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本文探讨了过度训练引起的症状,即过度训练综合症(简称OTS)的外部表现及内部机制,包括OTS与神经系统,内分泌系统及免疫系统的关系,提出了预防及判断OTS的生理指标及消除OTS的具体方法。  相似文献   

成功的训练不仅涉及到过负荷,同时必须避免大量过负荷练习与不充分恢复相结合。运动员可经历短期运动成绩下降。这一功能性过量训练在恢复后,可提高运动成绩。当训练和恢复之间平衡被破坏,可发生非功能性的过量训练(NFOR)。区分NFOR和过度训练综合症非常困难(OTS),取决于临床结果和排除诊断。诊断OTS的关键词是"延长性的不良适应",以及生物、神经生化和激素调节上的机制。普遍认为OTS症状比NFOR严重,如疲劳、成绩下降、情绪障碍。尽管目前没有单一的标志物可检测OTS,定期监测运动成绩、生理、生化、免疫和心理上的指标可能是最好的策略:发现不能够应对训练应激的运动员。  相似文献   

2017年11月15日-16日,暴雪主办、战旗直播承办的《守望先锋》年终盛典于乌镇大剧院开幕.年终盛典包含"All Star全明星赛"及"2017《守望先锋》年度颁奖典礼",同时进行的还有OTS第三赛季决赛,此外还有人气选手和主播直播游乌镇的活动.  相似文献   

祛病健身六字诀   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
第三章功法特点 第一节理法并重,动静结合 本功法是一种理法并重的功法,不仅注重功法的习练,同时比较注重对功理的研究.理中寓法,法中寓理.把理搞清楚了,把规律、性质都弄清了,法就自然悟开了,练功的有效时间就会大大提高.从理上讲了十个问题:五行学说、五脏六腑学说、气学说、血液学说、经络学说、意念论、采光论、观想论、呼吸论、有氧运动论.把这些问题搞清楚了,对"祛病健身六字诀"具体习练法就自然悟开了.  相似文献   

作为中国传统文化的典型代表,太极拳在我国传统武术中也占有非常重要的地位.太极拳在逐步发展的过程中,我国的传统哲学思想阴阳学说在太极拳的盘架、拳理等方面都产生了深刻的影响和指导作用.文章就是在对太极拳中阴阳学说的使用进行了研究.中国古代哲学思想阴阳学说是解释世界万物的基本规律相互对立统一且是物质的.太极拳的一招一式中无不体现着这一哲学道理.例如虚实、刚柔开合、动静等.所以太极拳任何一个动作的变化都是一种阴与阳的转换,可见阴阳学说在太极拳中有着极其重要的作用.  相似文献   

脂肪细胞分泌的多种细胞因子可能在糖尿病发病过程中起着重要作用,特别是与2型糖尿病胰岛素抵抗有关.通过总结国内外的研究成果,综述4种脂肪细胞因子(瘦素、肿瘤坏死因子α、脂联素及抵抗素)与糖尿病的关系,及运动对脂肪细胞因子的影响,分析运动对脂肪细胞因子的影响与糖尿病运动疗法的关系--运动对脂肪细胞因子的影响可能是糖尿病运动疗法的机制之一,并对今后的研究提出了建议.  相似文献   

阚丽萍 《体育科研》2004,25(2):33-35
运用文献法总结了运动损伤的外部表现及细胞因子表达,讨论了损伤的发生机制、特征及其细胞因子在损伤愈合、炎症反应中的作用,可为防范和治愈损伤提供一定理论依据与参考.  相似文献   

中国传统养生体育的理论基础和独特风格   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国传统养生体育的理论基础主要有阴阳学说、整体观学说、天人相应学说和五行学说.中国传统养生的独特风格是:形神俱养,讲究人体生理、心理机能的整体优化;动以养形,要求形体运动要适量;清静养神,注重两大神经系统的协调发展.  相似文献   

经络学说是中医理论体系重要的组成部分,它是研究人体经络系统的生理功能、病理变化与脏腑互相关系的学说。经络学说不仅是针灸学说的理论核心.而且是推拿、气功等科学的理论基础。它的形成和发展与针灸、推拿、气功有着密切关系。它几千年来指导着针灸及其他各科的临床实践。所以《灵枢·经脉篇》曰:经脉者,所以决生死.处百病.调虚实,不可不通。  相似文献   

从适度训练和过度训练对免疫系统的影响,过度训练并发症(OTS)及表现低下并发症(UPS)的概念界定与监控,以及UPS两种假说等方面分别探讨了运动员经过强化训练和过度训练后免疫应答发生的变化、运动员免疫机能损坏与传染性疾病发生率增加的关系、过度训练并发症对免疫机能及传染病敏感性的影响、细胞激活素在过度训练和训练成绩低下的可能作用、过度训练和表现低下并发症监控的可能免疫指标,为运动训练科学监控提供理论支撑.  相似文献   

冯洁  任杰 《体育科研》2017,(4):61-67
本体感觉在体育运动中起极其重要的作用,而以往的研究对无意识本体感觉有所忽略。对意识和无意识本体感觉的神经机制、功能作用、评价方法、影响因素与训练方法做了较全面的综述。首先,意识和无意识本体感觉在其中枢机制、对刺激的感知及应答方式上存在区别;其次,总结了经典的本体感觉评价方法:感觉阈限测量法、关节角度重建法、力量匹配法、视觉模型法、主动运动区分测试、平衡能力测试和体感诱发电位测量法,其中后面两种方法可以用于评价无意识本体感觉。第三,总结了影响本体感觉敏锐性的年龄、损伤和疲劳、运动经历等因素;最后,在如何提高本体感觉方面,主动运动训练、被动运动训练、本体感觉刺激训练等可以提高意识性本体感觉,本体感觉神经肌肉促进法和扰动训练等可以改善无意识本体感觉。本体感觉还有待更多的研究,尤其是以高水平运动员为对象的研究。  相似文献   

以2010年世锦赛体操比赛男子运动员以及比赛成绩为研究对象,通过文献法、观察法和数理统计对相关资料进行归纳、对比和分析。结果表明:中国队以4金4银1铜总计9块奖牌雄居榜首,继续保持世界体坛霸主地位。本次比赛单项优势明显,收获4金2银,吊环、双杠两大王牌项目继续保持优势地位。但男队全能实力急剧下滑,全能人才的匮乏是中国男队今后需要解决的一大难题。  相似文献   

This study evaluated the association between the frequency of tennis play and executive function in children and adolescents. One hundred and six junior tennis players (6–15 years old) participated in this study. Executive function, including inhibitory control, working memory, and cognitive flexibility were evaluated at rest. Females showed better inhibitory control and cognitive flexibility than males. In males, more frequent tennis play was associated with higher basic processing speed and inhibitory control after controlling for age, gender, body mass index (BMI), and tennis experience. More frequent tennis play was associated with better working memory in both males and females after controlling for age, gender, BMI, and tennis experience. Furthermore, longer tennis experience was related to better cognitive flexibility in males after controlling for age, gender, BMI, and frequency of tennis play. These findings suggest that tennis play is associated with the development of three foundational aspects of executive function (i.e. inhibitory control, working memory, cognitive flexibility). Especially, frequent participation in tennis play is related to better inhibitory control and working memory, while longer experience of tennis play is associated with better cognitive flexibility. Although development of inhibitory control and cognitive flexibility is slower in males than in females, the associations between tennis play and inhibitory control and cognitive flexibility appear to be larger in males than in females.  相似文献   

西北地区体育旅游资源开发的前瞻性分析   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
孟峰年 《体育科学》2004,24(10):26-30
结合旅游资源学理论,采用文献资料调研、归纳分析法以及逻辑分析法,对西北地区潜在的体育旅游资源进行了分析,研究结论:1)西北地区体育旅游自然资源可分为山地峡谷、草原草地、沙漠戈壁、河流湖泊、温泉冷泉5个亚类,体育旅游人文资源可分为民族传统体育和高原训练基地2个亚类;2)开发要以目标市场为导向,坚持特色性、文化性、市场性、环保性原则,重点突出地域特色和民族特色;3)开辟体育旅游资源开发的融资渠道,形成多元化的投资主体新格局。  相似文献   

中华民族传统体育作为中华民族优秀传统文化之一,是中华民族的文化血脉和精神家园,是实现"健康中国"和中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦的重要力量。以武术、太极拳、八段锦、导引术等为代表的民族传统体育项目是实现人们强身健体、修身养性和娱乐身心的有效手段,也是凝聚民族情感、促进文化认同和实现文化传承的有益路径。新时代为中华民族传统体育的认同、传承和发展带来了难得的机遇,但城镇化、认同焦虑、受众单一和推广危机是新时代中华民族传统体育发展必须克服的挑战。新时代中华民族传统体育发展要建好三个点、抓住两条线、形成一个面,做到点线面全覆盖和相结合,形成新时代中华民族传统体育齐抓共管的良性治理体系,是解决中华民族传统体育日渐式微、难以进入社区和推广治理效能不高的政策路径,是中华民族传统体育文化传播和落地生根的关键路径,还是中华民族传统体育文化复兴的必由之路。  相似文献   

Collegiate basketball is one of the most popular and most watched forms of amateur sport in the Philippines. Like any sport, collegiate basketball is governed by actors and stakeholders and characterized by issues and challenges. Employing a policy-capacity and synthesis integrative review approach, this article identifies the actors, stakeholders, and institutions of the Philippines two leading college basketball leagues, namely, the Universities Athletic Association of the Philippines and the National Collegiate Athletic Association and analyses the critical issues that confront these leagues in the context of college basketball governance. Issues include an overly powerful board of directors in relation to league commissioners, a lack of accountability mechanisms, alleged piracy of coaches and players, recruitment of players and coaches, the two-year residency rule, and parity in media coverage. Accordingly, the article assesses necessary on-going policy capacities and reforms which college basketball leagues undertake to achieve sound governance.  相似文献   

我国多数男生引体向上得"零"分,使上肢力量测评出现"地板效应"。采用量化研究和质性研究两种范式提高研究效度。量化研究对学生体质与健康调研数据和监测数据进行方差分析、多重比较和回归分析,结果表明:(1)每5~10年,男生的握力、体重、身高、BMI、引体向上均值差异显著;(2)年龄、握力、体重、身高、BMI分别显著预测引体向上成绩,体重和握力是影响我国男生引体向上成绩的主要影响因素。质性研究结果表明,引体向上"零"分主要有四个方面的原因:体重增长难挡,力量增长受限,个体认知偏差,社会支持薄弱。结论:我国男生引体向上"零"分的首要原因是体重增长较快,其次,主要肌群绝对力量和耐力增长不足,男生对引体向上的认知有偏差,学校、家长、社会支持较弱;借助政策控制体重、发展肌力、完善测评标准、促进男生积极练习引体向上十分重要。  相似文献   

In this study,we investigated resting left ventricular dimensions and function in trained female rowers, canoeists and cyclists. In male populations, such athletes have demonstrated the largest left ventricular wall thicknesses and cavity dimensions. Echocardiograms were analysed from 24 athletes (rowers and canoeists, n=12; cyclists, n=12) and 21 age-matched controls to measure left ventricular end-diastolic dimension and volume, and septal (ST) and posterior wall (PWT) thicknesses. Left ventricular mass was calculated from M-mode data. Systolic and diastolic function were calculated from M-mode and Doppler echocardiography, respectively. Height, body mass, body surface area and fat-free mass were determined anthropometrically. The athletes were well matched with the controls for all anthropometric variables except fat-free mass (rowers and canoeists 49.7 3.6 kg, cyclists 48.0?+\- 3.8 kg, controls 45.0?+\- 5.4 kg; P < 0.05). The left ventricular end-diastolic dimension, mass and volume, and septal and posterior wall thicknesses, were all significantly greater in the athletes than the controls (P < 0.05). These differences persisted (except for left ventricular end-diastolic dimension) even after allometric adjustment for group differences in fat-free mass. Stroke volume was larger (rowers and canoeists 102?+\- 13 ml, cyclists 103?+\0 16 ml, controls 80?+\- 15 ml; P < 0.05) in both groups of athletes but all other functional data were similar between groups. As in male athletes, female rowers, canoeists and cyclists displayed significantly larger left ventricular cavity dimensions and wall thicknesses than controls.  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2017,20(2):145-158
Sport Management Review celebrates 20 years of publishing research, and this milestone provides an opportunity to reflect on sport consumer research and offer possible directions for scholarship. This article utilizes a panel of 17 academic scholars to examine sport consumer research published in SMR as an exemplar; and then, more broadly, how to enhance sport consumer research and identify future trends in the sport industry. This information, combined with an article analysis, revealed two key findings. First, the quality of scholarship was acknowledged with noted weaknesses related to improving and diversifying methodology, stronger attention to theoretical development, and relevance to industry. Second, traditional boundaries of sport consumer research will expand due to technology, a broadening sport landscape, and links to other academic disciplines. In order to account for industry trends and address noted theoretical limitations, a Sport Experience Design (SX) framework is introduced, which consists of three interrelated elements: (a) the sport context in which a sport consumer navigates through an experience and interacts with touchpoints, (b) the sport user, with mental processes, psychological needs, and personal characteristics, and (c) the sport organization, which produces the sport experience to achieve organizational goals. The framework provides a holistic consumer-centred approach that considers cognitive, organizational, and physical relevant design factors that enhance customer satisfaction and engagement by improving use and pleasure of sport experiences.  相似文献   

赛事愿景是目标和理念的凝练和提升,是主办城市、地区、国家认同的产物,是实物、场景、建筑等有形物与理念、品牌、认同等无形物的统一。借鉴其他国际赛事,杭州亚运会的愿景应在准确把握亚运会的定位基础上,从中国两个一百年目标与浙江特色、亚洲与世界奥林匹克发展趋势、民意等总结提炼,最终达到动机与目标的对位,遗产与实践的对应,理念与宣传的对接。  相似文献   

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