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老幼群体作为生命周期的两端,其基本公共服务建设是全生命周期和谐发展的关键。自20世纪80年代以来,日本受到家庭结构趋向小型化、人口结构少子高龄化的影响,家庭及社区内部支持力不足。作为有效应对少子高龄化趋势的创新机制,“一老一小”基本公共服务在日本受到高度重视且发展日趋完善。研究表明,日本政府从法律、资金、人才三个方面持续改善“一老一小”基本公共服务融合体系,通过整合老幼基本公共服务政策、盘活地域资源等方式,建立面向老人和儿童的集居住、医疗、护理、护理预防和生活支援五大要素为一体的地域共生社会。针对中国“一老一小”基本公共服务发展现状,文章提出从生命周期的全龄化视角出发,设计代际融合的跨部门公共服务供给结构,多元主体协同参与增加老幼融合公共服务供给主体,合理运用地域资源,科学布局社区老幼共生空间,积极打造全龄代际友好社会。  相似文献   

家庭是对幼儿具有重要影响的微观系统,随着三胎政策的放开,核心家庭育儿压力的增大,祖辈-父辈共同养育的模式越来越普遍。“三代同堂”式、“幼儿流动”式及“教养人更替”式成为目前共同养育的主要形态表现,教养人“主角”与“配角”定位模糊、不同层级教养人之间存在代际博弈及教养人频繁更替使教养方式难以一致是共同养育中出现的主要问题。不同教养人角色异化,影响幼儿健全人格的形成;代际博弈导致家庭关系失衡,影响幼儿情绪稳定性;教养人之间教养方式分歧,影响幼儿形成良好的社会适应性。为了幼儿心理的健康发展,要明确双方教育权责、建立亲密互信的亲子关系及加强祖辈与父辈之间沟通,共同养育好下一代。  相似文献   

周艳 《今日教育》2009,(7):10-10
幼儿园里大都是独生子女,个个是家中的“小太阳”,家长的过分溺爱和迁就,助长了幼儿“以我为中心”、“唯我第一”的意识。家长往往关注的是孩子各种能力的培养与发展,而对规则意识的培养有所忽略。规则意识的形成有利于帮助幼儿从小养成良好的常规和形成良好的生活习惯;有利于培养幼儿生活的独立性;有利于帮助幼儿形成良好的个性品质。它不仅可以促进幼儿身心健康发展,  相似文献   

内容和要求1.了解爷爷、奶奶退休前后的工作,对社会的贡献,对小辈的关心,以及国家、人民对老人晚年生活的关怀、照顾。 2.激发幼儿尊敬、关心老人的情感,教育幼儿学会帮助、照顾老人。情况分析我班有14名幼儿对自己的爷爷、奶奶不够尊重,有个别幼儿称爷爷、奶奶为“老头”、“老太”,也有孩子讨厌从农村来的爷爷、奶奶;约有9名幼儿对老人尊敬、有礼貌,并能帮助做些力所能及的事;其余16名幼儿需要在成人提醒下,才对老人有礼貌,尊重、关心老人。活动准备  相似文献   

“田野课程”是借鉴瑞吉欧教学理论,以整合的观念设计组织教育活动,强调幼儿是学习的主体,给幼儿充分的时间思考并寻求答案,注重真实生活和环境在幼儿自主研究性学习中的作用,为幼儿的学习提供有利的学习条件和帮助。“田野课程”还通过互动式学习及过程评价,支持、引导和促进幼儿充分地学习和发展。“田野课程”融合了陶行知的“生活教育”理论和“问题中心设计”理论,符合现代幼儿教育发展的趋势,在幼儿园课程改革中具有一定的积极意义。我园多年来主要是以“结构性教学”为主,“田野课程”与“结构性教学”相比较有几个特征:从比较可以看…  相似文献   

随着老龄化趋势的日益加重,代际学习作为一种可能促进老年人积极老龄化的社会活动,日益受到社会的关注与支持。欧洲作为老龄化程度最严重的地区之一,同时也孕育了诸多代际学习项目。基于跨个案研究的方法,以“大足”“IT指南”和“班级爷爷”三个较为独特的代际学习项目为研究对象,通过对三者的项目愿景、利益相关者、行动路径和项目效果进行比较,分析三个代际学习项目的经验与特点。在此基础上,探讨其对我国代际学习实践的价值:一是坚持终身学习观念,打破年龄的界限;二是秉承社会资本动态化,促进资源共享;三是考虑问题与优势,谋求本土化发展。  相似文献   

在总结老幼复合型机构养老的优势、分析其运营面临的难点问题的基础上,提出从政府部门积极予以鼓励和支持、加强机构的自身建设、重视机构的空间设置、强化对幼儿和老人的教育、建立健全激励机制以及提高机构工作人员的素质等对策,以期促进老幼复合型机构养老的健康、快速发展。  相似文献   

从胡塞尔生成现象学的角度讲,“陌生”是处于幼儿园教育阶段的孩子的一种生存状态.这种陌生性是相对于常态的、熟悉的、习惯性的家庭世界而言.其产生的根本原因在于人类代际的差异,即成人世界与儿童世界“规则”的差异,包括成人世界与儿童世界时间、空间与人际关系“规则”的差异.作为幼儿教育工作者,理应从本体论意义上去理解并保护幼儿“陌生性”的存在,使其成为人类代际更替与文化更新的动力.  相似文献   

“学习”是人们日常生活中常用的一个词。人的心理主要是通过学习得到发展的。幼儿学习有广义学习和狭义的学习说,本文的“学习”泛指幼儿在适应环境过程中所进行的各种学习,既包括科学知识的学习,也包括各种生活技能的学习。我从幼儿学习的发展与种类、幼儿学习的基本活动模式及特点来和大家探讨一下幼儿学习的特殊性和一些教学对策。  相似文献   

<正>2022年,教育部颁布《幼儿园保育教育质量评估指南》,要求“发现和支持幼儿有意义的学习”“能识别幼儿以新的方式主动学习”,引发了广大教师对幼儿学习方式的重点关注。事实上,作为教育活动的设计者、组织者,幼儿园教师一直行走在探索、理解幼儿学习方式的道路上。从早期“看不到”幼儿、以被动学习为主的准“小学化”学习,到关注幼儿学习特点与规律的游戏化学习、主题式学习以及当前倡导“儿童在前”的放手游戏等,我们对于幼儿学习方式的认识在实践中不断得到丰富、验证与完善。但是,对于什么是幼儿有意义的学习,它具有怎样的显性特征,应如何落实到幼儿园教育实践中,教师们普遍存在困惑。  相似文献   


The present study investigated fluid and crystallized intelligence as well as strategic task approaches as potential sources of age-related differences in adult learning performance. Therefore, 45 young and 45 old adults were asked to learn pictured objects. Overall, young participants outperformed old participants in this learning test. However, more than 2/3 of the interindividual variability in learning performance was explained by interindividual differences in fluid intelligence and strategic task approach, with age not being a reliable predictor. Results indicate that personal resources and task approach influence learning performance directly and independently.  相似文献   

Several studies on age-related cognitive decline in dogs involve laboratory dogs and prolonged training. We developed two spatial tasks that required a single 1-h session. We tested 107 medium-large sized dogs: “young” (N=41, aged 2.5–6.5 years) and “old” (N=66, aged 8–14.5 years). Our results indicated that, in a discrimination learning task and in a reversal learning task, young dogs learned significantly faster than the old dogs, indicating that these two tasks could successfully be used to investigate differences in spatial learning between young and old dogs. We also provide two novel findings. First, in the reversal learning, the dogs trained based on the location of stimuli learned faster than the dogs trained based on stimulus characteristics. Most old dogs did not learn the task within our cut-off of 50 trials. Training based on an object’s location is therefore more appropriate for reversal learning tasks. Second, the contrast between the response to the positive and negative stimuli was narrower in old dogs, compared to young dogs, during the reversal learning task, as well as the cognitive bias test. This measure favors comparability between tasks and between studies. Following the cognitive bias test, we could not find any indication of differences in the positive and negative expectations between young and old dogs. Taken together, these findings do not support the hypothesis that old dogs have more negative expectations than young dogs and the use of the cognitive bias test in older dogs requires further investigation.  相似文献   

数字化学习示范中心建设的关键,是管理模式和运行机制问题。文章对国内数字化学习示范中心管理模式和运行机制现状进行分析,总结数字化学习示范中心管理模式和运行机制构建的有效策略:即以标准化导向机制指导和规范示范中心的建设,以程序化遴选机制保证示范中心建设的质量和价值,以共同治理模式和信息反馈机制、专业化评价考核机制、多元化投入与激励机制等来保证示范中心运行的质量和可持续发展。  相似文献   

The world population pyramid has changed shape. However, this does not mean that societies have changed their negative concept of old age. Our study proposes an intergenerational service-learning program with 179 university students and 101 slightly depressed elderly people. The results show that the elderly people who interacted improved in well-being. Those interacting with the young people tended to lower their stereotyped perception of themselves, while the others tended to augment it. The young people tended to moderate their stereotypes of the elderly with or without interaction.  相似文献   

The study reported in this paper investigated the usefulness of different instructions for guiding inexperienced older adults through interactive systems. It was designed to compare different media in relation to their social as well as their motivational impact on the elderly during the learning process. Precisely, the video was compared with textual help and the impact of model age (young versus old) on knowledge acquisition was explored. As a research object, a simulated ticket-vending machine was used. Results show that video-supported knowledge acquisition is better than text, but in relation to model age, no significant differences were found.  相似文献   

覃舒雅 《海外英语》2014,(11):39-40
In present-day world foregrounding the booming globalization, there is possibly no one who still doubts the formidable position of English as an international language, who still questions the immense necessity and urgency of learning English as a second language. Therefore, nothing is more rewarding than a clear-cut perception of age factor in second language acquisition that help learners young or old improve their English proficiency if not a native-like level. Among the full repertoire of ideas and arguments concerning age factor in second language acquisition, the critical period hypothesis is undoubtedly the chief character in the center of the stage.  相似文献   

Perceptions of the elderly were determined for 42 4‐ and 5‐year‐old children. The Social Attitude Scale of Ageist Prejudice (SASAP) was used to examine how these young children perceived elderly people after being exposed to a developmentally appropriate classroom curriculum that focused on the characteristics and positive aspects of the elderly. In a pretest‐posttest design, a decrease in prejudice score was found for children in the experimental group from pretest to posttest; an increase in prejudice score was determined for the control group. Results of this study also indicate that young children are more negative toward elderly persons’ abilities than toward their social characteristics and that level of grandparent visitation is unrelated to SASAP score.  相似文献   


Geragogy as a part of gerontology seems to be established in aging societies. Also, geragogy as a form of education for elderly people, learning in the third age, is nowadays an integrated part of agogy. On the other hand, the increase in the number of people of the fourth age, the oldest of the old, handicapped elderly people in nursing homes, is hardly considered in the geragogical discussion. Integrative geragogy in the field of care facilities is given only marginal consideration. In this article we want to present integrative geragogy as a basic part of educational gerontology. We present it as interacting closely with therapeutic education and social work, dealing especially with potentials of the oldest of the old and mentally handicapped elderly people. An outline of the international discussion and the history of geragogy in Germany shows the state-of-the-art in geragogy today. A specific theory and praxeology of integrative geragogy is also presented.  相似文献   

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