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陈娴  于玉琴 《学科教育》2002,(8):46-48,F003
在美国的初中科学教材中,阅读材料与正的关系是相辅相成的。阅读材料能使得教材在内容的深度和广度、时间和空间上得到扩展,能渗透科学技术与社会和科学发展史的内容,有利于学生开展研究性学习,所以阅读材料具有使科学教材在内容上综合化、弹性化、补充正义、培养学生的各种能力和激发学生对科学的学习兴趣的功能。其他国家编写科学教材的成功经验对我们有很好的借鉴和启发作用。  相似文献   

在初中科学的新教材中阅读材料与正文的内容是相辅相成的,阅读材料能使教材在深度和广度,时间和空间上得到扩展,能渗透到科学技术与社会及科学发展的许多方面.作为科学的教师应该在平时的教育教学中合理使用这些阅读的材料,使它发挥强大的功能.  相似文献   

人民教育出版社出版发行的"义务教育地理教科书"具有丰富的内容结构,每一节教材都由正文和非正文两部分组成,教材的非正文部分穿插了一些"阅读材料"。这些阅读材料的内容短小精悍,集科学性、灵活性、知识性、趣味性、新颖性、可读性、教育性于一体。教师若能科学、有效地运用它们,便能激发学生的探究兴趣,增强学生对地理知识的拓展应用。"红花还需绿叶衬",我们在教学中要充分重视这些"绿叶"——阅读材  相似文献   

美国Silver,Bvrdett Ginn公司1991年出版的一套小学《科学》课教材,其内容丰富,结构合理,语言生动,不失为我们学习和借鉴的一套好材料。 一、教材的结构 这套教材共六册。每册正文由四个单元组成,正文前有一章是绪言,绪言讲的是学生熟悉的、生活中常见的事物,例如第一册的绪言是以长颈鹿为例,讲了一个人工喂养长颈鹿的故事。每一个单元由若干章组成,后面有单元  相似文献   

试教苏教版《科学》教材之我见   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、苏教版小学科学教材的主要特色1.教材的编写将知识、探究能力、情感与态度有机地整合在一起。注意到激发并呵护学生学习科学的兴趣、热情,尽可能结合学生的生活实际,创设问题情境,培养学生发现问题、思考问题和科学地解决问题的能力。在内容的选择上,采用了单元式的结构框架,一个学期一个大的背景——即科学方法的训练,一个单元一个内容,形成了单元之间既彼此独立又相互联系的结构。以综合主题单元的形式把知识学习、能力培养与情感态度价值观有机结合起来,引发学生在学习中产生问题,促进思考与探究,通过自己的经验建构对事物的认识,有…  相似文献   

香港《生活与科学》教材中探究活动的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王平  毕华林 《化学教学》2003,(1):67-69,63
由牛津大学出版社2000年出版的<生活与科学>系列教材是为香港中七至中九年级学生编写的综合理科教材.该教材在内容的选择上注重从社会生活问题出发,将科学知识的学习与学生的生活经验密切地联系起来;在内容的编排和设计上强调探究式的学习方式,鼓励学生独立地、科学地操作和思考.整套教材内容有趣,图文并茂,通过一系列的探究学习活动,使学生掌握基本的科学知识、技能,培养学生良好的科学态度,并学会对社会问题做出思考和决策,为学生适应21世纪的生活奠定基础.  相似文献   

翻开苏教版的《科学》教材,首先给人以完整感,从全册的内容到每个单元的内容都能体现出它的系统化、具体化和序列化来。如苏教版三年级《科学》上册第三单元的学习内容是“生命之源——水”,教材首先编排了生命离不开水,通过教材上的  相似文献   

<正>如何科学合理地阅读教材大有讲究。实践表明,对于正文内容,教师一般都作重点强调,要求学生熟读熟背甚至默写,补充材料则常常被忽略。这种对教学资源的无形浪费,既是对编者的不尊重、对学生的不负责,也是对教学的轻视。在教学中,教师应指导学生科学利用易被忽视的材料,提高思想品德教学有效性。一、阅读教材中易被忽视部分的必要性1.教材内容新颖值得读每次教材一修订,都是对原教材的继承和发展。尤其是补充  相似文献   

当今世界信息飞速发展,中学生获得信息的渠道广泛而迅速,这对《思想品德》教材的内容提出了更加与时俱进的要求。笔者通过多年的教学工作发现,虽然《思想品德》教材在政策及理论的正确性和时效性上把握得非常准确,更新也非常及时,但有些阅读材料在与正文配套的设计上显得比较陈旧、过时,这会明显降低学生的学习兴趣和教材说服力。笔者仔细研究了2011年5月第六次印刷的人教版九年  相似文献   

江苏教育出版社出版的《科学》穴以下简称苏教版《科学》雪教材在深透理解《标准》的基础上,充分突现了科学启蒙教育的特点,以学生的认知活动为原序设计了教材内容的主线,力求使科学课贴近学生的真实生活,贴近学生的精神世界。仔细阅读品味,教材中折射出这样几条的科学教育理念:一、体现“大教材观”苏教版《科学》教材体现的是这样一种全新的教材观:科学教材不是孤立的、静止的、封闭的,更不是学生科学学习的全部内容。学生手中的课本只是学校科学教育资源“网”中一个有着特定意义的“结”,利用这个“结”可以“牵一发而动全身”。教材组…  相似文献   

目前我国大学英语教学存在着若干问题,表现为:教材方面,选材缺乏系统性,内容陈旧,词汇在低层次上重复,缺时代感;教法方面,重“教”轻“学”,重知识传授轻语言实践,教学手段简单落后;学生方面,学习英语的目的较功利,行动较消极,学习效率较低。针对这些问题提出相应对策,即更新整合教材,灵活使用教材,增加阅读维度,改进教学方法,优化学习环境,以满足新形势下大学英语教学的需求。  相似文献   

Science textbooks are dominant influences behind most secondary science instruction but little is known about teachers' approach to science reading. The purpose of this naturalistic study was to develop and validate a Science and Reading Questionnaire to assess secondary science teachers' attitudes toward science reading and their beliefs or informed opinions about science reading. A survey of 428 British Columbia secondary science teachers was conducted and 215 science teachers responded. Results on a 12-item Likert attitude scale indicated that teachers place high value on reading as an important strategy to promote learning in science and that they generally accept responsibility for teaching content reading skills to science students. Results on a 13-item Likert belief scale indicated that science teachers generally reject the text-driven model of reading, but they usually do not have well-formulated alternative models to guide their teaching practices. Teachers have intuitive beliefs about science reading that partially agree with many research findings, but their beliefs are fragmented and particularly sketchy in regard to the cognitive and metacognitive skills required by readers to learn from science texts. The findings for attitude, belief, and total scales were substantiated by further questions in the Science and Reading Questionnaire regarding classroom practice and by individual interviews and classroom observations of a 15-teacher subsample of the questionnaire respondents.  相似文献   

杨贤江在对中小学教科书教学法的思考与建构中,对教科书内涵有独特理解,对养成国民共通的观念及培养德才兼备的学生大有裨益。为此杨贤江创造性提出"由教学达至修养"的理念和补充读物出版观。补充读物教学法的重要性是养成学生阅读态度,可增进学生"见己见人";补充读物教学法使用工具种类主要有六种,可增进学生"见人见物";补充读物教学法使用工具的目的是培养学生职业素养、公民道德及个人修养等,可增进学生"见直见曲"。其现实路径是以补充读物改造课程教学,善用教科书,广猎补充读物,检验补充读物良效,培养和增进学生接触知识的兴趣、增进生活的乐趣,最终由教学而达至修养,这对当下如何更好地改革中小学教科书教学法,具有丰富的启示意义和当代价值。  相似文献   


This review, written to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the International Journal of Science Education, revealed a period of changes in the theoretical views of the language arts, the perceived roles of language in science education, and the research approaches used to investigate oral and written language in science, science teaching, and learning. The early years were dominated by behavioralist and logico-mathematical interpretations of human learning and by reductionist research approaches, while the later years reflected an applied cognitive science and constructivist interpretations of learning and a wider array of research approaches that recognizes the holistic nature of teaching and learning. The early years focus on coding oral language into categories reflecting source of speech, functional purpose, level of question and response, reading research focused on the readability of textbooks using formulae and the reader's decoding skills, and writing research was not well documented since the advocates for writing in service of learning were grass roots practitioners and many science teachers were using writing as an evaluation technique. The advent of applied cognitive science and the constructivist perspectives ushered in interactive-constructive models of discourse, reading and writing that more clearly revealed the role of language in science and in science teaching and learning. A review of recent research revealed that the quantity and quality of oral interactions were low and unfocused in science classrooms; reading has expanded to consider comprehension strategies, metacognition, sources other than textbooks, and the design of inquiry environments for classrooms; and writing-to-learn science has focused on sequential writing tasks requiring transformation of ideas to enhance science learning. Several promising trends and future research directions flow from the synthesis of this 25-year period of examining the literacy component of science literacy - among them are critical listening and reading of various sources, multi-media presentations and representations, effective debate and argument, quality explanation and the role of information and communication technologies/environments.  相似文献   

中小学生的阅读兴趣、阅读习惯、阅读方法掌握、阅读量的积累等的实际状况与语文课程标准的要求相距甚远。语文课程标准重视阅读,注重扩大阅读量,倡导课外阅读,为了贯彻这一理念,语文教材对学生的课外阅读要给予必要的支撑和引导,如重视教材选文,引导读整本的书,强化课外阅读观念。课外阅读应更多地指向获得型阅读,尽量与课堂教学配合,由课内迁移到课外,与课堂教学进行对比,让学生积累有用的素材,并有意识地运用。教师还要注重课外阅读的设计和指导。  相似文献   

吴泽球 《高教论坛》2008,(1):124-126,139
文章对高校教材内容滞后过时问题进行了分析,指出其原因,并提出相应对策。  相似文献   

Despite the heavy reliance on textbooks in college courses, research indicates that college students enrolled in first‐year science courses are not proficient at comprehending informational text. The present study investigated a reading comprehension questioning strategy with origins in clinical research based in elaboration interrogation theory, which outlines how to encourage readers to recall relevant background knowledge while reading text materials. The theory suggests that the strategy increases the likelihood that readers will integrate what they read with what they know to make new knowledge. The setting for the study more closely resembled classroom conditions compared to similar studies in the past. Unlike previous studies on reading comprehension, students read a challenging passage from the textbook used in a science course in which they were enrolled. In addition, the text was longer than that used in clinical research. The college students (n = 294) in this study were randomly assigned to either a questioning strategy treatment or a rereading placebo‐control. While reading, treatment students were presented with statements taken from regular intervals in their textbook (about every 150 words) and asked a simple why question about each of these statements. Significant differences were found favoring elaborative interrogation theory and its question strategy treatment over the placebo‐control in terms of science comprehension even after significant estimated predictors of prior knowledge and verbal ability were statistically controlled or accounted for by removing the statistical contributions of these predictors to the main effects. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 47: 363–379, 2010  相似文献   

This article is a report of elementary school teachers' beliefs about and uses of text material in science. Survey results from 522 K-8 teachers from 299 schools in the United States, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands were analyzed along three dimensions: teacher attitudes toward teaching of reading in science; teacher beliefs and understanding about models of reading, factors influencing science reading and reading skills; and teacher use of various teaching strategies. Results suggest that teachers do not see reading science as different from any other narrative material. And though most agreed to the importance of having students do activities to support and enhance the use of text material, responses suggest that covering topics is still a concern for most elementary teachers.  相似文献   

以单元的形式作为教材设计模块是目前大多数语文教材选取的设计样态。单元设计训练思路的合理性是教材有效性的关键因素。苏教版初中语文教材采取的也是单元形式的训练思路,呈现出较强的课程论意义,但也存在一些问题影响其教材的科学性。苏教版单元设计,整体编排上以"主题合成"单元为主,"名著推荐与阅读"单元和"专题"单元穿插其间,使语文学习与学生的实际生活相融合统一,课堂学习与实践活动相融合统一,并且具有开放性。  相似文献   

Present instructional trends in science indicate a need to reexamine a traditional concern in science education: the readability of science textbooks. An area of reading research not well documented is the effect of color, visuals, and page layout on readability of science materials. Using the cloze readability method, the present study explored the relationships between page format, grade level, sex, content, and elementary school students ability to read science material. Significant relationships were found between cloze scores and both grade level and content, and there was a significant interaction effect between grade and sex in favor of older males. No significant relationships could be attributed to page format and sex. In the area of science content, biological materials were most difficult in terms of readability followed by earth science and physical science. Grade level data indicated that grade five materials were more difficult for that level than either grade four or grade six materials were for students at each respective level. In eight of nine cases, the science text materials would be classified at or near the frustration level of readability. The implications for textbook writers and publishers are that science reading materials need to be produced with greater attention to readability and known design principles regarding visual supplements. The implication for teachers is that students need direct instruction in using visual materials to increase their learning from text material. Present visual materials appear to neither help nor hinder the student to gain information from text material.  相似文献   

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