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本文以合作学习为理论框架,通过实验方法检验安徽新华学院12级英语业本科生在这一学习模式下的学习效果.67名英语专业的本科生被分为实验组和控制组进行了为期半年的实证研究.实验组采用合作学习模式,而控制组沿用传统学习模式.通过半年课堂气氛的观测和2013年一月进行的期末成绩的数据统计分析,结果表明采用合作学习模式虽然存在许多不足,但在一定程度上能够帮助英语专业的学生提高英语水平.  相似文献   

讨论教学是一种为促进学生合作从而达到最佳学习效果的小组学习教学方法。如何促进学生间的合作学习需要不断探索,而怎样分组也是其中值得研究的内容之一。通过对本科学生进行问卷调查,探究在四种不同任务情境假设下性别、成绩、年级对分组方式的选择有何影响,分析得出男同学更容易考虑自身对于分组方式的偏好,女同学则更容易考虑任务需求;班级成绩排名前10%的同学对分组方式的偏好最不显著,成绩中等及中等偏上的同学对于分组方式的选择多考虑自身对于各分组方式的偏好而非任务需求。随着年级的增加,学生对于分组方式的偏好越来越显著,高年级同学显示出明显地基于自身偏好和认知而非基于任务需求进行分组选择的特点。  相似文献   

本文就大学英语课堂教学中合作学习对学生自我调节效用进行实证研究。运用学习激励策略量表(MSLQ)进行了前测与后测。受试者为非英语专业大学一年级的学生(n=70),将其随机分为两个组,一个为实验组,另一个为控制组。控制组的教学采用以教师为主要导向的传统教学方法;实验组采用以学生为中心的合作学习、团队研究解决问题的教学方法。研究结果表明,实验组的学生在内在目标取向、自我价值观念、运用借题发挥、批判性思维、元认知自我调节、同侪协作互动学习等策略的调节使用方面比控制组的学生程度要高,且两个组的成绩对比具有显著性差异。  相似文献   

为研究团体心理辅导对大学新生人际交往的影响,本研究招募30名大一学生为研究对象,将其随机分为实验组与控制组。实验组进行6次团体心理辅导,控制组不进行任何有关团体心理辅导的活动,采用《人际关系诊断量表》对其进行前测、后测。结果表明,团体心理辅导后,实验组成绩在四维度上均呈现显著性差异,而控制组仅在交际与交友困扰维度出现差异,说明团体心理辅导对提高大学生人际交往能力具有积极的意义和作用。  相似文献   

本研究从Reid感知风格理论和研究成果入手,结合现代教学手段,对学习风格的培养进行实验研究。通过调节教学策略和教学手段帮助学生调整学习风格以弥补其自身的风格缺陷,使学习者能根据不同的学习任务更灵活有效得使用学习风格,从而使学习效果达到最佳状态。本实验通过对实验组进行基于学习风格培养的教学任务实施、对控制组进行常规教学任务实施,进而对受试组和对照组实验前/后学习风格变化、成绩变化的情况进行对比分析,再通过课堂观察表表、访谈等定性文字分析来验证量性研究结果。研究结果表明,实验组的学习风格、学习成绩的前—后测都具有显著差异。控制组在学习成绩方面虽有不同程度的提高,但其提高数值都低于实验组。  相似文献   

"分组合作"学习和"任务驱动"学习是目前各学校积极倡导的两种有效学习方式.分组合作学习是一种以协作学习小组为基本形式,系统利用各因素之问的互动.以团体成绩和个人成绩为评价标准,共同达成教学目标的教学组织形式."任务驱动"学习是将所要学习的新知识隐含在一个或几个任务之中,学生通过对所提的任务进行分析、讨论,明确它大体涉及哪些知识,找出哪些是旧知识,哪些是新知识.并在教师的指导、帮助下找出解决问题的方法,最后通过任务的完成而实现对所学知识的意义建构.笔者将"分组合作"学习和"任务驱动"学习两者结合起来实施教学,提高职中学生的计算机应用水平.  相似文献   

本研究考查教师介入对非英语专业学生英语阅读自主学习的成效.对92名非英语专业大二学生进行了为期一个学期的教学实验,实验前问卷调查显示,新建本科院校非英语专业学生英语阅读自主学习能力总体偏低;测试和访谈结果表明,实验组和控制组后测成绩差异显著,教师介入促进了学生阅读元认知策略和认知策略的提高,在线学习和合作学习等学习方式受到学生欢迎.  相似文献   

李丽华  张雪莉 《考试周刊》2014,(83):104-105
随着社会对综合型人才需求的增长,大学英语培养的目的应该从应试型人才向应用型人才转变。合作学习强调学生分小组进行合作学习,完成小组的子任务,重视加强学生之间的合作。本文尝试在大学英语课堂中使用合作学习法,通过跟踪调查实验组和对照组学生在学习成绩上的差别,证明合作学习法能够提高学生的英语成绩。  相似文献   

为了研究任务型教学法对学生的英语口语水平是否有影响,对安徽省某高职院校100名大一学生进行问卷调查、分组实验和访谈。结果表明,采用任务型教学法的实验组学生,其学习英语的兴趣和口语水平明显好于以讲授为主的控制组学生。这说明,任务型教学法能有效提高学生的英语口语水平和学生的自主学习能力,促进教学相长。  相似文献   

学生信心不足、兴趣不高、教学班级过大、无法满足学生不同需求,是高职公共英语课程中常见的问题.针对上述问题,在教学中实施合作学习策略,试图探索该策略是否优于传统的学习策略.经过1个学年的实验,采用spss统计软件对实验组和控制组的英语成绩进行对比分析,结果显示合作学习策略比传统学习策略更能提高学生英语成绩.合作学习策略能够提供有更多的发言机会,提高学生的学习兴趣,满足学生的课堂需求.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of the cooperative learning approach based on conceptual change conditions over traditional instruction on 10th grade students' conceptual understanding and achievement of computational problems related to chemical equilibrium concepts. The subjects of this study consisted of 87 tenth grade students from two intact classes of a Chemistry Course instructed by the same teacher. One of the classes was randomly assigned as the experimental group, which was instructed with cooperative learning approach based on conceptual change conditions and the other class was assigned as the control group, which was instructed with traditional instruction. Chemical Equilibrium Concept Test (CECT) was administered to the experimental and the control groups as pre- and post-tests to measure the students' conceptual understanding, and Chemical Equilibrium Achievement Test (CEAT) was administered to the experimental and the control groups as a post-test to measure the students' achievements related to computational problems. Science Process Skills Test was used at the beginning of the study to determine the students' science process skills. Multivariate Analysis of Covariate (MANCOVA) was used to analyze the data. The results showed that students in the experimental group had better conceptual understanding, and achievement of computational problems related to the chemical equilibrium concepts. Furthermore, students' science process skills were accounted for a significant portion of variations in conceptual understanding and achievements related to the computational problems.  相似文献   

本文运用合作学习理论对外贸英语教学中学生分组—合作实训模式进行研究。研究探讨了学生分组合作实训模式的分组原则、实训环节组成、操作内容、教师的职责和模式的优化。学生分组合作实训模式是一种使英语学习与外贸实务相结合的教学模式,有利于培养学生的综合素质,提高教学效果。  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to investigate the degree of effectiveness of cooperative learning instruction over a traditional approach on 11th grade students' understanding of electrochemistry. The study involved forty-one 11th grade students from two science classes with the same teacher. To determine students' misconceptions concerning electrochemistry, the Electrochemistry Concept Test consisting of 8 open-ended and 12 multiple-choice questions was used as a pre-test and some students were interviewed. According to the results, twenty-four misconceptions (six of them initially identified) about electrochemistry were identified. The classrooms were randomly assigned to a control group (traditional instruction, 21 students) and an experimental group (cooperative learning based on a constructivist approach, 20 students). After instruction, the same test was administered to both groups as a post-test. The results from the t-test indicated that the students who were trained using cooperative learning instruction had significantly higher scores in terms of achievement than those taught by the traditional approach. According to the post-test and interviews, it was also found that instruction for the cooperative group was more successful in remediation of the predetermined misconceptions.  相似文献   

合作学习法在课外学习中的应用   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
合作学习就是通过教师指导的小组活动让学生相互合作、共同完成学习任务。本文介绍了合作学习法的组成因素。作者将合作法应用到学生的课外自主学习当中,同时设计了“每月讨论”和“双人研究”两项学习任务。文章讨论了合作学习实施步骤和实现情况,并针对学生的报告反馈和教师的反思对合作法在英语学习中的运用进行了讨论。  相似文献   

合作学习在外语教学中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
合作学习是一种行之有效的教学方式,它以学生为中心,以小组活动为基本形式,注重发展学生学习的自主性和能动性。在外语教学中借鉴合作学习理论,把班级分成小组,强调以学生的学习活动为主体,一方面强调教师对合作学习指导、促进的功能,另一方面又关注学生在合作学习中的主体参与状况,对于提高外语教学质量,优化课堂教学都起到重要的作用。  相似文献   

合作学习是新课程倡导的重要学习方式之一,它有着独特的教育价值。在教学中,合作学习有效实施的策略主要有:选择适当的教学内容,采用灵活多样的分组形式,明确小组的学习任务,关照学生合作学习的过程,重视评价与总结。  相似文献   

The main purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of cooperative learning based on conceptual change approach instruction on ninth-grade students’ understanding in chemical bonding concepts compared to traditional instruction. Seventy-two ninth-grade students from two intact chemistry classes taught by the same teacher in a public high school participated in the study. The classes were randomly assigned as the experimental and control group. The control group (N?=?35) was taught by traditional instruction while the experimental group (N?=?37) was taught cooperative learning based on conceptual change approach instruction. Chemical Bonding Concept Test (CBCT) was used as pre- and post-test to define students’ understanding of chemical bonding concepts. After treatment, students’ interviews were conducted to observe more information about their responses. Moreover, students from experimental groups were interviewed to obtain information about students’ perceptions on cooperative work experiences. The results from ANCOVA showed that cooperative learning based on conceptual change approach instruction led to better acquisition of scientific conceptions related to chemical bonding concepts than traditional instruction. Interview results demonstrated that the students in the experimental group had better understanding and fewer misconceptions in chemical bonding concepts than those in the control group. Moreover, interviews about treatment indicated that this treatment helped students’ learning and increased their learning motivation and their social skills.  相似文献   

目的:探讨适应高职医学教育临床课教考模式。方法:采用随机分组方法将2003级三年制临床医学专业03-1班与03-2班分为情境教学班(实验组)与传统教学班(对照组),比较两班学习成绩与综合学习素质的变化,调查分析床旁考试结果与反响。结果:实验组与对照组学生学习成绩有显著差异(E=-3.198P=0.000),实验组学习成绩较对照组平均提高11.39分,且实验组学习成绩标准差小,情境教学极大地提高了学生综合学习素质,床旁考试与学生实际能力的相关一致性高(r=0.94P<0.01)。结论:“情境教学、床旁考试”是培养高等技术应用性卫生专门人才的助动器与导向仪,是学生、老师、管理者所接受和倍加推崇的临床课教考模式。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the importance of cooperative incentives and heterogeneous grouping as elements of cooperative learning in a college life science course. Cooperative learning may be defined as a classroom learning environment in which students work together in heterogeneous groups toward completion of some task. Cooperative incentive structures provide some type of group reward based on group products or individual learning. In heterogeneous grouping, students are arranged in order to maximize variety within groups. A 2 × 2 design was utilized in this study. The independent variables considered included (a) use of cooperative incentives in learning groups, and (b) use of heterogeneous grouping in cooperative learning groups. Dependent variables for all treatment groups were scores from a multiple-choice instrument developed for an earlier, related study, along with direct observational data on frequency of cooperative interactions. Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was used as the data analysis procedure for the achievement portion of the study, and analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used for analysis of the cooperative interaction portion of the study. No significant differences were found between the treatment groups.  相似文献   

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