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研究随机从小学三年级中抽取12个班的594名学生(男313,女281)作为被试,采用“双盲测试”方法对小学生在评价体育教师教学能力时是否存在性别偏见进行了实验研究。结果表明,1)学生在根据同一教案评价假设的男女教师时,认为男体育教师在教学能力和专业知识方面优于女体育教师。2)假设的教师的等级对学生评价体育教师时存在的性别偏见具有较大的影响,相对于男教师来说,学生在评价低等级女教师的各项指标时,倾向于较低的评价。  相似文献   

探讨教师因素对体育课中小学和初中学生身体活动水平影响的差异。以上海市284节体育课中小学和初中学生身体活动水平及其任课教师为调查对象,通过测量法、观察法和调查法等分析不同学段体育课中学生身体活动水平、教师教学行为现状及教师因素(包括性别、教龄和教学行为)与体育课中学生身体活动水平的关系。结果显示:小学和初中学生体育课中MVPA时间百分比均未达到50%的课堂时间标准,且两者间无显著差异;小学和初中体育课中教师在教学指导和课堂管理行为上的用时均为最高,小学教师的课堂管理行为和动作示范行为用时显著高于初中教师,而初中教师的教学指导行为和观察行为用时显著高于小学教师;小学和初中体育课中男教师执教班级的MVPA时间百分比均高于女教师,而教龄仅与小学生体育课MVPA时间百分比有显著负相关关系。教师的促进健康行为对小学和初中体育课MVPA时间百分比均有显著正向影响,而观察行为仅对初中生体育课中MVPA时间百分比有显著正向影响。研究表明:教师因素对小学和初中体育课学生身体活动水平影响存在较大差异,今后应针对不同学段学生采取有针对性的干预措施。  相似文献   

This study was designed to examine and intervene into student behaviours to promote a democratic, inclusive and participatory focus within Sport Education. To achieve an increased understanding of and changes within student behaviours, a collaborative participatory action research methodology was applied to provide voice to students as agents of change. The research progressed throughout an entire school year and was cast in two stages. The first was a season of Basketball that provided some baseline with respect to issues of equity and inclusion. This was followed by an intervention stage (seasons of Handball, Soccer and Volleyball) in which the identified issues were acted upon. Based upon issues unearthed during the action research cycles the intervention focused on legitimating different levels of participation through (1) a reconfiguration of the learning content, peer teaching activities and competition formats, (2) the discussion of inequity, exclusion, gender stereotyping and discrimination emerging from group dynamics within focus groups interviews and (3) the promotion of positive leadership behaviours of the student coaches through leadership seminars conducted outside the gym. By the end of the year, there was significant evidence of inclusive membership accompanied by the development of mutual trust among students and shared contributions towards a common and inclusive goal. A close interrelatedness was found between game competence development, trajectories of participation and sense of membership, the restructuring of power relations and the sharing of knowledge and investment of dominant and higher-skilled students towards more inclusive team goals. The Sport Education curriculum alone was insufficient to dismantle the deeply rooted negative cultural influences of community-based sports that influenced equity and inclusion. However, by planning and implementing a specific intervention that used the educational resources of Sport Education proactively it was possible to promote a more inclusive and equitable learning environment.  相似文献   

师生关系对体育教学影响的调查与分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
就中学体育教学中师生关系的现状,对莆田市8所中学1000名学生和50名体育教师进行调查研究。结果表 明体育教学中师生关系总体评价较好,师生关系是影响学生体育课的兴趣和积极性的重要原因,在影响师生关系因素 和体育教师的角色期望上体育教师和学生存在显著差异,更新教师的教育观念是改善师生关系的关键。  相似文献   

Physical Education teache?s (PET) self-efficacy (SE) is a cornerstone for a successful inclusion of students with special educational needs. This study aims to evaluate the effect of a training program called Incluye-T on the SE of Spanish in-service PETs (n?=?229) toward the inclusion of students with special education needs in physical education, compared with a control group (n?=?40). The study also evaluates how the training program is mediated by two demographic variables: teachers’ gender and teaching setting. The Self-Efficacy Scale for Physical Education Teacher Education Majors towards Children with Disabilities was used to measure SE pre and post-intervention. Significant improvements in SE were demonstrated for in-service PET compared to the control group for all the sub-scales of the SE scale: intellectual, physical, and visual impairments (p?相似文献   

美国小学体育教学中学生合作学习的特点与启示   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
陈思奇 《体育学刊》2005,12(5):101-103
通过文献资料,逻辑分析对美国小学体育教学中有关合作学习的特点进行了分析.发现影响体育教学中合作学习的因素主要有:合作教学的教学策略、发挥学生角色的作用、让学生当教练、学生之间的良性鼓励、让学生承担活动的责任性、了解共同合作的意义、有关合作学习中的时间问题.在此基础上总结了我国小学体育改革中一些启示.  相似文献   

本文针对中传南广体育教学中存在诸多问题进行思考和分析,得出以下结论:教师的业务水平不精、授课内容单调乏味、教学方法单一无趣、教学态度冷漠缺乏亲和力;学生健康意识淡漠、缺乏对课程的详细了解、选课"动机不纯";教学大纲对选课性别限制过于苛刻、缺乏项目教学真实性;教具损坏严重、维护工作缓进、课程宣传力度不足、相应赛事及活动开展较少均是影响体育表演性课程教学效果的重要因素。由此提出建议:组织安排在职教师的业务培训,使其丰富教学内容,提升教学手段;通过校园网、广播、大屏电视定期对课程进行详细的介绍,并不断普及健康知识,改进课程选项时对性别的限制,允许更多的男生加入,增进感情和促进交流;学校后勤保障部门要定期对场馆进行维护和保养,提高课程教具的档次,使学生们在更好的环境中学习和生活,同时学校应更多为学生营造校内比赛和表演的机会,拓展所学技能。  相似文献   

篮球是一项深受小学生喜爱的运动,也是小学体育的重要教学内容。小学生经常参与篮球运动可以增强体质,促进身体健康。但因小学生年纪小、活泼好动、理解能力还较差,体育教师在进行篮球教学时会受到一些阻碍。如今,游戏被很多小学体育教师引入到篮球教学当中,对激发学生学习兴趣、调动学习积极性、提升教学效果有很好的促进作用。因此,该文将对游戏在小学体育篮球教学中的运用策略进行探讨,以期为其他小学体育教师在进行篮球教学时提供一定的参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

目的:了解黑龙江省中小学体育运动风险因素现状,识别出主要运动风险因素,以降低运动风险发生率。方法:选取黑龙江省部分地市的中小学学生、家长、体育教师、体育主管领导和校医进行问卷调查,并对调查数据进行统计分析。结果:黑龙江省中小学运动风险主要来源于学校管理、教师、学生、运动环境和家长,运动风险因素现状概率排前五位的依次为:学校缺乏对教师、学生的运动安全知识培训;教师课前对场地器材及学生运动安全隐患因素检查不严格;学生自我保护意识差、身体形态、机能、素质差,教师在教学中缺乏安全事项的详细讲解;学校缺乏对学生运动安全技能培训。结论:学校管理、教师、学生是黑龙江省中小学体育运动风险发生的主要因素。  相似文献   

本文通过实验法,发现互助式教学法在游泳教学中既调动了学生的积极性、融洽了同学之间的关系,又减轻了教师负担、提高了教学质量.同时,也增强了学生的责任心,减少了课堂安全隐患,使学生的教学潜质在实践中得到发挥.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined the perceptions of physical education (PE) teachers' feedback patterns with female and male high school students (n = 325). Eight physical education teachers (4 females and 4 males) were involved. We examined (a) whether teachers' feedback was perceived differently by boys and girls, and how the sex of the teacher influenced these perceptions, and (b) the effects of types of feedback (praise, no response-successful, encouragement, technical information, criticism, no response-unsuccessful, and teacher's invested time) on students' perceived competence, effort, enjoyment, and their PE performance. A multivariate analysis revealed an interaction between teacher and student gender on perceptions of teacher feedback. Hierarchical regression analyses highlighted that the perceived feedback significantly predicted students' perceptions of competence (DeltaR(2) = 0.088), effort (DeltaR(2) = 0.119), enjoyment (DeltaR(2) = 0.085), and their PE performance (DeltaR(2) = 0.039) after accounting for the gender of the students and teachers and the students' initial PE performance. The perceptions of praise and teachers' invested time were positively linked with the dependent variables, whereas encouragement and technical information and criticism were negatively linked. The findings are discussed in terms of teaching effectiveness and gender equity.  相似文献   

方法:采用自编的《体育教师有效教学行为》问卷对120名中小学体育教师施测,再结合访谈法和观察法,对中小学体育教师实践知识的特性、形成及影响因素等加以研究。目的:通过对体育教师实践知识的现状、影响因素的考察,增强教师的自尊和自信,促进教师的专业发展。结论:不同性别,职称、地域的教师的实践性知识有一定的差异性;教师实践性知识可通过自我反思和理论提升两种途径获得,教师实践性知识可通过建立学习共同体的方式加以传承;教育理念、自我的认识、教学策略以及反思是影响体育教师实践知识形成的因素。  相似文献   

文章采用问卷调查法对太原市21所高中体育教师和学生进行调查,从中分析影响新课标下太原市高中田径教学开展的因素。结果表明:太原市高中的体育教师对新课标已经有了一定的认识,但缺乏对学生的阐述力度;体育教师要不断丰富田径课的组织形式和教学内容,使得教学方法和练习手段新颖多变;体育教师要运用文明的教育技巧去感染和影响学生,进而使学生们在高中阶段就能为终身体育打下坚实的基础。  相似文献   

中小学生心理健康现状对体育教学的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李向东 《体育学刊》2007,14(3):92-94
采用心理健康诊断测验(MTH),对河南省12所学校(小学四到六年级、初中和高中)5 812名中小学生进行心理健康调查。结果显示:小学生中高焦虑水平学生检出率为3.8%,内容量表检出率最高的为自责倾向(9.02%),其次是对人焦虑倾向(8.66%)。城乡男女生比较,乡村学生心理健康水平差于城市学生,女生的心理焦虑程度高于男生。建议体育教学过程中针对这些突出的问题开展合作学习、游戏等能够减轻或消除这些因素的体育项目,同时要求体育教师要正确引导心理障碍的学生;加强农村体育师资的培训,使其能够更好地和学生交流,运用体育手段减轻学生的心理障碍;体育教学过程中要重视女生的教育,选择合适的语言、合适的运动项目促进女生的心理健康。  相似文献   

A feature of academic literature on physical education teacher education (PETE) is the expectation that it can and should impact upon student teachers' beliefs and prospective practices in some significant ways. This is despite research over the last 20 years or more alluding to the apparent failure of PETE to ‘shake or stir’ (Evans et al., 1996) what might be termed the (typically conservative and conventional) pre-dispositions of student and early career PE teachers. In this article, we examine the perceptions of PE student teachers in Norway in order to ascertain just what it is that makes them so resistant to change and, for that matter, such infertile ground for sowing the seeds of reflexivity. The study involved semi-structured interviews with 41 PE student teachers from the three routes through teacher education available at Nord University College (Nord UC). Among the main themes identified in the data were the PE students' perceptions of: the purposes (and ostensible benefits) of school PE and PETE as well as the nature of PETE itself (including subsidiary themes of sporting and teaching skills, other ‘competencies’, school placements, mentoring and mentors, PETEs' (physical education teacher educators) teaching styles and the students teachers' relationships with the PETEs). The article concludes that, as far as the students at Nord UC were concerned, the significance of PETE revolved around the programme's efficacy in developing the sporting skills and teaching techniques they viewed as central to their preparation for teaching. The minimal impact of the more theoretical aspects of PETE appeared to be partly attributable to the students' perceptions of PE as synonymous with sport in schools and partly to their particularly pragmatic orientations towards PETE. In this vein, the students viewed experience as the most important, most legitimate ‘evidence’ on which to base their beliefs and practices and were resistant to the ‘theory’ of teacher education, rationalising their tendencies to select the evidence that suited them.  相似文献   

因材施教对于教师、家长、学校以及教育公平的实现都具有重要意义。很多带有体育教育专业以及运动训练专业的学院都增设了足球专选班这样一个教学模式来增强足球教师专业人才后备储蓄。在关于足球专选教学的过程中也相继出现了学生因为理解能力和身体素质原因导致的班级学生水平差距越来越大,好的越来越好,差的越来越差,严重影响教学质量,本文将采用文献调查法、综合分析法、调查研究法、实验法等方法,从体育教学论的角度出发,带入因材施教教学方法的原则和理论,并通过实践合理地运用到足球专选班的教学课程中,提高足球专选班的教学质量,提升学生的足球技术技能,为我国足球教师的后备储蓄添砖加瓦。  相似文献   

为了了解中小学体育教师在新课程落实中实施健康教育的现状、获取知识的途径及健康教育教学能力与影响因素,对浙江省110所122名中小学体育教师进行问卷调查及访谈,调查结果显示:约42.6%的教师表示学校已开设了健康教育课;中小学体育教师开展健康教育的教学方式以课堂讲授为主,缺少辅助教具;中小学体育教师的健康教育教学意向和教学效能感不容乐观;健康教学内容知识亟待提高;教师似乎更喜欢依靠外界培训机制的支援以提高自己的教学能力;教师在实践中提高其教学能力表现出对话与模仿的特征;教师培训未担负起完善教师有效健康教学所需要的合理知识结构这一任务;社会各界对学校健康教育工作的重视不够。  相似文献   

Teachers’ beliefs have a considerable impact on their instructional styles, methods, objectives and curricular organization. The primary purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of two preservice teachers’ (PTs’) value orientations on their interpretation and delivery of sport education (SE). A secondary purpose was to describe possible changes and development of PTs’ value orientations while teaching SE. Data were collected while they engaged in their final student teaching experience using a variety of qualitative techniques. These were analyzed using standard interpretive techniques. Results indicated that their disciplinary mastery focus strongly influenced the type of SE seasons they delivered. In addition they revealed that the PTs broadened their beliefs about their teaching toward the end of student teaching to the extent that they expressed interest in goals related to and used pedagogies consistent with social reconstruction, social responsibility and self-actualization value orientations.  相似文献   

文章结合高校二级学院管理的实际,阐述了学分制下二级学院教学管理中面临的问题,从加强二级学院教学管理队伍建设、完善教学管理制度、构建师生共同管理平台和转变对学生管理模式等方面进行阐述,并提出初步的解决措施。  相似文献   

Using Nicholl's (1989) and Dweck's (1999, 2002) theories on ability as conceptual frameworks, this study explored teachers' and students' conceptions of ability in elementary physical education. Participants were 8 physical education specialists from five public schools and 160 students from their second- and fourth-grade classes. Teacher and student interviews and questionnaires were used for data collection. When asked to describe the “best” and “poorest” students in their physical education classes, teachers defined or referenced student status solely in terms of class behavior and effort, such as participation and working hard. In contrast, students primarily used ability-related indicators, such as task mastery and social comparison along with class behavior as criteria of their own ability. Overall, teachers and students had different views of “good” students in elementary physical education. In an era of standards-based learning and accountability in education, teachers may need to focus more on a task-involved climate by taking into account student learning and achievement.  相似文献   

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