学主张从客观物质系统"质"与"态"的统一上去揭示价值的本质,既明确了"元价值"与"规范价值"具有不同的话语基础,又阐发了二者内在的必然联系,即任何规范价值系统的存在都是建立在自身特有的价值话语基础之上的,同时,在人类实践基础上形成的各个活动领域的规范价值及其话语系统,作为价值现实的、感性的、属人的表达,又各自在以不同的方式体现和说明着元价值的本质。明确元价值与规范价值的分界与统一,其理论意义不仅仅是要消除价值定义的内在逻辑矛盾,更重要的是要摆脱价值哲学的"无根"状态。  相似文献   


Research on emotions illustrates a range of emotions that students and teachers experience, both individually and as a collective, in science learning settings. However, not as much attention has been given to how opportunities for emotional expressions are framed. Since emotions and their expressions are embedded in the discourse in which they are constructed, this research sought to describe the ways in which expectations for emotional expressions were constructed during an ecology course for education undergraduates. Utilising sociolinguistics, emotional expressions were examined across and within forms of discourse (discourse events, written artifacts) to make salient how cues informed the number of emotions expressed. Data sources were ethnographic field notes, video recordings, and written artifacts from an entire semester of the course. The specific features of the emotional frames in discourse events and on written artifacts are presented. Contrast points are utilised to showcase the ways different emotional frames were constituted by the members of the course under different conditions and across discourse forms. Implications for considering how to support learners’ emotional expressions within a science classroom are discussed.  相似文献   

This intrinsic case study examines art museum learning of elementary school students during a week-long visit at the Mackenzie Art Museum. Museums are informative institutions that provide opportunities for visitors to engage with self, others, and society. It is a unique place for visitors to learn beyond classroom settings. This project aims to analyse the discourse around art and understand how young learners utilise discourse as tools to make meaning during art museum visits. By examining learners' dialogues, the research investigated a meaning-making framework that incorporates strategies for negotiating insights in art museums. This study includes approximately 12 hours of video-recorded data and student artefacts. The data suggests learners engage and form new meanings through building and negotiating discourses with peers and museum educators. Different discourses and knowledge are valued and reinforced by members of the group. This study addresses the gap in children's meaning-making during art museum visits, illustrating their strategies to construct knowledge and bridge connections.  相似文献   

Argumentation and scientific discourse are essential aspects of science education and inquiry in the 21st century. Student groups often struggle to enact these critical science skills, particularly with challenging content or tasks. Social regulation of learning research addresses the ways groups attempt to navigate such struggles by collectively planning, monitoring, controlling, and reflecting upon their learning in collaborative settings. Such regulation and argumentation can also elicit socioemotional responses and interactions. However, little is known regarding how regulation processes and socioemotional interactions manifest among students involved in small-group discourse about scientific phenomena. As such, in this qualitative study, we explored social regulation of learning, scientific argumentation discourse, and socioemotional interactions in the discussions of two groups of high school physics students (n = 7, n = 6). We found key qualitative distinctions between the two groups, including how they enacted planning activities, their emphasis on challenging other’s ideas versus building shared understanding, and how socioemotional interactions drove discourse. Commonalities across groups included how regulation initiation related to discourse, as well as how the difficulty of the content hindered, and teacher support augmented, the enactment of social regulation. Finally, we found overlapping regulation and discourse codes that provide a foundation for future work.  相似文献   

Explanations of the role of analogies in learning science at a cognitive level are made in terms of creating bridges between new information and students' prior knowledge. In this empirical study of learning with analogies in an 11th grade chemistry class, we explore an alternative explanation at the “social” level where analogy shapes classroom discourse. Students in the study developed analogies within small groups and with their teacher. These classroom interactions were monitored to identify changes in discourse that took place through these activities. Beginning from socio‐cultural perspectives and hybridity, we investigated classroom discourse during analogical activities. From our analyses, we theorized a merged discourse that explains how the analog discourse becomes intertwined with the target discourse generating a transitional state where meanings, signs, symbols, and practices are in flux. Three categories were developed that capture how students intertwined the analog and target discourses—merged words, merged utterances/sentences, and merged practices. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 48: 771–792, 2011  相似文献   

批判性话语分析(Critical Discourse Analysis)是上世纪七十年代末兴起并发展起来的的语言学思潮,其相关研究成果多关注于具体语篇分析。将批判性话语分析引入大学英语语篇阅读教学中,鼓励英语学习者提高批判思维能力,探索批判性话语分析理论对英语阅读教学具有积极意义。  相似文献   

教师话语的研究对提高学生话语输出意义重大,同时也有利于提高学生交际能力和综合能力.本文对非英语专业教学中教师话语对学生话语输出所带来的效果进行调查分析,提出了优化教师话语的策略,以期有助于教师规范自己的课堂语言,促进学生的语言习得,从而提高大学英语课堂教学效果  相似文献   

口语连贯与大学英语口语教学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
主要探讨话语标记语的使用对提高学生口语连贯性,从而促进英语口语交际能力的作用。话语特征和表达式的语言特征共同赋予话语标记以功能,而所有的话语标记都具有指别功能。这种指别功能为生成和理解语句提示语境坐标,实现增强话语连贯的作用。因此,外语教师应对话语标记语进行讲解,利用音频视频等语料范例和语料库资源组织教学,使学习者投入到真实的交际式的语言运用之中。  相似文献   

语篇的理解是一个语言与思维相互作用的复杂过程。在语篇的理解中,功能语法的语篇分析理论无疑给我们提供了有益的启发。本文从功能语法的语篇分析理论出发着重探讨该理论在语篇理解中的运用,以帮助语言学习者提高其语篇理解力。  相似文献   


Multimodality has been a growing research interest in the field of applied linguistics. With the actor-network theory as an analytic framework, the purpose of the present study was to explore how university students of Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) take advantage of both material and non-material semiotic resources while being involved in the process of developing classroom activities. Furthermore, the semiotic resources of these students including their language, gaze, and gesture were analyzed using systemic functional multimodal discourse analysis (SF-MDA). To do this, using an ethnomethodology, we videotaped the interaction of a group of 6 TEFL students developing materials, for the improvement of learners’ intercultural competence, on the topic of food. The findings indicated that the participants developed these materials as they interacted with each other, as human semiotic resources, as well as their digital tools, as non-human resources. In addition, while mainly expressing their mental processes, they also conveyed positive attitudes and built negotiation expanding space using their gesture with both fast and slow graduation. Their gaze was also engaged, directed at both the group members and objects developing the classroom activities.  相似文献   

阅读是书面语的分析和阐释过程,如果以语篇为视点,阅读就是对语篇的解读。以阅读教学中一篇课文为例,展示语篇教学的具体模式,即将整篇文章的阅读教学分为读前、读中、读后三个阶段。此模式的实施将极大地调动学生的学习兴趣,从而提高英语阅读能力。  相似文献   

教育话语分析是指通过对教育话语的考察与分析,探寻教育真理、指导教育实践的过程.教育话语分析强调在历史和社会两个向度上开展教育研究,在解读话语意义的同时考察教育话语与社会的演变与互动;教育话语分析采取批判和多元的立场,洞察教育话语背后的力量与真实性,强调话语研究的语境与解释性.教育话语分析的基本过程包括话语主题的选取、话语生成与作用机制分析、话语解释与指导话语实践.教育话语分析作为一种新的研究范式,有利于凸显教育研究的实践旨趣,促进教育研究的人本化,以及强调教育研究结果的语境化.  相似文献   


Ensuring that students of all backgrounds are smoothly transitioned through the stages of access, participation and completion in higher education has been the focus of much public policy and research in recent decades. Subsequently, public policy discourse treats those who do not complete their higher education degrees as unsuccessful, despite a lack of research considering the beneficial outcomes of non-completing students. Evidence of beneficial outcomes of higher education participation without completion has potential to challenge the deficit-centric discourse of completion dependent on a binary view of success and failure. This article details a critical discourse analysis of responses to a 2017 survey of university non-completers asked ‘were there any benefits from the time you spent doing an [sic] incomplete degree?’. This study finds that non-completers experience a wide range of benefits from incomplete studies despite the dominant discourse discounting their experiences as unsuccessful. Additionally, this study presents a critique of framing surveys of non-completing students within the normative bounds of success as completion in higher education, and instead calls for a more nuanced construction of success in higher education.  相似文献   

教师群体活动中涌现的话语,作为教师生活质量和当前教育话语的反映形式,具有日益重要的研究价值。门特话语围绕初任教师和有经验教师的群体活动展开,相关文献研究的回顾体现门特话语分析对教师群体活动和专业发展的意义。通过批判话语分析理论的介绍和门特话语中常用的评课体裁范例的批判性分析,揭示了门特话语和教师教育话语的本质特征。  相似文献   

张继光 《太原大学学报》2012,13(4):82-83,90
在传播学语境中,新闻体现为一种话语,新闻话语遵循自身的规律,通过编制新闻文本、媒介传播再现新闻事件,传递主流价值观。新闻话语因其代言人的身份相应地拥有了话语权,新闻话语一旦僭越了固有功能,就体现为一种霸权,有损大众传媒的公信力。新闻从业人员应加强行业自律,尽可能地规避新闻霸权,还新闻一个健康的生态环境。  相似文献   

A number of writers have drawn attention to the increasing importance of language in social life in ‘new times’ and Fairclough has referred to ‘discourse driven’ social change. These conditions have led to an increase in the use of various forms of discourse analysis in policy analysis. This paper explores the possibilities of using Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) in critical policy research in education, drawing on a larger research project which is investigating the equity implications of Education Queensland’s reform agenda. It is argued that, in the context of new times, CDA is of particular value in documenting multiple and competing discourses in policy texts, in highlighting marginalized and hybrid discourses, and in documenting discursive shifts in policy implementation processes. The last part of the paper discusses how such research might be used by policy activists inside and outside education department bureaucracies to further social democratic goals.  相似文献   

研究教师话语对于改善教师课堂话语质量、提高课堂教育教学质量具有重要作用。文章以英语教师真实课堂为研究对象,对比分析了英语教师课堂话语及其产生的效果,提出了IR[I1R1(I2R2)]F英语课堂话语模式这一会话策略。  相似文献   

目前我国高校舆情危机频现,高校话语权受到前所未有的挑战,这和社会发展进入高风险期,高校自身属性特点,社会舆论浮躁心态等多种因素有关。加强高校话语权建设是处理舆情危机的关键。高校必须通过重视宣传工作,建立专业舆情研究部门,完善新闻发言人制度等途径,主动加强自身话语权建设,在充分保证社会公众知情权的基础上,使自己的信息发布在社会舆论领域占据主导地位,得到尽可能多的认可,这样才能消除分歧,凝聚力量,不断提高办学水平。  相似文献   

我们以前对教科书话语的研究更多的是关注它们是什么?怎么样?而很少追问话语为什么是什么?为什么怎么样?其实教科书话语传递的不仅仅是知识、思想,更有使用者无法发现、体验到的社会控制和意义.本文不仅研究教科书话语存在的形式及体现意义,更关注教科书话语形成的过程、机制和话语背后的道德和价值预设.  相似文献   

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